Public Crafting Tables icon

Public Crafting Tables -----

Make crafting public with an awesome display!

[​IMG] [​IMG]
Ever wanted to showcase custom crafting recipes or have awesome looking tables? Public Crafters modifies the vanilla crafting mechanic to show exactly what's on the table, and keep it there, even after the player closes it. This also means that anyone can go in and steal items while another player is crafting something. Truly public, just like how it should be! Public Crafters is fully compatible with custom crafting recipes and custom resource packs. Does not work well with geyser. There are no errors but bedrock players are unable to keep items in the crafting table and items on the table show up strange.
  • 1.8-1.21 support
  • No item duplication possible
  • Public tables
  • Supports custom recipes
  • Supports custom resource packs
  • Display custom recipes in spawn
  • Lockable tables
  • Customizable config
  • Lightweight and lag free
  • Highly optimized
  • Pistons are supported
  • Powerful developer API
  • Compatible with:
Still not convinced? Look at these marvelous recipes!



  • /craftingtable <reload|toggle|lock>
    • /craftingtable lock - Locks the table as an admin table, requires publiccrafters.admin
    • /craftingtable reload - Reload the config, requires publiccrafters.reload
    • /craftingtable toggle - Toggle private crafting, requires publiccrafters.private

  • publiccrafters.reload - Lets you reload the config
  • publiccrafters.private - Lets you use private workbenches
  • publiccrafters.admin - Lets you lock tables

Code (YAML):
# The Public Crafters Config - Created by BananaPuncher714

# This determines how high the items float above the crafting table.
# 0.7 lets the blocks float just a little bit, and .61 lets the items lie flat
: .7

# This is whether or not the armorstand will be a marker; it may make the items
# appear darkened if this is true
: false

# This is how many ticks until the crafting table top updates
# Set it to 2 if the items on the table lag when using pistons to move it
: 0

# This is how a material should be turned, accepts numeric and string ids, and is written in degrees of rotation
: "0, 0, 0"
# This is how much a material should be moved from its position, in x, y, and z
: "0, 1, 0"

# Whether or not a player has private crafting enabled by default`
: false

# Whether or not the table should drop their items if no one is using it
: false

# Whether or not the items that appear are fake. May not work for every version
: true

# Whether or not to display an actual item above the table
: true
: true
: .15
PublicCrafters comes with the source code for you to look at over on github. If you need any assistance in making something work, feel free to contact me(BananaPuncher714) for any help, either here or on my discord server:

  • You may not charge back or ask for a refund after purchasing.
  • You may not claim any code in this plugin as your own.
By buying this plugin you agree to the ToS.

If you have any questions or suggestions I will always be happy to hear them. Bugs will get fixed ASAP as soon as they are detected. Please use the discussion page for any suggestions, questions, bugs or stuff you'd like to see added. :)

If you really enjoyed this plugin please consider leaving a review!:cool:
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,353
First Release: Dec 20, 2017
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
60 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings