SkBee [Skript-Addon] icon

SkBee [Skript-Addon] -----

A simple Skript addon that picks up where Skript left off.

A Big Update [1.15.0]
- Added a slew of team related syntaxes. One thing to note, these syntaxes will only work if SkBee's scoreboard system is enabled. These were mainly added to circumvent the issue that SkBee's boards break vanilla teams. If you aren't using SkBee's board system, I highly recommend not using these team syntaxes. Maybe in the future I will make these work whether or not using SkBee's boards, but as of right now, they won't serve a purpose.
- Added an expression to get the exact target block. The main difference between this and Skript's target block expression, is this one will account for the hitbox of a block. Example is a torch. Skript's expression will see a torch as a FULL block, so if you aren't actually looking directly at the torch, it would still count it as the target block. SkBee's expression will only count the torch if the hitbox of the torch is being looked at. Also SkBee's expression will ignore fluids as target blocks.
- Added an expression to get a list of available materials/item-types/block-types/block-data.
- Added an effect to parse a string/text as Skript code. This works similarly to how Skript's effect commands work in chat/console, but you can use it anywhere in your code. While this is often considered useless, Ive heard a few people request it, so I figured it could be a good idea to add it.
- Added an expression to get/set the owners/members of a bound. These values will be saved as UUIDs in the bound config.
- Added an expression to get the id of a bound.
- Added an expression to get a list of entities within a bound. This expression can be hard on a server, so I do not recommend running it often.
- Added an expression to get a list of all bounds
- Added more options for translation components. As of Paper 1.17.1, several more objects can translate including GameRules, PotionEffectTypes, Attributes, Difficulty, Enchantments, FireworkEffectTypes, Entities and Blocks.

- Fixed an issue with `hover event showing %itemtype%`, syntax had to change a bit, see docs for update
- Fixed an issue when text components are disabled in config, throwing an error to text components being used in scoreboards
----------, Feb 4, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 107,875
First Release: Mar 8, 2020
Last Update: Yesterday at 1:59 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
94 ratings
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