[PowerBoard] Scoreboard + Tablist + Prefix + Chat | Animated icon

[PowerBoard] Scoreboard + Tablist + Prefix + Chat | Animated -----

This Plugin has an animated Scoreboard + Tablist included a Prefix + Chat -System

[v3.4] Bugfixes, new features, API
- Some parts of the scoreboard code were rewritten (slight performance boost)

- Changed "no name color" message to understand better what to do

- Added the following placeholders: %mem_total%; %mem_free%; %mem_used%; %mem_max%

- Increased max 64 chars to 126 chars so you can really annoy your players by putting a scoreboard over the whole screen (please don't do that, i just increased this because i can)

- You can now use HEX colors! (Chat, Scoreboard, Tablist, Ranks)

- Added a new API

- Added to API: You can now set the scoreboard with the API

- Added to API: You can now enable/disable the scoreboard for a single player

- Added to API: You can now finally add your own placeholders

How to use the API:

Set custom Placeholders:
Code (Java):
CustomPlaceholders ph = new CustomPlaceholders ( ) {
    public String replace (Player p, String s ) {
        if (s. contains ( "%my_placeholder%" ) ) { // To save a bit performance
            s = s. replace ( "%my_placeholder%", "It works!" ) ; // Replace the placeholder
        return s ; // Return the modified string
} ;
ScoreboardAPI. registerCustomPlaceholders (ph ) ;
Enable/Disable the scoreboard for a specified player:
Code (Java):
ScoreboardAPI. getPlayer (p ). enableScoreboard ( ) ;
ScoreboardAPI. getPlayer (p ). disableScoreboard ( ) ;
Set a completely custom Scoreboard:
Code (Java):
ScoreboardAPI. getPlayer (p ). setScoreboardTitle (title, true ) ;

// After that we can set the scores:
// The index is the red number of the right side from the scoreboard
ScoreboardAPI. getPlayer (p ). setScoreboardScore (score, index, true ) ;
- Fixed: "Errors were found" message if there weren't any errors

- Fixed: error check in "self-check"

- Fixed: Teams are now unregistered after the server restarts to prevent that the player's prefix/suffix won't be removed

- Fixed: "[Scoreboard] The tablist config file is empty or the header/footer is not configurated!" fix when direct join after plugin enable

- Fixed: Error messages from tablist sometimes when a player joins were fixed
- Fixed: Plugin now doesn't use default configuration to work properly
----------, Apr 21, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 38,847
First Release: Dec 28, 2019
Last Update: Jun 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
66 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
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