Notable changes:
Allow server owners to disable attaching special hover and click events on >= 1.15 servers
Since you can now get message's JSON in more than 1 way, it is understandable if server owners might want to disable attaching special hover and click events. This updates allows just that.
Default configuration file has been updated to:
Code (YAML):
# Whether special hover and click events should be attached to chat messages.
# This option does nothing on < 1.15 servers.
: true
# Messages that should be edited.
# For in-depth tutorial check here:
- ==
: MessageEdit
: '\
"([a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,16}) joined the game"\
: '
"$1 joined the game"
If you want to disable attaching special hover and click events, set "attach-special-hover-and-click-events" to "false".
Keep in mind that this options does not do anything on < 1.15 servers.
If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's
issue tracker.
In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use
discussion thread.
If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider
donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!