GPFlags icon

GPFlags -----

GriefPrevention add-on to set flags in claims

See changelog on Modrinth
----------, Feb 10, 2025

  • Fixed /gpflags reload not reloading the language file.
  • Fixed an issue where logging in on a NotifyEnter claim would notify the claim owner even if you logged in with vanish or spectator mode.
  • Changed GPFlags now attempts to listen to the alternative instead of ClaimModifiedEvent if using GriefPrevention 16.18.1.
  • Added bypass permissions for NotifyEnter (gpflags.bypass.notifyenter) and NotifyExit (gpflags.bypass.notifyexit). Previously bypassing these flags was only possible through spectator mode or vanish.
  • Added an update checker. You'll now be notified on startup if you're using an outdated version.
----------, Mar 12, 2023

Fixed an issue in 5.12.6 with Paper and Pufferfish servers regarding console spam.

Purpur servers and its forks were unaffected by the console spam but should still update if they use any ridable pet plugin because this version actually fixes the issue where GPFlags wouldn't recognize someone entering a claim if they were riding on a plugin's pet.

For Spigot servers, 5.12.6 and 5.12.7 behave the same. It's not important to update if you are already on 5.12.6.
----------, Feb 26, 2023

  • Added the NoAnvilDamage flag which prevents anvils from being damaged when used.
  • Added the ability to hide tab completion for /buybuildtrust, /buycontainertrust, /buyaccesstrust, and /buysubclaim by dening the permissions gpflags.command.buybuildtrust, gpflags.command.buycontainertrust, gpflags.command.buyaccesstrust, and gpflags.command.buysubclaim respectively.
  • Fixed an issue where /setdefaultclaimflag couldn't be used by the console.
  • Fixed a null pointer exception when using /setdefaultclaimflag with some flags.
  • Fixed hoglins not being treated as monsters for some flags like NoMonsters.
  • Fixed NoSuchMethodError on servers using an older GriefPrevention version.
  • Fixed bstats.
  • Fixed an issue where GPFlags wouldn't recognize someone entering a claim if they were riding on a plugin's pet. This is only fixed on Paper servers and its forks. Actually fixed in 5.12.7
----------, Feb 26, 2023

- NoStructureGrowth flag to prevent growth of trees, mushrooms, and chorus fruit.
- NoEliteMobSpawns flag (if you have the EliteMobs plugin).
- BuySubclaim flag which works similar to BuyBuildTrust but only works on subclaims and removes the flag after trust is bought to prevent other players from also buying the subclaim.
- Unsetting fly flags now disables flight immediately.
- NoVineGrowth now works on cave vines (glow berries).

- $ is no longer used to translate color codes in the config. Use & from now on.
- Reworked AllowBlockExplosions to better mimic the GP /claimexplosions command.

- An issue where the claim owner and trusted members with higher trust levels could still use the buy trust commands.
- An issue where KeepLoaded would not load the chunks on startup.
----------, Aug 30, 2022

- KeepLoaded flag
- AllowWitherDamage flag
- AllowBlockExplosions flag
- NoPotionEffects flag
- SpawnReasonWhitelist flag

- NotifyEnter and NotifyExit are no longer triggered if the player appears to be offline (vanished) or in spectator mode.

- Fixed an issue where GPFlags could uncancel PlayerToggleFlightEvent which had prevented it from working with plugins like infinitejump.
- Fixed an issue that would occur when OwnerFly was enabled in an admin claim.
- Fixed a null pointer exception with the NoMcMMOXP flag.
- Fixed an issue where setting the NoEnter & NoEnterPlayer flag would kick out players with bypass permissions.
- Fixed an issue where setting the NoEnterPlayer flag on a claim with public trust would not kick anyone out of the claim.
----------, Aug 16, 2022

- NotifyEnter and NotifyExit flags which give the claim owner a notification when another player enters their claim.

- Fixed an issue where movement flags would trigger even if the player was blocked from the claim.
----------, Aug 4, 2022

- A configuration option to allow NoMonsterSpawn to work on spawners and eggs.
- BuyAccessTrust flag which allows for players to buy access trust from the claim owner with the /buyaccesstrust command. Also added BuyContainerTrust and BuyBuildTrust which work similarly. Vault is required to use these flags.
- NoDripstoneSpread flag which prevents dripstone from spreading.
- NoBlockSpread flag which prevents any block from spreading
- Support for MythicMobs. ProtectNamedMobs no longer protects MythicMobs (Requires MythicMobs v5)

- NoVehicle no longer prevents mobs from entering vehicles.

