This update brings around the ability to display the result of what the player is crafting above the workbench!
It will work with custom models and whatnot, and has custom events for developers to hook into too, just like the regular items on the table. Developers can find the events
here. The config has 2 new options, whether or not to allow this, and the height of the floating item. You may have to delete your old config to allow this to regenerate.
Some known bugs:
- Please note that the item is not a virtual item, just that it cannot be picked up by any player or hoppers. It is still able to be teleported around. There is no mount packet in 1.8 so I cannot implement this currently.
- Dumping lava on top of the table will cause it to disappear. This is a clientside bug and I can't really do anything about that.
- The item will not appear on server start until someone opens it and changes something in the table. This is due to not being able to update the result without a player.
This version was tested in 1.14.4
Please notify me of any bugs as soon as possible so that they can be fixed asap!