Pwing Races [1.19-1.21] | Customizable Skilltrees, Triggers, Attributes, Conditions, and Abilities icon

Pwing Races [1.19-1.21] | Customizable Skilltrees, Triggers, Attributes, Conditions, and Abilities -----

An advanced races plugin featuring customizable skilltrees, triggers and abilities!

Pwing Races API
This update is more focused around developers interested in hooking into the PwingRaces API. On it's own, this update offers very few new features that are visible. This update is geared around an open source API developers can use without having to purchase the plugin. It is shaded in with the jar, so nothing external in terms of initialization has to be done for those interested in creating a hook.

As for those that aren't developers, in the process of this update, there have been various code cleanups, and better utilisation of existing code. What this means is I'll be able to push out higher-quality updates at a faster rate!

For those wanting to develop with the API, a link can be found here.

Interested in purchasing the plugin or have a question? Join us on Discord:
----------, Jul 5, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 170
First Release: Jun 14, 2019
Last Update: Aug 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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