ClickTpa icon

ClickTpa -----

Clicking chat to accept a teleport request!

- Fixed a missed error with the /tpacancel command and config.

Until next time!
----------, Oct 28, 2024

UPDATE Oct 27, 2024: DO NOT DOWNLOAD 1.7.5. You may read the update notes, but an error was found when a user tried to /tpacancel. Download v1.7.6.

Yeah, so I don't really know where the time went, I just kinda went on vacation and school started up again. I kept going back and forth between projects and finishing up ClickTpa, but there's still so much more to do.

Anyway, I now present to you ClickTpa v1.7.5, which has some new features:

- AutoTab (This now works after like what, a year?)
- Blacklisted worlds (Use "clicktpa.bypassworld.(worldname)" to allow players to tp to blacklisted worlds)
- Nicknamed players can be teleported to.
- Config revamp (Read below)

I want to bring special attention to having a config revamp. The old config has been messy and there has been so many useless messages that some weren't even used, IIRC. So, I decided to change/remove a lot of messages and optimize it to my best ability so there is not a lot TO change. Therefore, a reminder to you all, PLEASE look over your config now and import your old messages into the newer ones. Everything is still organized. I think that's enough of a heads-up.

Lastly, some things I want/will work on for the next update (for whenever that'll come be released):

- Making teleports have a fee/price on them. Some players have been asking for this.
- A cooldown between teleporting to players, after one went through or not.

If you feel a suggestion has been left out, please feel free to message me and I'll try my best to have it in for the next update.

Also, if you enjoy ClickTpa, any donations are highly appreciated!

Until next time,

----------, Oct 7, 2024

Hey all,

- I believe I have fixed the auto tab complete issue. Well, at least it works on my end.
- ClickTpa has also been updated for MC v1.20.4

I am also looking into other bugs users are getting, but I am just not able to recreate them.

Until next time!
----------, Jan 16, 2024

ClickTpa v1.7.3 is out with a new feature that has been long suggested:

- QOL: /tpa, /tpahere now support tab completion for usernames.
- QOL: /tpaccept, /tpadeny (+ aliases) also support tab completion, but will only show current/active requests, instead of every player online.
(Please let me know ASAP if the new feature doesn't work or bugs are found!)
- Ironically, more bug fixes
- Updated ClickTpa's resource page to look more appealing. Will look into adding GIFs.

I am currently experimenting with allowing TpToggled players to whitelist players to allow them to send a request. Kinda like a bypass.

I am also thinking about adding particle effects while teleporting and cool camera teleport switch/cutscenes.

Looking forward to ClickTpa 1.8!

- humonga
----------, Aug 27, 2023

- Updated for MC version 1.20

If any bugs are found, or if the jar does not work, please let me know ASAP.
----------, Jul 15, 2023

- Should have fixed an issue where console was being spammed. I don't know why this issue occurs, but I haven't been able to pinpoint it exactly. But fixed when a player would disconnect while teleporting caused spam.

If there are more console spams, please let me know how it can be recreated.
----------, Jan 22, 2023

* Fixed spamming console error when a player leaves while they sent a request.
----------, Jan 14, 2023

Hi everyone,

I have spent some hours on completely re-writing the code for ClickTpa so it is more efficient and clean! As well, I have added some more features into ClickTpa that people have suggested.

Update Notes:

- (NEW) On-screen messages can now be displayed when a user accepts a teleport. Here is a preview:

- Added new messages into the config.yml
- Users can now change how long a request lasts until it expires
- Updated for 1.19.3
- Plugin should now work for versions before 1.19.x.
- Improved optimization

If any bugs, as I can test only so much, please do let me know.

Also, In "Version History" there are two 1.7's, make sure to download the first link, not the second.
----------, Jan 13, 2023

Update log:

Fixed a null return value (console spam) when a player tried to do /tpacancel.
----------, Dec 9, 2022

3rd times the charm. Fixed /tpahere and /tpa doing the same thing.
----------, Nov 30, 2022

Fixed bug: /tpahere and /tpa doing the same thing.
----------, Nov 29, 2022

Fixed /tpa and /tpahere having the same effect.
----------, Nov 29, 2022

I do not like how I keep updating this plugin so frequently. I am sorry. I try my best to do as much bug-testing as possible, but there always comes more and more.

Hopefully this time around, major bugs have been fixed.