- Fixed some more null pointer exceptions.
- Fixed an issue where NoEnterPlayer wouldn't work in claims with public trust.
----------, Aug 4, 2022

Expanded on bypass permissions for the following flags: CommandBlackList, CommandWhiteList, NoChorusFruit, NoElytra, NoEnderPearl, NoFlight, NoItemDrop, NoItemPickup, NoMcMMOSkills, NoMcMMOXP, and NoVehicle. You can now choose what level of trust people need to bypass each of these flags. See the wiki for more information.

- Fixed NoElytra disabling flight when entering the region with bypass perms.
- Fixed a bug where bypass permissions were wrongly granted outside of player claims.
- Fixed NoClassDefFoundError regarding the AllowPvP flag.
----------, Jul 2, 2022

Based on feedback, I've decided to keep the old command system from before v5.10. In this update, I have instead removed the command system that was added in v5.10 - the one where commands were prefixed with /gpflags. The only exception is the reload command which will stay as /gpflags reload.

- Added the /gpflags help command which shows available gpflags commands.
- Added the NoBlockGravity flag.
- Added more bypass permissions for several flags. See the wiki for information.
- Added tab completion for displaying the old flag parameters for some flags.


- Changed the NoHunger flag to prevent hunger depletion rather than regenerate hunger over time.
- Changed the verbose mode of /listclaimflags to display parameters only if they exist.
- Changed the verbose mode of /listclaimflags to always be enabled.
- Replaced the blacklist of the ChangeBiomes flag with a permission-based system.

- Fixed a bug involving console spam with the ViewContainers flag in admin claims.
- Fixed a bug where players could bypass movement flags.
- Fixed a bug where some flags would be enabled below the claim.
- Fixed a bug where the no permission message would sometimes show a {0} instead of the missing permission.
- Fixed bugs regarding Purpur's ridables.
----------, Jun 21, 2022

- Created /gpflags listclaimflags verbose to show additional information about select claimflags.
- Added support for Purpur's ridables.

- Fixed a bug that allowed players to glitch into NoEnter and NoEnterPlayer claims.

- Removed the confusing tab complete for some commands.
- Don't send "flight enabled" messages when crossing claims where flight is enabled in both.
----------, Mar 28, 2022

- Readded support for 1.13-1.16.
- Readded support for older GriefPrevention builds.

- Fixed an issue where the & character would get changed to §.
----------, Nov 30, 2021

- Added the ability to use Essentials' shorthand hex colors &#rrggbb.

- Fixed an issue where color codes wouldn't translate in some cases.
- Fixed an issue where the outputs to /gpflags setclaimflag entermessage and /gpflags setclaimflag exitmessage would display the flag parameter in the wrong color.
- Removed a print message on startup that snuck into the previous build.
----------, Nov 30, 2021

1. I removed support for 1.13 - 1.16.
2. You MUST update GriefPrevention to a development build here. Click on the most recent item without “pull request” above it, click “artifacts”, then click “target\GriefPrevention.jar”.

- Removed the ability for players to set messages with NoEnter. Players were often confused on why NoEnter required an extra parameter. Also, players often make the message something that doesn’t describe why players can’t walk into that area, and that confuses other players who try to walk into the claim. Also, since players can format the messages however they want, they could use it to impersonate another player, admin, or system message.

- Added the ability to change or remove the [GPFlags] prefix on commands.
- Added the ViewContainers claimflag which allows players to view, but not manipulate, any container on a claim.
- Added the ReadLecterns claimflag which allows players to read but not manipulate any lectern with a book on a claim.
- Added performance improvements whenever trying to get a player's permissions within a claim.

- Fixed the ChangeBiome claimflag.
- Fixed the NoFlight claimflag.
- Fixed a null pointer exception with global instances of the NoVehicle claim flag.
- Fixed a bug where NoMobDamage would also prevent players from renaming mobs.
- Fixed a bug where NoIceForm would not prevent frostwalker’s frosted ice from forming.
- Fixed a bug where NoVineGrowth would allow the growth of glow litchen, weeping vines, and twisting vines.
- Fixed a bug where AllowPvP does not apply after a server restart.
- Fixed a bug where AllowPvP could duplicate arrows.
- Fixed a bug where InfiniteArrows could duplicate arrows.
- Fixed a bug where entering or exiting a claim from beyond the world build height would allow the player to bypass claimflags that trigger on claim enter/exit.
- Fixed a bug where resizing claims could allow players to bypass claimflags that trigger on claim enter/exit.
- Fixed a bug where movement-based default flags would trigger at the wrong times.
----------, Nov 17, 2021

The command system has been redone.
All commands are now `/gpflags <subcommand`… this helps cleanup the amount of commands to remember.
Permissions have changes as well, command permissions are now “gpflags.command.<subcommand>”
Permissions for flags have changed as well “gpflags.flag.<flag>”

All old commands and permissions will continue to work, but will be removed in the future. Please switch over to new permissions and use the new commands, as the old ones WILL BE REMOVED in the future.

