MTVehicles | Vehicle Plugin | Free downloadable icon

MTVehicles | Vehicle Plugin | Free downloadable -----

MTVehicles, MinetopiaVehicles, DDGVehicles, MinetopiaVoertuigen, MinetopiaCars, MTCars, Vehicles

Version: 2.5.4
great vehicle plugin that I used for my servers, now it serves as an example for one of my future plugins, thanks to the author and his contributors!
Author's response
Thank you so mutch!

Version: 2.5.4
I really like this plugin, it makes my game more interesting, but I hope it can be updated to 1.21. X because my server no longer supports lower versions and I need a higher version to run on my server. I hope it can be updated as soon as possible!
Author's response
Of course! In the Discord we have a beta version for the newer versions! Currently I am extremely busy, I will also look for the official update this month.

Version: 2.5.4
The plugin is very good. I've been using it for a couple of years now.
Unfortunately, new version updates come a bit late, but that is understandable.
Author's response
Working on it! beta version in Discord!

Version: 2.5.4
Hay Soporte para Geyser????
There is support for Geyser???
Es mi duda porque quiero que los usuarios de bedrock vean las texturas
Author's response
Yes, join our Discord server for more information or help!

Version: 2.5.4
I have a drop problem every time I enter a new chunk by car. why? I do not experience this problem with other vehicle plugins.
Author's response
That's annoying, we're happy to help you in our Discord server!

Version: 2.5.4
this plugin is really nice, ive used it on my 1.20.1 server, will be there update to support 1.21.1 paper version?
Author's response
Yes! Beta version in the Discord! :)

Version: 2.5.4
It's a good plugin but it should also be realised on 1.21.1 Thanks for plugin
Author's response
Thank you! We will update to 1.21.1 asap. there is already a beta version in the Discord server!

Version: 2.5.4
plz update it for 1.20.2 is very Cool And Best
plz update 1.20.2 version plz plz i need to it
Author's response
thanks, the beta version of 1.20.2 is in our Discord.

Version: 2.5.4
Don't working in aternos 1.16.5! This plugin can't working curently. I from Russia and don't know English very well. I can't play with this plugin with my friend!
Author's response
Instead of posting negative reviews read the wiki or ask for support in our Discord. Please remove them and you are welcome in our support server;

Version: 2.5.3
The best plugin!
Waiting for stable 1.20.6 release.

Thanks developers for this plugin!

Version: 2.5.3
Plugin not works on aternos 1.20. I don`t have help in discord. All people
on discord had help.
Author's response
Instead of posting negative reviews read the wiki or ask for support in our Discord. Please remove them and you are welcome in our support server;

Version: 2.5.3
I'm giving two stars because the plugin doesn't work.
I get an error when entering commands.
When I find out how to solve the problem, I will give more stars.

Version: 2.5.3
I'm going to be very honest, it can't get any better. The developer puts a huge amount of effort into it, plus it's free. I would charge money for it, so I get paid for my hours. Definitely get on with it!
Author's response
Thank you for your review and understanding how much time goes into this.

Version: 2.5.3
this plugins is perfect... together the texturapack!...Goodjob! but my server needs 1.20.6! ;-; y can help us?
Author's response
Join the discord server if you need some help or have questions!

Version: 2.5.3
What can i say, its a great Plugin + its Free! thats all i needed. I would 100% Recommend it
Author's response
Hey thanks for your review! Finally someone looks at how much effort is behind this that we share for free with everyone.

Version: 2.5.3
Good, but this new version is not working with the newest resourcepack.
Can u fix it plz
Author's response
It is. join the Discord please! :)

Version: 2.5.0
This plugin gives you everything you need. They got a good support. And they are not toxic like some of people. And you should get this plugin in your server. And use the resource pack for a a better preformce
Author's response
Thank you! appreciate it!

Version: 2.5.0
Terrible performance, and a terrible plugin.
I've downloaded it as I was thinking it'd be better to allow my bedrock players to use vehicles, with of course limitations bedrock has.
My server dropped from 20 to 12 TPS regularly whenever my players placed, rider or used it, I thought it was something else but I'm afraid not.
Unless the plugin optimizes in the future, do not download.

Version: 2.5.0
Unusable plugin, the vehicles cause intense lag when in your inventory, when placed on the ground and driving or just when browsing the vehicle menu. The plugin itself is lag. The cars are so hideous it's almost laughable. People constantly ask "why is it so laggy" and they get ignored. Using the command /vehicles menu to simply browse the cars from the menu causes my fps to drop from 120+ to 20. Their support is trash. Don't waste your time in their discord, their solution to fixing the lag from using the command /vehicles menu is "add more vehicles"
Author's response
The texturepack has nothing to do with the plugin, we just provide it as a 'template'. This plugin and support is completely free, rather disrespectful to do it this way

Version: 2.5.0
I am satisfied with the plugin but I don't know how to put vehicles please help me
Author's response
Hi thanks, please join the Discord server: we can help you there!

Version: 2.5.0
The plugin is very awful! Updates are released once a year , in discord support can not say anything intelligible, asks to report to GitHub , but on GitHub no answer too, no one answers me for 4 days.

Transport is very buggy, as well as the menu with his choice, it happens that when you click in the menu on the transport simply nothing happens.
Author's response
Very disrespectful review.

This project is completely free to use and open-source. you can solve your own problems that you encounter.

It's not nice to leave this behind as everyone is offering free support from their personal time.

Kindly request that you remove this.

Version: 2.5.0
Is there any txt for it? Because i have only for diamond hoe. Can someone help me?
Author's response
Hi join our Discord server for support,

Version: 2.4.3
Good plugin! Uses it already over 1 year.
Is it already certain when with a 1.19.4 version is to be reckoned?
Author's response
next month, and thanks :)

Version: 2.4.3
esta muy bueno recomendado para boludear y el de abajo es un boludaso tenes que poner el texture pack para que ande nabo
Author's response
Thank you for your review

Version: 2.4.3
azada voladora , buen vehiculo . me gusta! ...................................................
Author's response
Please delete this review. We have a support Discord.

Version: 2.4.3
Awesome plugin. Could you add a command to remove cars that can't be removed anymore? That would be great. Something like /minecraft:kill @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3]
Author's response
You can leave suggestions on our Github, thanks.

Version: 2.4.3
The plugin is good, but the fps drops a lot, what should I do? How to optimize? 5 cars fps drops to 30
Author's response
Thank you for your review. you can add models yourself.

Version: 2.4.3
Okay, but why are all transports
то hoe? is there a resource pack? (sorry for my bad english)
Author's response
Sorry for late reaction, for support can you ask in the Discord Server.

Version: 2.4.3
nice, now I haave a floating hoe forever on my server. can´t get rid of it. also not if I delete the plugin. thanks
Author's response
Sorry for late reaction, for support can you ask in the Discord Server.

Version: 2.4.3
well it's look a good plugin but my vehicles cannot move and when i ask on discord i'm just ping a support and then he timeout me what a amazing rule
Author's response
This is quite an odd review. you come to us to ask for support which we give voluntarily. and you're not going to read the rules. then you cannot expect us to help you. please delete this review.

Version: 2.4.3
It's a good plugin, but it doesn't have a shop menu, and this makes players unable to buy cars
Author's response
You can do that with other plugins, and suggesties do we accept on our github, not on the reviews.

Version: 2.4.3
Really great plugin.
Just wondering if the vehicles would be able to move up slabs and blocks?
Author's response
Thanks for the stars, and yes you can. ask in the Discord server.

Version: 2.4.3
This is really very good, but in future updates, add the ability to drop bombs from aircraft

Version: 2.4.2
I hope the developer will release a plugin for version 1.19 and there are many models of boats
Author's response
Thanks for the review, and yes we are working in it. Will be released in couple days.

Version: 2.4.1
what pack of textures do I have to use so that the cars go or not and what to use it???
Author's response
Hey thanks for the review!

Join our Discord server and we will help you with this problem!


Version: 2.4.0
The plugin is very cool, but at the same time a little raw. A lot of transport plugins have a "transport menu", mostly private or self-written plugins. It would be nice to add the same thing to this plugin, thereby making it more unique and popular. Add a transport menu that the owner of the transport can open while sitting in it. in this menu it will be possible to open the trunk of the vehicle, open the fuel tank of the vehicle, close and open the vehicle for other players. The opening of the transport could be done by pressing the F button, Or by the command. /mtv carmenu
Author's response
Thank you for your review! I already saw a few things appear on Github from you.

Version: 2.3.0
This plugin is exactly what I was looking for.
But is it still not supported in 1.18 spigot?
Your Server version is not supported. The plugin will NOT load is displayed.
I'm sorry for the translator's tone, as I can't speak English.
Author's response
Thanks for you're review!

The plugin only works currently on the latest Spigot patches.
You can find it our FAQ

We are maybe adding also 1.18 and 1.18.1 and you are welcome in the Discord server for all the questions!

Version: 2.3.0
This is a plugin good, free and have many cars, BUT cars there is not animation of drive, and sound in time drive, please developers add the function
Author's response
Thanks for your review! We can add this maybe later to the plugin! Request it in our Discord server

Version: 2.2.1
they refuse to help me in the discord server, what a great support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
This plugin is free and all support we give to people is done voluntarily. Not everyone on our support team always has time to help people. Please delete this review and forward it to our Discord server.

Version: 2.2.1
best free plugin for cars, but im beggin for a texture pack optimization, the fps drops are 20 or more when 2 or more cars are spawned in a chunk
Author's response
Thanks for your review! Cars made on voxels, and the more details the car has, the more voxels. And the more voxels, the more lag. You can also add your own cars to the plugin in the vehicles.yml

Version: 2.2
non si capisce nulla in game è in una lingua sconosciuta e le macchine sono zappe volanti quendo le piazzi se mi spiegassi come risolvere lo cambierei subbito visto che in teoria è molto bello come plu in
Author's response
It says 100x that we have a support server where we can help you, quite strange that you put this in your review. Despite that, you might be able to look beyond your nose and see that we had a messages.yml file where you could change your language.

Version: 2.1.1
Good plugin, but could you make a version for 1.14 Minecraft? Please!!! I need it!

Thank you :)
Author's response
Hey sorry, but for some reason 1.14 didn't work quite right, and since it's barely used, I chose not to spend time on it and add it, you can just update your server to a higher version where which does work.

Version: 2.1.1
can you add jump to vehicles? cause they can't go up :/ please, thank you, ill be waiting
Author's response
Yes its will be added to the 2.1.2 update #soon !

Version: 2.1.1
Dit is een oprechte review.

- Er komt een texturepack bij
- Er is top support
- Er zijn meer dan genoeg docs
- Opensource
- Gemakkelijk te gebruiken
- Upload & go
Author's response

Version: 2.1.1
Goeie visgol plugin en goeie sjuffs, testuur pak mooi en orgineel gemade.

For english:
I raad dit verry wel aan.
Author's response

Version: 2.1.1
the plugin is cool, but there is a minus because of some machines the FPS falls
but in general I like the plugin!
Author's response

Version: 2.0.9
The concept is awesome, however, the final plugin is not yet in its stable version.

It contains a good deal of bugs which have not been fixed for a long time. (Even though the developer has assured me that they are working on the bugs, I am not conviced.)

But if one wants to use it just for testing purposes or to have fun with friends and doesn't mind the issues, I guess I'd recommend it.
Author's response
Hey thanks for your review! Our project is open source so you can send as pull requests. Otherwise join our discord server and we'll look at the bugs you have!

Version: 2.0.9
buggiest ever vehicles plugin to ever exist yea many bugs cant even list here ...................
Author's response
We literally have a support chat where we can help you, it's really useless to leave a 1 star review here because apparently it's "buggie" while we can also just solve your problem. We can help you in the Discord server: we would appreciate if you delete this.

Version: 2.0.9
very good plugin but where do I get the texturepack? when i saw videos about it i got very exited and its completely free with high quality textures
Author's response
Thank you for your review! You can join our Discord server and we will be happy to help you there!

Version: 2.0.9
Best Minetopia Plugin on the planet for cars,
I hope to see more updates in the future.
Author's response
Thank you for your review! You can submit updates to us in the Discord server

Version: 2.0.9
is the best free plugin
Author's response
Thank you very much for your review!

Version: 2.0.9
Great plugin for every server!
Keep up the great work guys!
Excellent and is free!
Author's response
Hey thanks for your review!

Version: 2.0.9
Excellent Plugin, Only something I would like to add is to can recollect the vehicle after spawning it.
Author's response
Hey thanks for your review!

Version: 2.0.9
parts of it is still dutch, and some vehicles can'tgo up a block(can't jump basically), the others are perfect
Author's response
In the discord you can pass the things that are not translated and vehicles can only climb slabs.


Version: 2.0.9
I can´t load those vehicles whats wrong???i tried reload plugin reinstall server nothing works
Author's response
we got a support chat in our Discord server.

Version: 2.0.9
A best plugin i like to give this plugin auther 99999999999999999999 stars ✨✨✨✨✨✨
Author's response
hey thanks dude!

Version: 2.0.9
Please send me a link to the resouce pack, is it on the source code or where is it?
Author's response
It says almost everywhere you look how or where to install the resource pack. I find it rather strange that you say; that you don't find it. Thank you for your review. If you would like to discuss this further, please join our Discord server:

Version: 2.0.9
Nice plugin but where is the resource pack? I like it to be easier to be able to see it .
Leuke plugin maar waar is het resource pack? Ik wil dat het makkelijker is om het te kunnen zien.
Author's response
Er staat bijna overal waar je kijk, hoe of waar je de resourcepack moet installeren. Ik vind het nogal vreemd dat je zegt; hij niet makkelijk te vinden is. Alsnog bedankt voor jouw review. Wil je hier over verder praten join gerust onze Discord server:

Version: 2.0.9
Exelente me encanto, lo unico que tube que descargar es el paquete de textura y pasarcelos a mis jugadores para poder verlos, exelente, etaria bueno que el pack viñera en el plugins ,1.17,gracias
Author's response
Hey thanks for your review! Soon we will spend some more time in the multi-version texture pack.

Version: 2.0.9
Good plugin, took me a while to find the resourcepack and it is only one very detailed resolution which lags my computer out every time I even have it in the inventory, but the plugin itself is fine, mostly in english if you choose it and the cars themself work great.
Author's response
Thank you for your review! I just think it's a bit weird that you say you couldn't find the texturepack it's literally at the top of this page

Version: 2.0.8
This plugin gets a 4/5. It's a good plugin, and there's clearly a lot of work been put in to it, but there are some improvements to be made.

Here are the main positives:
- Lots of premade vehicles with unique features.
- Really cool concept that's well executed.
- Commands are clean and easy to use.
- OpenSource! (So I could just go ahead and fix everything in my "negative"-section myself)
- The open source code is clean and readable! (Thanks!)
- In-game editor! That's handy.
- It has a cool fuel system!
- Support for different colors of the same vehicle.
and lots more!

Now for the reasons it loses a star:
- The vehicles do in some cases feel laggy to ride. The armorstand moves and the player rubberbands a little bit after. This seems to mainly be a minecraft limitation, and is fairly neglible. For what you can expect with an armorstand based vehicle on a java server, the performance is okay, but having to many at the same time would definitly cause lagg. (A global limit to how many vehicles can be out at the same time would be appreciated)

- Slabs were especially weird to travel on. I had more luck going up slabs in certain directions than others.

- The entire config is in dutch... I understand that it is mainly a dutch plugin, but if your goal is to reach as many users as possible, the config should probably get translated (or atleast the comments above the config)

- Some menu items are still in dutch, even if language is set to english.

- Some inventory buttons have to long sentences on one line, making it go outside of the screen on the default window size. Consider breaking up some of your text into multiple lines.

- Does not (to my knowledge) have a per world limitation or a region limitation, so you can't restrict the vehicles to be used in only some places, and this makes it so a lot of servers can't utilize this plugin.

- Vehicles don't automatically get removed when you leave them (and there's no option for this)

End point:
- If you feel like this plugin would suit your server, I do recommend it, but you may want to limit who has access. To many people trying to fly around in helicopters at the same time would harm performance.
Author's response
Thank you very much for your review! Something I can make many improvements to. Thanks! We can talk further on Discord!

Version: 2.0.8
The plugin is very good, the vehicle models are very good and very detailed. The plugin is not the cause of the lag as some say, the plugin works without any problem. The problem here is the texture pack, a person who has a decent computer will have no problems, I have an I7 7700K, gtx 1080 and 60 gigs of ram, my fps are normally between 900 and 1100, but when I use the texture pack to test the vehicles my FPS drops to 150. Now imagine how the FPS of a player who does not have a good computer will drop. I read a review from Apr 30, 2021 where someone asks for a lower resolution texture pack and you tell him that you will take a look at that, I really hope you can fix that. I will leave my 5 stars because it is a good plugin and is free.
Author's response
Thanks for your review! It is indeed a heavier texture pack. Some people have little trouble with it and others a little more. Maybe it will help you to give your Minecraft more ram.

Version: 2.0.7
The plugin works perfectly without lags and those who say that the plugin is lagging are wrong
Author's response
Thanks for your review!

Version: 2.0.7
u not helpup,u only say i need change version but this not help me,server anyway error for this plugin + lagg is if u drive and is small tps

my server is 20GB ram,40GB memory

u need fixed bug not say send video only i give 1start + i uninstall this plugin this plugin broken more my server

sry but u need fix this bug :)

good luck
Author's response
We want help you but we are not 24/7 support. we dont need a proof of lag we want to see what kinda lag it is. join our discord server and we will help you with this plugin.

Version: 2.0.7
The support isn't properly developped, Custom service is not helpful.
Learn to developing man...
Shit Plugin..
Author's response
Hey join our Discord server i will take an look at it or add me as friend on Discord: Joep#0001 we will talk about it to solve your problem.

Version: 2.0.7
geweldige plug-in
maar de voertuigen stoppen en er komt een protocolbericht uit (ik heb de protocollen bijgewerkt voor de nieuwste versie) hoe kan ik dit oplossen?
Author's response
Hey dankjewel voor jouw review! In onze Discord server kun je om support vragen daar helpen we je verder!

Version: 2.0.7
This plugin is very good Job! :) Free and really the best Vehicle plugin at the moment!
Author's response
Thanks for your review!

Version: 2.0.7
on my server the venciles are all diamond hoes. is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?
Author's response
Lol you need an texurepack. Join our Discord server, please remove this review..

Version: 2.0.7
this is a great vehicle plugin but if it could support multiple platforms it would be better
Author's response
Thanks for your review! what do you want to see under "more platforms" ask your question in our Discord server and we will talk about it!

Version: 2.0.7
Dont cry guys! This is the best vehlicle plugin! <3 Free, lot of Vehlicle and so easy.
Author's response
Thanks for your review!

Version: 2.0.7
OK Plugin but a bit laggy, do not respond with, "Oh you're PC is bad," or, "It's your ram or CPU!"
I will not delete this review.
It was a good idea but it's really laggy.
Author's response
The most version of spigot/paper limit the armorstand ticks, ask in our Discord server more about this and i dont know why you directly made this review.

Version: 2.0.7

firstly I would like to state the support:
The support isn't properly developped, unhelpful content leading to "unliking" this plugin. Custom service Not helpful.

I ask Why are the vehicles lagging and the response to that is "its or your ram or your cpu" which are perfectly fine on a dedicated node.
And Did not help me at all.

And Most importantly:
The plugin is very laggy, the vehicles dont move properly, only thing i can give 2 stars to is the resource pack. Except that its too detailed which causes lag.
Tooooo many vehicles also causing lag, could be fixed by reducing the vehicle count or less detailing the texture pack. Could be much better and much worse, but it is leaning more to a bad cause.

I don't recommend this plugin at all for developped servers, u may have to pass on to another (wont state names).

If you are offended by this review, don't complain please. Thank You!
Author's response
Hello.... Im not happy to hear that.

I have tried helping you with the plugin you was also in call on screenshare, you left out of no where. And you say the texurepack gives lag but its an small texurepack and no one gets lag from it. So you have really bad pc because its not even support a resourcepack.

And you say "Too many vehicles" we dont say that you need use that resourcepack. You can add and remove your own vehicles of it in the vehicles.yml the resourcepack is not an part of the plugin.

Paper. You probably used paper and they limit armorstand ticks so they don't move smoothly anymore. That was probably the lag problem.

I hope to have informed you about this, please come back to our Discord server and go to Joep#0001 pm and we will talk about it.

You apparently know better than our Team MTVehicles so why not help us with it? Our code is open source, so why didn't you make it yourself / help if you still have that comment? you can cancel it, but why not help us with it? here you can find the source code of our plugin

Please delete this review because it was not very useful. And because the problems such as texurepack are up to you and that you haven't extensively tested the entire plugin yet.

If you still have some question send me an message on Spigot or DM me on Discord Joep#0001

Version: 2.0.7
Really good plugin, it would be just good to have a command to clear all cars, like / vehicle clearall to clear all vehicles put in the server and a / vehicle clear (player) clear all player vehicles
Author's response
Thanks and nice idea! I will add it to the suggestions!

Version: 2.0.7
very good plugin
but one suggestion, low res texture pack please. the texture pack reduse my fps. XD that's the bad thing about the plugin
Author's response
Thanks for your review! I will add an low pc option to the plugin so the menu with cars is smaller!

Version: 2.0.7
very good plugin
but one suggestion, low res texture pack please. the texture pack reduse my fps. XD
Author's response
We will look at that :P

Version: 2.0.7
I just need help. What setting is it in the paper.yml for vehicles to work. I have the pack installed so I can get in them but they only turn in place they do not move forwards or backwards
Author's response
Hey i want help you! Join our Discord support server

Version: 2.0.7
the cars are laggy a lot and dont move properly
i think the developer should atleast respond to this query but he is not listening!

First impression is the last impression!
i would suggest others to NOT play it till any other update comes in where the cars will work properly

Well, they could have stopped me from writing this review here if they responded me on discord
Author's response
No wonder your vehicles are lagging if you have free hosting that doesn't meet our requirements. completely useless, please remove this review. And contact us again on Discord Joep#0001

Version: 2.0.7
I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: 2.0.7
Ca you add support for paper servers? Please? It seems like a great plugin, but it isn't as versatile as others.
Author's response
You can use paper but you need to enable an setting in the paper.yml

Version: 2.0.6
Looking forward to 1.16.5 compatibility, this is a good plugin and I am very impressed that it is free.
Author's response
Thanks, 1.16.5 is on the way! I am testing the last things of it. Stay informed of our plugin and take a look at our discord!

Version: 2.0.6
even klein vraagje welke texterpack moet ik gebruiken want julie discoord linkjes werken nergens op en of ik kan ze niet joinen zouden julie dit willen fixen want wij willen graag op onze server normale auto's tanks
Author's response
Je kunt support vragen in onze Discord server.

Version: 2.0.6
Goede plugin! Werkt prima zonder bugs! Ga zo door! 80 tekens zijn veel hoor wel echt hoor ja echt.
Author's response
danku danku.....

Version: 2.0.6
Dit is je revieuw :D ........................................................................
Author's response
Dankjewel :P

Version: 2.0.5
where can i find the texture pack

Author's response
if you read this review below, you can see that i said in the Discord server....

Version: 2.0.5
The texture pack ??
Author's response
In the Discord server you can find the Texurepack!

Version: 2.0.5
how to use vehicles?
sorry to bad english
Author's response
Hey you can join the Discord server, then we wil help you with installing the plugin!

Version: 2.0.4
Perfecte plugin met super leuke functies! Van kofferbakken tot custom voertuigen :)
Author's response

Version: 2.0.3
When I type the command it gives an error. Writes in white print /minetopiavehicles. Version 1.16.4
Author's response
The plugin is not working on 1.16.4 read the console error...

Version: 2.0.3
English: The best plugin for transport !!! Hopefully in the next update there will be a tuning system and more vehicles from Minetopia :)
Dutch: De beste plugin voor transport !!! Hopelijk komt er in de volgende update een afstemmingssysteem en meer voertuigen van Minetopia :)

You are the best!!! :D
Author's response

Version: 2.0.3
Beste (minetopia) vehicle plugin ooit op minecraft van kofferbakken tot custom vehicles gewoon een verplichte plugin
Best (minetopia) vehicle plugin ever on minecraft from WAT KOFFERBAKKEN IN HEt ENGELS IS to Custom vehicles
Author's response
Dankjewel voor je review man!

Version: 2.0.2
Perfecte plugin met super leuke functies! Van kofferbakken tot custom voertuigen :)
Author's response

Version: 2.0.1
Damn nice update, goede plugin!
Vooral kofferbakken vind ik gaaf, nice update!!
Author's response

Version: 2.0-SNAPSHOT
Perfecte plugin met super leuke functies! Van kofferbakken tot custom voertuigen :)
Author's response
whoop whoop

Version: 2.0-SNAPSHOT
Geweldige plugin! Gebruik m nu ongeveer een jaar en de support is geweldig! De maker is erg klant vriendelijk
Author's response
whoop whoop

Version: 1.5
Perfecte plugin, goede support & gratis leuke updates! Vouchers zijn ook een leuke recente toevoeging.
Author's response
Jij bent de beste support!

Version: 1.5
pls update naar 1.15!! ik wil deze plugin heel graag op mijn server

alvast bedankt.
Author's response

Version: 1.4
kan je deze plugin ook gebruiken voor een 1.15.2 server? ik vind het nu al perfect
Author's response
Alleen 1.12.2, zal voorlopig ook niet veranderen

Version: 1.4
Zeer goeie plugin, en perfect voor fake minetopia servers, hier zou ddg nog wat van kunnen leren.
Author's response

Version: 1.3
Beste Plugin!

Maakt je server ook niet sloomer van lol

Miss add dat je ook handamtig custom vehicles kunt toevoegen ;D
Author's response
toegevoegd in 2.0 :D

Version: 1.3
Deze plugin geeft een maakt de speel evaring van fake minetopia servers nog beter! Deze plugin is gewoon nodig op een fake minetopia server. Deze plugin verdient van mij daarom 5 sterren!
Author's response
Jo thanks!!!!

Version: 1.3
IN DEZE PLUGIN ZIT EEN BACKDOOR (VIRUS) DE MAKER KAN JE SERVER GRIEFEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
Wil je aub geen saus praten

Version: 1.3
Fantastische plugin, complimenten naar de chef. Het valt me echt super goed in de maag, 5 dikke sterren
Author's response

Version: 1.3
Enorm handige plugin! Gebruik m altijd!
Eerder had ik deze plugin gekocht toen deze nog enkel tekoop stond en niet gratis te downloaden.
Deze versie is stukke beter, wel jammer dat we de "MINETOPIAWORLDVEHICLES" niet krijgen ipv deze.
Author's response
4 sterren maar? Alleen omdat we al echt 100x hebben gezegd dat World en classic verschillend zijn.

Version: 1.3
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
slegte plughin
Author's response
Discord - Walt E. Disney#5118 of de MTVehicles Discord

Version: 1.3
Dit is gewoon de beste vehicle plugin everr.. Ik vind het echt Racistisch naar joep toe dat Spigot telkens de PL Verwijderd.. Ik heb t gevoel dat ze dat doen omdat Joep zijn skin een wat donkere huidskleur heeft! #MakeJoepZijnVehiclesSuperErgGroot
Author's response
Yes thanks :D

Version: 1.3
Slechte support.. Wanneer je iets deftigs vraagt negeren ze je gwn of antwoorden ze op een best domme/debiele manier! Hun doen ook aan vriendjes politiek want wnr 1 van hun vriendjes iets fouts doet in hun dc worden ze niet gebanned en kinderen die minder foute dingen doen wel..
Author's response
Volgensmij gaan reviews over de plugin en niet over iets wat extern gebeurt. Alsook, we geven iedereen voldoende kansen om zich te gedragen. Vervolgens nemen we gepaste actie. Graag contact opnemen via: Walt E. Disney#5118

Version: 1.3
we moeten van Joep allemaal een goeie reactie geven maar ik ga dat echt niet ik heb een eigen best wil
Author's response
Deze review gaat niet over de plugin. Graag aanpassen of verwijderen. Ook verplichten we je niet om een review te schrijven. Maar als je het doet doe het dan goed

Version: 1.3
Dit is gewoon de beste vehicle plugin everr.. Ik vind het echt Racistisch naar joep toe dat Spigot telkens de PL Verwijderd.. Ik heb t gevoel dat ze dat doen omdat Joep zijn skin een wat donkere huidskleur heeft! #MakeJoepZijnVehiclesSuperErgGroot
Author's response
Jo thanks!

Version: 1.3
Goede plugin, werkt gewoon goed. Heb nog geen enkele bug of error tegengekomen goede verbetering tegen vroeger! Ga zo door Thomas en Joep!
Author's response

Version: 1.3
Prachtiste plugin ooit
Author's response
Jooooo thanks!

Version: 1.3
Super plugin ga zo door met updaten! Misschien moeten we alle oxboards er inkomen.
Author's response
Stuur even in de Discord welke er nog missen! Super bedankt voor de review

Version: 1.3
Dit is de meest slechte minetopa vechile plugin ever....

Kom lekker op joep waarom steel je van minetopia #Dief

Val tog neer
Author's response
Okey heel interesant

Version: 1.3
goede plugin alleen je wordt gekickt van hun discord als je onder de 12 jaar bent!
Author's response
Dat komt omdat wij anders de Discord ToS verbreken als we underaged zouden toelaten. Ik vind het ook jammer dat je daarvoor maar 3 sterren geeft omdat deze review nu niet meer om de plugin gaat

Version: 1.3
Heele goede plugin... Bedankt voor het maken. Vrienden zijn er ook blij mee :) Bedankt BlubberYouTube ( Discord : )WaterSpy#7672
Author's response
Super bedankt!

Version: 1.3
Je plugin is zeer hutss :) ben echt blij man je weet zelf, maar wel leuke plugin verder en goede updates! Joep je bent me favoriete plugin maker en MTVehichles is gwn zeer huts! Daarom 5 sterretjes!
Author's response
Thanks! Ook namens Joep

Version: 1.3
Zeer goeie vehicle plugins. De vehicles doen het goed en er zijn geen bugs. Ook hele goeie support. Zeker 5 sterren waard!!
Author's response
Aye thanks bro

Version: 1.3
SpigotMC: Your revieuw must be at least 80 characters. Using filler characters to bypass this limit will get you punished, please write a proper and constructive review.
Author's response
okey ga alsjeblieft weg ofz

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 394,538
First Release: Jul 1, 2020
Last Update: Yesterday at 10:35 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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