Public Crafting Tables icon

Public Crafting Tables -----

Make crafting public with an awesome display!

Hi everyone, merry late Christmas and Happy New Year!!

This update was a lot faster than I anticipated, thankfully. I think 1.21.3 and 1.21.4 didn't really differ too much, but the majority of the effort was actually having to fix NBTEditor bugs(which I added).

I saw this really cool feature on a Minecraft mod for a gregtech modpack, which had the items swivel to the direction you're in, which I was trying to figure out how to implement. If I'm successful then I'll release it as a free addon for block display compatible versions, but it's really problematic that Minecraft does not allow for non-linear interpolation, which would allow for smoother movement of display entities.

Thanks again for your support! :)
----------, Dec 30, 2024

Hello everyone, this update adds support for 1.21.3!! A decent amount of the NMS had been changed in the backend, so there is a higher chance of bugs, but it should be stable, more or less(no dupe glitches :p).

I have plans to use DisplayEntities for this plugin, and I'll probably release it as a separate free plugin which you can install separately(to maintain backwards compatibility with versions that don't have display entities), but I don't know exactly when I'll have time for that.

As always, thank you for your support, and please keep reporting bugs and issues so that I can (hopefully) fix them asap!! :)

Happy (slightly) late Thanksgiving everyone!!
----------, Nov 30, 2024

Hi, this is a small update that fixes an important bug for 1.21 and fixes the errors that stop items from showing up on the table in 1.20.6.

The bug for 1.21 was any items that you are holding with your cursor will vanish when you close the inventory. This will fix that.

Sorry for the late update, and thanks again, everyone! Please be sure to report bugs asap!
----------, Aug 25, 2024

Hello! Thanks for supporting this plugin!! This update brings support for 1.20.5/6 and 1.21. I've been rather busy lately and have not been able to update my plugins recently, but I have not forgotten!

While there have not been any major changes to this plugin, I do have a list of features that I want to eventually add, such as using display entities, or having directional tables. This is planned, although I cannot say when I will be able to get around to it.

Thanks again, and please report any bugs here or to the issue tracker on Github!
----------, Jul 14, 2024

Hello, and happy holidays! I hope this update finds you in good spirits. :coffee: This update brings support to 1.20.3 and 1.20.4.

As always, thanks for supporting this plugin! :)
----------, Dec 21, 2023

Hello! This update brings support for 1.20.2!

The updates have mostly been version updates, but thanks for supporting this plugin! I don't know when I can get around to adding improvements or new features, but I have not forgotten! :oops:

As always, please report any bugs or issues so that they can get fixed asap!! :) Thanks!
----------, Oct 3, 2023

Hello, sorry for the late update, again , but here it is! I want to make use of the block displays eventually, but I am not sure when I can get around to it. Having a real job does not make it any easier to find time for other activities.

That being said, thanks again for supporting this plugin! Like always, if you have any requests, bugs or issues, please report them asap! Thanks! :)
----------, Jun 18, 2023

Hello everyone! This small update brings support to 1.19.4. That's all, but thanks again for supporting this plugin!

As always, if there are any bugs or issues, please feel free to send me a message, so that they can get fixed ASAP! :)
----------, Mar 25, 2023

Hello! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

Sorry for such a late update, I lost track of time now that I have to pay bills and become a working member of society. :')

This update brings support for 1.19.3 and 1.19.2.

There have been a few bug reports that I have looked into, and hopefully this update fixes most of them. Some are beyond my control, so I'm sorry in advance yours is one of them.

There have also been a few feature requests, asking for things such as more inventories, and such, but unfortunately, Minecraft is getting quite complex and my time is limited. :( Maybe sometime if I become rich and don't have to work then I'll be able to spend effort on passion projects like these.

Anyways, thanks again, for all the support, bug reports, and feedback, and have a safe and happy holiday season!! :coffee:
----------, Dec 24, 2022

This small update adds support for 1.19.1.

I'm sorry I'm unable to get around to a lot of features and potential incompatibilities with different plugins/servers, but I am busy working, and do not have much time to commit to side projects. This plugin is and has always been open source, so it is open to anyone who wants to improve upon it. :)

Please keep reporting any bugs so that I can hopefully get around to them. Thanks!
----------, Aug 1, 2022

Hello again! I'm sorry for not being able to update in a timely fashion, I've been very busy. That being said, thank you all for being patient.

This update brings the long awaited support for 1.19, so now you can see what you're crafting while trying to survive in the deep dark! (torches not included)

Thank you once again, and please report any bugs or features you'd like to see so that I can (hopefully) fix them in a reasonable amount of time! :) The Github issue tracker is probably the best place so I don't miss anything.
----------, Jun 23, 2022

Thanks for waiting, this update brings support for 1.18.2, and fixes a very important potential dupe bug! Please update!!

Thank you once again for all the support! Please report any bugs you find on the github issue tracker, or in discord, so that I can fix them ASAP! :)
----------, Mar 14, 2022

Thanks for keeping calm and waiting! :) I've been very busy with exams and end of the semester projects, but now that they're done I've finally managed to update this to 1.18.1.

As always, thanks for the support, and happy holidays! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:
----------, Dec 23, 2021

Hello, this minor update brings compatibility with other plugins that may rely on the PrepareItemCraftEvent and/or use permissions to determine if recipes are available. Thanks for submitting bug reports, they're very helpful! :)
----------, Jul 9, 2021

This update adds support for 1.17.1. As always, thanks for the support, and please report any bugs that you find so that I can fix them ASAP! :)
----------, Jul 7, 2021

Hello! This adds support for 1.17. There were a few bugs that I had to stomp out, but I think I got most of them. If you happen to notice anything out of the ordinary that shouldn't be happening, please be sure to tell me so I can fix the problems ASAP! As always, thanks for supporting this plugin!
----------, Jun 13, 2021

This minor update saves if a player is using private crafting or not. If you have private-by-default set to true, then it will save which players are using public crafting.
----------, Dec 22, 2020

This update adds support for Spigot 1.16.4.
----------, Nov 3, 2020

This update fixes a minor bug where if drop-items is enabled, and an item is shown above the table, closing the inventory will leave the item floating until re-opened.
----------, Oct 13, 2020

Sorry for the delay, I've been busy with other non-Minecraft projects and hadn't noticed that 1.16.2 released. So this update brings support to 1.16.2! As always, please report any bugs if you find any. Thanks!
----------, Aug 13, 2020

This update brings support for 1.16.

I've cleaned up code internally a bit, too.

Please tell me if you detect any bugs asap so I can fix them :)
----------, Jun 25, 2020

This update should fix NPEs that may occur with the drop-item option enabled.

Also, this should fix problems where crossing dimensions and going to the exact coordinates of a crafting table in another world would make the contents visible.

As always, please report bugs as soon as you find them! Feel free to use the PublicCrafters issue tracker on github if you'd like!
----------, Apr 24, 2020

This update fixes possible crashing.

Please report any bugs or issues as soon as possible!
----------, Mar 29, 2020

Public Crafters should now be fully compatible with Java 8 to Java 14.

I've also added in the ability to customize the messages. You can find them in /plugins/PublicCrafters/messages.yml.

If you notice any bugs or other issues, please inform me at once! Thank you! :)
----------, Mar 28, 2020

This update lets you display crafting results with custom names. If you'd like to disable this, you can set the display-crafted-item-name option in the config to false.

This also makes the crafting results load on server restart/reload, so you don't have to manually open each table. Useful for those who use it to show crafting recipes.

Lastly, for developers who are trying to set/get the result, it should no longer throw an NPE.

I will be attempting to add Java 11 support when I have time, but I don't have any solid ETAs or estimates.

Thanks, and good luck to everyone!
----------, Mar 24, 2020

This update fixes crafting results not showing up at the proper height as set in the config.