See GitHub for changelog
----------, Jan 31, 2021

- Fixed an issue with the ProtectNamedMobs flag (thanks @DrBot7)
- Fixed some priority issues with the fly flags

- Better handling of vehicles in NoVehicleFlag (thanks @DrBot7)

- Added a bypass permission to the enter/exit commands flag (“gpflags.bypass.exitcommand” and “gpflags.bypass.entercommand”)
----------, Nov 17, 2020

- Fixed an issue where a player dying in a flight allowed claim, could still fly after respawn, anywhere. (Thanks DrBot7)
- Fixed an issue with allowPvP flag throwing errors from bows
- Fixed an issue with dragons breath not harming the player when PvP is only allowed in flagged claims

- Updated some default messages (Thanks LogGits)

- Added a ProtectNamedMobs flag (Thanks DrBot7)
----------, Oct 21, 2020

- Fixed an issue with enter/exit flags spamming when hopping borders of subclass (thanks @jabbink)
- Fixed an issue with fly flags not working
- Fixed an issue with players throwing snowballs in a claim with the InfiniteArrows flag, they are given an arrow (thanks @DrBot7)
----------, Aug 19, 2020

- Fixed an issue with the OwnerFly flag ignoring going below claim height
- Fixed an issue with players entering NoEnterClaims via a boat

1.16 INFO:
- I have done some basic testing and this seems to run fine on 1.16.x
- If you have issues, as usual please report then on the Issue Tracker
----------, Jun 30, 2020

- Fixed some performance issues with biome flags

- Added a config option for logging enter/exit command flags
- Added a config option for NoMonsterSpawn flag to ignore spawners/spawn eggs
----------, May 1, 2020

- Fixed an issue with all flags being deleted!
- Fixed an issue with change biome flag throwing errors if no biome is entered
----------, Feb 28, 2020

- Fixed an issue with abandoning claims cause players to lose flight, even if the flight flags weren't used
- Hopefully fixed some lag with the movement flags (specially the message sending ones - need feedback)
----------, Feb 25, 2020

- Fixes an issue with other entities being removed in NoMobSpawnsType flag

- Allow `gpflags.admin.*` perm to cover `gpflags.nomobspawnstype.*`
----------, Feb 2, 2020

- Fixed an issue with the change biome flag not working in 1.15+ (Due to part of this issue being in Spigot, you will need to update your Spigot 1.15.2 jar to a new build as of yesterday!)
----------, Feb 2, 2020

- Fixed an issue with NoPlayerDamageByMonster flag stopping damage of other entities
- Fixed an issue with resizing claims and having the flag stuck to on
----------, Jan 29, 2020

- Added a new flag NoPlayerDamageByMonster... this will prevent players from taking damage by monsters

- Fixed an issue where teleporting in a claim with flag NoEnter was bypassed
- Fixed an issue where a players bed was in a claim with flag NoEnter and being TPd back to death location (now TPs player to spawn)

- Added a listener to flag NoMonsterSpawns to prevent poisoning from monsters (ie: cave spiders)
----------, Jan 15, 2020

- Fixed an issue without fly flags showing messages for fly flags
- Fixed an issue where players abandoning claims with fly flags, they were still able to fly
----------, Jan 10, 2020

- Fixed an issue with movement flags not working during teleport (ie: OwnerFly, player does not lose fly mode when teleporting to spawn)
- Fixed an issue with removing flags during server startup not actually saving the file
----------, Jan 4, 2020

This update refactors how movement flags are handled (ie: enter/exit flags). They now use a movement system based on the player's movement vs an ongoing timer.

During testing, I have seen a good decrease in lag caused by these flags. That said it's just me on my test server, so I haven't had the opportunity to test with a lot of players.

When using this update, please use with caution. Backup any important files. If performance somehow gets worse, please downgrade to the previous version of this plugin any report any findings on the issue tracker
----------, Dec 5, 2019

- Fixed an issue with tridents vanishing when PvP is denied
- Fixed an issue with abandoning claims, and biomes being reset regardless if they had changed their biome or not
- Fixed an issue with bypass perms for flight
----------, Sep 22, 2019

- Fixed an issue with the "SetClaimFlagPlayer" command not properly setting biomes

- Changed the methods used for setting biome, to properly send messages when the biome fails to change
- Revamped the entire biome class, forcing chunks to instantly update when a biome changes.
----------, Sep 7, 2019

- Fixed some more issues with the fly flags (one in particular was a player adding the OwnerFly flag, deleting the claim, and gaining the ability to fly forever)
----------, Sep 5, 2019

- Fixed some issues with the Fly flags cancelling each other out

- Added a monster check to the damage event in "NoMonsterSpawns" flag, to prevent entities like pandas being removed when they attack a player
- Moved all flags to a new flag package (internal change - won't affect servers)
- Updated a bunch of Javadoc notes (internal change - won't affect servers)
----------, Sep 2, 2019

- Added a new flag to prevent untrusted people from triggering a raid in a claim.

- Fixed an issue with Infinity bows returning arrows in non PvP areas
----------, Aug 29, 2019

- Fixed an issue with arrows not damaging players in PVP claims
----------, Aug 19, 2019

- Fixed an issue where using the NoMonsterSpawns or NoMobSpawnsType flags, and spawning a mob such as with a spawner, a player couldn't kill it with a bow/crossbow
----------, Aug 5, 2019

- Fixed a error in the AllowPvP flag

- Added permission nodes for the new NoMobSpawnsType flag
gpflags.nomobspawnstype.* <-- gives permission for all mob types
----------, Aug 2, 2019

- Fixed an issue with MobSpawn flags trying to remove players and throwing console errors.
----------, Aug 1, 2019

- Added a flag for denying specific mobs from spawning (must use Spigot EntityType enums; to add multiple entity types, separate with a semi-colon ;
Example usage: /setclaimflag NoMobSpawnsType creeper;zombie;wandering_trader;cat
- Added a flag for cancelling item damage

- Fixed an issue with the NoMonsterSpawn flag, where monsters which targeted you outside of a claim, would follow you in and could still damage you
----------, Jul 31, 2019

  • Fixed an issue with the KeepInventory flag still dropping things. This was due to Spigot making a change to the keepInventory method.
----------, Jul 30, 2019

  • Removed a debug message
----------, Jul 24, 2019

  • Fixed an issue when PVP is cancelled, projectiles are not returned to the player (note: tridents still are not returned as Spigot does not have event for throwing tridents)
----------, Jul 24, 2019

  • NoVehicle flag - Blocks players from placing vehicles (boats/minecarts) in claims
  • SetClaimFlagPlayer command - Manually set claim flags for players via the console (Useful in other plugins)
  • NoPlayerEnter flag - Bypass trusted players (Prevents owners from accidentally locking themselves out of claims)
----------, Jul 9, 2019

  • Added a permission check for flags in the tab completer for flag commands
----------, Jul 8, 2019

  • Fixed an issue where players could not pickup projectiles they shot when using "NoItemPickup" flag
----------, Jun 25, 2019

  • Fixed an issue with OwnerFly/OwnerMemberFly flags where players logging in in these claims were able to fly (Forgot to add checks for owner/members)
  • Added support for new mcMMO plugin (Haven't tested much, I'm not 100% sure about this)
----------, Jun 20, 2019

  • Fixed the flag type for RespawnLocation flag. (should have been "claim")
----------, Jun 10, 2019

  • Added parameters to NoOpenDoors flag (input options are doors, trapdoors and gates)
----------, Jun 10, 2019

- Added a new FlagType to each flag, allowing certain flags to only be set in certain types of areas (Claims, World, Server)
- Added a new command /allflags to see a list of all flags and their FlagType (Best to run in console, its a long list)
- Added a new "NoOpenDoors" flag, prevents opening of doors/gates/trapdoors in specific claims (Uses GP's default permission levels)
----------, Jun 7, 2019

  • Fixed the new /allflags command throwing lots of errors
----------, Jun 6, 2019

After a lot of confusion on which flags can be used in claims/worlds/server, I added a new FlagType to each flag.
Ex: If you try to set a claim only flag in for a whole world, it'll tell you NO!

This is a BETA version, please use with caution and keep regular backups of your GPFlags data.

  • Added FlagTypes [claim, world, server]
  • Added a new FlagType to each flag. Each flag will only now be able to be set in the type of environment they are tagged for.
  • New command /allflags (best to run in console) will output a list of all flags with their FlagType
----------, Jun 2, 2019

  • EnterCommand-Owner - Runs a console command when the owner of the claim enters the claim
  • EnterCommand-Members - Runs a console command when a member of the claim enters the claim
  • ExitCommand-Owner - Runs a console command when the owner of the claim exits the claim
  • ExitCommand-Members - Runs a console command when a member of the claim exits the claim
  • NoExplosionDamage - Disables damage caused by explosions (ie: creepers & TNT)
----------, May 1, 2019

  • Fixed an issue with player time/weather flags. If using plugins like Essentials(X) to set player time/weather, if you were outside of a claim it just kept resetting.
----------, Apr 20, 2019

  • Small issue with mcMMO. The flags were registering even though the server did not have mcMMO, which in turn caused errors when using the set flag command and those flags. These flags no longer register in the absence of mcMMO
----------, Apr 8, 2019

  • Allow "GPFreload" command to be used in console
  • NoEnterPlayer flag to ignore case on player name
----------, Mar 21, 2019

  • ChangeBiome flag, you can now change the biome in a land claim. When you remove the flag or abandon the claim, the biome will revert back (This is a bit tricky to do, so I did a semi-hacky way. It'll actually match the biome north of the claim) See WIKI for more info
  • Made a whole bunch of methods public to provide easier access for other developers (More will come, if you require more methods to be public, please let me know)
----------, Mar 11, 2019

This update has no new features or bug fixes, it strictly is merging the 1.13+ and Legacy versions together.

For 1.13+ users = No changes.
For 1.12 and below users = All flags originally deemed for 1.13+ are now available on 1.12.2 and below.

I have not done much testing on versions 1.12.2 and below
PLEASE be advised to backup before updating.
If you are on 1.12.2 or lower and experience issues with this, please revert back to the Legacy 4.5.5 version and report issues to the GitHub Issue Tracker

I can't stress enough to make a backup and be cautious when updating. No one wants to lose their stuff, so please BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!
----------, Mar 7, 2019

  • A new configurable message in messages.yml which is sent to a player when they attempt to use both OwnerFly and OwnerMemberFly flags in the same claim
  • Fixed an issue where players kept flight when TPing from a claim they are allowed to fly, to a claim where they are not allowed to fly
  • Prevent players from setting both OwnerMemberFly and OwnerFly in the same claim as they conflict
  • Changed how player’s drop when leaving a flight enabled claim. Players now fall naturally but do not take fall damage
  • Made a change so a player can not use OwnerFly and OwnerMemberFly flags in the same claim. This was causing an issue where the flags would overlap and spam the chat
----------, Jan 27, 2019

  • new no fall damage flag (Player's in a claim with this flag will not take fall damage)
  • new optional message when using ender pearls in a noEnderPearl flagged region (Can be found in messages.yml)
----------, Jan 26, 2019

  • Fixed console error when issuing player only commands from console, will now send a small message rather than a big error
----------, Jan 13, 2019

  • Added optional prefix for Enter/Exit message flag
  • NoMcMMoXPGain - New flag
  • Spleet Arena - Fixed issue with blocks still dropping when being broken
  • NoMonsterSpawns flag - Added slimes
  • Fixed a missing message warning with “Gamemode”
----------, Dec 16, 2018

  • Spleet Arena - Fixed issue with blocks still dropping when being broken
  • NoMonsterSpawns flag - Added slimes
----------, Dec 16, 2018

- PvP safe message when leaving a claim (options in config)
- PlayerGameMode flag (Experimental, needs more work)
- NoVineGrowth flag
- NoSnowForm flag
- NoIceForm flag
- NoFireDamage flag (This is added, but useless until GriefPrevention updates for this option - Stay tuned)
- NoFireSpread flag (This is added, but useless until GriefPrevention updates for this option - Stay tuned)

- PvP messages sending when hoping between 2 PvP claims
- PvP messages sending when throwing ender pearls
- Enderpearl damages are canceled and throw the "PVP only in PVP area message"

- Remove “other worlds” from config, I am really not sure why its even there
----------, Dec 3, 2018

Sorry about all the updates lately guys, I just wanted to get this plugin top notch for you all. I'm going to try slow down the amount of updates.


- PlayerTime Flag - /setclaimflag playertime <day/noon/night/midnight> can now be set in claims.

- Player weather, forgot to add parameters for onJoin event
- Enter Commands/Messages in flagged areas not running on join, well... now they do!
- Player not getting warning of PvP area on join, they sure do now!
- /gpfreload command not updating messages/options from config, thanks to @arboriginal for this fix.
----------, Nov 25, 2018

- Optional messages to be shown to players when they enter a PvP flagged claim.
You can find this in the config
Code (YAML):
World Flags:
    PvP Only In PvP-Flagged Claims
: true
    Message To Send When PvP Is Denied
: Player vs. player combat is restricted to
      designated areas.
    Send Message On Enter PvP Enabled Claim
: true
: PvP is enabled in this claim, be careful
If " PvP Only In PvP-Flagged Claims" you can then set " Send Message On Enter PvP Enabled Claim" to true, when a player enters a claim that has been flagged for PvP, they will get a message (message can be changed in the config)

For some reason /gpfreload won't actually reload this config. Its recommended for now, to just reload your server or restart your server for these changes to take effect. (This has been fixed in the next version)
----------, Nov 24, 2018

- PlayerWeatherFlag - You can now set player specific weather in claims. [/setclaimflag playerweather <sun/rain> ] (thunderstorms are not supported)

Thanks for the suggestion @arboriginal
----------, Nov 22, 2018

I didn't plan on updating the Legacy version, but since this was a major bug, I figured I should fix it

When " PvP Only In PvP-Flagged Claims" was enabled in the config, players were not able to fight mobs. This has now been fixed
----------, Nov 20, 2018

- When " PvP Only In PvP-Flagged Claims" was enabled in the config, players were not able to fight mobs. This has now been fixed
----------, Nov 20, 2018

- Enter/Exit Player Commands Flag - Similar to the enter/exit command flag, except these commands will be run by the player vs run by console!

Thank you for the suggestion @arboriginal
----------, Nov 18, 2018

- NoEnterPlayer flag - This will allow you to block certain player(s) from entering a claim. Use the command /setclaimflag NoEnterPlayer (you can use commas to separate more players like: /setclaimflag NoEnterPlayer player1, player2)
- OwnerMemberFly flag - Just like OwnerFly, but members with access trust or higher in the claim can also fly within the claim.
- FlyBypass Permission - Use this permission if you have a fly command (such as with essentials) and are also using the OwnerFly/OwnerMemberFly flag. This will prevent GPFlags from blocking these fly permissions.
----------, Nov 7, 2018

- If a player is flying in their claim when they log out, they would then fall to their death on login. This has been fixed.
----------, Nov 5, 2018

- A new flag to allow owners to fly in their own land claims (OwnerFly)

- Fixed a few small typos in the messages.yml file
----------, Nov 5, 2018

- NoGrowth flag - This will prevent blocks from growing (such as wheat, carrots) and blocks from spreading (such as Kelp, Grass, Mycelium) (As suggested by @Celebrimbor
----------, Nov 5, 2018

- Fixed a small typo.

Sorry about all the updates today. Last one I promise!
----------, Nov 1, 2018

- bStats for legacy version

- bStats sends very little information and will not affect your server performance at all.
- All the information sent to the bStats server is held privately and securely
- This version is for 1.12.2 and below, For 1.13 and above, use the correct version for your server.
----------, Nov 1, 2018

- Minor update to bStats
----------, Nov 1, 2018

- Bringing back the Spleef flag, thanks to the help of DmitryRendov
- Added in bStats, this will not affect server performance
----------, Oct 14, 2018

  • Added some variables into the flags for "Enter/Exit Message/Commands"
  • Enter/Exit Commands: %owner% = Owner of claim in flag, %name% = player in event, %uuid% = uuid of player in event
  • Enter/Exit Message: %owner% = Owner of claim in flag, %name% = player in event,
----------, Sep 26, 2018

- Added phantoms to the "NoMonsterSpawns" flag, since phantoms aren't actually considered a monster in the SpigotAPI
----------, Sep 22, 2018

- This version is compiled to run with MC 1.13 only. This version will not work on 1.12.2
- If you are looking for the MC 1.12.2 version, use this version (4.5.2 [1.12.2 Version])

- Had to remove flags for "Spleef" due to item changes in MineCraft 1.13 and the Spigot API
----------, Jul 27, 2018

- No actual changes. Just updated version names to include which Spigot version they will work with.
- If you are using 1.12.2 use this version.
----------, Jul 27, 2018

- Updated to run with 1.13 servers. There may be a few small issues. Hoping to get those sorted out soon.
----------, Jul 27, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 44,366
First Release: Apr 17, 2018
Last Update: Feb 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
46 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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