Server Backup / Ingame / Dropbox / FTP Backup 1.18 - 1.21 [Multithreaded] icon

Server Backup / Ingame / Dropbox / FTP Backup 1.18 - 1.21 [Multithreaded] -----

Back up your worlds / server files without affecting your server performance!

Discord Server:

Cloud Backups (Dropbox):

Introducing: Cloud Backups (Dropbox)
It is now possible to automatically upload your backups to Dropbox. In the future there will be more options like Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.

Just watch this video to learn how to set it up:


Dynamic Backups:

Introducing: Dynamic Backups
First of all, you can save a lot of disk space with Dynamic Backups. It is designed to back up only chunks/regions of your Minecraft worlds that may have changed. If the 'DynamicBackup' feature is enabled in the config, the plugin starts to detect chunks which are being entered by players - these chunks will later be backed up.
To differentiate between full Backups and Dynamic Backups, the Dynamic Backups have a "dynamic" tag in their filename.
If you need to use the Backup, just paste all files into your world folder (while your server is stopped). After a restart your world is equal to the world you had at the time of the backup creation and you saved a lot of disk space in this process :)

This video shows and explains the new features:



no performance impact this plugin will run every creation of a Backup in asynchronous mode, so you won't notice any impact on the server performance

100% editable messages to match your own server text style

automatic Backup creation (e.g. every day/every hour)
(Backups will be saved in the 'Backups' folder, which can be found in the server folder, not in the plugins folder)

ftp transfer integration for even more security of your Backups

in-game command for Backup creation

automatic deletion of old backups to save storage space

config with many setting options

can also be used to
save other file/folders than world folders, e.g. you can also create a (automatic) backup of the 'plugins' folder

"backup.notification" is the permission to receive backup notifications


Commands (Permission: backup.admin):

/backup reload - reloads the plugin configuration

/backup list <page> - shows a list of 10 Backups (all are clickable, look at "/backup remove")

/backup search <search argument> <page> - shows a list of 10 Backups that contain the give search argument
the command used for this screenshot was "/backup search 2020-05-31"

/backup create <world / folder> - creates a new Backup of a specific world or folder (example: "/backup create plugins" for creating a backup of the plugins folder)
/backup create <file> - creates a new Backup of a specific file (example: "/backup create plugins/ServerBackup/config.yml" for creating a backup of the ServerBackup plugin configuration file)

/backup remove <folder> - removes an existing Backup (you can get the folder name of an Backup by clicking (in the chat) on the Backup in the Backup list - /backup list)

/backup zip <folder> - compress folder to zip file

/backup unzip <zip-file> - unzip file to folder

/backup ftp <download/upload/list> - ftp related command. Download / upload backup files to / from your ftp server or list all backups stored on your ftp server

/backup dropbox upload <zip-file> - uploads a file to Dropbox

/backup tasks - shows a list of all running backup tasks



This plugin has also a config where you can edit some things.
Explanation of the config:

AutomaticBackups - if 'true': automatic Backups are enabled and will be created every day by default. If 'false': automatic Backups are disabled and no automatic Backups will be created, but you can still use the "/backup create" command - Default: 'true'

CommandAfterAutomaticBackup - here you can enter a command to be dispatched after an automatic backup has finished (e.g. "/stop" to stop the server after your daily backups)

BackupLimiter ( enabling this feature will disable the feature "DeleteOldBackups") - the number of total Backups you want to keep (e.g. if you want to keep only the 5 latest Backups you must set this to '5' - older Backups will be removed to save storage space). You can disable this feature by setting it to '0', otherwise it will disable the option "DeleteOldBackups" - Default: '0'

BackupTimer - 1. BackupTimer.Days = the days on which a Backup should be created ; 2. BackupTimer.Times: the time of day on which a Backup should be created (only on the days you set on "BackupTimer.Days")

BackupWorlds - a list of all worlds for which an automatic Backup will be created - Default: (List of 'world', 'world_nether', 'world_the_end')

DeleteOldBackups - the time (in days) from which old Backups will be removed (e.g. if you set this to '5', Backups which are 5 days old or older than that will automatically be removed at the time when the automatic Backups are created) - Default: '7'

KeepUniqueBackups - keeps unique backups, no matter how old there are (e.g. there is a world / folder which you only backed up ones. This folder will not be deleted automatically, because it is the only one.) This feature will always keep the newest unique backup - Default: 'false'

CollectiveZipFile - just a future feature that accidentally is already in the config of the official version (it doesn't do anything yet, so don't set it to 'true' - haha :D) - Default: 'false'

UpdateAvailabeMessage - notifies you whenever a newer version of this plugin is available. It is highly recommended to leave this option set to 'true' to be aware of new feature and security updates - Default: 'true'

BackupDestination - the file location where your backups are stored - Default: 'Backups//'

SendLogMessages - sends additional information (e.g. about zipping/unzipping files in player chat when using the command "/backup zip" or "/backup unzip"), can be used to troubleshoot - Default: 'false'

Code (YAML):
# BackupTimer = At what time should a Backup be created? The format is: 'hh-mm' e.g. '12-30'.
# DeleteOldBackups = Deletes old backups automatically after a specific time (in days, standard = 7 days)
# DeleteOldBackups - Type '0' at DeleteOldBackups to disable the deletion of old backups.
# BackupLimiter = Deletes old backups automatically if number of total backups is greater than this number (e.g. if you enter '5' - the oldest backup will be deleted if there are more than 5 backups, so you will always keep the latest 5 backups)
# BackupLimiter - Type '0' to disable this feature. If you don't type '0' the feature 'DeleteOldBackups' will be disabled and this feature ('BackupLimiter') will be enabled.
# KeepUniqueBackups - Type 'true' to disable the deletion of unique backups. The plugin will keep the newest backup of all backed up worlds or folders, no matter how old it is.
# Blacklist - A list of files/directories that will not be backed up.
# IMPORTANT FTP information: Set 'UploadBackup' to 'true' if you want to store your backups on a ftp server (sftp does not work at the moment - if you host your own server (e.g. vps/root server) you need to set up a ftp server on it).
# If you use ftp backups, you can set 'DeleteLocalBackup' to 'true' if you want the plugin to remove the created backup from your server once it has been uploaded to your ftp server.
# CompressBeforeUpload compresses the backup to a zip file before uploading it. Set it to 'false' if you want the files to be uploaded directly to your ftp server.
# Join the discord server if you need help or have a question:

: true
 - 00-00
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
- libraries
- plugins/ServerBackup/config.yml
: 14
: 0
: false
: true
: true
: Backups//
: false
: /
: false
: false
: false
: 21
: username
: password
: Backups/
: false
: false


Thanks to my new partner ZAP-Hosting, the future development of this plugin is assured. Check out their stable servers and use the code " Seblii-7366" to save 20% and support this project.

Statistics (provided by bStats) are included since version 2.6.0

Total Backups: over 50 TB of backups are managed by this plugin

For more statistics *click here*
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 45,835
First Release: May 26, 2020
Last Update: Jan 16, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
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