PyroSpawners [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [New Spawner Upgrades] icon

PyroSpawners [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [New Spawner Upgrades] -----

Make your own custom Spawners and Spawner Trees!

Feature Requests, Permissions and Bug Fixes
- Added Console Logging option to log whenever a spawner is placed/broken.
- Added the ability for normal spawners found in the wild to turn into PyroSpawners when broken. (config option)
- Added the option to force a spawner into the players inventory instead of it dropping on the floor. (config option)
- Added permission support per-spawner into the config.
- Added 3 new aliases to the command "/ps".
- Added the ability to disable permissions to allow all players to break any spawners.

General Changes:
- Fixed an issue where breaking as pawner with a normal mob as the base wouldn't save the upgraded information.
- Fixed spawners giving experience when broken allowing for unlimited experience.
- Fixed some spawner lore issues.
- Fixed the silk spawner setting not working.
- Fixed a major issue related to Multiverse and loading spawners.
- Fixed breaking spawners in creative mode requiring silktouch despite you being in creative mode.
- Redesigned the base spawner gui. This will most likely be changed again at some point.
- Optimised the new break listener.
----------, Jan 31, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 167
First Release: Dec 6, 2020
Last Update: Jun 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings