GPFlags icon

GPFlags -----

GriefPrevention add-on to set flags in claims

- NoStructureGrowth flag to prevent growth of trees, mushrooms, and chorus fruit.
- NoEliteMobSpawns flag (if you have the EliteMobs plugin).
- BuySubclaim flag which works similar to BuyBuildTrust but only works on subclaims and removes the flag after trust is bought to prevent other players from also buying the subclaim.
- Unsetting fly flags now disables flight immediately.
- NoVineGrowth now works on cave vines (glow berries).

- $ is no longer used to translate color codes in the config. Use & from now on.
- Reworked AllowBlockExplosions to better mimic the GP /claimexplosions command.

- An issue where the claim owner and trusted members with higher trust levels could still use the buy trust commands.
- An issue where KeepLoaded would not load the chunks on startup.
----------, Aug 30, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 44,516
First Release: Apr 17, 2018
Last Update: Feb 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
46 ratings
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