Quests icon

Quests -----

An extensive questing system

This tiny update fixes an issue with Kill Mob objectives not working properly. If you speak a language which Quests has not yet been translated to, we encourage you to lend a hand on Crowdin. Please also consider joining us on Discord.

Thanks for using Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Feb 18, 2025

As we've continued to grow, so has your choice of plugins to pair with Quests. One keen-eyed developer known as @HSGamer has laid the foundation for supporting more NPC plugins! While there's no new integration in this update, keep an eye out for third-party offerings. On that note, projects which depend on Quests may need to ensure compatibility with this release. Please reach out to those projects' developers should you encounter any such issues.

Thanks for using Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Feb 10, 2025

New year, new updates! This first release ensures support for Minecraft 1.21.4 and recent server software changes. Bugs fixed include better formatting of NPC names in text, and the /quests top command should now work properly with MySQL enabled. Of course, some things never change: please continue reporting any issues on Github and join the conversation on Discord in 2025!

Thanks for using Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Jan 14, 2025

In addition to Minecraft 1.21.3 support, a new config setting for inventory click protection while on quests is available, enabled by default. Added experimental support for using '<count>' or '%count%' in objective display overrides. As always, please continue to report any issues on Github.

Thanks for using Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Nov 22, 2024

More bugs have been squashed in this release, with one courtesy of ReconXMaverick on Github. As per usual, contributions are appreciated there as well as through Crowdin. Please also consider joining us on Discord.

Thanks for using Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Oct 6, 2024

Here's another tiny release which addresses custom rewards not being granted if a detail override is set. Once again, updating to this version is highly recommended. Thank you for continuing to report issues on Github.

Thanks for using Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Aug 29, 2024

Little update for a big bug! Certain objectives could exceed their maximum objective count under certain criteria. Updating to this version is highly recommended. As always, please continue to report any issues on Github.

Thanks for choosing Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Aug 19, 2024

A few bugs have been squashed and Minecraft 1.21.1 is fully supported. This release also marks our 500th development build via CodeMC, a community for open source Minecraft projects. Check them out!

Thanks for choosing Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Aug 12, 2024

In this release, we feel confident that most of the kinks have been worked out regarding recent server software changes, thanks in no small part to IllusionTheDev. Contributions like theirs are welcome on Github, while those of you with linguistic talents can easily lend a hand on Crowdin. For tips or help from fellow server administrators, consider joining the community Discord.

Thanks for choosing Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Aug 2, 2024

Recent development builds of Paper (and forks) for Minecraft 1.21 include a change which breaks certain aspects of Quests. This update includes workarounds to address this change. Spigot servers are not affected, but all users are encouraged to report issues on Github.

Thanks for choosing Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Jul 2, 2024

This release confirms support for Minecraft 1.21 and fixes a few minor issues with translations (no action required). Please continue to report any issues on Github! If you're multilingual, consider lending a hand on Crowdin.

Thanks for choosing Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Jun 17, 2024

Another light and subtle update for Quests which features a fix for reach location objectives. Languages besides the one chosen the config file will also be affected by the /questadmin reload command, and bleeding edge builds will no longer nag admins about "updating" to the current release version. As always, please report any issues on Github.

Thanks for choosing Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Jun 8, 2024

A small update with big potential—we're excited to provide support for Minecraft 1.20.5/6, as well as a Belarusian translation via Crowdin! Once again, regenerating your /lang folder is highly recommended for this release. If you speak multiple languages, we encourage you to join ymcei and jadza in translating on Crowdin!

Different levels of Potions and Tipped Arrows will be distinguished during quest objectives, and party support has been updated for mcMMO Overhaul 2.1.229 and up (older versions will no longer be supported).

Thanks for choosing Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, May 23, 2024

Our first minor release of the year fixes particles sometimes not appearing above NPCs' heads (provided the client has particles enabled). It also retires code which handled old string formats for objective messages, so regenerating your /lang folder is highly recommended for this release. This is especially true for Chinese localization, even if it's not your server's default language.

Thanks for choosing Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Mar 19, 2024

Thank you for sticking with us for over nine years of updates on SpigotMC!

Quests 5 has landed! Those of you coming from last release will find updates to the Quest Compass and custom objectives. The rarely-used /qa pointsall command was also removed. For those of you joining us from Quests 4, the important thing to know is that much has changed under the hood, so you'll need to update any integrations like modules.

With this release, the Quests plugin is now considered feature-complete. Future updates will be focused on bug fixes, but pull requests continue to be welcomed on Github. If you would like to see Quests on other platforms, consider helping reach the sponsorship goal (thank you Pebblehost for your continued support).

As always, thanks for choosing Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Mar 2, 2024

Development builds of ZNPCsPlus which support Minecraft 1.20 have been tested compatible with this release (thanks, D3v1s0m). Storage files have been moved to an aptly-named subfolder, and a new format for quest IDs ('000001' instead of 'custom1') will be the standard going forward. Players losing connection during a reach-location objective will now retain their progress upon return. As always, kindly let us know of any problems you encounter through Github.

Thanks for choosing Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Dec 11, 2023

All reported bugs have been squashed for this pre-release, and a good majority of resources have been updated for compatibility with Quests 5. Now would be a good time to update for those whom skipped—or had trouble with—the last one. Our next few releases will mainly focus on quality-of-life improvements and new features, but please continue to inform us of any concerns on Github or Discord.

Thanks for choosing Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Nov 5, 2023

Did you know that plums were one of the first fruits humans domesticated? While it took thousands of years to breed new varieties, we plan to get Quests 5.0.0 out to you in just a few pre-releases. This initial candidate doesn’t change much with the interface, but alters nearly everything under the hood, so please be aware that your existing add-ons will need to be updated!

In fact, we believe that enough has been changed since the initial release of Quests that it qualifies as a unique offering. Starting with this update, the project is now licensed under MIT, which basically means it’s never been easier for developers to contribute! Our fellow code monkeys should also note that the internal package name has changed to me.pikamug.quests and all deprecated methods have been removed. Please direct any questions to Github or Discord.

Thanks for choosing Quests!

For changes in this version, see

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----------, Oct 15, 2023


Similar to a slow-growing plant, this update rewards your patience with something beautiful: confirmed support for Minecraft 1.20, plus a number of bug fixes. Empty book titles are now permissible in quests, and the cancel-timer action will no longer fail players (use fail-quest instead). Quests is now available in Bulgarian, along with its documentation, both of which were translated by a handsome, unnamed individual.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
  • Bulgarian (translator asked not to be credited)
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----------, Jun 18, 2023


As per usual, a few prickly problems have been resolved in this release. The newly released ZNPCsPlus 1.0.6 (a fork of ZNPCs) can now be used in place of Citizens for packet-based NPCs. Support for Party and Friends Extended Edition for Bungeecord/Velocity (not the free version) has been added through Unite, although untested. Please continue to report bugs on Github.

This version's updates include:
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----------, May 16, 2023


This release treats a few problems introduced to quest requirements from the previous update. A fix for the loading of tame objectives restores the hunt for every pet-worthy mob, from Camel to Wolf. Moreover, if you need to abandon the quest, that should no longer be an issue with this version.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Apr 5, 2023


Aloha! This release is considerably bigger than the last one, fixing compatibility with older Minecraft versions and introducing two juicy new conditions! We're also glad to support Party and Friends Extended for Spigot (not for Bungeecord/Velocity) and resolve an issue with general party integration.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Feb 23, 2023


As we continue to revel in the new year, our resolution of improving Quests is already bearing fruit... or is it bearing vegetables? Either way, this tiny Tomato Update is good for you!

This version's updates include:
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----------, Jan 28, 2023


We hope those of you whom celebrate had an easy time taking down the Christmas tree, and the precarious decorations whether they be high or low. Those of you whom tuned in to the Lucuma Update notes won't be shocked that we've eliminated PhatLoots integration, but it's all right— a free module is available. Developers, be advised that we removed the old confirmation setting fields forever.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Jan 11, 2023


This update serves a few improvements to nibble on, from more clickable prompts to compatibility with the latest versions of Heroes ( free or premium). How custom item names are handled in the Quest Journal has been made more palatable, and repeat-clicking blocks to start a quest will no longer gobble up your chat lines. Enjoy!

This version's updates include:
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----------, Nov 23, 2022


We've improved upon the saving of player data for large servers - note that server shutdown and /questadmin reload may take slightly longer to execute as a result. Ukrainian localization is here, along with "Yes / No" to accept a quest once again being clickable. Certain strings such as objective progress will now appear properly for Bedrock Edition players when using Floodgate.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
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----------, Sep 27, 2022


Japanese localization has been completed and experience requirements are back in working order. A workaround by @Datatags restores clickable text on 1.19 servers (where supported). As always, report any issues on Github.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
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----------, Aug 22, 2022

The event to celebrate 200,000 downloads on SpigotMC ends July 31st! Join us on Discord.

Our weather may be hot, but so are these updates! A number of bug fixes for GUI items and language hiccups are ready to take a dip in your plugins folder. Fail Actions can now be triggered by failing a stage Condition when applicable. That's right - we flipped the flop!

This version's updates include:
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----------, Jul 27, 2022

We're holding an event to celebrate 200,000 downloads on SpigotMC! Join us on Discord.

It's summertime here! While we cool off from the heat, consider installing this update to fix cooldowns not working on your server. Blocks like Coral will once again appear correctly in chat, and we've added a warning about ZNPCs integration while we wait for the tide. Surf's up!

This version's updates include:
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----------, Jun 28, 2022


We are proud to confirm support for Minecraft 1.19, along with auto-translation of text into the client's language, if available on Crowdin. This new feature can be toggled via the language-override-client setting.

The ability to create new PhatLoots rewards has been removed as this lesser-used feature has been delegated to a free module. Existing rewards will continue to function for the next few updates in order to ease the transition.

ZNPCs integration has begun but will currently break after a server restart. If you would like to see full support in a future update, please leave a nice comment on this Github issue.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Jun 15, 2022


This release reverts the behavior of NPCs displaying a message when clicked despite not being associated with Quests. Also, new experience requirements and some Action toggles not functioning properly has been resolved. Don't forget that community help is available on Discord and any errors may be reported on Github.

This version's updates include:
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----------, May 27, 2022


Improvements have been made upon the changes to NPC integration added in the previous release. Placing a block once again deducts from blocks broken - thanks, @therbz - and tab completion will now only list applicable quests where appropriate. As always, please continue to get help on Discord and report errors on Github.

This version's updates include:
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----------, May 12, 2022


A new experience requirement has been added and a number of issues related to Citizens integration have been resolved. When creating quests, NPCs are now selected immediately upon click; subsequently entering an ID is no longer necessary. Similar to the last release, Silk Touch messages will now be sent to the action bar instead of chat.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Apr 23, 2022


QuestsBar is now available to show a boss bar for objective progress.

Enclosed is a hotfix for the previous release of Quests, which made finishing some objectives difficult. In other news, condition messages will now be sent to the action bar instead of chat, the frequency of which can still be modified with the condition-inverval config setting.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Apr 9, 2022


Quests-Bungee is no longer required for MySQL player data on Bungeecord servers; you may delete the jar.

Since this project's inception, the Quest Journal ( /quests journal) has been a physical item that lived in your player's inventory. Going forward, the command will open a book without taking up any space, through the power of Bookapi. If you still prefer an item, however, simply toggle the new give-journal-item config setting. Note that QuestsGUI users may still override this functionality if their Quest Journal GUI is enabled.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Apr 7, 2022


Updating is highly recommended due to an issue with loading player data in the previous release. Quests-Bungee has also been updated for those using MySQL on their BungeeCord servers. Administrators can now elect to spawn multiple entities at once using the Action Editor ( /quests actions).

This version's updates include:
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----------, Mar 27, 2022


BungeeCord servers can now use MySQL for player data through Quests-Bungee. After installing Quests on your Spigot/Paper server(s), simply download the Quests-Bungee jar and place it in your BungeeCord server's plugin folder. The jar has no other functionality at this time. In other news, we have restored titles on 1.8 servers and fixed an issue where clicking certain quest names in the editor could result in the user being kicked.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Mar 23, 2022


Last time, we hinted at some new changes coming to Quests. One such change is included in this version: tab completion for commands (where applicable). We've also packaged the usual bug fixes along with some language corrections. Visit us on Crowdin if you'd like to contribute a few translations to your favorite locale.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Mar 12, 2022


For this update, we included support for newer versions of Denizen, as well as party support for SimpleClans when using Unite. Groundwork has been laid for some exciting changes ahead, in addition to the usual handful of bug fixes. Don't forget to report any issues on Github.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Feb 18, 2022


As we observe the Lunar New Year, please take a moment to read about these important changes.

Users: This update contains some changes which might break how other resources interact with Quests. If you experience an incompatibility with another plugin or module, please report this to the other resource's author as well as on our Github issue tracker.

The ask-confirmation config setting has been replaced with confirm-accept (same behavior) and confirm-abandon (ask confirmation on quit). A new condition-inverval setting has been added for timing of Condition notifications (must be within 3 and 180 seconds).

Developers: In our last update, we informed you of a new artifact ID when using build tools like Maven. In addition to quests-api, you might also need to depend on quests-core for this version of Quests. Our goal is for this second dependency to be temporary as we attempt to maintain some backwards compatibility until the next major release.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Feb 6, 2022


This yuletide season, we present you with full Minecraft 1.18 support. Developers should take care to use the new module artifact ID if depending on this release with a build tool like Maven. As always, please continue to report issues on Github. Happy holidays from Quests!

This version's updates include:
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----------, Dec 8, 2021


Since we sailed away from Minecraft 1.7 support in our previous update, this opens many possibilities for Quests. We hope to add a number of xenial changes for your visitors - the first addition by @Datatags is that most prompt text is now clickable, including "Yes / No" to accept a quest. Please note that Spigot objects are required, meaning that you can't use plain ol' Bukkit anymore!

This version's updates include:
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----------, Nov 13, 2021


After six and a half years, this is the last update before we withdraw support for Minecraft 1.7.9 - 1.7.10 versions. To the 0.2% of servers this affects (according to bStats), we thank you for choosing Quests. Your throwback Cauldron server may continue to use Quests 4.1.1 as long as your heart desires.

This release corrects an issue when first generating the MySQL structure for player data, then attempting to set multiple targets for certain objectives. Specifically, the `quests_player_questdata` table should have the `mobs_killed`, `mobs_tamed`, `sheep_sheared`, and `custom_counts` columns be of data type VARCHAR(100) instead of INT. For an existing table which you do not wish to regenerate, an example command is as follows:
Code (Text):
ALTER TABLE `quests_player_questdata` CHANGE `mobs_tamed` `mobs_tamed` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL;
This version's updates include:
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----------, Oct 22, 2021


Due to increasingly popular demand, the quests.admin.trial permission has been changed to quests.mode.trial to prevent those with a wildcard ('*') permission value from inadvertently enabling Trial Mode.

The mcMMO Overhaul plugin can now be used for multiplayer party support via Unite. Note that the built-in reward and requirement still use mcMMO Classic, although a free module for Overhaul is available.

As always, please continue to report issues on Github!

This version's updates include:
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----------, Oct 15, 2021


In addition to the typical bug fixes, an update checker has been added. You may disable it by setting update-check: false in the configuration file, if desired. The checker may also be shown or hidden from view using the new quests.admin.update permission.

Don't forget to join the Discord for announcements on development, new releases, and community tips and tricks!

This version's updates include:
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----------, Sep 26, 2021


On the surface, no significant changes have been made for this release. Under the hood, the entire code base has been made less error-prone and easier to read for developers. If you are fluent in Java and/or MySQL, we encourage you to lend us a hand on Github.

Fluent in a spoken language? Check out our Crowdin page where you can help translate Quests into your favorite language. Big or small, no contribution is trivial.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Sep 9, 2021


A new Trial Mode has been introduced which is useful for controlling the scope of novice administrators' abilities within Quests. The permission - quests.admin.trial - is disabled by default, however those using wildcard ('*') permissions may need to explicitly set it false. As always, please report issues on Github.

MySQL implementation for player data is complete (objective progress is now saved on disconnect). Several major changes were necessary and, as a result, you may need to adjust Password objectives as well as Chat/Command Actions. Developers may need to update resources which depend on Quests.

