MTVehicles | Vehicle Plugin | Free downloadable icon

MTVehicles | Vehicle Plugin | Free downloadable -----

MTVehicles, MinetopiaVehicles, DDGVehicles, MinetopiaVoertuigen, MinetopiaCars, MTCars, Vehicles

Update to 1.21.3 and 1.21.4

New features:
- Add /vehicle despawn <license> command to easily remove vehicles from the world
- Add "Slippery on ice" feature
- Add the "Slow down on honey blocks" feature (Both changeable in the config)

And Bugfixes

1.20.6 and 1.21 support added

Change to a different storage system for vehicles - No more TPS drops on servers with a very large amount of vehicles.

----------, Aug 6, 2024

Auto updater fix.
----------, Feb 11, 2024

New features:
- For all the folk using Skript, you can now implement MTVehicles into your code - see the wiki! (Wiki:
- 1.20.2 Support added
- 1.20.4 Support added You can now throw TNT out of the airplane if it is activated in the config ("airplaneTNT").
- There is a permission for the BuyCar and BuyVoucher command ("mtvehicles.buycar").
- VehicleRegionEnter / VehicleRegionLeave events
- Better API - New Vehicle and VehicleUtils (and more) API methods
- Some deprecated methods have been removed.
- Added Greek translation.

- The bug that boats sink on underwater plants has been fixed.
- Fix boats slowly sinking to the water
- Fix random NullPointerExceptions
- Trunk duplication fix

!! Big thanks to Zettovec, Gomorrha, and the other contributors working on this update !!
----------, Feb 10, 2024

What's new:
- **BOATS.** - Support for **1.19.3-1.20.1**
- **Code and API overhaul** (see GitHub releases page)
- **WorldGuard features available on 1.12!**
- **Compatibility with `armor-stand-tick: false`**
- New `/mtv buycar` and `/mtv buyvoucher` commands (hooked with Vault and supported economy plugins)
- Fixed `/vehicle language` not working on 1.12
- Fixed registering custom WorldGuard flags while using PlugMan
- Fixed driving on path blocks and farmlands
- Language updates: Russian, Dutch, French, Thai and Japanese

BEWARE: `vehicles.yml` has changed, it now includes vehicles' prices!

More info at:
----------, Jun 21, 2023

What's new:
- 1.19 compatibility
- Japanese and Hebrew translation
- [New placeholders](
- Some `/mtv ...` subcommands can be used while **sitting** in a vehicle (more realistic - you needn't hold it in your hand, however, you need to be its owner)

Bug fixes:

- `/vehicle delete` doesn't work
- `NullPointerException` in console on jerrycan filling
- Entering vehicles with and without permission does not work as it should
- `getHandlerList()` method not found (for API developers) - Skin item could be taken from a vehicle (see

API changes:
- [New events]( available
----------, Jun 17, 2022

- Getting messages via chat did not work
- Fixed `/vehicle addmember` command
- Fixed `/vehicle givevoucher` command
- Fixed picking up vehicles from water
- Fixed `/vehicle update` confirmation message

- GUIs entirely translatable
- New WorldGuard flags
- `!q` is used instead of `annuleren` in chat

API changes:
- `VehicleClickEvent` is now split into `VehiclePickUpEvent` and `VehicleEnterEvent`
----------, May 19, 2022

- This version is basically a quick hotfix for a rather serious issue which blocked refueling AND a new plugin updater (which might not work in 2.4.0 - to be frank, I'm not sure).

- Apart from that, 1.18.1 (as well as 1.18) is now a supported version.
----------, May 3, 2022

- Steering using facing _(beta)_
- Falling for flying vehicles when out of fuel (and an "extreme falling" option)
- Adding german, turkish and chinese translations
- As the plugin now offers 7 languages, I can't translate every single message. It is not feasible for me. However, **everything can be translated in messages.yml**. If you want to contribute, see [this]( and [the wiki page](
- Vehicle movement on snow
- Event API and new updated methods (for addon developers)
- **:warning: If you use MTVehicles API, please see [PR49]( and [PR50](!** Some stuff may be broken now.
- **and Airplanes of course**
----------, May 1, 2022


- Integration with WorldGuard and Vault (see [this ( for more info)
- New options and possibilities regarding fuel and jerrycans (and their refilling!)
- Tanks can shoot TNTs now (if you enable it in the config)!
- Limit the number of vehicles one can get from /vehicles menu with a permission
- Vehicles can take damage! (This option is disabled by default and must be enabled in config.yml)
- Set whether a horn is enabled individually for each vehicle
- SUPPORT FOR 1.18.2 (1.18.1 is not supported anymore as it is not the latest patch version)
- Fix a whole bunch of bugs
----------, Mar 13, 2022

Bugs were fixed, languages adjusted and /vehicle version command added.
----------, Jan 2, 2022


- Fixed a great deal of bugs
- Added driving on carpets (option on config)
- Added choice between driving on blocks/slab (option in config)
- Support for 1.18

Please note the plugin may have some bugs as some parts have been recreated. If you find a bug, please let our Discord server know. We try to solve this as soon as possible!
----------, Dec 18, 2021


- Added tanks to the plugin
- Added horns to cars press space bar
- Particles effects if you press space in a tank
- Fixed kick errors on 1.17.1
- Many minor bug fixes/features.

Please note the plugin may have some bugs as some parts have been recreated. If you find a bug, please let our Discord server know. We try to solve this as soon as possible!
----------, Nov 9, 2021


- Dubble bossbars fixed.
- Fixed some random kicks
- On server leave error fixed
- Removed givecar function and givevoucher because of bugs (will be added again later soon)
- Supports now NBT Tags on cars.
- Fixed some translations
- Block whitelist added
- Added /Vehicle public command added
- Added /Vehicle private command added
- Problem solved that sometime cars dont drive
- Code cleanup
- Many minor bug fixes/features.

Please note the plugin may have some bugs as some parts have been recreated. If you find a bug, please let our Discord server know. We try to solve this as soon as possible!
----------, Nov 7, 2021


- Je kunt de plugin nu op 1.17 gebruiken!
- ProtocolLib is niet meer depended.
- Bug opgelost met het talen menu.
- Nog vele kleine bug fixes/functies.

Letop de plugin kan misschien wat bugs bevatten aangezien sommige delen opnieuw zijn gemaakt. Laat het weten in onze Discord server als je een bug hebt gevonden. We proberen deze dan zo snel mogelijk op te lossen!

- You can now use the plugin on 1.17!
- ProtocolLib is no longer depended.
- Fixed bug with the languages menu.
- Many minor bug fixes/features.

Please note the plugin may have some bugs as some parts have been recreated. If you find a bug, please let our Discord server know. We try to solve this as soon as possible!
----------, Jun 20, 2021


- De problemen op Paper/Spigot 1.16.5 zijn opgelost.
- Je kunt nu met een menu jouw taal kiezen!
- taal kun je veranderen met /vehicle language
- Code cleanup gedaan
- Nog vele kleine bug fixes/functies.

Letop de plugin kan misschien wat bugs bevatten aangezien sommige delen opnieuw zijn gemaakt. Laat het weten in onze Discord server als je een bug hebt gevonden. We proberen deze dan zo snel mogelijk op te lossen!

- The issues on Paper/Spigot 1.16.5 have been resolved.
- You can now choose your language with a menu!
- Language can be changed with /vehicle language
- Code cleanup done - Many minor bug fixes / features.

- Many minor bug fixes / features.

Please note the plugin may have some bugs as some parts have been recreated. If you find a bug, please let our Discord server know. We try to solve this as soon as possible!
----------, Jun 4, 2021


- De problemen op Paper/Spigot 1.16.5 zijn opgelost.
- Je kunt nu met een menu jouw taal kiezen!
- taal kun je veranderen met /vehicle language
- Code cleanup gedaan
- Nog vele kleine bug fixes/functies.

Letop de plugin kan misschien wat bugs bevatten aangezien sommige delen opnieuw zijn gemaakt. Laat het weten in onze Discord server als je een bug hebt gevonden. We proberen deze dan zo snel mogelijk op te lossen!

- The issues on Paper/Spigot 1.16.5 have been resolved.
- You can now choose your language with a menu!
- Language can be changed with /vehicle language
- Code cleanup done - Many minor bug fixes / features.

- Many minor bug fixes / features.

Please note the plugin may have some bugs as some parts have been recreated. If you find a bug, please let our Discord server know. We try to solve this as soon as possible!
----------, Jun 4, 2021


- We supporten nu ook 1.16.5
- Een nieuwe vehicle movement (kan tot bugs leiden)
- Voertuigen kunnen achteruit rijden
- Dupe glitches zijn eruit gehaald
- Voertuigen kunnen over water rijden
- Kunt nu ook /vehicle restore <naam>
- Voertuigen rijden beter over slabs
- Code cleanup gedaan
- Nog vele kleine bug fixes/functies.

Letop de plugin kan misschien wat bugs bevatten aangezien sommige delen opnieuw zijn gemaakt. Laat het weten in onze Discord server als je een bug hebt gevonden. We proberen deze dan zo snel mogelijk op te lossen!

- We now also support 1.16.5
- A new vehicle movement (can lead to bugs)
- Vehicles can reverse
- Dupe glitches have been removed
- Vehicles can drive on water
- Can now also / vehicle restore <name>
- Vehicles drive better over slabs
- Code cleanup done
- Many minor bug fixes / features.

Please note the plugin may have some bugs as some parts have been recreated. If you find a bug, please let our Discord server know. We try to solve this as soon as possible!
----------, Apr 16, 2021


- Vehicle admin is bij /vehicle help gezet (de admin commands zie je alleen met de permissie "mtvehicles.admin")
- Gemaakt dat je snel en makkelijk voertuigen ids kun krijgen met /vehicle info (met de id kun je vouchers maken /vehicle voucher)

- Kleine bug fixed met de commands (niet meer hoofdletter gevoelig )
----------, Feb 11, 2021


- 1.16.4 toegevoegd (gloednieuwe vehicle movement)
- Vehicle Movement 1.15.2 cleanup (minder lag/dataspam)
- Geen automatische reload meer na het update van de plugin
- Voertuigen tanken is ook weer fixed
- Na het claimen van een voucher sluit het menu
- En nog een paar kleine bug fixes
----------, Dec 24, 2020


- Vehicle Movement 1.12.2 cleanup (minder lag/dataspam)
- Voertuigen die zomaar verwijderd worden opgelost probably (alleen bij de nieuwe voertuigen)
- Een nieuw command /vehicle delete toegevoegd (mtvehicles.delete)
- Je kunt nu geen voertuigen meer oppakken als je inventory vol zit.
- Over het water kunnen rijden in 1.12.2 is eruit gehaald
----------, Dec 22, 2020

- Voertuigen oppakken kun je uitzetten in de config

- Voertuig is onderwater bug is gefixed
----------, Nov 5, 2020

'ik weet het niet meer' - joep 2k20
----------, Oct 17, 2020

Wiekens zijn gefixed in 1.12.2
----------, Oct 9, 2020

Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Na lang wachten is hij eindelijk af. Lees hieronder alle nieuwe updates:

NIEUW! Custom voertuigen toevoegen.
NIEUW! Voertuigen data aanpassen in game.
✔ Reloaden/Herstarten van server kan met voertuigen in de map.
✔ Benzine functie aanpasbaar in config.
✔ Alle huidige voertuigen + helicopters.
✔ ANWB als je auto ter water is.
NIEUW! Kofferbakken per voertuig & aanpasbaar.
✔ Vehicle edit functie.
NIEUW! Per voertuig snelheid aanpasbaar.
✔ Actieve support/developers.
✔ Vouchers voor voertuigen.

/vehicle info
/vehicle help
/vehicle addrider
/vehicle addmember
/vehicle removerider
/vehicle removemember
/vehicle admin
/vehicle edit
/vehicle menu
/vehicle benzine
NIEUW! /vehicle restore
NIEUW! /vehicle reload
NIEUW! /vehicle update
/vehicle setowner

NIEUW! mtvehicles.update

Vermeld fouten / bugs in de discord en laat een review achter op de spigot pagina. Lees volledige uitleg ook hier:
----------, Oct 8, 2020

- /vehicle voucher <carid> <player> -> permissie mtvehicles.voucher
- /buycraftvoucher <carid> <player> (console command)

Bug fixes:
- Wiekens kan je er niet meer afhalen
----------, Aug 22, 2020

Wiekens van helicopters zijn gefixed.
----------, Jul 29, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 394,538
First Release: Jul 1, 2020
Last Update: Yesterday at 10:35 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
101 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings