Server Backup / Ingame / Dropbox / FTP Backup 1.18 - 1.21 [Multithreaded] icon

Server Backup / Ingame / Dropbox / FTP Backup 1.18 - 1.21 [Multithreaded] -----

Back up your worlds / server files without affecting your server performance!

Domain host problems solved >> changed download URL back to the normal one.
----------, Jan 16, 2025

Temporary change of download link due to domain host problems.
----------, Jan 15, 2025

Added config option:
  • CommandAfterAutomaticBackup - here you can enter a command to be dispatched after an automatic backup has finished (e.g. "/stop" to stop the server after your daily backups)
----------, May 18, 2024

Dropbox Cloud Backups has finally received its update! You can now upload files of any size - no more limitations. :)
Added the progress (in %) of Dropbox uploads to "/backup tasks".
----------, Aug 1, 2023

Added "messages.yml" file where you are able to change every message of this plugin (color codes available).

Code (YAML):
# Use '&nl' to add a new line. Use '&' for color codes (e.g. '&4' for color red). For some messages you can use a placeholder (e.g. '%file%' for file name).
# Minecraft color codes:

: ''
: Zipping Backup ...&nl
: '&nl&nlBackup [ %file%] zipped.&nlBackup [%file%] saved.'
: Unzipping Backup ...&nl
: '&nl&nlBackup [ %file%] unzipped.'
: Config reloaded.
: ' ----- Backup tasks -----&nl'
: '&nl ----- Backup tasks -----'
: 'The server will shut down after backup tasks (check with : ''/backup tasks'' )
      are finished.&nlYou can cancel the shutdown by running this command again.'
: Shutdown canceled.
: Backup [ %file%] saved.
: Backup [ %file%] started.
: Backup [ %file%] removed.
: 'Ftp : Uploading backup [ %file%] ...'
: 'Ftp : Upload successfully. Backup stored on ftp server.'
: 'Ftp : Downloading backup [ %file%] ...'
: 'Ftp : Download successful. Backup downloaded from ftp server.'
: '&cI''m sorry but you do not have permission to perform this command.'
: No backups found.
: No Backup named ' %file%' found.
: No backups for search argument ' %input%' found.
: Error while deleting ' %file%'.
: There is already a folder named ' %file%'.
: There is already a ZIP file named ''.
: No ftp backups found.
: No backup tasks are running.
: ' %file% is already a ZIP file.'
: ' %file% is not a ZIP file.'
: ' %input% is not a valid number.'
: An error occurred while saving Backup [ %file%]. See console for more
: 'Ftp : Error while uploading backup to ftp server. Check server
    details in config.yml (ip, port, user, password ).'
: 'Ftp : Error while downloading backup to ftp server. Check server
    details in config.yml (ip, port, user, password ).'
: 'Ftp : Local backup deletion failed because the uploaded
    file was not found on the ftp server. Try again.'
: 'Ftp : ftp-backup %file% not found.'
: 'Ftp : Error while connecting to FTP server.'
----------, Jun 3, 2023

Possible DynamicBackup bug fix.
----------, May 6, 2023

Just some improvements of automatic backups.
----------, Feb 18, 2023

Added dropbox upload command. Use "/backup dropbox upload <file>" to upload a backup to your dropbox account.
+ some performance improvements
----------, Feb 11, 2023

Added two new config options:
CloudBackup.Options.Destination - specifies the directory in which the backup gets uploaded.
Code (YAML):
: true
: Backup
: false
This will upload CloudBackups to your cloud account into the "Backups" folder.

CloudBackup.Options.DeleteLocalBackup - set this to "true" if you just want to keep backups in your cloud and not on the system/server itself
----------, Feb 5, 2023

There was a problem removing content from a list that had chunk information stored in it - showed an error but had no effect on the backup itself.
----------, Feb 3, 2023

Wrong method used for Dropbox authentication (access permission / access key expired after a few hours). This patch solves the problem - the setup has become a bit more complicated.
This video explains how the new setup works:
----------, Jan 29, 2023

Introducing: Cloud Backups (Dropbox)
It is now possible to automatically upload your backups to Dropbox. In the future there will be more options like Google Drive, OneDrive, etc. This new feature is still in beta, so there may still be some bugs. Contact me to report them.​
----------, Jan 28, 2023

Added new command argument for "/backup create": add "-full" to the command to create a full backup of the destination file although you have dynamic backups activated.

