PyroSpawners [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [New Spawner Upgrades] icon

PyroSpawners [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [New Spawner Upgrades] -----

Make your own custom Spawners and Spawner Trees!

Spawner Shop, New Functionality and Full Recode
This version of PyroSpawners requires PyroLib v1.2.5 or higher to run.

It is recommended to make a backup of the plugin folder before updating to this version as a precaution.

- Added a message to the sender, and player when giving spawners out, to serve as an audit to ensure players know they got their items.
- Added a new configuration option that makes spawners immune to explosions.
- Added a new spawner shop that lets you create infinite categories, run commands, purchase spawners, and has placeholder support to allow for external checks to be made without needing API calls.
- Added a new comand "/ps shop <category>" (requires
- Added various new configuration options for the shop section of the plugin.
- Added a log file that logs purchases made in the shop as a record of what players have purchased, and their money before and after.
- Added a new check that prevents the broadcast of automated spawner mob kills from broadcasting if the number killed is 0. (reduces spam).
- Added a new category in the Edit Mob menu that brings you to extra settings
- Added Mythic Mob support - enabling this for a spawner mob will allow that spawner to summon mythic mobs from it. (this also works with upgrading spawners as well).
- Added 'DefaultSpawnCount' option - this will force a spawner into a specific spawn count. Note: This will be removed in the future and replaced with a more in-depth upgrade system for each mob.
- Added two example shop categories that server owners can use to style and create their own shops.

General Changes:
- Changed internal logging to properly use the plugins logger and not Bukkits logger.
- Recoded pretty much the entire core. Old compatability should still work with this upgrade.
- Moved a lot of internal functionality of PyroSpawners over to PyroLib making quite a few of the core actions pmore optimised.
- Made various optimisations across the board to increase performance.
- Updated permissions and changed some of them around. Please refer to the main page for an updated list of permissions. (Mainly commands).
- Updated the backend saving of spawners. Your spawners.yml file should automatically convert upon loading the new update.
- Changed how some of the menus visually look to be easier on the eyes and look overall better.

- Fixed `/ps togglespawning' not working on non-pyrospawner spawners.
- Fixed both givespawner commands not checking inventory space before adding it to the players inventory. It will now drop on the floor if the player does not have space.
- Fixed permissions being mixed up for certain commands.
- Fixed some commands not supporting amounts when giving spawners.
- Fixed spawners not having internal metadata of the entitytype forcing some spawners to default to Pigs if an error occured.
- Fixed an issue where spawner data could be erased if an error occured.
----------, Oct 31, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 167
First Release: Dec 6, 2020
Last Update: Jun 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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