Pwing Races [1.19-1.21] | Customizable Skilltrees, Triggers, Attributes, Conditions, and Abilities icon

Pwing Races [1.19-1.21] | Customizable Skilltrees, Triggers, Attributes, Conditions, and Abilities -----

An advanced races plugin featuring customizable skilltrees, triggers and abilities!

PwingRaces v1.2.1
  • Added 'death' trigger
  • Added 'killed-by' trigger, which can work for both races and entities
  • Added support for multiple race change cost types (exp and money)
  • Fixed bug where 'race-change' trigger wasn't ran in both the new and old race
  • Code cleanups
Please Note: According to statistics from bStats, this plugin has not once been used on Minecraft 1.8 in the 4 months or so it's been up. So with this being said, in the next release, support for it will be entirely dropped. This is to keep the codebase up-to-date and fresh, so updates can be released faster and maintaining the codebase can be easier. If this directly affects you or you are a potential buyer wanting to use this on 1.8, please message me through Spigot's Private Message or on Discord.

If you have any problems or need any help, or just want to chat, please feel free to join us on Discord at:
----------, Oct 15, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 170
First Release: Jun 14, 2019
Last Update: Aug 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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