[PowerBoard] Scoreboard + Tablist + Prefix + Chat | Animated icon

[PowerBoard] Scoreboard + Tablist + Prefix + Chat | Animated -----

This Plugin has an animated Scoreboard + Tablist included a Prefix + Chat -System

- Support for 1.20.6
- Added new option to completely disable update checks
- General small improvements to the update system
More info: https://github.com/Xitee1/PowerBoard/releases/tag/release-3.6.2
----------, May 25, 2024

It is recommended to install this update since it fixes a lot of issues.

Changelog: https://github.com/Xitee1/PowerBoard/releases/tag/release-3.6.0
----------, Jul 25, 2023

- Added new options to config.yml:

Code (Text):
    show-prefix-in-tab: true
    show-suffix-in-tab: true

With these options prefix/suffix can be disabled in the tablist and other cases without removing the prefix/suffix completely in the permissions plugin.
- Improved update manager (made safer against failed downloads)

- Fixed bug that players have had a double prefix and suffix if they were longer than the text limit.
----------, May 14, 2023

  • Improved rank update delay
  • In previous versions, the option useUnlimitedLongPrefixes has been removed from the config, but it was still in the SelfCheck which added it back in the config
  • Fix tablist all lines not updating if some line(s) has negative speed
  • Updated "speed" info message in scoreboard.yml and tablist.yml
  • Update notification: "Current version" instead of "Your version" and added v infront of the current version
----------, Aug 20, 2022

  • "Updated Rank" debug message displaying without debug being enabled
  • "Tablist null" error
  • Fix "ConcurrentModificationException" which sometimes occurred when changing worlds and having multiple scoreboards
  • Added the rank API (only with the event yet - no changes possible for a already set rank).
    The wiki will be updated soon.
    Also not completely finished yet - I need some way to either execute the event asynchronously or to wait for the sync task so the scoreboard %player_rank% placeholder will be replaced.
I hope that this time the update fixes more than causing new errors..
----------, Jul 20, 2022

  • Fixed 'team is null' / ConditionListener error
  • Fix tablist non-updating line sometimes not displaying after reload or player join
  • Improved/Fixed some parts of the code
----------, Jul 9, 2022

  • Automatically trigger prefix/suffix too long bypass: Now the bypass for too long prefix and suffixes will automatically be used if a prefix or suffix is too long. The config option 'useUnlimitedLongRanks' is now obsolete and can be removed from the config.yml.
  • Fix scoreboard bugging after PB reload when lines in the scoreboard were removed
  • You can now use the * for the world in condition. More info at the bottom of: https://github.com/Xitee1/PowerBoard/wiki/Conditions
  • The scoreboard will now still be displayed correctly if the numbers are not sequentially. However, there will be a warning that you have to fix your config.
  • Scoreboard Developer-API changes again (Read here for infos: https://github.com/Xitee1/PowerBoard/wiki/Developer-API)
  • Scoreboard Developer-API now finally fully working.
  • Update prefix and suffix if the world placeholder is in it and the user changed the world.

Backend Changes:
  • Improve ConditionListener: Use ASync Task instead of non-ASync delay
  • Don't execute getMatchingScoreboard twice and (hopefully) improve the performance a bit.
  • Add check if LP weight is too high
----------, Jun 25, 2022

  • Change "titel" (german) to "title" (english) - I did not notice that for a long time
  • Removed left over debug message
  • Added scoreboard blacklist - You can now specify conditions to disable the scoreboard
  • Added an extra info message if another palceholders throws an error trough PAPI

Warning: breaking changes:
  • The placeholder %player_name% now displays the real name instead of the displayname.
  • Added placeholder: %player_displayname% - Shows the player's displayname
  • Removed "wait" to "speed" migration
----------, Jun 21, 2022

In the last update, there was a bug that caused an error on all MC versions below 1.18.
This has been fixed now.
----------, Mar 31, 2022

Warning: Some things in this version have only been tested in 1.18.2. If you have problems and/or errors, please report them.

  • Improved prefix, suffix and scoreboard max length check - You can now use HEX color gradients without wasting much chars!
  • If useUnlimitedLongRanks is enabled, the player name tag (name above the head) does no longer have a prefix to prevent it beeing cutted and looking awful. Now the player name will just have the prefix's last color.

  • Ranks can be now updated automatically with a delay. Add this to your config:
    update-interval: -1 # Interval for automatically updating the ranks (in minutes). Useful if placeholders in prefixes/suffixes are used. Set to -1 to disable (default).

  • If no titles are in a scoreboard, a custom error message will be displayed instead of "out of bounds"

  • luckperms-api chat-prefix will no longer have the default entries after they are removed from the config

  • Fixed Tablist no longer updating after PowerBoard reload

  • PowerBoard reload is now executed Asynchronously

  • Tablist footer animation will now also run Asynchronously

  • SelfCheck is back. Only works with MC 1.18+, but now can automatically add missing settings!

  • Removed forgotten debug message

  • Improved log messages

  • Fixed typing errors and grammar

Will be removed in v3.6 (deprecated):
  • Double tablist config update migration

Will be removed in v3.7 (deprecated):
  • Old placeholders support
  • "luckperms" instead of "luckperms-api" in the config.yml
  • Rename update migration
  • Multiple scoreboard update migration
  • Old "ranks.luckperms" config instead of the new "ranks.luckperms-api"
----------, Mar 31, 2022

  • Fixed ConcurrentModificationException when you have more than one scoreboard
  • You can now have up to 999 ranks instead of 99
  • The weight doesn't need to be one by one anymore. You can now jump between numbers like set player to 0 and owner to 999. Please note that the weight can't be higher than 999 or negative!
  • Added limit for /pb rl command (one execution every 2 seconds after reload)

Code (Backend):
  • Improved the team name sorting number generation

Will be removed in v3.6 (deprecated):
  • Double tablist config update migration

Will be removed in v3.7 (deprecated):
  • Old placeholders support
  • Rename update migration
  • Multiple scoreboard update migration
  • Old "ranks.luckperms" config instead of the new "ranks.luckperms-api"
----------, Feb 19, 2022

  • Fix/Improve API
  • Add plugin to maven
Planned v3.6:
  • Multiple tablists
Planned v3.7:
  • Add Actionbars
  • Sadly the unlimited prefix/suffix was removed again because of some bugs that occurred. With that the HEX colored names also no longer work.
    However, there is an option in the config to enable it again if it is working for you: "ranks.useUnlimitedLongRanks: true"
  • Added warnings for deprecated placeholders
  • PAPI placeholder TPS now also works if the placeholder tps is not used in PowerBoard
  • Made some error checks if the scoreboard config is messed up
  • You can now set a specific prefix for a rank in LP API
  • Improved UpdateChecker for more performance (ASync) and fewer IP blocks
  • Command '/pb help': You can now only see the commands for which you have the perm
  • Removed old '/sb' command (This command has been replaced by '/powerboard' and '/pb')
  • Added tab complete for commands '/pb', '/powerboard'
  • Changed no permission message for commands
  • You can now toggle the scoreboard and tablist with '/pb toggle scoreboard'.
    The following permission is needed: 'powerboard.toggle.scoreboard'.
    Note: This does not remeber the state. If the player rejoins, the scoreboard and tablist will be displayed again.
    Use a custom plugin to save the state using the PowerBoardAPI.
  • Corrected typos
  • The readme file in the scoreboards folder is no longer generated (replaced by a link in default scoreboard.yml)
Code improvements:
  • Prepared tablist for the multiple tablists update
  • Made some changes in the TPS class
  • Improved Scoreboard Animations
  • Removed unnecessary variables
  • Put the LuckPerms API rank things in an extra class
Will be removed in v3.6 (deprecated):
  • Double tablist config update migration
Will be removed in v3.7 (deprecated):
  • Old placeholders support
  • Rename update migration
  • Multiple scoreboard update migration
  • Old "ranks.luckperms" config instead of the new "ranks.luckperms-api"
----------, Jan 15, 2022

Sorry, forgot to change the version so the plugin is recognising that it has been updated.
----------, Jan 15, 2022

  • Fix/Improve API
  • Add plugin to maven
Planned v3.6:
  • Multiple tablists
Planned v3.7:
  • Add Actionbars
  • Sadly the unlimited prefix/suffix was removed again because of some bugs that occurred. With that the HEX colored names also no longer work.
    However, there is an option in the config to enable it again if it is working for you: "ranks.useUnlimitedLongRanks: true"
  • Added warnings for deprecated placeholders
  • PAPI placeholder TPS now also works if the placeholder tps is not used in PowerBoard
  • Made some error checks if the scoreboard config is messed up
  • You can now set a specific prefix for a rank in LP API
  • Improved UpdateChecker for more performance (ASync) and fewer IP blocks
  • Command '/pb help': You can now only see the commands for which you have the perm
  • Removed old '/sb' command (This command has been replaced by '/powerboard' and '/pb')
  • Added tab complete for commands '/pb', '/powerboard'
  • Changed no permission message for commands
  • You can now toggle the scoreboard and tablist with '/pb toggle scoreboard'.
    The following permission is needed: 'powerboard.toggle.scoreboard'.
    Note: This does not remeber the state. If the player rejoins, the scoreboard and tablist will be displayed again.
    Use a custom plugin to save the state using the PowerBoardAPI.
  • Corrected typos
  • The readme file in the scoreboards folder is no longer generated (replaced by a link in default scoreboard.yml)
Code improvements:
  • Prepared tablist for the multiple tablists update
  • Made some changes in the TPS class
  • Improved Scoreboard Animations
  • Removed unnecessary variables
  • Put the LuckPerms API rank things in an extra class
Will be removed in v3.6 (deprecated):
  • Double tablist config update migration
Will be removed in v3.7 (deprecated):
  • Old placeholders support
  • Rename update migration
  • Multiple scoreboard update migration
  • Old "ranks.luckperms" config instead of the new "ranks.luckperms-api"
----------, Jan 15, 2022

Fixed the error in the console and white usernames.
----------, Dec 19, 2021

Tablist rank changes:
- UNLIMITED LONG prefixes and suffixes in the tablist!!!
- The player name in the tablist is now supporting HEX Colors
But sadly, there is one negative thing about it: It doesn't work for the name that is above the player, just the tablist.

PowerBoard now has its own PAPI Placeholders!
- powerboard_prefix
- powerboard_suffix
- powerboard_chat_prefix
- powerboard_display_name
- powerboard_tps

Some other things:
- Little performance improvement for perm systems "none" and "luckperms" (no API).
- "/scoreboard" command no longer occupies the vanilla command.
- Fixed ping always at 0.
- Removed preferLastPrefixColor from config (Is always true now)
- Removed nameColor option in the rank list (It now always uses the last color from the prefix)
----------, Dec 19, 2021

- Fixed config module true/false settings
- Prefix/Suffix now works without the scoreboard beeing enabled
- Changed "scoreboard." permission to "powerboard."
- Changed update server to GitHub
- Fixed the option preferLastPrefixColor (true and false were reversed). Please switch the option from "true" to "false" or from "false" to "true".
- Added a new option to config.yml:
Code (Text):

    prefix-suffix-space: false # Set a space behind the prefix and infront of the suffix
----------, Dec 18, 2021

- Fixed config module true/false settings
- Prefix/Suffix now works without the scoreboard beeing enabled
- Changed "scoreboard." permission to "powerboard."
- Changed update server to GitHub
- Fixed the option preferLastPrefixColor (true and false were reversed). Please switch the option from "true" to "false" or from "false" to "true".
- Added a new option to config.yml:
Code (Text):
    prefix-suffix-space: false # Set a space behind the prefix and infront of the suffix
Planned for next version:
- Custom LuckPerms API Chat prefix for each rank
- Fix/Improve API
----------, Dec 18, 2021

- Now supports MC 1.18
- Changed API class from "ScoreboardAPI" to "PowerBoardAPI"
- Removed support for PermissionsEx (Out-Of-Date and only 4 out of 353 servers are using it)
- Increased limit for scoreboard title to 128
- Fixed ConcurrentModificationException Error (Devs, feel free to implement a better fix. de.xite.scoreboard.modules.tablist.Tabpackage.java:33)
- You can now use the chat system without the tablist ranks
- Some more changes in the code and performance improvements
----------, Dec 2, 2021

  • Fixed the /pb reload command. Now fully works and is recommended for changes in all configs.
  • Added command: /pb debug - Toggle the debug
  • Changed Command from /sb and /scoreboard to /pb and /powerboard (old cmd still available)
  • Temporarily disabled SelfCheck
  • Fixed Hex Color Syntax
  • Removed left over debug messages
  • Made tablist ASync (performance boost)
----------, Nov 10, 2021

- Fixed Prefix "too long" bug
- Fixed Chat complication error with Vault
- Updated scoreboard & tablist info texts
----------, Nov 6, 2021

Warning: This update may be unstable and have some bugs! Make a backup of your config folder before you update!

Note: I changed the name of the Scoreboard to PowerBoard. The jar has also been renamed. You can just download the PowerBoard.jar and the old Scoreboard.jar will be automatically deleted.

New Features:
- You can now use multiple scoreboards!!
- Performance improvement: The animations are now running in async tasks, so they won't block the main threat!
- Added paused feature: Animations will stop if no player has that scoreboard
- You can now set your own hex color syntax. Add this to the placeholder section:
Code (Text):
hexColorSyntax: '#000000' # Set the syntax to trigger hex colors. For example '{color:000000}' or just 'color:000000' or 'color:#000000' - what you want
- Added new config option: placeholder.world-names
Add this to your config to use these options:
Code (Text):

    world-names: # Replace world names for the %player_world% placeholder
      world: 'Overword'
      world_nether: 'Nether'
      world_the_end: 'The End'
- Better support for Nick Plugins (Not finished yet)

- Changed code to get the server version (small performance improvement)
- Changed the description for the scoreboard.yml
- Removed space in luckperms-api prefix and suffix -> You have to add a space by yourself!
- Cleaned up the code

- Corrected typing errors
- Added custom error message for wrong hex color syntax

- Custom chat prefix for luckperms-api ranks
- Add more scoreboard conditions
- Add multiple Tablists
- Run more tasks ASync
- Actionbars
----------, Nov 6, 2021

- If you set the money-decimals to 0, there won't be decimals anymore
- Fixed the multiple hex color bug (Thanks to https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/hex-color-code-translate.449748/#post-3867804)
- Fixed error message on plugin disable

- Changed "Vault not installed!" message
- Removed old deprecated placeholders: %geld%, %rang%, %welt%
- Added warning for old placeholders
----------, Jul 8, 2021

You can now use the plugin on 1.17 servers.
----------, Jun 15, 2021

- Added a one second delay to the luckperms rank updater that the rank doesn't load when a player disconnects
- Prepared the code for multiple scoreboards
- Slight changes in the API
- Added a new config option: placeholder.preferLastPrefixColor: false # If you use ranks with luckperms-api, prefer the last colors from the prefix instead of the group-displayname to set the name-color

- Fixed: If the scoreboard was disabled, the ranks were enabled and a player left the server, the ranks were also removed for online players.
- Fixed: Rank loads before scoreboard so the %rank% placeholder works better

Warning for developers:
The custom scoreboard API has changed! Please have a look at the updated API (You can find it if you click on the Source Code)

Deprecated placeholders (Old ones will be removed after some time):
Changed %geld% to %player_money%
Changed %rang% to %rank%
Changed %welt% to %world%

Changed %ping% to %player_ping%
Changed %money% to %player_money%
Changed %rank% to %player_rank%
Changed %name% to %player_name%
Changed %world% to %player_world%
Changed %loc_x% to %player_loc_x%
Changed %loc_y% to %player_loc_y%
Changed %loc_z% to %player_loc_z%

Changed %playeronline% to %server_online_players%
Changed %playermax% to %server_max_players%
----------, Jun 7, 2021

- Fixed: Space after prefix/suffix
- Fixed: Again compactible with Java 8
- Fixed: Ranks now load correctly if the scoreboard is disabled
----------, Apr 24, 2021

- Some parts of the scoreboard code were rewritten (slight performance boost)

- Changed "no name color" message to understand better what to do

- Added the following placeholders: %mem_total%; %mem_free%; %mem_used%; %mem_max%

- Increased max 64 chars to 126 chars so you can really annoy your players by putting a scoreboard over the whole screen (please don't do that, i just increased this because i can)

- You can now use HEX colors! (Chat, Scoreboard, Tablist, Ranks)

- Added a new API

- Added to API: You can now set the scoreboard with the API

- Added to API: You can now enable/disable the scoreboard for a single player

- Added to API: You can now finally add your own placeholders

How to use the API:

Set custom Placeholders:
Code (Java):
CustomPlaceholders ph = new CustomPlaceholders ( ) {
    public String replace (Player p, String s ) {
        if (s. contains ( "%my_placeholder%" ) ) { // To save a bit performance
            s = s. replace ( "%my_placeholder%", "It works!" ) ; // Replace the placeholder
        return s ; // Return the modified string
} ;
ScoreboardAPI. registerCustomPlaceholders (ph ) ;
Enable/Disable the scoreboard for a specified player:
Code (Java):
ScoreboardAPI. getPlayer (p ). enableScoreboard ( ) ;
ScoreboardAPI. getPlayer (p ). disableScoreboard ( ) ;
Set a completely custom Scoreboard:
Code (Java):
ScoreboardAPI. getPlayer (p ). setScoreboardTitle (title, true ) ;

// After that we can set the scores:
// The index is the red number of the right side from the scoreboard
ScoreboardAPI. getPlayer (p ). setScoreboardScore (score, index, true ) ;
- Fixed: "Errors were found" message if there weren't any errors

- Fixed: error check in "self-check"

- Fixed: Teams are now unregistered after the server restarts to prevent that the player's prefix/suffix won't be removed

- Fixed: "[Scoreboard] The tablist config file is empty or the header/footer is not configurated!" fix when direct join after plugin enable

- Fixed: Error messages from tablist sometimes when a player joins were fixed
- Fixed: Plugin now doesn't use default configuration to work properly
----------, Apr 21, 2021

- Added TPS placeholder
- Better config design (only visible for new generated configs)
- Added a self-check to check the config.yml for errors
- Added a warning for old config versions

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed no colorcode message
- Players sorted correctly after rank change
- Some other bug fixes
----------, Apr 3, 2021

Version 3.2:
- Tablist performance increased and most of its code has been rewritten
- Tablist config updated (Plugin will migrate the old configs automatically after the update)
- Tablist animation speed is now specified in ticks instead of seconds
- Scoreboard loads a bit later to prevent bugs with other plugins.
- and a lot of other little things
- The config has changed - the old settings will be available until version 4.0 - after that** you have** to change them - sadly for the config.yml is no migration possible:
- German placeholders will no longer be available
- "ranks.luckperms" has changed to "ranks.luckperms-api"
- "placeholder.money-digits" changed to "placeholder.money-decimals"
----------, Mar 3, 2021

- rank problems fixed
- "api-version" added to plugin.yml
----------, Feb 15, 2021

The plugin now works again without LuckPerms
----------, Feb 7, 2021

+ Updated to MC 1.16.5

+ Improved rank system so you don't have to rejoin the server to get the new rank (only if you have LuckPerms on your server and enabled in the config.yml).

+ Round the player's money to x digits. x can be configured in the config.

+ The rank is loading before the scoreboard so that the placeholder %rank% works immediately after joining.

+ Use prefix & suffixes from LuckPerms (optional)

+ Completely translated into English

- Remove major update 2.3 updater

Renamed placeholders (the old ones are still supported, but after some time i may remove them):
%geld% -> %money%
%rang% -> %rank%
%welt% -> %world%
----------, Jan 21, 2021

Deaktivieren vom Scoreboard funktioniert nun wieder ohne Fehler.
----------, Jan 6, 2021

Luck Perms Fix:
Wenn ein Admin * hat und es noch den Owner Rang gibt (wenn der Owner Rang höher als der Admin gelistet ist) wurde der Admin als Owner angezeigt.
Dies ist nun gefixt - Admin & Owner lassen sich nun trennen!

Config fix:
Es gibt schon etwas länger die Einstellung "placeholder-name". Diese hat bis jetzt nichts bewirkt. Nun funktioniert sie und ersetzt mit dem eingetragenem Wert den Platzhalter %rang%.
----------, Jan 1, 2021

Leider gab es in der Version 2.7.2 einige Fehler(-meldungen).
Diese sollten nun alle behoben sein. Falls doch noch ein paar Bugs geben sollte kontaktiert mich bitte.
----------, Jan 1, 2021

Leider ist ein Fehler beim letzten Update aufgetreten, der mir erst jetzt aufgefallen ist. Die Fehlermeldung in der Konsole, die seit der version 2.7.2 aufgetreten ist sollte hiermit behoben sein.
----------, Dec 31, 2020

Der Chat-Prefix funktioniert nun auch ohne das Scoreboard aktiviert zu haben.
----------, Dec 31, 2020

Fehlermeldung, die beim schreiben in den Chat kam, wurde behoben.
----------, Dec 21, 2020

Neue Platzhalter:
- %loc_x% Zeigt die X-Koordinate vom Spieler
- %loc_y% Zeigt die Y-Koordinate vom Spieler
- %loc_z% Zeigt die Z-Koordinate vom Spieler
- %time% (wurde von %uhrzeit% umbenannt) Zeigt die Uhrzeit
- %date% Zeigt das Datum

Das Format von %time% und %date% lässt sich nun in der Config einstellen.
Falls du das Plugin schon vor dem Update hattest und dieses neue Feature nutzen willst, füge das ganz unten in der config.yml ein:
Code (Text):
  time-format: 'HH:mm'
  date-format: 'dd.MM.yyyy'
Falls du nicht weißt, was du dort eintragen musst, schau dir das an: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html
----------, Dec 19, 2020

Das Plugin funktioniert nun wieder mit der aktuellsten Version von Minecraft (1.16.4).
----------, Dec 18, 2020

+ Prefix, Suffix, Scoreboard-Scores und Scoreboard-Titel funktionieren jetzt bis 64 Zeichen ab der Minecraft-Version 1.13+
----------, Oct 15, 2020

+ Das Plugin braucht nun viel weniger Leistung (mindestens 25x weniger)
+ Es unterstützt nun offiziell PlaceholderAPI
+ Es wird jetzt ein Suffix unterstützt
+ Platzhalter funktionieren jetzt auch für Prefix/Suffix
+ Autoupdate für Prefix/Suffix Platzhalter
+ Neue, übersichtlichere Config
+ Das Plugin wurde größtenteils auf Englisch übersetzt (Fehlermeldungen, Config-Beschreibungen)
+ Der Code wurde optimiert

Das musst du tun, wenn du das Plugin von einer älteren Version geupdated hast:
- Lese die ReadMe.txt
- Nachdem du alles gemacht hast, was in der ReadMe.txt steht, kannst du sie löschen/umbenennen, damit die Update-Message beim Server start/reload verschwindet.

Du bist hier gelandet, weil sich die ReadMe.txt nicht erstellen konnte?
Hier ist der Inhalt der ReadMe.txt:
Welcome to the major update v.2.3!

Your scoreboard plugin will now run with the default config.yml. Because of this, you have to do some work.
Your old config.yml is renamed to config_old.yml. A new config.yml with default settings is created.
Please open both of these files and edit the new config that the settings are simular to the old one.
If you don't do this, the default settings will be used.
More infos are here: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/scoreboard-tablist-prefix-chat-animated.73854/updates

To disable the warning at start, you have to delete this file. But only do this if you have read it and have done all what this ReadMe says.
----------, Oct 14, 2020

+ Das Plugin funktioniert nun auch für die Minecraft Version 1.16
+ Bugfix: Man kann nun das Zeichen '%' im Chat verwenden!
----------, Aug 29, 2020

Nochmal kleine Bugfixes
----------, May 23, 2020

- Platzhalter %rang%
- Falsche Plugin Version hat wahrscheinlich zu falschen update Messages geführt
- Config default settings wurden richtig eingestellt
----------, May 23, 2020

- Animated Tablist
- Animated Scoreboard
- LuckPerms support
- Commands (/sb) für Info, update und reload
- Scoreboard kann nun bis zu 30 Zeichen lang sein anstatt 16
- Neue Paltzhalter (%player_food% - zeigt das Hungerlevel vom Spieler an, %player_health% - zeigt die Leben vom Spieler an, %player_saturation% - zeigt die Saturation an (2. Hungerbar))
- Developer API (eigene Platzhalter, bis version 1.13 unterstützt)
- Scoreboard sollte nun mit den meisten Prefix Plugin funktionieren

Es kann sein es wurde noch mehr geadded, aber mehr fällt mir gerade nicht ein. Ist eben so viel :p
----------, May 22, 2020

- Das "Design" in der Console wurde verbessert und die Fehlermeldungen genauer
- Der Platzhalter %rang% funktioniert jetzt auch ohne das Plugin PermissionsEx
- Die Leistung wurde optimiert
- Die Platzhalter werden besser ersetzt
----------, Apr 4, 2020

Es wurde ein Updatechecker hinzugefügt.

Bug fixes:
- Plugin deaktiviert sich nicht mehr, wenn ein Score zu lange ist.
- Wenn der Ping zu hoch ist, wird er als 999+ angezeigt (6 Zeichen, 10 Zeichen übrig).
- Genauere Fehlermeldungen, falls der Score/Name zu lang ist.
----------, Mar 10, 2020

Man kann nun in der Config einstellen, wie oft sich das Scoreboard updaten soll! Außerdem wurden die Config Einstellungen überarbeitet.
----------, Mar 9, 2020

Das Plugin funktioniert nun von den Minecraft Versionen 1.8 - 1.15 .
Außerdem wurde ein Tracking von bStats hinzugefügt, damit ich sehen kann, wie viele das Plugin benutzen.
----------, Mar 8, 2020

Ihr könnt nun den Platzhalter %ping% verwenden, damit der Ping vom Spieler in Tab/Scoreboard angezeigt wird.
----------, Jan 20, 2020

Dieses Plugin ist nun auch für die Versionen 1.13 und 1.14 Verfügbar. Ob es noch höher geht, habe ich nicht getestet. Es wird bald auch für die Versionen 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 verfügbar sein. Wenn ihr das Plugin bereits habt und den Autoupdater aktiviert habt, wird automatisch die aktuellste Version heruntergeladen.
----------, Jan 12, 2020

Dieses Plugin unterstützt nun auch den Chat. Falls ihr das Plugin vor diesem Update heruntergeladen habt, müsst ihr es erneut herunterladen und diesen Code in eure Config unten einfügen:
Code (Text):
  aktivieren: 'true'
  pexsupport: 'true'
  colorperm: prefix.colorcode
  - '&7[&cOwner&7] &7%name% -> %%%owner'
  - '&7[&bSupporter&7] &7%name% -> %%%permission.supporter'
  - '&7[&aSpieler&7] &7%name% -> %%%permission.spieler'
  autoupdater: 'true'
Wenn ihr die neuen Infos braucht, könnt ihr sie auch oben direkt unter dem Letzten # einfügen:

Code (Text):
# Chat einstellen:
# Der Chat ist genau gleich zum Konfigurieren, wie die Prefixe. Der einzigste unterschied, weshalb man ihn extra einstellen muss ist, dass man ihn länger machen kann.
# Du kannst zum Beispiel in Tab-Prefixen nicht &7[&bSupporter&7] &b schreiben, da es zu lang wäre. Im Chat funktioniert das.
# Du kannst folgende Platzhalter verwenden: %playeronline%, %playermax%, %rang%, %geld%, %name%, %uhrzeit%, %welt%
# Updater einstellen:
# Wenn du den Autoupdater aktivierst, wird nach jedem Server stop das Plugin erneut heruntergeladen, um die neusten Updates zu installieren.
# Wenn du diese Funktion deaktivierst, erhälst du keine Updates mehr!
----------, Dec 29, 2019

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 38,789
First Release: Dec 28, 2019
Last Update: Jun 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
66 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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