After six and a half years, this is the last update before we withdraw support for Minecraft 1.7.9 - 1.7.10 versions. To the 0.2% of servers this affects (according to
bStats), we thank you for choosing Quests. Your throwback Cauldron server may continue to use Quests 4.1.1 as long as your heart desires.
This release corrects an issue when first generating the MySQL structure for player data, then attempting to set multiple targets for certain objectives. Specifically, the `quests_player_questdata` table should have the `mobs_killed`, `mobs_tamed`, `sheep_sheared`, and `custom_counts` columns be of data type VARCHAR(100) instead of INT. For an existing table which you do not wish to regenerate, an example command is as follows:
Code (Text):
ALTER TABLE `quests_player_questdata` CHANGE `mobs_tamed` `mobs_tamed` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL;
This version's updates include: