[DamageIndicator] ====================== An innovative way to display damage done!
Whenever any mob is hurt in any way, the damage dealt will 'fly out' of the mob in a random direction. The color is based on the source of the damage, default as follows:
MAGIC (magic)
MELEE (attack, sweep, thorns)
POISON (poison)
FIRE (fire, fire tick, lava, hot floor)
RANGED (projectile)
OTHER (everything else)
Update 02/05/2024: the config now contains every single damage type as a one-to-one relation with a color config key; all types can be found here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Damage Update the colors as you wish by editing the config.yml!
Entities will have a healthbar above them or displayed as their custom name, devided in sections: (prefix + alive/maxHP + suffix) The colors and styles of all these sections can be modified in the config, but are by default:
Percentage alive (0, 255, 0)
Percentage unalived (100, 100, 100)
You can also modify the character used to create the healthbar, and the text decorators: strikethrough, bold & underlined for each section.
To apply decorations, use &b &u &i &o &s &r for bold, underlined, italic, obfuscated, strikethrough or a RESET respectively.
====================== You can now also replace the custom names with holograms, which allows for more customization (positioning). ====================== Installation Put the plugin in your plugins folder and restart your server.
====================== Commands Plug & play
As specified above, you can change configurations in the yml!
To reload the config without rebooting, use:
/config (required: damageindicator.reload)
Remove stuck holograms around you with:
/araremove (required: damageindicator.arearemove) ====================== Help - Support - ... Please do not create a review to request help.. just DM me, either here or on Discord (stealingdapenta) ☺
Q: what if a hidden armor stand with a number-name gets stuck?
A: They're taken care of. Just unload & reload the chunk.
You can also use the command /arearemove .
Q: Can you make this plugin compatible with 1.18.2?
A: I'm sorry but I have no plans at this time to make it compatible with older versions.