Sadly the unlimited prefix/suffix was removed again because of some bugs that occurred. With that the HEX colored names also no longer work. However, there is an option in the config to enable it again if it is working for you: "ranks.useUnlimitedLongRanks: true"
Added warnings for deprecated placeholders
PAPI placeholder TPS now also works if the placeholder tps is not used in PowerBoard
Made some error checks if the scoreboard config is messed up
You can now set a specific prefix for a rank in LP API
Improved UpdateChecker for more performance (ASync) and fewer IP blocks
Command '/pb help': You can now only see the commands for which you have the perm
Removed old '/sb' command (This command has been replaced by '/powerboard' and '/pb')
Added tab complete for commands '/pb', '/powerboard'
Changed no permission message for commands
You can now toggle the scoreboard and tablist with '/pb toggle scoreboard'. The following permission is needed: 'powerboard.toggle.scoreboard'. Note: This does not remeber the state. If the player rejoins, the scoreboard and tablist will be displayed again. Use a custom plugin to save the state using the PowerBoardAPI.
Corrected typos
The readme file in the scoreboards folder is no longer generated (replaced by a link in default scoreboard.yml)
Code improvements:
Prepared tablist for the multiple tablists update
Made some changes in the TPS class
Improved Scoreboard Animations
Removed unnecessary variables
Put the LuckPerms API rank things in an extra class
Will be removed in v3.6 (deprecated):
Double tablist config update migration
Will be removed in v3.7 (deprecated):
Old placeholders support
Rename update migration
Multiple scoreboard update migration
Old "ranks.luckperms" config instead of the new "ranks.luckperms-api"