The Biggest One Yet This update brings a ton of new things including some updates to bounds (For performance), SWITCH CASES, new item components... and much more! Make sure to read the changelog
This update is the same as 3.7.0-fork (now deleted), but is now re-directed back to SkBee's original repo.
One change is that there are 2 jars available:
"SkBee-3.7.0" = For servers running Skript 2.10.x+
"SkBee-3.7.0-Skript-2.9" = For servers running Skript 2.9.x
It's finally here. The Big Update brings a bunch of new things including recipe sections (much easier to use than effects), and some fun other things. Please read the changelog for all changes
This update includes a small change with the NBT for 1.20.2
Also re-added back the anvil prepare event to include event-slot as Skript didn't handle this in 2.7
WARNING: In a future release of SkBee, NBT related syntax that uses strings will be removed, and SkBee will focus on the use of NBT compounds.
This is mainly due to the mess of code I have had to write for string related NBT, and I want to work on cleaning this all up.
Example of what will be removed:
Code (Text):
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt "{someNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt "{myCustomNBT:1}"
add "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt of player
Don't worry though, cause these simply can be replaced with the nbt compound from string expression:
Code (Text):
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{someNBT:1}"
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt {_n}
set {_nbt} to nbt compound from "{myCustomNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt {_nbt}
add nbt compound of "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt compound of player
# OR
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{SomeNBT:1}"
add {_n} to nbt compound of player
This change will most likely happen in SkBee 1.18.0. I just wanted to give everyone plenty of time to switch over to using NBT compounds.
Release News: CHANGED: - added pattern for `all boss bars` (all custom boss bars registered to the server) - added missing "placed on" item flag - hidden flags now defaults to all flags if not specified
WARNING: In a future release of SkBee, NBT related syntax that uses strings will be removed, and SkBee will focus on the use of NBT compounds.
This is mainly due to the mess of code I have had to write for string related NBT, and I want to work on cleaning this all up.
Example of what will be removed:
Code (Text):
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt "{someNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt "{myCustomNBT:1}"
add "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt of player
Don't worry though, cause these simply can be replaced with the nbt compound from string expression:
Code (Text):
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{someNBT:1}"
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt {_n}
set {_nbt} to nbt compound from "{myCustomNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt {_nbt}
add nbt compound of "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt compound of player
# OR
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{SomeNBT:1}"
add {_n} to nbt compound of player
This change will most likely happen in SkBee 1.18.0. I just wanted to give everyone plenty of time to switch over to using NBT compounds.
Release News: FIXED: - Changed pattern in "entity block storage" expression due to a conflict
- Appended "effect" to potion effect causes due to a conflict
- Fixed an issue with bossbar types loading
- Delay removing boards from players (fixes a bug when modifying the board when a player logs out, thus creating a new board)
- Fixed a bug with a missing constructor for MerchantRecipe in 1.17.x
- Changed the return of boss bar progress from integer to float (making it more precise)
- Fixed an error when running older builds of MC 1.17.1, and missing structure elements
ADDED: - Added an option in the config to disable the update checker
- Added player purchase event
WARNING: In a future release of SkBee, NBT related syntax that uses strings will be removed, and SkBee will focus on the use of NBT compounds.
This is mainly due to the mess of code I have had to write for string related NBT, and I want to work on cleaning this all up.
Example of what will be removed:
Code (Text):
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt "{someNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt "{myCustomNBT:1}"
add "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt of player
Don't worry though, cause these simply can be replaced with the nbt compound from string expression:
Code (Text):
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{someNBT:1}"
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt {_n}
set {_nbt} to nbt compound from "{myCustomNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt {_nbt}
add nbt compound of "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt compound of player
# OR
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{SomeNBT:1}"
add {_n} to nbt compound of player
This change will most likely happen in SkBee 1.18.0. I just wanted to give everyone plenty of time to switch over to using NBT compounds.
Release News: ADDED: - Statistics - Villager elements (level, experience, profession, type) - Merchant elements (merchants, merchant recipes, trade select event) - Update particle effect to include force - New /skbee info command (used for debugging purposes) - New update checker (will print in console if an update is available) - Expression for getting ticks/seconds/minutes/hours from a timespan - Potion change event - Show demo screen effect - Effect to load/unload a chunk (with optional ticket) - Breed event, event values, expression for breed event entities (parents, baby, breeder) - Advancement objects, event, expressions - WorldBorder elements (including virtual world borders for players) - Expression to get/set spell of a spell caster
WARNING: In a future release of SkBee, NBT related syntax that uses strings will be removed, and SkBee will focus on the use of NBT compounds.
This is mainly due to the mess of code I have had to write for string related NBT, and I want to work on cleaning this all up.
Example of what will be removed:
Code (Text):
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt "{someNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt "{myCustomNBT:1}"
Don't worry though, cause these simply can be replaced with the nbt compound from string expression:
Code (Text):
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{someNBT:1}"
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt {_n}
set {_nbt} to nbt compound from "{myCustomNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt {_nbt}
I'm not totally sure WHICH version of SkBee this change will happen, I just wanted to give everyone plenty of time to switch over to using NBT compounds.
Release News: FIXED:
- Fixed an issue when merging NBT compounds of blocks/entities
- Fixed an issue when trying to remove a bound (error saying can not create bound)
WARNING: In a future release of SkBee, NBT related syntax that uses strings will be removed, and SkBee will focus on the use of NBT compounds.
This is mainly due to the mess of code I have had to write for string related NBT, and I want to work on cleaning this all up.
Example of what will be removed:
Code (Text):
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt "{someNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt "{myCustomNBT:1}"
Don't worry though, cause these simply can be replaced with the nbt compound from string expression:
Code (Text):
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{someNBT:1}"
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt {_n}
set {_nbt} to nbt compound from "{myCustomNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt {_nbt}
I'm not totally sure WHICH version of SkBee this change will happen, I just wanted to give everyone plenty of time to switch over to using NBT compounds.
Release News: FIXED:
- Fixed a bug with `session.lock` when cloning a world
- Fixed an error when trying to save a non-keyed bossbar into a var, and vars loading on startup
- Fixed an issue when trying to set the lines/title of a scoreboard when a player is offline
WARNING: In a future release of SkBee, NBT related syntax that uses strings will be removed, and SkBee will focus on the use of NBT compounds.
This is mainly due to the mess of code I have had to write for string related NBT, and I want to work on cleaning this all up.
Example of what will be removed:
Code (Text):
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt "{someNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt "{myCustomNBT:1}"
Don't worry though, cause these simply can be replaced with the nbt compound from string expression:
Code (Text):
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{someNBT:1}"
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt {_n}
set {_nbt} to nbt compound from "{myCustomNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt {_nbt}
I'm not totally sure WHICH version of SkBee this change will happen, I just wanted to give everyone plenty of time to switch over to using NBT compounds.
Release News: FIXED:
- fixed an error when trying to get block states from an empty structure object
- fixed an error with getting the player in an anvil prepare event
This is a fairly large update which includes a new BossBar system as well as a completely new Scoreboard system.
SkBee now only supports Minecraft 1.17.1+ and requires Java 17+ - New scoreboard system using packet based scoreboards. The old scoreboard system used team based scoreboards, which ended up screwing up vanilla team stuff. This new system sends scoreboard packets directly to the player, leaving all vanilla team stuff alone.
The syntaxes for this scoreboard system are the same, so if you are currently using SkBee boards, you won't have to change any of your code.
- Updated Team system. Since SkBee is no longer using team based scoreboards, this system has been re-written to use vanilla MC teams. And hopefully this fixes any issues that we had before, whether they be timing/loading issues, or issues with other plugins. Syntax is the same so no need to change your code.
- Updated NBT-API to support MC 1.19 NBT
- Added expressions to get the level/enchantment of an `enchantment type`
- Added the ability to send text components in action bars
- Added the ability to get/set font for text components
- Added the ability to send normal strings in `send component` effect
- Added a condition to check if a location is within 2 other locations
- Added ability to broadcast with components `broadcast component %component%`
- Added BossBar elements
- Fixed an issue with knockback victim/attacker expression where victim and attacker were backwards
- Removed old structure elements
- Removed old particle effect patterns
- Fixed a bug when loading text components on Spigot due to a previous change that supported something on paper
- Fixed a bug with the "using" part of translate components
- Fixed an error for a null line when setting scoreboard lines
- Fixed an issue when trying to add to tab completions
- Fixed incorrect doc in Bound ID
- Fixed some bugs in the block data item expression
- Fixed some bugs with some types in the board expressions
- Fixed a bug with NBT throwing an error when not available
- Fixed an issue with translate components of a slot
- Fixed a bug with comparing a team color to color
- Added entity types to available materials expression
- Added an option to unregister a team
- Added an option to get a list of all registered teams
- Added fish event state type and expression
- Added fish event caught/hook expression
- Added a key bind component
- Added a slew of team related syntaxes. One thing to note, these syntaxes will only work if SkBee's scoreboard system is enabled. These were mainly added to circumvent the issue that SkBee's boards break vanilla teams. If you aren't using SkBee's board system, I highly recommend not using these team syntaxes. Maybe in the future I will make these work whether or not using SkBee's boards, but as of right now, they won't serve a purpose.
