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ClickTpa -----

Clicking chat to accept a teleport request!

ClickTpa v1.7.5 Update
UPDATE Oct 27, 2024: DO NOT DOWNLOAD 1.7.5. You may read the update notes, but an error was found when a user tried to /tpacancel. Download v1.7.6.

Yeah, so I don't really know where the time went, I just kinda went on vacation and school started up again. I kept going back and forth between projects and finishing up ClickTpa, but there's still so much more to do.

Anyway, I now present to you ClickTpa v1.7.5, which has some new features:

- AutoTab (This now works after like what, a year?)
- Blacklisted worlds (Use "clicktpa.bypassworld.(worldname)" to allow players to tp to blacklisted worlds)
- Nicknamed players can be teleported to.
- Config revamp (Read below)

I want to bring special attention to having a config revamp. The old config has been messy and there has been so many useless messages that some weren't even used, IIRC. So, I decided to change/remove a lot of messages and optimize it to my best ability so there is not a lot TO change. Therefore, a reminder to you all, PLEASE look over your config now and import your old messages into the newer ones. Everything is still organized. I think that's enough of a heads-up.

Lastly, some things I want/will work on for the next update (for whenever that'll come be released):

- Making teleports have a fee/price on them. Some players have been asking for this.
- A cooldown between teleporting to players, after one went through or not.

If you feel a suggestion has been left out, please feel free to message me and I'll try my best to have it in for the next update.

Also, if you enjoy ClickTpa, any donations are highly appreciated!

Until next time,

----------, Oct 7, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 417,578
First Release: Nov 21, 2018
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
43 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings