The "no-conditions" option has been moved from the config.yml to entities.yml to allow this option to be set per entity type. If you currently have this option enabled, make sure to re-enable it in entities.yml by following the example posted in the changelog.
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now toggle no-condition for each entity type in entities.yml
Therefore, this setting has been moved, and you might need to reconfigure it. Example:
Code (YAML):
: Pig
: 5000.0
: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTI3ZWM0NTllYzhiYTM1YWY5YmI0YzdlMDQ5YzdjZThkMjM0NTAyNWJjNDc0NDY2NDdhNTFiODE0YjMwOWRiOCJ9fX0=
# '/Spawners get' will give a pig spawner. You can just remove this option and place it somewhere else to change the default entity.
: true
# Should spawners of this entity type to have butcher mode enabled?
# This does save performance, since no living entities are spawned. This acts like a virtual spawner
# that doesn't spawn any entities, but still harvests their loot.
# If you disable this option again, then butcher mode will be set to the state each induvidual spawner had before
# it was enabled.
# Always force butcher?
: false
# Should a spawner, with this entity type selected, always spawn entities? That means that there are no spawn conditions, except the levels from levels.yml (except player_range).
# All spawners will be able to spawn in air and underwater. There are no restrictions.
# NOTE: This option required server reload / restart.
: true