- Added an expression to get the exact target block. The main difference between this and Skript's target block expression, is this one will account for the hitbox of a block. Example is a torch. Skript's expression will see a torch as a FULL block, so if you aren't actually looking directly at the torch, it would still count it as the target block. SkBee's expression will only count the torch if the hitbox of the torch is being looked at. Also SkBee's expression will ignore fluids as target blocks.
- Added an expression to get a list of available materials/item-types/block-types/block-data.
- Added an effect to parse a string/text as Skript code. This works similarly to how Skript's effect commands work in chat/console, but you can use it anywhere in your code. While this is often considered useless, Ive heard a few people request it, so I figured it could be a good idea to add it.
- Added an expression to get/set the owners/members of a bound. These values will be saved as UUIDs in the bound config.
- Added an expression to get the id of a bound.
- Added an expression to get a list of entities within a bound. This expression can be hard on a server, so I do not recommend running it often.
- Added an expression to get a list of all bounds
- Added more options for translation components. As of Paper 1.17.1, several more objects can translate including GameRules, PotionEffectTypes, Attributes, Difficulty, Enchantments, FireworkEffectTypes, Entities and Blocks.
- Fixed an issue with `hover event showing %itemtype%`, syntax had to change a bit, see docs for update
- Fixed an issue when text components are disabled in config, throwing an error to text components being used in scoreboards
- Fixed an issue with the spawn entity with NBT effect in future Skript versions
- Fixed an issue with full bounds not going below 0 in MC 1.18 worlds (also added an updater for previously created full bounds)
- Changed minecraft tag expression to accept custom tags (can be used in data packs)
- Added support for multiple players in open sign effect
- Fixed some errors when NBT is invalid
- Fixed some issues with no clip expression
- Changed the prefix of the syntax for spawning particles. New prefix `(spawn|play|lerp|draw|make)`. (`(spawn|play)` are now deprecated and will throw a warning when using. These 2 for some reason are INSANELY slow at parsing (on average 2 seconds per line), and the new ones `(lerp|draw|make)` are MUCH faster (on average 0.05 seconds))
- Added support for Spigot in the open sign effect. This was added to Spigot in MC 1.18.
- Added the ability to add 2 NBT compounds together.
Code (Text):
set {_n1} to nbt compound from "{test:1}"
set {_n2} to nbt compound from "{blah:2}"
add {_n2} to {_n1}
output =
{test:1,blah:2} This will merge the 2 compounds together. From my understanding, if you merge 2 compounds that have the same key, the latter will overwrite the former.
- Added a new expression for getting the NBT type of a tag
- Added support for MC 1.18 NBT
- Added new expression for loaded chunks in a world
- Added new expression for coordinates of a chunk
- Added new expression for block in a chunk (based on coords of a chunk 0-15)
- Removed support for MC 1.15.x and below. SkBee now only supports the last 3 major versions of Minecraft (1.16.x -> 1.18.x)
- Removed support for MC 1.15.x and below (SkBee now only supports latest 3 versions of Minecraft)
- Prepared for MC 1.18 (There may still be some bugs, please test carefully, and report bugs)
- This is a beta release of SkBee. It is advised not to use this on production servers. Please test wisely and report any bugs found
- Added Minecraft 1.18 NBT support (This is a preliminary test of NBT for MC 1.18, things may not work 100% as expected, report any bugs found)
- Added some new expressions for structures, to get information about the blocks held in a structure. (This includes an expression to get the blockstates in a structure, and some expressions to get offset, block data and item type of these blockstates) See
WIKI for more info
- Fixed an issue with structures throwing errors
- Reverted a change in the last update for structures, that conflicted with SkJade, unfortunately this had to be reverted as it created more issue. As of right now, SkJade is using the wrong codename for a ClassInfo, and SkBee will not work with SkJade if structures are enabled in SkBee. If you use SkBee AND SkJade, and dont use the structure system, simply disable it in SkBee's config
- Added bound ID option to bound enter/exit events, ex: `on enter bound with id "my-bound":`
- Added `event-string` to bound events, which will return the bound ID that was entered/exited
- Fixed a conflict issue with new structures and other addons
- Fixed an issue with recipes in knowledge book throwing an error when no 'plugin' was used
- Added a completely new structure system. This system uses structure objects, which can be manipulated, saved, and placed in a world.
- new
Structure Wiki
- Old structure system has now been deprecated. Advised to use new structure system.
- When 1.18 comes out, the old system will not work, as I will no longer update it with the updated external API. This is a personal choice, as the new system is much better.
Small example of how the new system would work:
Code (Text):
set {_s} to structure named "test" # loads a structure that is already saved, or creates a new one if not found
fill structure {_s} between {loc1} and {loc2} # fills the structure object with blocks from the world
save structure {_s} # saves it to file
set {_s} to structure named "test"
place structure {_s} at location of target block # places the structure in the world
- Added support for 1.17 structures
- Added support for 1.17 particles
- Added functions for dustTransition and Vibration particle options
- Fixed an issue with custom nbt compounds when printing to string
- Fixed an issue if a structure failed to paste the proceeding code would not execute
- dropped legacy server (1.12.2 and below) support
- updated NBT for MC 1.17
- removed 'reduce debug' effect (too hard to keep up-to-date)
- SkBee no longer supports 1.12.2 and below. This is due to the amount of messy code to try keep this plugin working across 2 very different APIs. IF you require 1.12.2 or below support, please consider using SkBee 1.10.x
- Structure support does not currently work for MC 1.17. This is not a bug, I am just waiting on the structure API to be updated (I have no ETA for this).
IMPORTANT NOTE: SkBee 1.10.x will be the last version to support legacy console versions (ie: 1.8.x - 1.12.x)
Due to the many issues I have had to fix revolving around legacy servers, I find this too hard to continue offering legacy support.
Come 1.11 ... SkBee will strictly support MC 1.13+
That said, if you are using a legacy server version, please ensure to report any bugs you find ASAP so they can be fixed before I move onto SkBee 1.11
IMPORTANT NOTE: SkBee 1.10.x will be the last version to support legacy console versions (ie: 1.8.x - 1.12.x)
Due to the many issues I have had to fix revolving around legacy servers, I find this too hard to continue offering legacy support.
Come 1.11 ... SkBee will strictly support MC 1.13+
That said, if you are using a legacy server version, please ensure to report any bugs you find ASAP so they can be fixed before I move onto SkBee 1.11
This update brings a bunch of new things, and a few fixes. That in mind, I have tested as much as I can, but please report any bugs you may find.
- Fixed an issue with sending components on legacy servers
- Fixed an issue with NBT and some items not returning an item
- Fixed an issue with book pages on legacy versions
- Fixed an issue with blocks of bounds throwing a null error
- Fixed an issue with text components not formatting HEX colours
- Added support for all args in tab complete event
- Added support for setting NBT tags to booleans (will be converted internally to a byte)
- Added an effect for opening/closing containers (chests/barrels/shulker boxes)
- Added ‘Minecraft tags’ (for more info, see
- Added ‘material choices’ which can be used in recipes (for more info, see
- Added support for ‘material choices’ in recipes, thus allowing to set an ingredient to a choice of items. (Ex: an ingredient can allow for all planks)
- Added support for NBT on all blocks (this is a semi-hacky method, use with caution) (for more info, see
- Added support for NBT tag types, thus allowing to specify what type you would like the tag to be set as (ex: let’s you distinguish if a tag should be set as an int, byte, short, etc)
- Changed a bunch of stuff with how NBT is set. This is all internal, but will help reduce the amount of code you will need to write. You will be able to directly set custom tags of blocks/entities, without having to get the compound, manipulate it, then set it back.
- Fixed an issue with structures being limited to 32x32x32
- Fixed an issue with creating a new full bound and the location variables being manipulated
- Added some missing things in the lang file
- Added support for more patterns in scoreboard lines/title
- Changed the API for NBT-API to official NBT-API (its literally the same thing just not my fork)
- Updated the StructureBlockLib for full support of 1.16.4 (StructureBlockLib did a major change to their API, so I'm hoping everything still works as intended.. I did light testing and it seems ok)
- Added temporary support for 1.16.4 NBT. (Due to the NBT-API not yet updated, I had to manually update a fork myself. This has not been fully tested. Small testing shows NBT appears to be working, but please test fully before using on a production server ... at this time, please do not report NBT related bugs.. I will be updating the official NBT-API when it is available)
- Im well aware that structures are not working on 1.16.4 yet. They will work as soon as the structure API for 1.16.4 is available.
- Fixed an NPE with NBT being applied to non-existent items
- Added a world creator system (this is semi-experimental, it is disabled by default in the SkBee config.yml. If you wish to use this feature you will need to enable it. Please use with caution) (See
WIKI for more details on this system)
- Added player sheer entity event (requires Paper)
- Added entity pig zap event (requires Paper)
- Added projectile collide event (requires Paper)
- Added entity knockback event (requires Paper)
- Added an expression for victim/attacker in the knockback event
- Added xp orb merge event (requires Paper)
- Added player pickup xp event (requires Paper)
- Added player elytra boost event (requires Paper)
- Added a text component click event for changing book pages
- Added an expression for getting/setting book pages (See
WIKI for more info)
- Changed the syntax for the knowledge book expression due to clashing with other syntaxes
- Better handling of translation components for items
- Changed boards to re-load boards if the server is reloaded
- Fixed an issue where tab args would stop the completions
- Fixed an issue where attempting to load a structure at a null location would throw a console error
- Fixed an issue where getting NBT from a “dead” entity would return null
- Fixed an issue with hidden flags on older versions of Skript throwing errors
- Fixed an issue with clearing tab completions in console when no command is present
- Added support for custom NBT on entities and blocks (tile entities) [This is done in a different manner, please see
WIKI] (NOTE: This is only available on 1.14+)
FIXED: - Fixed an issue with set block with nbt missing item types
- Fixed some issues with line splits in scoreboards
- Fixed an issue with NBT compounds from non-tile entity blocks
ADDED: - Added an expression for Entity Visibility. (Available for 1.15+ for item frames, and 1.16.3+ for all other living entities)
- Added an effect to apply bonemeal to a block (Available I believe on 1.16.2+)
- Added some tab complete syntaxes, see
CHANGED: - Changed scoreboards, so the toggle option will show the players old scoreboard when toggled off (useful when using other plugins with scoreboards
WARNING - This is a fairly large update. Please make sure to backup any important data before updating to this version of SkBee. If you find a major issue, please report it, and possibly downgrade to the previous version of SkBee until the issue is resolved.
- Added an NBT Compound type (see
- Added an expression to create NBT compounds from entities, items, blocks (tile entities), strings and files
- Added an expression for “pretty NBT” (this is the same as using vanilla Minecraft’s `/data` command)
- Fixed an issue with the spawn with NBT effect failing on legacy server versions
- Changed tag expression to support setting/deleting tags from NBT compounds
- Changed many NBT expressions/effects to support NBT compounds
- Due to how NBT tag types are handled, the NBT API, and mashing this all together with Skript, some tag types may get set weird. I have tried my best to automate this process as much as possible, but do please keep an eye on how tag types are handled and report any issues found.
- Fixed an issue with structures pasting structure voids
- Fixed an issue with tag of expression throwing an error when NBT is null
- Changed file NBT to support
.nbt files
- Added an expression to get a UUID as an int array or least/most bits (used for NBT strings)
- Added an effect to open a sign’s GUI to the player, allowing them to edit a sign
- Fixed an issue with item variables not working in hover events
- Scoreboards now support 128char lines (in 1.13+)
- Scoreboard lines now support text components
- Added support for legacy scoreboards (32char lines each)
- Added support for translatable text components
- Added an expression for formatting text components
- Fixed an error with block cuboid expression
- Fixed an error with recipes
- Fixed an issue with scoreboards not showing line 8
- Added block data as an option when setting a block with NBT (since Skript now has block data)
- Added hidden dye flag
- Added some text component syntaxes
- Added some pathfinding syntaxes
- Added an “entity physical interact” event, called when an entity physically interacts with a block (ie: trampling farmland)
- Added a “player recipe book click” event, called when a player clicks on a recipe in their recipe book
- Added an “entity pathfind event” event, called when an entity starts to pathfind
- Added a “skeleton horse trap” event, called when a skeleton horse trap summons their other skeleton horses
- Added an “anvil damage” event, called when an anvil takes damage
- Changed the toggle option for scoreboards, can now just toggle (which will reverse whatever the state currently is)
- Update StructureBlock API for 1.16.2 support
- Big update to internal NBTApi (just some code cleanup)
- Changed the spawn entity with NBT effect to use consumers internally. This means the NBT will be applied to the entity BEFORE it actually spawns in the world, which means adding things like invisible to an armor stand, will make sure the armor stand is not visible for a split second. (This will only work on versions of Spigot that have the consumer class for spawning - I believe this was added in 1.11.x)
- Changed the NBT of object expression to be able to get FULL NBT of an item. This is the just like the item nbt except it will also contain the item's namespace and item stack size.
Code (Text):
# Player's tool being a diamond sword of sharpness 3
send "%nbt of player's tool%"
#output -> {Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:3s}],Damage:0}
send "%full nbt of player's tool%"
#output -> {id:"minecraft:diamond_sword",tag:{Damage:0,Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:3s}]},Count:1b}
- Added an expression to get an item from an NBT string. Could be useful in conjunction with `full nbt of item` for serializing.
Code (Text):
set {_i} to item from nbt "{id:""minecraft:diamond_sword"",tag:{Damage:0,Enchantments:[{id:""minecraft:sharpness"",lvl:3s}]},Count:1b}"
- Fixed an issue with nested tags not returning lists
- Fixed an issue with nested tags throwing an NPE when tag is invalid
- Added a syntax to check if a player has discovered a recipe (This is only available on 1.16+ since that is when Bukkit added this method)
%players% (has|have) [not] discovered recipe[s] %strings%
If using Skript 2.5-beta1+ simply remove the quotes around your block data and replace commas with a semi colon,
Code (Text):
set block data of target block to "campfire[lit=false,waterlogged=true]"
set block data of target block to campfire[lit=false;waterlogged=true]
- Fixed an issue with nested tags not working and/or throwing errors
- Fixed an issue with getting/settings block NBT from a non tile entity throwing errors
- Added an option to setting block data to not update neighbouring blocks.
- Fixed an issue with not being able to store enchants on a slot of an inventory
- Updated StructureBlockLib version (I dont think anything actually changed)
- Added an auto-disabler for Structure elements when a new MC version comes out, and StructureBlockLib has not updated yet. This message will let users know why exactly its not working.
- Added "state" to the syntax of block data elements, since Minecraft actually calls them BlockStates where as Bukkit calls them BlockData
- Fixed a small issue with virtual furnaces throwing errors
- Fixed an issue where input slots of virtual furnaces kept smelting even if the output slot was full, thus losing items.
- Fixed an issue with null NBT throwing invalid error, now it will pass
- Added support to retrieve UUIDs from NBT (NBT actually stores UUIDs in a split format, this joins it together)
- Added changers to bounds coord expression for adding/subtracting to/from coords rather than just setting them
- Added an option to modify NBT of an inventory slot
- Structure elements for 1.16+ still not working. These elements use an API called StructureBlockLib, which has still not updated for 1.16.x yet.
- Added support for 1.16.x NBT
- Added an expression to get all recipes from an item (see
- Added an expression to get all ingredients for a recipe (see
ADDED: - Added virtual furnaces (items, fuels, recipes) see
WIKI - Added an effect to reduce the player's debug screen
CHANGED: - Spawning an entity with NBT now uses Skript's last spawned entity, so you can retrieve the entity via Skript's last spawned entity expression
CHANGED - Recipes can now be registered from any event (not just `on skript load`)
- You can now remove MC recipes, custom recipes and recipes from other plugins (previously just MC recipes)
- Fixed some small issues with the tag expression throwing errors
- Fixed an issue with the tag expression not properly returning a list
- Fixed an issue with the tag expression not working with the nested delimiter