Dynamic backup performance improved >> "backupInfo"-file is only saved at most every 5 seconds (not every time a user changed his chunk location).

Fixed a bug where clearing "backupInfo"-file after dynamic backup creation throws an error.
----------, Jan 27, 2023

Added new command to shut down the server after all backup tasks are finished. Use /backup shutdown after you've started creating backups that you need before the server shuts down.

Also fixed a bug with Dynamic Backups which occurs in versions older than 1.15 (alt-version).
----------, Oct 22, 2022

The new Dynamic Backups [BETA] feature had a bug that has been fixed in this version.
----------, Oct 3, 2022

Added automatic updates: When a new plugin version is available, the plugin will automatically download the latest version. This feature can be disabled in config.yml - set "AutomaticUpdates" to 'false' if you don't want automatic updates.

Added new permission - "backup.update" is now the permission to receive update notifications.
----------, Oct 1, 2022

Introducing: Dynamic Backups [BETA]
First of all, you can save a lot of disk space with Dynamic Backups. It is designed to back up only chunks/regions of your Minecraft worlds that may have changed. If the 'DynamicBackup' feature is enabled in the config, the plugin starts to detect chunks which are being entered by players - these chunks will later be backed up.
To differentiate between full Backups and Dynamic Backups, the Dynamic Backups have a "dynamic" tag in their filename.
If you need to use the Backup, just paste all files into your world folder (while your server is stopped). After a restart your world is equal to the world you had at the time of the backup creation and you saved a lot of disk space in this process :)

This video shows and explains the new features:
----------, Sep 25, 2022

Manual backups via the "/backup create" command can now be used to back up worlds/directories that contain spaces in their names.
----------, Sep 23, 2022

Added new command to show running backup tasks. Use "/backup tasks" to see all running backups (=backups which are not completed at that moment). This could be useful when planning server restarts, as a server restart would stop the creation of a backup, which could result in a corrupted backup file.
----------, Aug 14, 2022

You can now download an alternative version on the website. The alternate version supports minecraft/spigot versions older than 1.18. If you are using version 1.18 (or newer) please download the standard version (it's based on a newer java version, which is good :D). Both versions have the same features!
----------, Jun 6, 2022

You are now able to backup the entire server folder with just one command. Use "/backup create @server" to create a backup of your entire server.

New config.yml option: Ftp.Server.BackupDirectory - This is the directory where your ftp backups will be stored on the ftp server.

Ftp feature without encrypted connection did not worked. This problem was fixed - the plugin does now support both: ftp and ftps (unencrypted and encrypted ftp connection).
----------, May 27, 2022

Join the official Discord Server (for support / feature suggestions):

This version fixes a bug where directories could not be backed up if they were subdirectories.

Thanks for over 10,000 downloads! There are new and more updates/features coming in the future. Due to time problems I can't work much on the plugin at the moment, but hopefully that will change soon! :)
----------, May 22, 2022

This isn't an resource update - you don't need to update the plugin on your server.

Lately, I worked on my own website for this ServerBackup plugin. Why? Because there will be coming many new features in the future for which this website is necessary / beneficial.
I don't plan to charge you for this plugin, so it will remain free!
But, if you want to support me anyways, you can donate me a small amount, which would help me a lot in developing new features and updates for this plugin donate here, if you want to :)

Beside future features, the website provides also many useful information for any server administrator who uses or plans to use this plugin. In the near future I will also add new support channels on the website for better and faster support. So it's woth checking the website regularly :D

Thank you!
----------, Apr 3, 2022

Finally fixed all known Windows related bugs, so that this plugin now fully supports Windows as operating system.