Update Notes:
- Figured out /clicktparl not working. Fixed.
- Players who moved before accepting a /tpa, /tpahere request would get cancelled
- Update to use "Allow-Players-To-Move" in config. I have not fully bug-tested this. Please let me know.
----------, Nov 22, 2022

Oops. I did not know anything didn't work since the last time I updated this plugin. Anyway, here are the notes:

- Tpa's basic functionality not working (/tpa, /tpahere)
- Tptoggle fixed
- Moving while a teleportation request should have a better toleration. You should be able to move/look around, and stay on the same block a person made the request on.
- /clicktparl does not seem to have any bugs, functioning fine on my end. I will look more into this.
----------, Nov 21, 2022


After looking at my downloads and see how much this number grows each time I check, always puts a smile on my face. I have never seen this much success in my life, and I never expected this many downloads to come. We are currently at over 225,000 downloads, and I would like to thank each of you for downloading my plugin. It is just insane.

However, I have said many times through email and discussions that I have resigned from developing ClickTpa. After reading all the later posts and reviews, I just can not give this plugin up really. I would like to thank Ismael, who has updated my plugin through Github and cleaned up my code. This project is open-source, however, I do not know how Github works entirely, and how open-source works either. I have to learn.

Keep in mind I do not think I will make a full 100% return, where I dedicate more and more time to this plugin relating to it success. I will attempt to update, add new features, fix bugs, etc to keep this plugin healthy. It is not guaranteed.

Once again, I thank all those who are still interested in this plugin, and so am I quite frankly. I was 14 when I coded this plugin, and I never expected any outcome to happen. Now I am 18, and looking for a bright future up ahead (new plugin?).

Thank you,

Now onto the update:
- Updated for MC versions up to 1.19
- Updated HoverEvent to be not deprecated.
- That's it.

I do not know exactly what is wrong with my plugin, so please let me know if anything as I see mixed reviews and bugs about everything.
----------, Nov 21, 2022


After looking at my downloads and see how much this number grows each time I check, always puts a smile on my face. I have never seen this much success in my life, and I never expected this many downloads to come. We are currently at over 225,000 downloads, and I would like to thank each of you for downloading my plugin. It is just insane.

However, I have said many times through email and discussions that I have resigned from developing ClickTpa. After reading all the later posts and reviews, I just can not give this plugin up really. I would like to thank Ismael, who has updated my plugin through Github and cleaned up my code. This project is open-source, however, I do not know how Github works entirely, and how open-source works either. I have to learn.

Keep in mind I do not think I will make a full 100% return, where I dedicate more and more time to this plugin relating to it success. I will attempt to update, add new features, fix bugs, etc to keep this plugin healthy. It is not guaranteed.

Once again, I thank all those who are still interested in this plugin, and so am I quite frankly. I was 14 when I coded this plugin, and I never expected any outcome to happen. Now I am 18, and looking for a bright future up ahead (new plugin?).

Thank you,


Now onto the update:
- Updated for MC versions up to 1.19
- Updated HoverEvet to be not deprecated.
- That's it.

I do not know exactly what is wrong with my plugin, so please let me know if anything as I see mixed reviews and bugs about everything.
----------, Nov 21, 2022

* Fixed /tpahere command
* Still trying to figure out how to move the clickable "Accept" and "Deny" around in the tpa messages. Please bear with me, as that will take some learning for me and time to do.

If any bugs are found, please let me know!

I also apologize for the long wait, I've been quite busy with life, hope you all understand!
----------, Jun 15, 2020

Update Log:

ClickTpa v1.5
- Added a new feature that can be configured if a player is allowed to be moving before a teleport (like essentials)
- More customization with the tpa messages
- Config changes
- Fixed the plugin's reload command

If any bugs are present PLEASE message me!
----------, May 27, 2020

Fixed /tpahere command
----------, May 18, 2020

Fixed permission: "clicktpa.tpahere"
----------, May 17, 2020

Fixed /tpahere bug!
----------, May 6, 2020

Update Notes for ClickTpa v1.4.0

• Plugin updates are hard for me to test myself, so if any bugs are found, please let me know immediately!
• The config.yml has introduced new messages.

New Commands:
• /tpahere
• /tptoggle
• /clicktparl (Reloads the plugin's config.yml)

New Added Permissions:
• clicktpa.tpahere
• clicktpa.tptoggle
• clicktpa.reload
----------, May 5, 2020

* Updated for 1.12.2 (Unsure for 1.13)
* Updated config.yml
* User is able to customize their message more
* Changed the in-game 'Tpa-message' message
----------, Apr 10, 2020

* Updated for 1.12.2 (Unsure for 1.13)
* Updated config.yml
* User is able to customize their message more
* Changed the in-game 'Tpa-message' message
----------, Apr 10, 2020

Fixed a "[Warn]" error!
----------, Dec 10, 2018

Fixed a typo in code, everything should be working now

• To players who wants a /tptoggle command, I am working on this when I have the time.
----------, Dec 6, 2018

You are now able to change the teleport request through the config

To do:
• '/reload' command needs to be added
• Add more customization
• Language configs!
----------, Nov 28, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 418,096
First Release: Nov 21, 2018
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
43 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings