If you noticed we jumped from V1.1.4 to 1.1.7, you noticed well.
I'll keep it short, here are the 3 most important changes:
- Added a toggle in the configuration file that enables/disables the different features of the plugin, currently: damage indicator (splash numbers) & health bars.
I added this, because people might be interested in only one part of the plugin, or because maybe a feature is not compatible with another plugin.
- Compatibility with damage modifiers.
Code-wise this wasn't a big change, but functional it means a lot. The shown damage by the dmg indicator is now calculated AFTER all things like armor are taken into account, instead of before.
- Compatibility with Custom names.
The health bar feature now takes the name of the entity into account before replacing it with a healthbar. After the given duration, the original name is placed back on the entity.
Furthermore: general code optimizations.
If you have requests / bugs / ..., please just reach out to me over Spigot DM's or discord
To see the changes in code, find the source code here: