Notable changes:
Add getting message places using packets
Code clean up and message place system improvements
Prepare code for future configuration reloading command
Store cached message's MessageEdit instance
Add specifying message before place
Fully implement triggering message editing only on specific positions
This update adds possibility for server owners to edit messages only when the original one was sent from specific supported message place.
This option is not required and if not specified, all message places will be accepted. It is however recommended to add those positions as they may result in improving plugin's performance when it comes to detecting correct message edit.
For example, if we want to edit default join message only on chat, we would do something like this:
Code (Text):
- ==: MessageEdit
message-before-pattern: '\{"extra":\[\{"bold":false,"italic":false,"underlined":false,"strikethrough":false,"obfuscated":false,"color":"yellow","text":"([a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,16}) joined the game"\}\],"text":""\}'
message-before-place: CHAT
message-after: '{"extra":[{"bold":true,"italic":true,"underlined":false,"strikethrough":false,"obfuscated":false,"color":"red","text":"$1 joined the game"}],"text":""}'
The option I am talking about is:
Code (Text):
If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's
issue tracker.
In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use
discussion thread.
If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider
donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!