Message Editor icon

Message Editor -----

Edit in-game messages that were previously unmodifiable

  • Fixed inventory click causing errors on newer Minecraft versions (thanks skedyy, #44).
----------, Feb 7, 2025

  • Added support for 1.20.5, 1.20.6, 1.21, 1.21.1, 1.21.2, and 1.21.3.
  • Updated the minimum required version of ProtocolLib to 5.3.0.
  • Updated the minimum required version of (optional) PlaceholderAPI to 2.11.6.
  • Updated the minimum required version of Java to 21.
  • Updated updater messages.
  • Updated arrow items in the GUI. They are now signs instead of custom head items to avoid potential issues caused by future Minecraft and/or Java versions.
  • Fixed incorrect message edit being used if there was another message edit with the same message before but different message place.
  • Removed metrics.
  • Refactored code, resulting in smaller file size and hopefully performance improvements.
----------, Nov 1, 2024

  • Added 1.20.4 support.
  • Added new default message edits reflecting the new component structure.
  • Updated the required version of ProtocolLib to 5.2.0.
----------, Aug 12, 2024

  • Added 1.20 support,
  • Changed message id generator,
  • Updated the required version of ProtocolLib to 5.1.0,
  • Updated most of in-game messages, mostly improving their clarity,
  • Updated packet handling for Paper with adventure,
----------, Aug 12, 2023

  • Fixed SYSTEM_CHAT and ACTION_BAR message places on Papers that use adventure,
  • Fixed some strings being treated as JSON ones when they were in fact not,
  • Updated the required version of ProtocolLib to 5.0.0,
  • Updated other libraries.
----------, Jun 3, 2023

  • Added /message-editor migrate command,
    • This command will help with quicker message edits migration to the new per-file system.
  • Added further fixes for the ENTITY_NAME message place.
----------, Dec 30, 2022

  • Added per-file message edit system,
    • After updating to 2.5.0, each new message edit will be separated to a different file instead of being grouped inside the main configuration file,
    • Message edits located in the main configuration file and created before 2.5.0 update will still work but moving them to the new system is advised,
    • Because of the new per-file message edit system, message edits can now be named to make distinguishing them easier. You can either manually edit message edit's file name or use the newly added button in the message editor GUI,
    • Disabling message edits is now simpler and easier. Instead of temporarily removing message edit, the file which contains the said message edit can be prefixed with the '#' character.
  • Increased time between fetching update data to 1 hour,
  • Fixed ENTITY_NAME message place not working on 1.19.3.
This update will generate new default message edits so before allowing your players to enter the server it is advised to delete them if you already have custom message edits added.
----------, Dec 20, 2022

  • Added more backwards compatibility.
    • Somewhat changed how system chat messages that were sent as game chat messages and were edited using the 'GAME_CHAT' message place before 1.19 update are now treated. Long story short, all message edits that are editing plugin messages and not player chat should now work as before and unless I messed something up when adding 1.19 support, server owners should not actually notice any difference and should not need to update their message edits to work on 1.19 (unless they actually try to edit player chat, which is still no longer possible on 1.19 with Message Editor as per 2.4.11 update).
----------, Nov 10, 2022

  • Added 1.19 support.
    • In order for plugin to work on 1.19 Minecraft servers, usage of at least ProtocolLib 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT is required.
    • Some things changed due to 1.19 support. On 1.19, all plugin messages are treated as system messages and as such, 'GAME_CHAT' message place is not supported on this version and is now treated as 'SYSTEM_CHAT' in some places to allow smooth transition between Minecraft versions. That is to say, all system messages that used 'GAME_CHAT' message place no longer work and need to be updated and normal game chat editing is no longer supported.
    • Keep in mind that everything that was said above only matters on Minecraft server with 1.19 as base version.
  • Quality of life improvements.
    • Improved code quality and in-game menu for editing messages.
This update might still break on 1.19 so additional testing is advised.
----------, Nov 10, 2022

  • Added 1.18 support.
    • 1.19 support is already on the way. It will take a bit more time since the way to update chat messages was changed due to the addition of message signing.
  • Removed MVdWPlaceholderAPI support.
    • Getting that API to work and constantly having to deal with not working repository made me remove the support.
I still do not have time to make major updates due to university stuff but I will at least try to keep the plugin up to date with the latest Minecraft version.
----------, Nov 9, 2022

  • Fixed boss bars not working on 1.17+.
    • While yes, this was fixed in the previous version (2.4.8), it was only but a temporary solution. This version updates the fix to the permanent one that should also have less impact on server resources and overall performance.
----------, Jul 29, 2021

  • Fixed boss bars not working on 1.17.
----------, Jul 18, 2021

  • Added configurable packet listeners. (thanks to @kixmc for implementing this feature)
    • You can now disable specific packet listeners that you do not use in order to increase server performance. All packet listeners are enabled by default.
    • Server needs to be fully restarted in order for the changes made to packet listeners to make effect.

Default configuration has been updated. Recreate the configuration in order to see new settings.
----------, Jul 17, 2021

  • Added 1.17 support.
    • In order to use Message Editor on a 1.17 server, you are going to need the latest version of ProtocolLib (in this case a snapshot one), available here.
----------, Jun 18, 2021

  • Added full support for hex colors (1.16+).
    • In order to use hex colors first get your desired color's hex value (for example the hex value of a color with RGB value 70, 180, 95 would be 46B45F. You can use online converters to get hex value). Now that you have your hex value, you can use it as follows for text plain messages: '&x&4&6&b&4&5&f' (Insert '&x' and then your hex value but insert & before every character of said hex value). For JSON messages, insert '#<hex value>' in the color section.
    • Default configuration has been updated to show usage of hex colors support.
Thanks to @HexedHero for motivating me to do this.
----------, Jun 8, 2021

  • Fixed an error that was sometimes occurring when reading/writing entity name.
----------, Feb 21, 2021

  • Fixed item lore not being correctly displayed when removing a message.
----------, Jan 31, 2021

  • Fixed INVENTORY_ITEM_NAME and INVENTORY_ITEM_LORE message places not working on Minecraft versions 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10.
----------, Jan 23, 2021

  • Fixed special hover and click events appearing even if the player does not have the required permission to see them.
----------, Jan 18, 2021

  • Added support for editing entity names (message place: ENTITY_NAME).
----------, Jan 17, 2021

Before the changelog, I would like to talk a bit about the plugin. It has been a nice journey and I really enjoyed working on this plugin. However I think I am coming to the point where there simply is not much stuff I could potentially add (besides bug fixes of course). So unless you guys any some ideas for the new/improved features (that you can send to me via project's issue tracker or Discord (jaqobb#4611)), the next major update that I am planning on releasing will probably also be the plugin's last...

... and the last planned major update is: 3.0.0 - BungeeCord support.

However keep in mind that the BungeeCord support is currently still just an idea and I do not promise that I will 100% add it.

  • Added support for editing inventory item names (message place: INVENTORY_ITEM_NAME).
  • Added support for editing inventory item lores (message place: INVENTORY_ITEM_LORE).
  • Fixed new line not being correctly parsed/formatted in some places.
----------, Jan 17, 2021

  • Added support for editing inventory titles (message place: INVENTORY_TITLE).
----------, Jan 12, 2021

  • Fixed special chat colors being wrongly applied in plain text messages (like bold/italic being applied to the whole message even though it sometimes should not be).
----------, Jan 11, 2021

  • Added replace mode when editing new messages:
    • Prior to 2.1.0:
      • Clicking the item that lets you edit the new message initiates override mode that allows you to replace the whole message with a new one.
    • After 2.1.0:
      • LEFT clicking the item that lets you edit the new message initiates override mode that allows you to replace the whole message with a new one.
      • RIGHT clicking the item that lets you edit the new message initiates replace mode that allows you to replace specific parts of the message with something else.
  • Adjusted removing messages:
    • The message about being able to remove the new message will no longer show up if the new message's message place does not support message removing.
  • Updated default configuration and it no longer contains comments that are not true anymore.
----------, Jan 8, 2021

  • Adjusted how removing messages using GUI works:
    • In 2.0.0 - 2.0.4, you have to enter 'done' when adding new message without typing anything before in order to remove it. This is weird and I guess some of you do not even know that this feature exists.
    • In 2.0.5, you have to enter 'remove' when entering the new message in order to remove it. Additional message informing that you can remove the message will show up if the new message's message place supports message removing. Also, a notification was added to the GUI when previewing the new message that is about to be removed.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing old and new messages in the GUI to sometimes not look correctly.
  • Removed leftovers from debugging.
----------, Jan 1, 2021

  • Adjusted how escaping some of the new message characters works:
    • In 2.0.3 in the new message, all character sequences that resemble a variable format (like $0, $1, $2, etc.) are escaped, resulting in no variables working by default. This requires additional manual editing the configuration to make variables work.
    • In 2.0.4 in the new message, all character sequences that resemble a variable format (like $0, $1, $2, etc.) AND are most likely NOT an actual variable are escaped. This reduces the need to manually edit the configuration in most cases to none but is not perfect and there still might be occasions where editing the configuration will be required.
Sorry for the inconvenience this particular change in 2.0.3 might have caused.
----------, Dec 30, 2020

  • Updated special regex characters.
  • Fixed some of the new message characters not being escaped correctly (like \n and $).
  • Fixed an issue that was making editing old message pattern impossible in some cases (I will not go into details here).
----------, Dec 30, 2020

  • Fixed deserializing messages that were made out of multiple components (this most notably fixes an issue with messages not being sent to the player when using BetonQuest plugin with packet chat interceptor enabled while being in a conversation with an NPC).
  • Fixed message sender not being copied to the new packet.
  • Changed how packet is updated. Now, packet will not be updated if the new message and message place are the same as the original ones.
----------, Dec 28, 2020

  • Fixed scoreboard title message place not working as intended on versions 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12. (thanks to @CroaBeast for reporting this bug)
----------, Dec 19, 2020

This update introduces long awaited GUI that you can use to edit messages easier and faster than before. For this update I also created a few tutorial videos showcasing the new GUI so you can check them out to get to know how to use it. Besides the GUI, update also focuses on bug fixes and quality of life improvements.

  • Added GUI for easier and faster message editing. You can access it by using '/message-editor edit <message ID>' or left clicking the message if you have attaching special hover and click events enabled. To get the message ID, you have to activate message place analyzing for that message's message place.
  • Updated attaching hover and click events to be compatible with all of the supported Minecraft versions and it now opens message editor GUI rather than copies the message ID.
  • Added '/messageeditor' alias.
  • Added '/message-editor edit' sub command that you can use to manually open the message editor GUI.
  • Added friendly names for the message places.
  • Optimized verifying if the message place is supported.
  • Optimized getting message places.
  • Added support for plain text and colors in the 'message-after' setting. This means that you can now use 'message-after' like '&cTest' instead of JSON and it will be automatically converted to JSON by the plugin.
  • Updated special regex characters.

Basic message editing:

Message place editing:

Advanced message editing:
----------, Dec 13, 2020

  • Made some quality of life improvements to the code (code is now more readable and adding new message places is now faster and easier).
  • Removed processing scoreboard score packet (SCOREBOARD_ENTRY message place) when the entry was being removed.
  • Fixed PlaceholderAPI integration not working as intended.
  • Fixed MVdWPlaceholderAPI integration not working as intended.
  • Fixed some message before places in the default configuration file.
----------, Dec 6, 2020

  • Added support for editing scoreboard entries (message place: SCOREBOARD_ENTRY). Keep in mind that you do not use JSON in scoreboard entries but plain text and therefore can use section sign (§) to apply colors.
Note: I will most likely focus on releasing quality of life updates for now before rolling out the GUI update.
----------, Dec 5, 2020

  • Fixed an NPE (NullPointerException) when there was Tab (and possibly other tab list / scoreboard plugins) installed on the server.
----------, Nov 15, 2020

  • When analyzing message places, logs will now also contain message ID. While message ID is of no use for you right now, it is a first step towards being able to edit messages via GUI.
  • Configuration has been updated and now contains more message edits as an example.
----------, Nov 14, 2020

  • An option to opt out from being notified about plugin update has been added. Updater will still work in the background in case you decide to turn the notification back on.

Default plugin's configuration has been updated to allow disabling notifying about plugin update.
----------, Nov 8, 2020

  • SCOREBOARD_TITLE message place has been added. You can now use it to edit scoreboard titles. Due to this message place's nature, I don't plan to make it possible to be able to be used in the 'message-after-place' section.
----------, Nov 5, 2020

  • CHAT message place has been split into 2 message places - GAME_CHAT and SYSTEM_CHAT to allow more flexibility and to support what Minecraft actually offers. CHAT message place is no longer supported and you have to use one of the 2 new message places that were added in its stead.
  • Code has been tweaked in various places to hopefully increase performance even further, made more readable and prepared to allow easier implementation of future message places.
Default plugin's configuration has been updated to reflect on changes that were made to the CHAT message place.
----------, Sep 4, 2020

Notable changes:
- Always require only one argument when deactivating analyzing all message places, start working on the reload command
- Add reload command
- Add reload command to tab completer
- Add correct usage for the reload command

This update adds a reload command (/message-editor reload). You can now reload plugin's configuration without having to restart the server. Reload command also clears the cache with the messages so that you can instantly see the changes that you made.

If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!
----------, Aug 29, 2020

Notable changes:
- Make default configuration include newly added message-before-place setting
- Fix default message before place
- Start working on editing message positions
- Fix deserializing and add serializing message after place
- Add missing special regex characters
- Initial support for editing message positions

This update adds initial support for editing message positions. Editing message positions allows you to i.e. make chat message appear on an action bar instead.

Default configuration has been updated to showcase the new feature:
Code (YAML):
# Messages that should be edited.
# For in-depth tutorial check here:
- ==
: MessageEdit
: '\ { "extra":\ [\ { "bold":false, "italic":false, "underlined":false, "strikethrough":false, "obfuscated":false, "color": "yellow", "text": "([a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,16}) joined the game"\ }\ ], "text": ""\ }'
: ' { "extra": [ { "bold":true, "italic":true, "underlined":false, "strikethrough":false, "obfuscated":false, "color": "red", "text": "$1 joined the game" } ], "text": "" }'
The new option I am talking about is:
Code (YAML):
message-after-place : ACTION_BAR
Right now editing message positions is limited. You can only edit chat and action bar messages and new message positions are limited to chat and action bar as well. What that means is you can currently only update chat message to appear on an action bar and vice versa.

If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!
----------, Aug 28, 2020

Notable changes:
- Add getting message places using packets
- Code clean up and message place system improvements
- Prepare code for future configuration reloading command
- Store cached message's MessageEdit instance
- Add specifying message before place
- Fully implement triggering message editing only on specific positions

This update adds possibility for server owners to edit messages only when the original one was sent from specific supported message place.

This option is not required and if not specified, all message places will be accepted. It is however recommended to add those positions as they may result in improving plugin's performance when it comes to detecting correct message edit.

For example, if we want to edit default join message only on chat, we would do something like this:

Code (Text):
- ==: MessageEdit
  message-before-pattern: '\{"extra":\[\{"bold":false,"italic":false,"underlined":false,"strikethrough":false,"obfuscated":false,"color":"yellow","text":"([a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,16}) joined the game"\}\],"text":""\}'
  message-before-place: CHAT
  message-after: '{"extra":[{"bold":true,"italic":true,"underlined":false,"strikethrough":false,"obfuscated":false,"color":"red","text":"$1 joined the game"}],"text":""}'
The option I am talking about is:
Code (Text):
If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!
----------, Aug 24, 2020

Notable changes:
- Update log messages, disable plugin if server does not support any message places
- Update placeholder API present states when respective plugin gets enabled/disabled

This update focuses on improving compatibility with unsupported server versions and placeholder APIs.

The plugin will now disable itself on load if it detects that the server does not support any message places. It will now also update supported placeholder APIs present state when respective supported placeholder plugin gets enabled or disabled after the server has been already started.

If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!
----------, Aug 17, 2020

Notable changes:
- Start working on boss bar support
- Copy more boss bar related stuff
- Fix copying boss bar health, copy the remaining boss bar data, fully implement editing boss bars
- Make message analyze places more generalized, add minimum Minecraft version for message places
- Do not tab complete unsupported message analyze places
- Do not show unsupported message analyze places
- Do not allow to activate/deactivate unsupported message analyze places

This update makes editing boss bar titles possible. They can only be edited when they are sent (in general) to the player or when the title update is sent to the player. Editing boss bars work only on 1.9+ servers.

Now that there are message analyze places that might not work on your server, unsupported message analyze places cannot be activated and will not appear in tab completion.

If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!
----------, Aug 15, 2020

Notable changes:
- Fix the issue that was preventing some messages from being editable (Resolve #4)
- Make tab completer smarter
- Fix entering non existent message analyze place causing error
- Only try to get message's JSON by BaseComponent[] in chat packets
- Make sure there is actually a BaseComponent[] field
- Code cleanup
- More code cleanup

This update focuses on bugfixes and improvements to the plugin.

There was an issue that was preventing some messages from being editable. It is now solved and all messages from supported message analyze places should now be editable. In case you find messages that still cannot be edited, please let me know.

There was also an issue that was causing errors in the console when trying to activate/deactivate non existing message analyze places. It is now fixed.

Tab completer was updated and will no longer suggest message analyze places that cannot be currently activated/deactivated. There are also more improvements to the tab completer coming.

If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!
----------, Aug 10, 2020

Notable changes:
- Allow server owners to disable attaching special hover and click events on >= 1.15 servers

Since you can now get message's JSON in more than 1 way, it is understandable if server owners might want to disable attaching special hover and click events. This updates allows just that.

Default configuration file has been updated to:
Code (YAML):
# Whether special hover and click events should be attached to chat messages.
# This option does nothing on < 1.15 servers.
: true

# Messages that should be edited.
# For in-depth tutorial check here:
- ==
: MessageEdit
: '\ { "extra":\ [\ { "bold":false, "italic":false, "underlined":false, "strikethrough":false, "obfuscated":false, "color": "yellow", "text": "([a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,16}) joined the game"\ }\ ], "text": ""\ }'
: ' { "extra": [ { "bold":true, "italic":true, "underlined":false, "strikethrough":false, "obfuscated":false, "color": "red", "text": "$1 joined the game" } ], "text": "" }'
If you want to disable attaching special hover and click events, set "attach-special-hover-and-click-events" to "false".

Keep in mind that this options does not do anything on < 1.15 servers.

If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!
----------, Aug 5, 2020

Notable changes:
- Do not send completely empty messages
- Tweak update messages
- Make cancelling messages work only for chat and action bar messages

This update adds a possibility to prevent chat and action bar messages from being sent. To achieve that, just make edited messages completely empty.

Keep in mind that this only works for chat and action bar messages.

If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!
----------, Aug 4, 2020

Notable changes:
- Add basics of update notifier
- Add update messages
- Update update messages
- Tweak some update messages

This update only adds update notifier that will allow you to always stay up to date with the latest release of the plugin.

To see update messages you need the "messageeditor.use" permission.

If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!
----------, Aug 3, 2020

Notable changes:
- Add metrics

This update only adds metrics that will allow me to track plugin's statistics. Nothing less, nothing more.

If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!
----------, Aug 2, 2020

Notable changes:
- Make adding and removing analyze places not case sensitive
- Move classes to their own packages, /message-editor command overhaul, message analyzing system update
- Do not process cancelled packets or packets with null message
- Add tab completer for the /message-editor command

This updates focuses on ease of use improvements.

Message analyze places are no longer case sensitive, so typing "CHAT" or "cHaT" will now result in getting the same message analyze place (previously "cHaT" would not have been recognized as a message analyze place).

/message-editor command has been overhauled. Messages were updated to improve readability and clarness, arguments were renamed from "add-places", "remove-places" and "clear-places" to "activate", "deactivate" and "deactivate-all" respectively. The command now also supports tab completer for arguments and message analyze places.

If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!
----------, Aug 1, 2020

Notable changes:
- Require permission to copy chat JSON messages
- Copy packet content and update packet to avoid sending packets with incorrect content to wrong players
- Copy content for the rest of currently supported packets
- Do not attach special hover and click events on < 1.15 servers
- Implement message analyzing system, add /message-editor command to manage message analyzing system, update permission required to get special hover and click events, bring back < 1.15 support

This update readds backward compatibility for versions lower than 1.15 all the way to 1.8. Although the plugin should work on these versions, more testing is required.

Now all messages automatically get the special hover and click events when on >= 1.15 server and when a player has the "messageeditor.use" permission.

Logging messages has been readded but in a new way called message analyzing. You can now use freshly introduced "/message-editor" command ("messageeditor.use" permission is required to use the command) to add analyze places. It currently supports "CHAT", "ACTION_BAR", "KICK" and "DISCONNECT" analyze places. When the plugin detects a message coming from one of the added analyze places, a special message will be printed to the console that includes receiver, place, clear message, and message JSON that is ready to be used to edit the message. More than 1 analyze place can be enabled at any given time.

If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!
----------, Jul 31, 2020

Notable changes:
- Do not try to attach special hover and click events to action bar messages (Resolve #1) - 88c82d2
- Add editing kick/disconnect messages (Resolve #2) - 6ba2b16
- Attach special hover and click events only on chat packet (Resolve #3) - 36c339b
- Bump minor version, drop < 1.15 support, do not log messages to console, always attach special hover and click events - 2715d09

Default config.yml file has been updated: "log-messages" and "attach-special-hover-and-click-events" settings were removed.

Logging messages has been removed due to spam in the console if more players were present on the server.

Now that only > 1.15 is supported, attaching special hover and click events is always enabled and will always be attached even if the message already has hover or/and click events (the correct JSON will still be maintained).

If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's issue tracker.

In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use discussion thread.

If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!

TL;DR: This version completely drops < 1.15 support and now fully relies on copying JSON to clipboard. Also editing kick and disconnect messages was introduced.
----------, Jul 30, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,374
First Release: Jul 30, 2020
Last Update: Feb 7, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
29 ratings
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Released: --------------------
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