Added 3 new configuration options in the config.yml
debug: This will allow server owners to see the entity name of the entity killed so custom mobs can be more easily added if set to
bypasseconomy: This will allow the bypass of an economy check while the server is running if set to
true. M4M still depends on Vault to run properly. I will not remove this dependency for the foreseeable future.
bypasspermissions: This will allow the bypass of a permissions plugin check if you don't want to add a permissions plugin and just want to have custom drops.
Bypassing economy and permissions will not display kill messages
There was a bug in the previous 1.9.0 version which created backup yml files for 4 configuration files and used those files for the server.
This update resolves that issue and uses the old yml files.
- config.yml
- mobs.yml
- messages.yml
- items_back.yml
I apologize for the inconvenience
I also fixed the following bugs:
- Mobs dropping items in worlds where the drop enabled values were false
- Fixed issue that overwrote custom drops of a mob when using the /mk addCustomDrops command. Multiple drops still worked before, but only if you set multiple directly in the mobs.yml file and reloaded
Fixed money not being rewarded when showMessages = false
Bug Fix:
* Version wasn't properly updated in 1.8.0, so OP's were getting spammed with a message saying the plugin had a newer version. This will fix that after 24-48 hours
Hi All!!!
I've finally released an official 1.19 update.
Mass Update and Future of Money4Mobs
The reason I've not posted an update, is I've been busy with a new job and coding for my personal survival server. I have many features for my personal server that I would like to make public, some free, some premium. Money4Mobs was created out of necessity at the time and has grown to be this amazing plugin with features I never thought was possible or wanted by other server owners. I'll continue to help owners in my Discord Server and post updates when I get a chance. For the time being, future updates to Money4Mobs will be bug fixes and when new mobs are added. Although, reason I didn't prioritize updating Money4Mobs for 1.18 and 1.19, was because no new mobs were added in 1.18 and server owners could just add the new mobs in the mobs.yml file. With all of this being said, I won't continue posting version specific updates with each update of M4M. This means that M4M should work on 1.14+... *should*.
Money4Mobs version 1.8.0 Patch Notes:
- Updated code that gives players money set in low and high worths for the player object in mobs.yml. (Before, only a percentage of the victim's balance would transfer)
- Updated Chinese Traditional/Simplified translations that is generated when Money4Mobs is first added to a server. (This will also regenerate if the messages.yml file is deleted)
- Added 1.19 mobs to the config file. Current users of Money4Mobs that haven't added 1.19 mobs to the config will have them added at the bottom of mobs.yml
No major changes were made.
The items.yml should redraw with the new items introduced in 1.18.
1.18 does not add any mobs so that is not needed.
- 7Adrian translated messages into polish
- Polish language now gets added if not previously available
- new 'percentDrop' option in mobs.yml per mob. This option is a value from 0-100 in percentage. it defaults to 100, so 100% of the time, a mob will drop money. If you set this value per mob to 50, then the money will be rewarded to the killer 50% of the time
mobName is now an option that can be added to the reward money and subtract money messages
* Updated File name structure
* Added add and remove of world commands
* Added output messages associated with each command
* Added new option to config that disables reward of money for every mob on every world
- Fixed ZombifiedPiglin name change
- Added ability to disable reward of money from different worlds
- World change allows for multiverse worlds
- Fixed NPE in removeCustomDrops command
* Updated Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified translations based on suggestions by
* These changes are only for the default setup and will only update if the config.yml is not present
* Fixed a bug that wasn't rewarding money when tamed wolves killed a mob
* Added a toggle option in config.yml 'oldSpawnReasonLogic' for changes in performance, mainly in large servers or servers with stacked mobs. Information below
I've updated a toggle in the config file 'oldSpawnReasonLogic'. If this is true, then it will use the old logic which only keeps a track of mobs in the session. If this is false, it will use the newer method.
The trade off of the old method:
- Better performance on server
- Some mobs will give money even if spawneggs/spawners is set to false. Sometimes when a chunk is reloaded, but happens when the server is restarted or reloaded
The trade off of the new method
Keeps track of every mob spawned so no matter the instance, a mob will or will not give money based on configuration settings
- Performance heavy and can bog down a server if it contains a stacked mob plugin or has many players
* Added new error messages so errors shouldn't show in the console in these cases.
** Cases included but not limited to, typing in /mk without parameters and giving an incorrect parameter
* Updated the way M4M gets the economy
** This way has been tested on EssentialsX, Mineconomy and iEconomy.
*** This should work with most Vault ecomonmies. I've noticed Acomony is coded weird and I have a separate DEV build if anyone uses that economy
* Mobs spawned ways other than natural will now get their information stored in the new mobSpawnedReasons.yml
* When mob dies by player or other mob, then their data will get removed from the mobSpawnedReasons.yml.
** This change allows chunks to be unloaded and loaded with mobs and their information will not get lost. Before this could happen and spawner mobs could get money rewarded even if the value was set to false in config.yml
* Added new action multiplier (mountedMob)
** Multiplies money rewarded if mob killed was riding another mob, i.e., a skeleton on a spider (spider jockey)
* Updated messages.yml with new error messages
** These messages will display if a command is used incorrectly
** This should allow there to be more verbose error handling
* Fixed an issue with action multipliers so now if config.yml.isMultipliersAggregate is false, the highest priority that is available will take precedent
* Fixed bug with mobs not dropping items
* Removed config objects from mobs.yml and if they were set, transferred the objects to the new config.yml
* Added new action multipliers
** If 'isMultipliersAggregate' is true, then the multipliers will all add up
** If 'isMultipliersAggregate' is false, then the group multiplier will multiply the action multiplier value that is active and has the highest priority
*** New action multipliers
**** When player kills mob by fall damage
**** If the player kills a mob by a long distance. Distance is set in the longDistance object
**** When player kills a mob with a Projectile (Bow or Crossbow)
**** If player kills the mob without a weapon
***** If the player beats a mob to death with a weapon, then money will not be rewarded
* Readded Update checker for 1.17
* Updated users.yml language option to default to 'english' instead of 'English'
* If defaultLanguage option is set in mobs.yml, then new users will have that value set to their language instead of 'English'
low: 25.0
high: 25.0
ipBanFarming: false
enablePercentageDrop: false
percentageDropAmount: 1
This overrides the money given by worth and instead will subtract the percentage of the player killed balance and give that amount to the player who killed
Added 2 new messages to handle this new feature
message: '&aYou were given &6$ %amount% &aand now have &6$ %balance%'
location: ActionBar
message: '&6$ %amount% &awas taken and you now have &6$ %balance%'
location: ActionBar
*** 'operator' group needs to remain ***
Permissions for each group will be as follows:
So if in the mobs.yml file you have
level-1: 1
superbad: 1
operator: 1
The 2 permissions would be
* m4m.multiplier.level-1
* m4m.multiplier.superbad
Only 1 M4M multiplier group permission is allowed per permissions group
* Checks if Money4Mobs version on server is out-of-date and displays a message in the console if it is
* Added option in mobs.yml to disable the display of the Money4Mobs update message
** checkForUpdate: true
* Removed logger when reloading Money4Mobs
* Added feature to customize all messages in Money4Mobs
* Added feature to set any message to display in the Action Bar or in player chat menu
* Added Horse to mob list
* Added Multiplier options is a player kills a mobs whilst riding another mob
** Documentation here ->
- Adde New mobs
** Axolotl
** Glow Squid
** Goat
- Adde Zoglin to mobs.yml
- Adde 1.17 items to items.yml
*** Candle Cakes are unable to be added at this time. An error occurs. I will attempt this fix once more updates to Spigot are created
* The command /mk toggleKM had a bug recently introduced that broke the game and stopped rewarding money. This issue added a line in users.yml which needs to be deleted if owners have this issue.
* Added Ability to have up to 15 multiplier groups
** You need to add levels to the multiplier section of the mobs.yml in the pattern as 'level-6' 'level-15' etc
* Resolved bug that rewarded players with money if they killed themselves with their own tnt
* Fixed issue where Piglins were not rewarding money, as the mobs.yml did not contain a proper Piglin object
* Updated code to update version number of mobs.yml and add Piglin mob to the list
* Added Russian Translation
* Added ability to use decimal places in money worth amounts
* Added ability to ban the reward of money from players on the same ip
** This was added so players can't kill an alt account and transfer money
** You can add a bypass to this option with the permission 'm4m.bypass.ipBan'
Decided enchantment command should be removed.
Fixed issue with rewriting mobs.yml when bees low value is 0
- new command added which gets manual changes to config files
- /mk reload
- permission ->
* Made the m4m.rewardMoney permission ignore case
Before I had chinese simplified as 'Chinese'. Now it is listed as Chinese_Simplified and the new Traditional Chinese is 'Chinese_Traditional'
* Chinese is not a valid language option anymore. It's Chinese_Simplified currently, as I am adding Chinese_Traditional in the next update
* Resolved error surrounding language option
** You need to check that your users.yml contains a language option for each user
** Check if defaultLanguage is added in mobs.yml
Fixed issue with new players not getting defaultlanguage
- Added /mk defaultLanguage command
- Permission ->
You need to add this line to mobs.yml for this change to take effect
defaultLanguage: English
- Click here to view the default mobs.yml and compare yours with this one -> Click Here
- Players can now get money from killing other players
This needs to be added to the mobs.yml for this to work if you started from an older version. add it to the list of mobs
low: 25
high: 25
- OP users now get money from killing mobs. Fixed this issue by adding this line to the mobs.yml
level-1: 1
level-2: 1
level-3: 1
level-4: 1
level-5: 1
operator: 1
- Fixed issue where OP users did not bypass permissions
- Resolved error handling issue
- Displays commands in mk tab menu based on player's permission
* Added German language option for M4M messages
* Resolved Error for when entity spawn reason can't be found
* Plugin now handles the error and neatly shows error message
- Updated config file, but the plugin does not update this manually, so check out and add the section that starts with group-multiplier.
- group-multiplier:
operator: 1
level-1: 1
level-2: 1
level-3: 1
level-4: 1
level-5: 1
- Permissions are as follows
- Multiplier for players will take the highest permission level. If they have 2 permissions set for some reason, say level 3 and level 5, level 5 multiplier will take precedent
- Added Italian M4M messages
- Added Italian language option for /mk language [Language]
* Resolved issue with adding new players to users.yml
* In previous version 1.2.9, players weren't properly added to users.yml
* Resolved ArrayOutOfBounds errors when using /mk language command and backspacing
* Before this update, the kill message would show upon server restart and the user could toggle it on or off for themselves. Now, their selection will be saved in the users.yml file.
* It 'should' auto add the showMessage option in the users.yml for each player when you add the updated M4M.jar
* The command to toggle the message is still -> /mk toggleKM
* I've added the ability for each player to change their name with the command '/mk language [language]
* Permission for new command is ''
* Created new users.yml that stores users and their language preferences.
* New users default to language to English
* Added Chinese (Simplified) and Hindi Languages
* Even though players would get rewarded money from killing phantoms, it wasn't set in the mobs.yml
- I've removed the config.yml as it wasn't needed
- I've added a language option in mobs.yml
- Current values allowed are English, French and Spanish
- These languages are only for the messages sent to the player for completing a command or killing a mob
Updated Error Handling and Tab Complete Menu
Resolved IllegalArgumentException Error
* Added perm to receive money on mob kill - m4m.rewardMoney
* Added additional error handling
* Added new commands
Before this update, the permission wasn't set properly. Now, in order for user's to receive money from mobs, they need the permission 'm4m.rewardmoney"
I'm still learning how to properly add child commands. But for how I coded it, a user needs to have proper perms for each command.
Drops command shows what, if any custom drops and their chance to drop with the following command ->
I've added the ability to add a percent chance to each custom mob drop
You are now able to add custom drops to mobs.
* Add as many drops to mobs as you want.
* Choose if mobs keep default drops
Documentation to come
This functionality is something I want to implement in the near future. Essentially, it sets custom drops I wanted for my personal server but I didn't mean to set it for the public release.