I've also added bStats. If you'd like to opt-out, disable the option located in /plugins/bStats/config.yml.

Please continue to report any more bugs, I will do my best to fix them. :)
----------, Feb 1, 2020

This update makes the 1.15.1 shift clicking act like its vanilla counterpart. When shift clicking an item in your inventory while having the crafting table open, it will move the item into the crafting grid rather than your inventory.

As always, please let me know about any bugs and I will fix them when I can!
----------, Jan 1, 2020

This update fixes the serverside craft result display, and makes it purely clientside. So much like the items that appear on the table, the result that appears cannot be stolen by plugins or any way! :)

Happy New Year to all and good luck for 2020!
----------, Dec 31, 2019

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years for those of you who celebrate it!

This update brings 1.15 and 1.15.1 compatibility. If there are any bugs please report them to me as soon as possible!

For developers who want to fork this plugin on Github, sorry in advance for the lack of Maven or Gradle. I plan on converting it to a Maven project in the future though.

Lastly, I'd appreciate it if anyone would be able to make a demo video of any sort. :)
----------, Dec 20, 2019

This update brings around the ability to display the result of what the player is crafting above the workbench!

It will work with custom models and whatnot, and has custom events for developers to hook into too, just like the regular items on the table. Developers can find the events here. The config has 2 new options, whether or not to allow this, and the height of the floating item. You may have to delete your old config to allow this to regenerate.

Some known bugs:
- Please note that the item is not a virtual item, just that it cannot be picked up by any player or hoppers. It is still able to be teleported around. There is no mount packet in 1.8 so I cannot implement this currently.
- Dumping lava on top of the table will cause it to disappear. This is a clientside bug and I can't really do anything about that.
- The item will not appear on server start until someone opens it and changes something in the table. This is due to not being able to update the result without a player.

This version was tested in 1.14.4
Please notify me of any bugs as soon as possible so that they can be fixed asap!
----------, Oct 26, 2019

This is a minor bugfix for 1.14.4 users. When clicking the auto recipe multiple times, the items didn't stack up properly. This update should fix that.

In addition, I have opened a small test server at which may be used in the future for something else other than just demos and tests. ;)
----------, Aug 27, 2019

The time has come for an update. This version brings support to 1.14.2! The NMS for the inventory has changed slightly, which means this is not guaranteed to be as bug free as the other versions. :p Nonetheless, I have tested it and nothing appears to be broken.

If you notice any bugs or issues, please contact me right away so I can fix them! ;)
----------, May 28, 2019

This update brings about an admin locking command allowing you to protect your crafting tables that you put in spawn or wherever you like. The command is /publiccrafters lock and to use it, all you have to do is look at the table you want to lock. The permission to use this command and access locked tables is publiccrafters.admin.

I have also fixed the orientation and offset problem where negative and decimal numbers didn't work. It was due to an improper regex where I used forgot to check for the decimal and dash.

Additionally, for materials on the table, please be sure to make sure the material you are using is the item form, not the block form, such as SKULL_ITEM instead of SKULL.
----------, Mar 17, 2019

This is a minor patch, but important all the same. With previous versions, attempting to combine pieces of armor would result in an error. This fixes it. I have also cleaned up much code and it should be more friendly for developers as well.

Some features that people have requested are:
  • Locking tables so that additional people can only see but not touch what is being put on the table
  • Add shift-clicking like the real Crafting Stations from Tinkers' Construct
I am not really able to do this currently since the client doesn't update properly and ghost items get created and such. I will be sure to add it once I figure out a workaround. In the meantime, Merry Christmas!
----------, Dec 20, 2018

Fixed the 1.13 bug where certain recipes( shulker box, fireworks, banners ) would not work properly or even craft sometimes!
----------, Nov 5, 2018

Important update for 1.13 and 1.8 users!!!
This update adds virtual armorstands for 1.8.9 servers. This is very important as it can help prevent potential dupe glitches!!! To use, set virtual inside your config to true.

For all 1.13 users, this fixes all bugs and funny errors you may be getting inside your console. I hadn't realized it, but there's a lot more internal stuff going on that I had to re-code so it works properly :)

Also, for all users, there is a new option in the config called
drop-item which makes the crafting table drop its items if nobody is using it. In order for this to take effect, delete your old config and let it regenerate!
----------, Oct 1, 2018

Sorry, I had not realized spigot 1.13.1 had been released and almost forgot about it! The errors you get from using 1.13.1 should be resolved with this update! Source on github is updated too! :)
----------, Aug 27, 2018

Surprisingly enough, the 1.13 update was relatively easy to implement. :D

There is no config needed to update or anything, this version simply works with 1.13. ;)
----------, Jul 22, 2018

This update fixes the /craftingtable reload command so the plugin should now reflect the right offsets and orientations. If you do not want any orientations or offsets, then put a # in front of the orientation and offsets option in the config. :)
----------, Jun 30, 2018

This update should fix that annoying bug where only 1 person can see the changes done to a crafting table.
----------, Jun 17, 2018

I have fixed the marker option not affecting virtual armorstands. I have also added permissions to the plugin.yml which should allow it to work with the latest version of PEX:

I think the 1.12.2 bug when crafting items should have been fixed, although it is a minecraft method, so I am not quite sure what went wrong.
----------, Jun 16, 2018

This update is very important. It adds 1 option to the config. This may not affect 1.8 users, but should work for 1.9+. There is a "virtual" option in the config, which means that all items that appear on the table are not real. This also means that people cannot edit the armorstands and steal items or such. ;)
----------, May 24, 2018

PublicCrafters is now compatible with FastCraft and shouldn't cause any more errors :)
----------, Apr 6, 2018

A quick update to fix the anvils from not being usable. I don't know when I will have time to implement public anvils, but it is a planned feature. :)
----------, Apr 5, 2018

Delete your old config before updating!

This minor update adds an option in the config where you can toggle whether or not the player has private crafting enabled by default.

Also, this version doesn't have any issues with 1.12, 1.12.1 or 1.12.2. If you see any bugs or things just aren't working out right, PM me and I will see what I can do.
----------, Mar 31, 2018

Thanks to the many people who reported this to me. I didn't account for a second dupe bug which can be replicated in the following steps:
  1. Place items in a crafting table
  2. Go far away to unload the chunks that the table is in
  3. Restart server (with /stop or /reload)
  4. Go back to the table
  5. Break table/remove items
  6. The items will still appear there
It is urgent that you update! In order to delete the old floating items, you can use the kill command while standing close to them
For 1.8-1.10:
Code (Text):
/kill @e[type=ArmorStand,r=2]
For 1.11+:
Code (Text):
/kill @e[type=Armor_Stand,r=2]
----------, Mar 16, 2018

You can now edit the hand pose and relative position of the items being displayed on the crafting table! Delete your old config and read the new one.
----------, Feb 11, 2018

This update fixes the 1.12 shift click error.
----------, Feb 10, 2018

This update is for version 1.12
Public Crafters officially supports these versions:
  • 1.8.9
  • 1.9.4
  • 1.10.2
  • 1.11.2
  • 1.12
  • 1.12.2
----------, Feb 9, 2018

Fixed support for 1_8_R3 and 1_12_R1
----------, Feb 9, 2018

The errors with 1_8_R3 and 1_12_R1 are now fixed!
----------, Feb 9, 2018

I have added support for 1.12 auto recipe features. I don't know why I didn't notice it before, but it's fixed!
----------, Feb 7, 2018

I was testing the plugin and realized that it is possible to duplicate items by placing items in the table, unloading then reloading the chunk. This was due to me not using entity UUIDs. Also, in the future, I may be expanding this to include things like public enderchests and anvils. Just a heads up ;)
----------, Jan 9, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,353
First Release: Dec 20, 2017
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
60 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings