Pwing Races [1.19-1.21] | Customizable Skilltrees, Triggers, Attributes, Conditions, and Abilities icon

Pwing Races [1.19-1.21] | Customizable Skilltrees, Triggers, Attributes, Conditions, and Abilities -----

An advanced races plugin featuring customizable skilltrees, triggers and abilities!

  • Fixed integration with MythicMobs
  • Added support for hooking into AuraSkills
  • Introduced a new, more user-friendly item format for use in configs
This also includes some preparation for an upcoming in-game editor for races. While everything is currently configurable through config files, PwingRaces v1.6.0 will let you do it all in-game. Stay tuned!

If you have any problems, need any help or have any questions about the resource, please feel free to join us on Discord at:

If you appreciate my work, feel free to subscribe to my Patreon at:
----------, Aug 17, 2024

After a lack of updates for over 2 years, Pwing Races is back and better than ever before! The plugin is now actively maintained once again and updates will become more frequent. With that being said, here is the changelog for this update:
  • Updated plugin to 1.19
  • Removed all version-dependent server hooks in favor of API (plugin should be far more resilient to future updates and maintainability is significantly improved)
  • Dropped support for all older versions (plugin only supports 1.19+ now)
  • Improved math equation support for attributes
  • Added support for click sounds in the race menus
  • Polished the quickshot ability and added a handful of new options to it
  • Changed plugin cost from $15 to $10

If you have any problems, need any help or have any questions about the resource, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Nov 28, 2022

  • Optimized some hot code paths specifically pertaining to
    ability, trigger, and condition processing. The performance boost largely depends on how many heavy conditions or triggers you have, but this should offer a fairly decent performance boost for most everyone.
  • Cleaned up some old hacks used within the code to fix a few problems that have been reported with certain conditions not properly applying.
  • Added full 1.16.2 & 1.16.3 support.
This update also contains a fix to how compatibility code is handled so that for future updates, this plugin will continue to work without necessarily requiring an update to the resource. The NMS code this plugin deals with has been the same since 1.14, and now uses reflection. Additionally, if the mappings are to ever change, there is now a fallback method which uses the Bukkit API.

If you have any problems need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Sep 20, 2020

  • Added full 1.16 support.
Apologies for the lack of updates on this resource. I've recently taken on a full time job and no longer have as much time to dedicate to working on and updating this resource. Due to that, I have decided to open source it at so others can contribute if they'd like. I intend to keep working on this when I have the time and motivation to do so, but updates will come at a much slower pace than they used to.

Although this technically makes it possible to get this resource for free (if you compile it yourself), support is only available for paying customers only.
----------, Aug 2, 2020

  • Added 'health' condition
  • Added 'hunger' condition
  • Run task triggers on the main thread to prevent async catches (this should not have a negative effect on lag)
  • Fixed random bug where players could "level up" again even after reaching the max level
  • Fixed NPE for 'take-damage' trigger
  • Fixed holding condition not working if it contained spaces
  • Fixed 'in-region' trigger causing a few errors in console if WorldGuard was not installed
If you have any problems need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, May 12, 2020

  • Added 'holding' condition
  • Added 'riding' condition
  • Added 'time' condition
  • Added support for the race name to be specified as a damage source in the 'take-damage' trigger
  • Fixed potential NPE if a player has not received a certain attribute yet
  • Fixed permission refresh upon race skillpoint reclaim
  • Fixed a few bugs with the 'near-race' condition
If you have any problems need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, May 3, 2020

  • Added 'in-biome' condition
  • Added a /race level command
  • Added a '%pwingraces_maxexp%' placeholder for PlaceholderAPI
  • Fixed potential NPE from WorldGuard when in an area without regions
  • Fixed bug where all offline players would be listed in tab completion of some commands, resulting in lag for large servers
  • Fixed time range for 'in-moonlight' trigger that caused it to be ran no matter the time
  • Fixed a few bugs that caused console spam if a player did not have a race
  • Fixed occasional NPE when getting nearby race count
  • Fixed a couple problems where reclaiming skillpoints would not properly reset attribute values
----------, Apr 14, 2020

  • Added 'disguised' condition
  • Added an option to only give race items on the first selection of a race
  • Added hasPlayed and setHasPlayed API methods in RaceData
  • Use java NIO for better file management
  • Fixed typo in dwarf race that caused an NPE
If you have any problems need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Mar 17, 2020

This update includes some pretty major changes and requested features, with the most notable ones being the introduction of conditions that can be applied to both triggers and abilities. There are also a handful of new triggers and minor features that have been requested over the past few months.

Here is a full list of what has been added in this update.

  • Added conditions for triggers and abilities (some existing triggers double-up as conditions too)
  • Added support for operators and math equations in attributes (PlaceholderAPI supported)
  • Added support for modded blocks/items when running hybrid server softwares (Magma, Lava, etc.)
  • Added 'reclaim-skillpoints' trigger
  • Added 'reclaim-race-items' trigger
  • Added 'race-change-from' trigger
  • Added 'moon-phase' condition
  • Added 'near-race' condition
  • Added '%pwingraces_near_race..%' placeholder
  • Added 'finished-passives' to AllowFlightAbility and ShadowmeldAbility
  • Added option to disable abilities in creative mode
  • Expanded upon 'set-attribute' trigger passive to allow for more customization (to better support the new conditions)
  • Modified 'fly' and 'allow-flight' trigger passives to have toggle options
  • Updated and cleaned up parts of the API
  • Converted project (and API) to Gradle
  • Fixed NPE if caught item when fishing was null for 'fish' trigger
  • Fixed a couple entity detection bugs with ShadowstepAbility
  • Dropped support for 1.9 - 1.11
On another note, support for versions Minecraft 1.9 - 1.11 has been dropped in this update. According to bStats, nobody at any given point was ever running PwingRaces on this version and maintaining support for it was becoming a burden, hence our decision to drop it.

If you have any problems need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Mar 15, 2020

This update concludes one of the largest updates since the initial release of the plugin, featuring many new triggers and trigger passives, a large code update/cleanup, and a handful of bugfixes. A good amount of the changes were internal, and while they may not be immediately visible, they definitely do have a major impact on the plugin itself. This means that the plugin should be more bug-free than ever, updating it should be easier and overall, it'll run a lot better just in general :).

To name a few things added in this update:

  • Added attribute triggers and trigger passives to better handle both refreshing attributes at certain times, or setting them to their default value.
  • Added a few region triggers to allow for certain effects or trigger passives to be ran (or disabled) when in a region.
  • Fixed a couple bugs relating to skilltrees.
  • Many code updates and cleanups for easier maintainability as well as better performance just in general when using this plugin.
The full changelog has been attached below, containing a more specific list of what was included in this update.
  • Added 'reapply-attributes' trigger passive
  • Added 'set-default-attributes' trigger passive
  • Added 'set-attribute' trigger
  • Added 'in-region' trigger
  • Added 'leave-region' trigger
  • Added 'use-anvil' trigger
  • Added 'enchant-item' trigger
  • Added 'fish' trigger
  • Added 'tame-animal' trigger
  • Added 'breed-animal' trigger
  • Added 'craft-item' trigger
  • Added 'launch-projectile' trigger
  • Added 'consume-item' trigger
  • Added a 'none' option for the parent of skilltree elements instead of using the race name
  • Allow for the element icon info to carry over into the item override if specific values aren't present
  • Fixed projectile launcher detection
  • Fixed bug where skilltree menu would not initially be closed when trying to buy a skilltree element without enough points
  • Fixed WorldGuard hook for v6.x versions
  • Many code cleanups
  • Minor bugfixes

If you have any problems need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Dec 26, 2019

  • Added 'fly-speed' attribute
  • Added 'walk-speed' attribute
  • Fixed bug with custom attributes
  • Fixed bug allowing players to set their race to the one they already have selected
If you have any problems need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Dec 22, 2019

  • Full 1.15 support
  • Added configuration option for if transient permission management should be used or not
  • Added 'allow-flight' trigger passive
If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Dec 11, 2019

  • Fixed race parameter in command bug
  • Fixed xp amount on level 10 of human race
  • Fixed incompatible equal type when checking if skillpoint reclaim was allowed
  • Fixed a value not being shown when a skilltree element was not purchased
  • Preliminary support for 1.15
For those interested, once 1.15 rolls around, Pwing Races should automatically support it with little to no issues (hence the preliminary support). This update is not only a bugfix update, but one to help Pwing Races prepare for 1.15. There may be a problem here and there, but if one is recognized, an update will be published within a day or two after Spigot 1.15 is available.

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Dec 10, 2019

  • Added action bar message trigger passive
  • Updated and improved API
  • Fixed visual glitch with experience subtraction
  • Fixed bug where internal skilltree name was shown in unlock text
  • Created a wrapper around Bukkit's player head API to prevent lagging the whole server when opening a menu
  • Removed 1.8 support
Please Note: There were a few changes to the Pwing Races API in this version, which could potentially have caused breakages in other plugins that hook into it. For the most part, plugins using it should be fine (such as QuantumRPG), but any plugin that touches on more advanced parts of the API might need some minor updates.

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Nov 29, 2019

  • Added 'death' trigger
  • Added 'killed-by' trigger, which can work for both races and entities
  • Added support for multiple race change cost types (exp and money)
  • Fixed bug where 'race-change' trigger wasn't ran in both the new and old race
  • Code cleanups
Please Note: According to statistics from bStats, this plugin has not once been used on Minecraft 1.8 in the 4 months or so it's been up. So with this being said, in the next release, support for it will be entirely dropped. This is to keep the codebase up-to-date and fresh, so updates can be released faster and maintaining the codebase can be easier. If this directly affects you or you are a potential buyer wanting to use this on 1.8, please message me through Spigot's Private Message or on Discord.

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Oct 15, 2019

This update features full support for modules. Modules are mini-extensions you can install to Pwing Races to enhance the plugin even more and allow for more unique features. If you are a developer interested in creating a module, take a look at this example project.

The idea of this update is to allow developers to create these modules for others to use. As of right now, there aren't any modules made with functionality, but over the coming weeks, these modules will be created allowing functionality for this:

  • mcMMO support in skills, skilltrees, triggers and leveling up.
  • A class system working alongside the races with a separate menu.
  • Ability pack featuring 10+ new abilities.
On it's own, this update doesn't have far too many new features, but it does lay the foundations for some amazing new additions in the near future.

As always, if you have any problems, are interested in purchasing the plugin, need any help or just want to chat, please feel free to join our Discord server!
----------, Sep 30, 2019

  • Added more translatable messages to messages.yml
  • Fixed minor typos in messages.yml
  • Fixed race quest requirement
  • Fixed bug where race change cost wouldn't deduct balance from the player's account

Please Note: This update will change your messages.yml. It should not effect any existing changes you have and you should not need to reset it. However, due to a Bukkit error, it may cause messages containing the newline character ('\n') to show up improperly ingame.

If this does happen to you, most likely Bukkit will add some random backslashes ('\') to your config. Just remove those and replace the single quotes at the start of the message with double quotes. Run /race reload and all should be good. Please join our Discord server if you continue running into issues even after this. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Sep 4, 2019

  • Added 'burn' trigger
  • Reimplemented 'race-change-cost' configuration option
  • Fixed bug where attributes would reset to their default value upon skilltree element purchase
  • Fixed bug where regen attribute would regen health for every regen reason except on only hunger satiation
  • Fixed shadowstep ability teleporting you behind your relative location rather than the target
  • Fixed commands displaying wrong skillpoint value
  • Fixed bug where level manager would give double the amount of specified skillpoints upon levelup
  • Fixed event bug for races, this should resolve a few minor issues here and there
  • Performance enhancements
If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Aug 23, 2019

  • Added 'display-name' option for races
  • Added 'in-world' trigger
  • Added 'health-regen' trigger
  • Added 'health-regen' as a modifiable attribute
  • Added 'race-change' trigger
  • Added display name option for PlaceholderAPI.
  • Moved 'block-relative' trigger to run on tick rather than movement
  • Code cleanups
If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Aug 16, 2019

  • Added more API functionality for abilities
  • Added check if player's inventory was full and to drop items on the ground if so
  • Refined race quest hooks
If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jul 28, 2019

  • Ensure head data is actually cached
  • Added add/remove commands for race level
  • Added add/remove commands for race exp
  • Added add/remove commands for race skillpoints
  • Added check so player's don't accidentally waste their money on reclaiming skillpoints if they've not spent any

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jul 27, 2019

  • Added an item cache for items in the race menu
  • Set the 'add-potion-effect' trigger to clear the current effect by default
  • Fixed bug where subcommands would override tab completions
  • Fixed major bug revolving around leveling up for races
If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jul 21, 2019

  • Added a 'damage-mythicmob' trigger
  • Added a 'kill-mythicmob' trigger
  • Added a 'kill-entity' trigger
  • Fixed NPE if a placeholder value was null
  • Fixed exception if a tab complete option was not found
  • Updated event priorities to save playerdata in a cleaner fashion
If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jul 19, 2019

  • Added tab completion for commands
  • Fixed bug where race attributes wouldn't update immediately on race change
  • Fixed slight issue with currency placeholder not working properly
  • Fixed minor permission node errors
If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jul 11, 2019

This update is more focused around developers interested in hooking into the PwingRaces API. On it's own, this update offers very few new features that are visible. This update is geared around an open source API developers can use without having to purchase the plugin. It is shaded in with the jar, so nothing external in terms of initialization has to be done for those interested in creating a hook.

As for those that aren't developers, in the process of this update, there have been various code cleanups, and better utilisation of existing code. What this means is I'll be able to push out higher-quality updates at a faster rate!

For those wanting to develop with the API, a link can be found here.

Interested in purchasing the plugin or have a question? Join us on Discord:
----------, Jul 5, 2019

• Second attempt at fixing first-join bug
• Added feature that allows you to not assign a slot for a race to keep it hidden

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jun 30, 2019

• Added option for spawns to be set for each race
• Added command to set skillpoints for races
• Added command to set race exp for races
• Added command to set level for races

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jun 25, 2019

• Fixed permission node for /race

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jun 24, 2019

• Added 'menu-size' option for skilltree menus
• Fixed bug where when the plugin autosaved, it'd remove players from the cache
• Fixed error when a player left if they didn't have a race set
• Fixed attributes not being reset to default value when the player leaves

Many thanks to @ArimaTheReaper for helping identify and these bugs.

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jun 21, 2019

• Fixed NPE with ability items if one was not found
• Updated default Human race

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jun 19, 2019

• Added support for players to be raceless (check the config)
• Added support for 'block-break' and 'block-place' triggers to work on any block if nothing is specified
• Fixed 'arrow-damage' attribute in 1.14
• Fixed startup error when running the server on a fresh install
• Fixed a few uncaught NPE's
• Trigger optimizations

Many thanks to @ArimaTheReaper for helping identify and these bugs and for the feature suggestions.

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jun 19, 2019

• Added option in ShadowstepAbility to do more damage on first impact after shadowstepping
• Added option in ShadowstepAbility to damage entities in the path of your target
• Added 'burn' trigger passive that burns the player
• Fixed ignored-entities in ShadowstepAbility
• Fixed unvanish-message for ShadowmeldAbility
• Fixed minor typo that caused a minor issue with race leveling
• Fixed minor issue where 'delay' in race triggers wouldn't work in every instance

Made a few slight changes to the page to demonstrate the plugin a bit better ;3

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jun 19, 2019

• Added inside trigger
• Added outside trigger
• Added in-sunlight trigger
• Added in-moonlight trigger
• Minor bug fixes

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jun 17, 2019

• Unregister listeners that were left "in limbo"
• Fixed issue where clicking anywhere in the confirmation menu would just close the menu alltogether
• Fixed NPE that threw if a skilltree could not be found
• Custom attributes now properly register
• Attributes now allow decimal values
• Fixed listeners not being registered for race abilities
• Fixed NoSuchMethodError in 1.14 with arrows

• Left-clicking the race icon in a race menu will now select the race if allowed
• Right-clicking the race icon in a race menu will now bring you back to the main menu
• Fixed NPE if skilltree element doesn't have a title
• Fixed asynchronous use of time trigger effects
• Fixed console spam if YML is invalid
• Fixed NPE when trying to open skilltrees of a race not currently selected

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Jun 14, 2019

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 170
First Release: Jun 14, 2019
Last Update: Aug 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings