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GPFlags -----

GriefPrevention add-on to set flags in claims

Based on feedback, I've decided to keep the old command system from before v5.10. In this update, I have instead removed the command system that was added in v5.10 - the one where commands were prefixed with /gpflags. The only exception is the reload command which will stay as /gpflags reload.

- Added the /gpflags help command which shows available gpflags commands.
- Added the NoBlockGravity flag.
- Added more bypass permissions for several flags. See the wiki for information.
- Added tab completion for displaying the old flag parameters for some flags.


- Changed the NoHunger flag to prevent hunger depletion rather than regenerate hunger over time.
- Changed the verbose mode of /listclaimflags to display parameters only if they exist.
- Changed the verbose mode of /listclaimflags to always be enabled.
- Replaced the blacklist of the ChangeBiomes flag with a permission-based system.

- Fixed a bug involving console spam with the ViewContainers flag in admin claims.
- Fixed a bug where players could bypass movement flags.
- Fixed a bug where some flags would be enabled below the claim.
- Fixed a bug where the no permission message would sometimes show a {0} instead of the missing permission.
- Fixed bugs regarding Purpur's ridables.
----------, Jun 21, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 44,366
First Release: Apr 17, 2018
Last Update: Feb 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
46 ratings
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