Since the release of version 2.6.0 (2 days ago) there are over 100 servers running this Backup plugin and it manages over 1 TB of backups!!! That's giving me a lot of motivation to continue this project, so thanks to everyone for downloading and using this plugin. :)
----------, Mar 21, 2022

Added ftp server support. This allows you to upload your backups to an external ftp server which increases the security of your backups.
Use this documentation to set up this new ftp backup feature, if you want to. Please be aware that this feature is still under development, as I have not done any long-term tests yet. It works fine, but as with any new feature there might be some bugs - if you find one, let me know! :)
----------, Mar 20, 2022

Fixed an little issue with the last update (config option "UpdateAvailabeMessage" was not working properly).
Sorry for the inconvenience!

Updated native version: This plugin now based on the newest spigot api version (1.18 instead of 1.17). There should still be no problems running this plugin on older spigot versions.
----------, Mar 20, 2022

Added "BackupDestination" to config.yml.
With this feature you can choose where your Backups should be stored. You could for example save Backups on a different storage drive than your server is running on.

You can now back up specific files, not just folders! Simply use the "/backup create" command to create a backup of a specific file. You need to specify the exact file path as follows: "/backup create plugins/Essentials/config.yml" >> to create a Backup of the "Essentials" plugin configuration file. File-Backups can be found in the "Files"-Folder located in the Backups-Folder.

Added "UpdateAvailabeMessage" to config.yml.
With this feature you can enable or disable update notification that appears when a newer version is available. I don't recommend disabling this feature as future updates may be important for the functionality of this plugin and your Backups.
----------, Mar 19, 2022

Fixed issue with warning messages at server start.
" [...] does not specify an api-version" and " Nag author(s): '[Seblii]' of 'ServerBackup' about their usage of System.out/err.print. Please use your plugin's logger instead (JavaPlugin#getLogger)." should not appear anymore.
----------, Jan 16, 2022

Added "KeepUniqueBackups" to config.yml + 1.18.X support*.
With this feature you can prevent unique backups from being deleted.

So, for example you have backed up a world 30 days ago but did not made a new backup and you configured that backups which are older than 30 days will be deleted automatically, this world folder will not be deleted at the next automatic backup deletion, because it is the only backup of this world.

*1.18.X support: There should be no problems in running this plugin on the latest version of spigot. Please let me know if you find any bugs / errors! This plugin uses only minimal spigot api related code, that is why there should be no problems in running this plugin on coming minecraft / spigot versions.
----------, Dec 11, 2021

Added "BackupLimiter" to config.yml.
With this feature you can set a limit for your backups. E.g. you only want to keep 10 backups: Simply set "BackupLimiter" to '10' in the "config.yml" file and the plugin will only keep the 10 latest backups - older backups will be removed.

Have fun saving storage space! :D
----------, Aug 2, 2021

You can now download the full version of this plugin (including the automatic Backup creation).
----------, Jan 25, 2021

This plugin is the free lite version of ServerBackup. If you want all features (including automatic Backups) you must contact me.
----------, Oct 5, 2020

From now on Backups are created asynchronously as well as the zipping/unzipping of Backups. That means that the server performance will not be effected anymore! Also you are able to create multiply Backups at the same time.
----------, Oct 4, 2020

There was a little bug that caused an error at the automatic backup creation.
----------, Oct 4, 2020

Now it's easier for you to manage your Backup files!
Here are some pictures:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Oct 4, 2020

Added a command to search a specific Backup by an search argument.
Command usage:
/backup search <search argument> <page>
This will show you a list of 10 (or less) Backups which contain the search argument.
----------, Jun 3, 2020

New commands:
  • /backup zip <folder> - compress folder to zip file
  • /backup unzip <zip-file> - unzip file to folder
New Features:
  • get the name of a Backup by clicking the Backup in the Backup list (/backup list)
----------, May 27, 2020

Backups will now be saved as ZIP file to save storage space.
You can change that in the config.yml: set 'ZipCompression' to 'false' to disable the ZIP Compression.
----------, May 27, 2020

The Backup List is now sorted (old Backups -> new Backups).
----------, May 26, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 45,835
First Release: May 26, 2020
Last Update: Jan 16, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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