[PowerBoard] Scoreboard + Tablist + Prefix + Chat | Animated icon

[PowerBoard] Scoreboard + Tablist + Prefix + Chat | Animated -----

This Plugin has an animated Scoreboard + Tablist included a Prefix + Chat -System

[v3.5] Multiple-Scoreboard Update!
Warning: This update may be unstable and have some bugs! Make a backup of your config folder before you update!

Note: I changed the name of the Scoreboard to PowerBoard. The jar has also been renamed. You can just download the PowerBoard.jar and the old Scoreboard.jar will be automatically deleted.

New Features:
- You can now use multiple scoreboards!!
- Performance improvement: The animations are now running in async tasks, so they won't block the main threat!
- Added paused feature: Animations will stop if no player has that scoreboard
- You can now set your own hex color syntax. Add this to the placeholder section:
Code (Text):
hexColorSyntax: '#000000' # Set the syntax to trigger hex colors. For example '{color:000000}' or just 'color:000000' or 'color:#000000' - what you want
- Added new config option: placeholder.world-names
Add this to your config to use these options:
Code (Text):

    world-names: # Replace world names for the %player_world% placeholder
      world: 'Overword'
      world_nether: 'Nether'
      world_the_end: 'The End'
- Better support for Nick Plugins (Not finished yet)

- Changed code to get the server version (small performance improvement)
- Changed the description for the scoreboard.yml
- Removed space in luckperms-api prefix and suffix -> You have to add a space by yourself!
- Cleaned up the code

- Corrected typing errors
- Added custom error message for wrong hex color syntax

- Custom chat prefix for luckperms-api ranks
- Add more scoreboard conditions
- Add multiple Tablists
- Run more tasks ASync
- Actionbars
----------, Nov 6, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 38,847
First Release: Dec 28, 2019
Last Update: Jun 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
66 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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