Notable changes:
Make adding and removing analyze places not case sensitive
Move classes to their own packages, /message-editor command overhaul, message analyzing system update
Do not process cancelled packets or packets with null message
Add tab completer for the /message-editor command
This updates focuses on ease of use improvements.
Message analyze places are no longer case sensitive, so typing "CHAT" or "cHaT" will now result in getting the same message analyze place (previously "cHaT" would not have been recognized as a message analyze place).
/message-editor command has been overhauled. Messages were updated to improve readability and clarness, arguments were renamed from "add-places", "remove-places" and "clear-places" to "activate", "deactivate" and "deactivate-all" respectively. The command now also supports tab completer for arguments and message analyze places.
If you need help or you found a bug or issue with the plugin, please post an issue on the project's
issue tracker.
In case you do not have a GitHub account you can also DM me on Discord: jaqobb#4611 or use
discussion thread.
If Message Editor made customizing your server easier and better or you just appreciate my work, consider
donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!