PyroSpawners [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [New Spawner Upgrades] icon

PyroSpawners [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [New Spawner Upgrades] -----

Make your own custom Spawners and Spawner Trees!

- Added 1.20.6 and 1.21 support.

General Changes:
- Bumped PyroLib to v1.4.2

- Fixed an issue with fall damage and some entities dying.
- Fixed an issue where some entities were available to be set as spawner types but instead should be blocked.
- Fixed an issue with placing spawners in survival mode and the entity type not being set.

- The next few updates will consist of Spawner & Entity stacking, more settings and configuration options, and changes to how the upgrade system works to allow you to create a spawner with an infinite number of upgrades.
----------, Jun 29, 2024

- Added the ability to change ‘Silktouch’ to be a different, or custom enchantment of your choice by using NamespacedKeys.

- Fixed the ‘DisableSpawnerEggChanging’ option not functioning correctly.
- Fixed an issue with the place message not containing the current mob name if it was upgraded.
- Fixed an issue with upgrading spawners.
- Fixed an issue with placing certain spawners.
- Fixed various issues with breaking/placing spawners and event priorties.
- Fixed an issue with changing spawners with spawn eggs.
- Fixed soem misc issues that weren’t documented.
----------, May 11, 2024

- Added hex support to mob names.

- Fixed Vanilla Spawners not working.
- Fixed an error occuring when trying to use certain passive mob spawners. (I.e rabbits)
- Fixed an issue with spawner upgrades not being applied properly on Normal-Mob spawners.
- Fixed an issue where the upgrades on the lore would not update for spawn count and spawn delay.
----------, Aug 11, 2023

- Added a new configuration option “DisableBreakingWithoutSilktouch”. Setting this to false will delete spawners if they are mined without silktouch.

General Changes:
-Made it so spawners that are in invalid worlds will have their data skipped and not loaded into memory to avoid issues.
- Formatted how the plugin loads in console to make it easier to see console logs for the plugin.
- Empty spawner tree files with no base mob, or upgrades will be automatically deleted.
- Spawner Tree UUID is now present in the lore of the spawner tree creation menu for better accessibility.
- Spawners that no longer exist in the world will be automatically removed from the data.

- Fixed 0KB spawner tree files causing errors in console. The plugin will now automatically delete these.
- Fixed not being able to upgrade spawners if an economy solution was not present on the server.
- Fixed MythicMob Spawners not loading their name back into memory on server reload.
- Fixed ExplosiveImmune setting not working for entity explosions.
- Fixed an issue where when spawners were exploded, with immunity off, they would pertain in memory, and not delete themselves.
- Fixed an issue where reloading the plugin wouldn’t clear out the current spawners, and lead to them duplicating infinitely.
----------, Jun 26, 2023

- Added a config setting to enable a permission to open the spawner menu.
- Added a config setting to enable a permission to open the upgrade tree menu inside of the spawner menu.

General Changes:
- Made some changes to the backend to improve performance very slightly.
- Changed a lot of the logger messages to correctly use the plugin logger instead of bukkits built in logger.

- Fixed the break permission being used when placing spawners.
- Fixed the 'BreakSpawnerPermissions' configuration setting not being checked.
- Fixed permission not being checked when placing natural spawners.
- Fixed an issue where spawners from other plugins, or from commands would generate as 'invalid spawners' due to them not having the correct data tags.
- Fixed an issue where spawner trees with invalid spawners would cause issues, making the tree unable to be modified or edited in-game.
- Fixed an issue with creating new Spawner Trees
- Fixed an issue relating to tab completion with the giveUpgradedSpawner command.
- Fixed an issue relating to the saving of spawner trees.
----------, Jan 20, 2023

- Fixed the two default spawner shops regenerating if you delete them.
- Fixed two issues related to Natural Spawners also affecting normal mob PyroSpawners.
----------, Dec 3, 2022

This version of PyroSpawners requires PyroLib v1.2.5 or higher to run.

It is recommended to make a backup of the plugin folder before updating to this version as a precaution.