Speaking of, native integration with DungeonsXL has been removed. In order to continue using it, you will now need to install Unite on your server. This was done to facilitate future updates and support more party plugins in the future.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Aug 13, 2021


Quests is officially compatible with the 1.17 release of Minecraft. Everything from Axolotl to Rooted Dirt are available for use. Speaking of dirt, the most recent versions of Quests are also compatible - only a built-in dependency called LocaleLib broke with the new update. If you notice any errors which mention LocaleLib, please report them on the library's issue tracker.

We also have a new multiplayer server for trying out Quests and related resources, sponsored by Browsit. Come for the demo, stay for the 1.17 survival world and creative plots. See you there!

This version's updates include:
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----------, Jun 26, 2021

Attn Developers: See notice from last release (Pivotal Update).

We've adjusted distance calculation for reach-location objectives, correcting an issue from the previous update where entering the radius of a second point would often not update the objective. GPS-Quests has been improved, as well. Enchantments which cannot be applied during normal gameplay (but can through commands) should no longer cause problems with deliver-item objectives.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Jun 5, 2021

Attn Developers: This release is pivotal for your projects which depend on Quests. Methods for acquiring a list of loaded quests, actions or conditions have been deprecated in a bid for improved performance, and will only continue to be available for at least the next three releases. Please update to the new method(s) in accordance with this commit.

This version's updates include:
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----------, May 21, 2021

Thank you for sticking with us for over six years of updates on SpigotMC!

Quests 4 is finally here! This is our most stable release ever, and is fully compatible with the latest version of Parties. Featuring quality of life improvements, a novel condition for riding Citizens NPCs, and fascinating bStats metrics, Quests has never been in a better position to improve your server! Check out our new tutorial video, or dive right in with the freshly-added Thai localization.

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Follow all compatibility requirements.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
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----------, Feb 18, 2021

While we remain patient for positive changes in 2021, the wait for Release Candidate 4 for Quests 4.0.0 is over! Thanks to all of your hard work in continuing to report bugs on Github, updating from RC 3 is highly recommended. With the Quests Editor now accessible from your server console, it's important to note that the "Set initial Action" selection has been removed as it was functionally identical to a first-stage Start Action (existing usage will continue to work).

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated! Follow all compatibility requirements.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Jan 7, 2021

Traditionally, the American holiday of Thanksgiving is spent around a dinner table, but this year we had another sort of table in mind. Release Candidate 3 for Quests 4.0.0 features a new storage option: MySQL tables! Only player data is currently supported - read more about it on the Wiki, then check out QuestsConverter to import existing data.

Conditions are now out of Beta! For conditions which do not fail the quest, player notifications will be limited to once every 5 seconds where applicable. Lastly, users of the latest DungeonsXL versions may need to update to this release. Please continue to report bugs and make feature requests on Github!

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Follow all compatibility requirements.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Nov 27, 2020

With a clap of thunder, Release Candidate 2 for Quests 4.0.0 appears from the shadows! Featuring a terrifying amount of updates, there are new Conditions to play with including a PlaceholderAPI check as submitted by @ItsJacob to the first community Discord contest! Join now for updates on development, plus spooky tips and tricks from your peers!

Speaking of tricks, try asking your players to open their Quest Journal while wearing a Carved Pumpkin for a Halloween treat! Make sure allow-pranks is enabled in your configuration file. If you're worried about ghouls, tweak player tracking to your liking with console-logging (read more on the Wiki).

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Follow all compatibility requirements.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Oct 28, 2020

What are the largest things in existence today? Ancient giant sequoias? Powerful hurricanes? Wonderous blue oceans? All good answers. Now, what's the biggest thing on SpigotMC today? Let us answer that for you...

Release Candidate 1 for Quests 4.0.0 is here and it's massive! A brand new /quests conditions editor is on the scene, encouraging players to hold certain items or stay within worlds while completing your quests! Support for R G B hex coloring has been added, plus a ton of bug fixes, performance improvements, and usability updates. Best of all, there's still more to come!

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Follow all compatibility requirements.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Sep 18, 2020


Have you ever wondered what life would be like as a cat? To be endlessely adored, permitted to take naps at your own leisure, and served regular helpings of free fish and cheeseburger? Well, now you can find out!

A new Consume Item objective is meow available, as well as the addition of LOLCAT (en-lol) as a supported language. DungeonsXL integration has been updated once again, plus a number of important bug fixes aimed to bring you a more purr-fect experience.

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Follow all compatibility requirements.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, May 5, 2020

Support for Denizen 1.1.3+ is now included. Compatibility with recent builds of DungeonsXL 0.18 replaces support for older versions. Module users will need to update that as well. Other highlights include corrected translation of some entity and material names and a few bug fixes for certain requirements and objectives.

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Follow all compatibility requirements.

This version's updates include:
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----------, Apr 18, 2020

Bug fix updates tend to be underwhelming, and this time is no exception. Users will see improved performance of the /questadmin reload command on servers with lots of quests. An issue with the accuracy of Planner cooldowns and repeat-cycles has been resolved, and so they may need to be re-adjusted in the editor.

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Follow all compatibility requirements.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Apr 10, 2020


This update adds bizarre new worlds from the latest Minecraft 1.16 snapshot into your server! Click on any Portal with the Quest Journal to instantly whisk the player away to uncharted territory. Your randomly-generated world may include all-new blocks, pleasant (or vicious) fairies and dragons, and the introduction of long-rumored Herobrine! As usual, please report any issues on Github.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

Banner picture source: Mojang
----------, Apr 2, 2020

DO THE FIVE. Help stop coronavirus​

A new quests.compass permission is required in order to track objectives using a Compass, which players can now right-click on to select another quest, or left-click to reset. Editors can now set text overrides for rewards and requirements. As such, command-specific overrides can no longer be set, however, existing ones will continue to work as expected. The naming of "objective display override" has changed to match - refresh your lang file to see!

You can now specify a world for permission rewards, which you'll also see applied to offline players (great if, for example, a party member gets disconnected while others complete a quest). The /quests stats command has been improved to help prevent a potential loss of data, and as such, updating to this version is highly recommended.

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Follow all compatibility requirements.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Mar 29, 2020

DO THE FIVE Help stop coronavirus!​

A new quests.compass permission is required in order to track objectives using a Compass, which players can now right-click on to select another quest, or left-click to reset. Editors can now set text overrides for rewards and requirements. As such, command-specific overrides can no longer be set, however, existing ones will continue to work as expected. The naming of "objective display override" has changed to match - refresh your lang file to see!

You can now specify a world for permission rewards, which you'll also see applied to offline players (great if, for example, a party member gets disconnected while others complete a quest). The /quests stats command has been improved to help prevent a potential loss of data, and as such, updating to this version is highly recommended.

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Follow all compatibility requirements.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin :
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Mar 29, 2020

We're feeling very fortunate to announce that Quests is now available in Traditional Chinese, completed less than a month after the debut of Simplified Chinese in the Command Update! Enormous thanks to user @AobiYT for performing roughly 70% of the localization. What a legend!

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Check out the changelog here.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Feb 25, 2020

Quests updates are like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get! In this case, it's just a few bug fixes and auto-sorting your Quest Journal from A-Z. We hope your Valentine's Day was a memorable one!

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Check out the changelog here.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Feb 15, 2020

Developers: Breaking changes have been made to the API. Several classes have been refactored and most deprecated methods removed. Please ensure that your projects are compatible with this release, and direct all questions and concerns to the Github issue tracker.

Mostly bug fixes for this release! The loading of sheep-shearing objectives has been corrected and it is no longer possible to place the Quests Journal in Lecterns on MC 1.14+.

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Check out the changelog here.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Feb 4, 2020

Just-in-time for the Lunar New Year, we're proud to announce that Quests is now available in Simplified Chinese! This update also features a new cow-milking objective, as well as performance improvements for select commands. Furthermore, most /questadmin commands may now be run using players' UUIDs. This allows administrators to progress quest data even when players are offline. You can convert a player name to their UUID using a website such as this one (not sponsored). Also of note is that a fail-requirements message is no longer mandated when specifying requirements under their titular menu.

Dynmap-Quests (premium) and QuestsGUI (premium) have been updated with new features!

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jan 26, 2020

Support for Denizen 1.1.1+ is now included, as well as a fix for scripts as actions causing a minor error on fresh installations. If you're looking for some interesting Denizen scripts to try, check out this project (not sponsored). Translation of enchantment names has been improved, most notably for MC 1.13 and up.

Dynmap-Quests (premium) has been updated with new features! Check out the changelog here.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jan 10, 2020

Denizen scripts are now handled exclusively via the Actions Editor ( /quests actions). Quests which had their scripts triggered alongside objectives will continue to work, but it is no longer possible to set up scripts in this manner. Also, sometimes when delivering an item to a Citizens NPC, progress would display improperly (for example, a server reboot might've caused Deliver Carrot to Top: 0/32 to show as Delivery Carrot to Top: 0/0). This has been corrected.

Please note that Quests does not support versions newer than Denizen 1.1.0 at this time.

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Check out the changelog here.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jan 6, 2020


Festivities got you in a tizzy? Here's hoping that a new update will help spruce up your holiday season! Supporting up to Minecraft 1.15, a new config setting helps you complete more quests as you zoom around with such plugins as QualityArmory - Vehicles or VehiclesPlus. You'll also notice new choices in the Actions Editor's sound effects prompt as well as the ability to use the Blast Furnace and Smoker for smelting objectives (on applicable Minecraft versions).

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Check out the changelog here.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Dec 26, 2019


Thanks for 100k downloads! Quests is currently the 4th most downloaded Mechanics plugin on SpigotMC!​

Yikes, a Skeleton! This Halloween, fight the ghouls and Ghasts on your own terms with the new MobArena Quests Module, available for free! Use it to add arena objectives (kill mob, finish wave, complete arena) to your Quests Editor.

QuestsGUI (premium) has been updated with new features! Check out the changelog here.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Oct 31, 2019

This is a massive update! Refreshing your preferred language file is highly recommended.

QuestsGUI is now available as a premium resource (currently in alpha)! Use it to add inventory GUI to major editor prompts and select commands!

The built-in GUI for quest NPCs has been recoded so that file storage (data.yml) is no longer used. As such, the /questadmin togglegui command has been permanently removed. GUI items not taking damage/durability into account for versions of Minecraft prior to 1.13 has been fixed.

Improved support for items with extraneous data such as Written Books and Potions. Even filled Shulker Boxes can now be used in quests! Read more about this change here.

Multiplayer (group quest) support has been overhauled by @AlessioDP, maker of the excellent Parties plugin! Once installed, you can let several players take your quest together if enabled under Edit Options in the Quest Editor.

An annoying glitch from Quests 3.7.8 where quests containing an item reward could not have their item edited again after save has been resolved. As always, report any new bugs on Github.

Developers can now use the Events API to track some editor prompt actions and command usage. This has mainly been done to provide a way to code GUI overlays for Quests.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
*Substantially re-written since prior release. May require lang file regeneration to use.

[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Oct 8, 2019

Big thank you to SXRWahrheit and our Discord volunteers for providing excellent community support for Quests!

Finalized compatibility with Denizen 1.1.0+ (as well as legacy versions). Fixes additional quest stages not triggering their start/end actions, as well as losing a player's data for block objectives after relogging or restarting the server. Massive thanks to @ShowbizLocket61 for these fantastic solutions!

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jul 31, 2019

Adds experimental support for Denizen 1.1.0+ (as well as legacy versions). Fixes an issue with the previous version of Quests that would sometimes cause the player GUI to not function.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jul 27, 2019

mcMMO Overhaul Quests Module is now available as a free resource! Use it to add mcMMO Overhaul (premium) skill rewards and requirements to your Quests Editor. You do not need this module to continue using mcMMO Classic, which is natively supported.

A new Brewing objective has been added! Find it under the Edit Stages -> Stage # -> Items menu.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jul 22, 2019

Required for compatibility with the new PlaceholderExpansion-Quests which allows you to use Quests placeholders in other resources like FeatherBoard. Note that you may continue to use external placeholders within Quests language strings without installing this expansion.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jul 15, 2019

PhatLoots has been officially updated for 1.13+ and is 100% compatible with Quests. Kindly give it a try!

A new selection under the Edit Options -> Multiplayer menu allows you to set a level for how often you want to share quest progress between fellow party/group members using Parties and DungeonsXL. Available levels are as follows:
  1. Everything (default): constantly share progress. If one player breaks a block, all players break a block.
  2. Objectives: if one player completes an objective, all members advance to the next objective.
  3. Stages: if one player completes a stage, all members advance to the next stage.
  4. Quests: similar to previous versions' functionality. All members finish when one completes a quest.
This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jul 8, 2019

PhatLoots has been officially updated for 1.13+ and is 100% compatible with Quests. Kindly give it a try!

A new selection under the Edit Options -> Multiplayer menu allows you to set a level for how often you want to share quest progress between fellow party/group members using Parties and DungeonsXL. Available levels are as follows:
  1. Everything (default): constantly share progress. If one player breaks a block, all players break a block.
  2. Objectives: if one player completes an objective, all members advance to the next objective.
  3. Stages: if one player completes a stage, all members advance to the next stage.
  4. Quests: similar to previous versions' functionality. All members finish when one completes a quest.
This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jul 8, 2019

Are you bilingual? Experiment with us on Crowdin! Help out your fellow Questers by translating the plugin to your favorite language! The journey to bring all of us together via language starts with you!

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jun 28, 2019

Improved support for using c o l o r s and formatting in quest names. Command rewards will now tell the player which command was run upon completing the quest.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jun 12, 2019

A new, per-quest option to allow/deny quitting during a quest is available under the "Edit Options" section of the Quests Editor (you may need to update your lang file). If you're upgrading, the plugin will continue to use your "allow-quitting" setting from config.yml as default until you specify a per-quest option.

Huge thanks to sunta0528 for single-handedly translating over 97% of Quests into Korean, completing the language!

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jun 7, 2019

Version 3.7.0 also marks the 3700th Github commit. Huge thanks to those whom have submitted translations and pull requests!

Native support for GPS has been removed. To restore it, use this resource. Events have been renamed "Actions" and your events.yml file will be renamed actions.yml at next startup. You may now use either /quests events or /quests actions to open the Actions Editor. Several menus have had their color schemes updated to be more consistent.

Developers: A new Bukkit Event API has been added! It's preliminary and pull requests are welcome on Github.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, May 29, 2019

Boss Quests Module is now available as a free resource! Use it to add Boss (premium) objectives to your Quests Editor.

Includes fixes for module-related issues introduced in the previous version of Quests. If you are experiencing errors with any of your modules, try updating to this version first.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, May 7, 2019

DungeonsXL Quests Module is now available as a free resource! Use it to add DungeonsXL objectives to your Quests Editor.

"Options" section has been added to the Quests Editor for quest-specific options! You may need to update your language files so you can disable commands during quests, disable DungeonsXL integration, or disable Parties integration. More options will be added in future releases.

Minecraft 1.14 should be supported, but has not been tested extensively. As usual, report any issues on Github.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Apr 29, 2019

Dynmap-Quests is now available as a premium resource! Use it display Quests-linked NPCs with configurable markers on Dynmap maps. It also supports linked regions using either WorldGuard 6 or 7.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Apr 6, 2019

The 'repeat' option in the Planner has been fixed. A 'translate-names: true' setting has replaced the default 'translate-items: false' in the config. No action is required unless you wish to disable item/entity name translations.

Developers will find it's easier than ever to import Quests thanks to changes in the project structure by @Sataniel! The downside is that NPC particle effects are no longer supported on 1.7.x protocol. They will continue to appear on 1.8.x and above.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Mar 12, 2019

BREAKING: It is required that you update your preferred language file ( /lang/****/strings.yml) after backing up your old one. Failing to do so will break the Quests Editor for that locale. First time installers can disregard this message.

Happy Vietnamese & Chinese New Year from Quests!

Finalized support for WorldGuard 7 regions (in addition to WG 5 and 6). The editor has been updated so that all objectives now fit in the chat window - no scrolling required!

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Feb 5, 2019

Experimental support for WorldGuard 7 regions (in addition to WG 5 and 6). As always, report bugs on Github.

This version's updates include:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Feb 1, 2019

BREAKING: Most modules will need to be updated for this version as the Quests API has changed. The modules for MythicMobs and CustomMobs have already been updated and can be downloaded here.

Parties, a free resource, can now be used to have players complete quests together as a team! Support for GPS has been improved and updating to the latest version is highly recommended. As always, report bugs on Github.

Shout-out to @enterih for commissioning the new Quests banner, made by Caroliaa! Additional kudos to @frost-byte for bringing this version's API improvements to life!

This version's updates include:
Bilingual? Help translate on Crowdin! Know Java? Visit the project's Github! Neither? Leave a small donation!
----------, Jan 26, 2019

BREAKING: Most modules will need to be updated for this version as the Quests API has changed. The modules for MythicMobs and CustomMobs have already been updated and can be downloaded here.

Parties, a free resource, can now be used to have players complete quests together as a team! Support for GPS has been improved and updating to the latest version is highly recommended. As always, report bugs on Github.

Shout-out to @enterih for commissioning the new Quests banner, made by Caroliaa! Additional kudos to @frost-byte for bringing this version's API improvements to life!

This version's updates include:
Bilingual? Help translate on Crowdin! Know Java? Visit the project's Github! Neither? Leave a small donation!
----------, Jan 25, 2019

Depending on where you are in the world, this is either the last Quests update of 2018, or the first update of 2019. Either way, Happy New Year!

GPS, a premium resource, can now be used to point players toward location-based objectives with arrows (must use GPS version 2.3.3 or higher). As with many new features, please report any bugs on Github. Note: If you get the "No entry point nearby!" error, you must increase "maxDistanceToEntry" in the config.yml for GPS.

This version's updates include:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).
----------, Jan 1, 2019

This version's updates include:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).
----------, Nov 25, 2018

This marks the 500th development build. Huge thanks to all our bleeding-edge testers!

Supports up to 1.13.2 and corrects an issue where many 1.13 items would not work for delivery quests. The problem of particle effects not showing above NPCs for 1.12.2 servers has been resolved.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).
----------, Nov 13, 2018

In addition to support for 1.13 & 1.13.1, this iteration of Quests allows for Written Books, all Potions, and any item with metadata to be used for rewards or delivery quests! Vault is no longer required to run the plugin, but can still be used for money rewards. A new, experimental "translate-items" option can be configured to translate item names into the client's game language.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).
----------, Nov 8, 2018

Editor menus which previously used numbers to clear/cancel (like 0 and -1) now use words (like "clear" and "cancel"). You may wish to regenerate your preferred language file ( /lang/****/strings.yml) after backing up your old one to avoid confusion. First time installers can disregard this message.

This version's updates include:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).
----------, May 12, 2018

This update drops support for the "convert-data-on-startup" config setting, as well as the "quester-blacklist" setting and /questadmin purge command. The former was used in transitioning from pre-Spigot versions of Quests, while the latter two have proven to cause more problems than simply removing players' permissions. If you would still like the bug fixes of this update and want to keep the blacklist, use this dev build for now.

This version's updates include:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).
----------, Apr 26, 2018

This update drops support for the "convert-data-on-startup" config setting, as well as the "quester-blacklist" setting and /questadmin purge command. The former was used in transitioning from pre-Spigot versions of Quests, while the latter two have proven to cause more problems than simply removing players' permissions. If you would still like the bug fixes of this update and want to keep the blacklist, use this dev build for now.

This version's updates include:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).
----------, Apr 26, 2018

Amazingly, this marks the 50th release on SpigotMC, the 300th dev build on Jenkins, AND the 200th plugin review! Thank you all for supporting Quests! <3

"Planner" section has been added to the Quests Editor for scheduling based on specific dates & times!

This version's updates include:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).
----------, Apr 12, 2018

BREAKING: This version breaks compatibility with most custom objectives, namely MythicMobsQuestModule. However, an updated MMQM will be available from the author shortly. If you're a module author, compile against the new "Custom Objective 3" jar, available here. You can also preview the changes to MMQM here as a guide.

This version's updates include:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).

Ǝ.I4 == PIE (backwards) IL̨̲̣͖͇̩ͅͅL̸U͍͇͘ͅM̲͔I͎̜Ṉ̰͍͚̱̀A̭͙͟T͚I̛̦ C̴̻̖O̥͎̻̭̮͚N̙̭͓͈F̧̺̟̹͈̼ͅI̸͇R̠̩̜M͙͓̻͕̯̀E̜̩̼Ḏ͔
----------, Mar 14, 2018

BREAKING: This marks the completion of the new localization system! :) However, updating requires that you regenerate your preferred language file ( /lang/****/strings.yml) after backing up your old one. Failing to do so will, at the very least, break the Quests Editor for that locale. First time installers can disregard this message.

PlaceholderAPI support has been added for select language strings! Read more about that here.

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).
----------, Feb 6, 2018

Are you bilingual? Experiment with us on Crowdin! Help out your fellow Questers by translating the plugin to your favorite language! The journey to bring all of us together via language starts with you!

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).
----------, Jan 21, 2018

Notice: Language files were re-organized in Quests 3.2.0 to better support non-English locales. For more information, click here.

Are you bilingual? Experiment with us on Crowdin! Help out your fellow Questers by translating the plugin to your favorite language! The journey to bring all of us together via language starts with you!

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).
----------, Jan 11, 2018

Notice: Language files have been re-organized to better support non-English locales. For more information, click here.

Are you bilingual? Experiment with us on Crowdin! Help out your fellow Questers by translating the plugin to your favorite language! The journey to bring all of us together via language starts with you!

This version's updates include:
New languages completed via Crowdin*:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).

*Note that certain menu options may be difficult to use as a result of crowdsourced localization. Setting the value of 'ask-confirmation' to 'false' in config.yml may help minimize these issues.
----------, Jan 8, 2018

Happy Holidays from Quests!

Congratulations to montlikadani on translating the entirety of Quests into Hungarian! The next release will include additional language files.

Are you bilingual? Experiment with us on Crowdin!
Help out your fellow Questers by translating the plugin to your favorite language! The journey to bring all of us together via language starts with you!

This version's updates include:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github. Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case).
----------, Dec 21, 2017

Are you bilingual? Experiment with us on Crowdin! Help out your fellow Questers by translating the plugin to your favorite language! The journey to bring all of us together via language starts with you!

This version's updates include:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github . Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case ).
----------, Dec 6, 2017

This version of the plugin is code-named after my dearest friend, Naomi.

Quests 3 introduces new timer events by LordBoos, maker of boosCooldowns ! A new default quest is available which demonstrates their ability. This release marks the end of a period in which bug fixes have been notably prioritized over enhancements, so expect tons of new features! Furthermore, the Spigot page and Wiki have been updated.

Updates include:
Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github . Alternatively, you can donate which may further plugin development (see example case ).

Updating your language files for this release is highly recommended.
----------, Aug 5, 2017

Fix for [BUG] questeditor closed

Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github .

Updating your language files for this release is highly recommended.
----------, Jul 24, 2017

Fix for Does not complete
Fix for Issue with Enchantments

The "debug-mode" setting in config.yml no longer has any use. Errors that would be hidden with this setting disabled will now be shown regardless.

Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github.
----------, Jul 14, 2017

Fix for Issue with 'mobs-to-kill' event...

Big thanks to i9hdkill for including Parrots as tameable creatures.
Much appreciation for GregZ123 and his continued source formatting.

Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github.
----------, Jul 2, 2017

Fix for Saving Quests Doesn't Work

Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github .
----------, Jun 23, 2017

Compile against Java 1.8, fix deprecated config loading. Removed broken support for Bukkit 1.7.2, cleanup unused classes. QuestMob no longer uses NMS.

Round of applause to GregZ123 for his code cleanup!
Standing ovation to ShowbizLocket61 ( 18PatZ) for fixing redo delays!
Huge cheer to xBallisticblazex ( SimplyBallistic) for improving UUID fetching!

Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github.
----------, Jun 21, 2017

Fix for Cant use the "Break Blocks" event

Quests relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github.
----------, May 14, 2017

This build is for Minecraft version 1.11 and has not been tested against 1.11.1 or 1.11.2. Please report any issues on Github. Thanks!
----------, Dec 21, 2016

In addition to being able to use block variations (like Spruce Logs), this update contains a number of bug fixes.

Development may slow down temporarily due to changes behind-the-scenes. Quests still relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github.

Updating your language files for this release is highly recommended.
----------, Aug 30, 2016

Fix for Once I edit a quest I get disconnected

Please note that while I have had time to fix bugs lately, Quests still relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github.
----------, Jul 7, 2016

Fix for Mending while using the quest editor

Updating your language files for this release is highly recommended.
----------, Jun 22, 2016

Fix for Items can be taken out of Quest GUI and Quests Issue: /questadmin reload NPE

Please note that while I have had time to fix bugs lately, Quests still relies on contributions from Java coders! If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit us on Github.
----------, Jun 17, 2016

Added missing particle effects.
----------, Jun 13, 2016

This update is thanks to DanyBv and NathanWolf from Github. Muchas gracias!

New feature: quests with target NPCs or locations will use the player's compass to guide them there. This can be disabled via a config setting.

New command: /questsadmin reset, to reset a player without blacklisting them. Useful for testing/debugging.
----------, Feb 6, 2016

Huge thanks to NathanWolf for his PR on Github! Visit the download page for a list of changes.
----------, Nov 18, 2015

Fix for Bugs 1.8.8

This is the final update to Quests by FlyingPikachu (HappyPikachu). In short, there are a lot of bugs, but not enough manpower. I will continue to keep an eye out for PRs on Github. Thank you for choosing Quests!
----------, Aug 8, 2015

Fixes for 1.8.4 and Killing an NPC with a Bow and Arrow not registering. All future builds will have a trailing build number for identification purposes.
----------, May 30, 2015

This update adds the purge, stats, and remove sub-commands. Thanks to PikachuEXE for his/her various pull requests for the latter two!

Fixes for Questsadmin give <player> <quest> - 'Quest Not Found' and Bug - Quest Journal

Updating your language files for this release is highly recommended.
----------, Apr 15, 2015

Fix for GUI Text off-screen and added Feature Modification Request: Redo Delay.

All delays and durations will now only accept seconds as a unit of time. Quests that do not have delays/durations are unaffected. However, any that do will need to be updated to use seconds instead of milliseconds.

Updating your language files for this release is highly recommended.
----------, Mar 19, 2015

Fixes for Quests Journal not working and Kill mobs PigZombie

Also, Quests will now update the set language file with new terms instead of just the default en.yml (so if you have 'language: de' in your config.yml, now instead of always en.yml -> en_new.yml it'll update de.yml -> de_new.yml)
----------, Feb 20, 2015

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 287,065
First Release: Feb 3, 2015
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
430 ratings
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