MTVehicles | Vehicle Plugin | Free downloadable icon

MTVehicles | Vehicle Plugin | Free downloadable -----

MTVehicles, MinetopiaVehicles, DDGVehicles, MinetopiaVoertuigen, MinetopiaCars, MTCars, Vehicles

2.4.0 Updates with planes!
- Steering using facing _(beta)_
- Falling for flying vehicles when out of fuel (and an "extreme falling" option)
- Adding german, turkish and chinese translations
- As the plugin now offers 7 languages, I can't translate every single message. It is not feasible for me. However, **everything can be translated in messages.yml**. If you want to contribute, see [this]( and [the wiki page](
- Vehicle movement on snow
- Event API and new updated methods (for addon developers)
- **:warning: If you use MTVehicles API, please see [PR49]( and [PR50](!** Some stuff may be broken now.
- **and Airplanes of course**
----------, May 1, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 394,695
First Release: Jul 1, 2020
Last Update: Yesterday at 10:35 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
101 ratings
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