- Added a message to the sender, and player when giving spawners out, to serve as an audit to ensure players know they got their items.
- Added a new configuration option that makes spawners immune to explosions.
- Added a new spawner shop that lets you create infinite categories, run commands, purchase spawners, and has placeholder support to allow for external checks to be made without needing API calls.
- Added a new comand "/ps shop <category>" (requires
- Added various new configuration options for the shop section of the plugin.
- Added a log file that logs purchases made in the shop as a record of what players have purchased, and their money before and after.
- Added a new check that prevents the broadcast of automated spawner mob kills from broadcasting if the number killed is 0. (reduces spam).
- Added a new category in the Edit Mob menu that brings you to extra settings
- Added Mythic Mob support - enabling this for a spawner mob will allow that spawner to summon mythic mobs from it. (this also works with upgrading spawners as well).
- Added 'DefaultSpawnCount' option - this will force a spawner into a specific spawn count. Note: This will be removed in the future and replaced with a more in-depth upgrade system for each mob.
- Added two example shop categories that server owners can use to style and create their own shops.

General Changes:
- Changed internal logging to properly use the plugins logger and not Bukkits logger.
- Recoded pretty much the entire core. Old compatability should still work with this upgrade.
- Moved a lot of internal functionality of PyroSpawners over to PyroLib making quite a few of the core actions pmore optimised.
- Made various optimisations across the board to increase performance.
- Updated permissions and changed some of them around. Please refer to the main page for an updated list of permissions. (Mainly commands).
- Updated the backend saving of spawners. Your spawners.yml file should automatically convert upon loading the new update.
- Changed how some of the menus visually look to be easier on the eyes and look overall better.

- Fixed `/ps togglespawning' not working on non-pyrospawner spawners.
- Fixed both givespawner commands not checking inventory space before adding it to the players inventory. It will now drop on the floor if the player does not have space.
- Fixed permissions being mixed up for certain commands.
- Fixed some commands not supporting amounts when giving spawners.
- Fixed spawners not having internal metadata of the entitytype forcing some spawners to default to Pigs if an error occured.
- Fixed an issue where spawner data could be erased if an error occured.
----------, Oct 31, 2022

- Added new configuration option to block players from changing spawners using spawn eggs. (New Config Section:
- Added Java 8-17 Support.

General Changes:
- Changed the Spawner and Death listeners to now apply Persistent Containers to entities instead of internal maps. This should allow stacker plugins (assuming they clone entities correctly) to work alongside custom PyroSpawner entities.

- Fixed the givebasespawner command not working with amounts in some cases.
- Fixed the giveupgradedspawner command not working with amounts in general.

- I am close to finishing the recode of the internals. This will add loads of new features such as MythicMobs support, API support, custom spawn rules, custom spawning, spawner stacking, entity stacking and other cool features.
- I currently do not have a set date for this, but I am currently around 60-70% done.
----------, Sep 23, 2022

- Added a 'Remove on Break" config option per-spawner mob that will stop the mobs from being removed when the spawner is broken.

General Changes:
- Started general overhaul of the internal code to allow for more features to be added down the line including setting default spawner options - spawn delay, rates and counts to be set within each individual mob instead of for them all.
----------, Jun 24, 2022

- Added missing translation inside of the Main and Tree spawner menus.

General Changes:
- Fixed a major issue where double reloading the plugin would delete all spawner data. Spawner data is now loaded on startup instead of a delayed timer.
- Fixed an issue related to starting servers and spawner trees becoming invalid.
----------, Apr 2, 2022

- Added a new system to copy internal files that now works on 1.18.

General Changes:
- Updated the internal API to 1.18.
- Fixed some issues related to breaking the spawners.
----------, Dec 9, 2021

Note: You will need to regenerate your config.yml to configure the spawner upgrades in-game.

- Added missing translation in the spawner menu to the messages.yml
- Added hex chat colour support to messages inside of the messages.yml. Format is #FFFFFF
- Added in 3 new spawner upgrades. (These are configured inside of the config,yml and not in game.)
- Added permissions to spawner upgrades.
- Added support to use hex colours in mob names. Format is #FFFFFF
- Added the ability to set an amount of money a mob should drop when killed. This is found in the Drop Table Menu.

General Changes:
- Cleaned up majority of the code and reactored a lot of the core.
- Changed some of the GUIs around to look a bit nicer.
- Fixed the reload command causing issues with luckperms.
- Fixed spawner mobs spawning with passengers if they were custom mobs.
- Fixed the natural spawner permission bypass being incorrect to the one displayed in the config.
- Fixed the config displaying the clear mob timer twice when it shouldn't.
- Fixed an issue relating to Iridium Skyblock
- Fixed an issue where using the "BONUS_CHANCE" looting modifier on any spawner drop table item would make it drop 100% of the time.
- Fixed a server crash loop under specific circumstances with another plugin.
- Fixed an issue where the spawner data file would be cleared if the config failed to load.
----------, Oct 24, 2021

General Changes:
- Fixed an async issue with the clear spawner mob timer.
- Fixed /ps givebasespawner not accepting an amount.
- Fixed an NPE and Number Format Exception with different lang settings.
----------, Sep 4, 2021

- Added 1.17 support and functionality.
----------, Jul 2, 2021

- Added the ability to change the base command for the plugin.
- Added the ability to search for a specific mob name in the edit mobs GUI.

General Changes:
- Fixed the player search function in the spawner list not working.
- Fixed the mob search function in the spawner list not working.
- Changed the reload command permission node to be "pyrospawners.admin.reload".
- Converted the Chat Handler to be Async.
----------, May 31, 2021

General Changes:
- Fixed the admin permissions when opening peoples spawners being reversed.
----------, May 31, 2021

- Added sub-permissions for pretty much everything. Please refer to the Main Spigot page for a list of permissions as they have changed.

General Changes:
- Fixed an issue with tab completion.
- Fixed a few issues that I forgot to document.
----------, May 31, 2021

- Added the ability to customise and set the amount of EXP to drop on death. (located in the drop table)
- Added the ability to use spawners in commands without them needing to be case sensitive.

General Changes:
- Removed the back button from the editing menu and moved the save/cancel icons slightly.
- Fixed new spawner mobs not saving the drop table.
- Make the option "Show Custom Name Always" a toggle instead of a type true/false.
- Fixed the tab completion when giving a base spawner. (It will now filter as you type).
- /ps admin mob list and the mob selector in the spawner trees is now sorted alphabetically to make things easier to locate.
----------, Mar 13, 2021

- Added a new config option "BreakNaturalSpawners". Disabling this will make it so naturally generated spawners cannot be mined.

General Changes:
- Fixed naturally geneated pawners or non-pyrospawner spawners not adhearing to the permission rule.
- Fixed naturally generated spawners not adhearing to the ForceIntoInventory configuration setting.
----------, Feb 12, 2021

General Changes:
- Fixed the Admin Mob Selectors cutting off some mobs from the list.
----------, Feb 8, 2021

- Added spawner place limits and permissions to the config file.
- Added placeholders to show how many spawners you've placed, the max placed, the total spawners placed on the server and how many spawner mobs are alive on the server.
- Added a configuration option to auto-remove PyroSpawner entities only on a timer to help clear up lag.

General Changes:
- Fixed normal spawners not detecting these entities as PyroSpawner mobs and therefore not being removed via the cull command or when breaking a spawner.
----------, Feb 6, 2021

General Changes:
- Fixed an issue where users couldn't break any spawners.
----------, Feb 5, 2021

- Added Console Logging option to log whenever a spawner is placed/broken.
- Added the ability for normal spawners found in the wild to turn into PyroSpawners when broken. (config option)
- Added the option to force a spawner into the players inventory instead of it dropping on the floor. (config option)
- Added permission support per-spawner into the config.
- Added 3 new aliases to the command "/ps".
- Added the ability to disable permissions to allow all players to break any spawners.

General Changes:
- Fixed an issue where breaking as pawner with a normal mob as the base wouldn't save the upgraded information.
- Fixed spawners giving experience when broken allowing for unlimited experience.
- Fixed some spawner lore issues.
- Fixed the silk spawner setting not working.
- Fixed a major issue related to Multiverse and loading spawners.
- Fixed breaking spawners in creative mode requiring silktouch despite you being in creative mode.
- Redesigned the base spawner gui. This will most likely be changed again at some point.
- Optimised the new break listener.
----------, Jan 31, 2021

- Added page support to the mob selector and mob creation inventories.
- Added normal mobs into the plugin. These can be used in the mob selector when setting up spawner trees.
- Added the ability to spawn in spawners with normal mobs as the base.

General Changes:
- Removed invalid entity types from the /ps givebasespawner command in the new update.
- Fixed chatcolor still messing with damage values.
- Fixed /ps giveupgradedspawner not displaying only spawner mobs with spawner trees configured for them.
- Fixed not being able to delete spawner trees.
- Fixed some commands giving the wrong error messages.
- Fixed an issue with CMI mirror.
- Redesigned the Main Admin GUI.
- Optimised the Break and Plcae listeners to not check for NBT on every block break.
- Moved some things around internally.

- I will be adding the ability to convert natural and existing spawners into custom ones next week. I just have some final bug testing and need to add per-spawner permission nodes in.

Please report any issues to me ASAP so I can fix them for the next big patch next week. Thank you!
----------, Jan 19, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 167
First Release: Dec 6, 2020
Last Update: Jun 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings