ClickTpa icon

ClickTpa -----

Clicking chat to accept a teleport request!

Version: 1.7.6
The best plkugin for tpa! Lot of awesome features

Only need economy system and this will be the best plugin for tpa!
i love screen title ;D

Version: 1.7.6
A wonderful plugin. But why does the tptoggle command disable teleportation for the entire server? I think it should work separately for each player.

Version: 1.7.6
Excellent plugin, does his job, only one thing, where can i find all permissions, because not all permissions is listed on photo with permissions.
Author's response
Hey! Thank you for your review. What permissions do you believe are missing? All the permissions in the photo are the ones in the plugin.

Version: 1.7.4
Great plugin, recommended. You just need to add the command block for worlds. Or disable it in certain worlds.

Version: 1.7.4
The add-on is very nice, but can you add cooldown in the next update so that after a player teleports to someone, they wait a certain amount of time to teleport to another player. <3

Version: 1.7.3
Userfull plugin, but i have the same error, one of the other users have too. The Autocompletion of the name dont work. When i type the player name manually, all is perfect fine, but no autocomplete
Author's response
Yeah I noticed this as well, I'll look into it, thanks!

Version: 1.7.3
Works perfectly in aternos after some configuration. Was a bit difficult but that was my own fault.
Author's response
Thanks! If you'd like, let me know what was confusing so I can find how to make it simpler to configure!

Version: 1.7.3
A great plugin, I would be more than happy if you could make a Blacklist option in the next update for worlds where it will not be possible to do TPA, it would be nice and would help me a lot. Thanks
Author's response
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into it for a future update!

Version: 1.7.3
AutoComplete does not work for non-op players. Any idea? Apart from that the plugin works flawlesly
Author's response
Does the player have permission to use the command? If they don't, I don't think they would be able to use the autocomplete. Private message me to see if that fixed your issue.

Version: 1.7.3
Work perfect in the last version, if its possible pls add support for rgb colors
Author's response
RGB colors for the config? Should already be added. Thanks!

Version: 1.7.2
Please add tab auto-complete support for player names! We need it desperately! Its an amazing quality of life requirement!
Author's response
Will look into this for an update, thanks!

Version: 1.7.2
Thanks for the update to 1.20, very grateful for that.
Thanks for the update to 1.20, very grateful for that.
Author's response

Version: 1.7.1
Great and useful plugin, when do you update to 1.20, I'm waiting to update my server but I need this plugin because is one of my favorite.
Author's response
Thanks a lot, I am currently on vacation and will get back to the updating when I return!

Version: 1.7.1
I have a question. Where do I have to put the permissions on an Aternos Server? thanks
Author's response
I am not sure about Aternos, but if you are using a permissions plugin like PermissionsEx, LuckPerms, you add the permission to the group. You can find the list of permissions under the overview tab under permissions.


Version: 1.7.1
Great plugin with a few things that could improve. I think it would be a really nice addition if you could add papi placeholder support. so we can use nicknames and prefixes instead of player names. I made an issue on github as well
Author's response
Thanks! I'll look into this :)

Version: 1.6.3-1
Plugin is amazing. I have just one problem. Default players cant use TAB for filling names but OPS can.... any solution for me ? With other commands filling with TAB is working perfectly
Author's response

Tabbing to auto complete command is internal and hard-coded, so I'll need to make an update to allow players to tab the command. Thanks for letting me know!

Version: 1.6.3-1
this plugin is amazing, only thing is while there are a lot of configuration options, what they do isnt clear enough in my opinion, also i cant seem to figure out how to make it so that everyone can use the plugin instead of just whoever has /op, if those 2 things are made clearer ill change this to a 5 star rating
Author's response

There are permissions that go along with each command. If you want a player to have access to "/tpa" you give them the permission "clicktpa.tpa". There is a permission's ist on the overview page.

Version: 1.6.3-1
With each update you've released, you've improved incredibly. I have been very attentive to each update. I appreciate you kept developing this plugin because there is none like it.

In a future update I would like you to add a permission to remove the cooldown of the teleport. (Bypass)
Author's response
Thank you, it means a lot!

Do you mean the seconds until a player teleports? If so, you can set the value in config to 0.

Version: 1.6.3
Good plugin, good support. I recommended.

Version: 1.6.3
Ok, bugs fixed. You should fix when a person sends you tpa you cannot send another while the request is pending..

Version: 1.6.3
Now dont work men, dont fixed. Very bugged

Version: 1.6.2
The plugin doesn't work well. Doing /tpa works like doing /tpahere

Please fix!!

I use version 1.19.2
Author's response
Could of messaged me instead of a review.

Fixed, look at recent update.

Version: 1.6.2
I'm very very happy you still continue update it! Keep it working. Suggestion meaby add tittles with "Teleporting in 3. 2.1 @nd teleporting"? (And option to disable it)
Author's response
Thank you :)

I will consider this and look into other people's suggestions as well.

Version: 1.6
KEEP IT WORKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KEEP IT WORKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KEEP IT WORKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KEEP IT WORKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

Version: 1.5.1
Really like it except it has to update to use the new hover event not the old one :D

Version: 1.5.1
It would be great if the author added a clickable button to cancel teleportation, and not just the /tpacancel command

Version: 1.5.1
Great plugin but I'm just wondering how I can make it so my players can tpa without being operator

Version: 1.5.1
Plugin works but it is sufficient to move only the view to cancel the tpa. If only the author made the code open source I could fix it .. Put a link to github

Version: 1.5.1

Version: 1.5.1
excellent complement, 1.16.4 and working well, although there is the problem of movement sensitivity although it can be fixed a little with the option to enable movement for tp, I recommend it 100%,

I found an error I would like to report it in discussions

Version: 1.5.1
Tried on 1.16.2

Main functionality working.

However if the person to be teleportes moves their camera the tpa will cancel as "player moved"
Author's response
This plugin is for versions 1.12-1.13. There could be a possible explanation as to why this happens in 1.16, but ill need to try this out myself. I don’t know if I have plans to update this plugin to 1.16

Version: 1.5.1
good plugin but tptoggle its buggy do not work at all i have tptoggle OFF and players can send me tpa requests...
Author's response
I’ll into this. Thank you for reviewing though!

Version: 1.5.1
Can you add something that like the seconds that you need to wait appear in boss bar?
Author's response
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll keep this in kind for future updates!

Version: 1.5.1
hi there, is me again. Plugin was all good with last update, but recently can't work property, and just let you know that, and this time i rate 4 star, not 3. :)
Author's response
Hey! Thank you for the review! Would you please pm me about the issue you’re having so I can resolve it for future updates?

Version: 1.5
all good but without /tpahere,doesn't work properly, and even i put a new plugin folder with this plugin only but still not work .

/tpahere ID , it will said player is moving, so i turn it off, and then became no work.

paper 1.15.2
Author's response
as of this moment, i am currently trying to fix other issues and implement new features. I am aware of /tpahere not working, but this will be resolved in a timely manner!

Version: 1.5
Excellent plugin, what I needed... As a suggestion, could you add the / back command?
Author's response
Thank you for your suggestion- someone else requested this and I’ll see what I can implement.

Version: 1.4.4
Great plugin and developer support! :)
Author's response
Very much appreciated!

Version: 1.4.4
good plugin but the /back doesn't work properly, it doesn't go to the old location before the TP
Author's response
I don’t have a /back command, but thank you nonetheless

Version: 1.4.4
It works on 1.15.2.Great developer, timely problem solving and friendly
Author's response
Haha, thank you so much!

Version: 1.4.1
Hey, is it possible to add different types of timers depending on the rank we get with permissions? Otherwise it works perfectly!
Author's response
I’ll see how this could happen in the future. Thanks!

Version: 1.3.0 (MC 1.12.2)
Could you possibily add the /tpahere as well? and a reload command? otherwise great
Author's response
I'm doing this right now as we speak. I have a lot of new things coming in!

Version: 1.3.0 (MC 1.12.2)
Very good plugin, I want to reprint this plugin to China's largest MineCraft forum MCBBS, I hope you agree, I promise not to leak the.jar file, they will download this plugin to SpigotMc, I will provide the Chinese tutorial to them, I will send you the reprint link when finished.
Author's response
Alright I'm cool with this. Haven't really seen this before, but it is nice to try new things out. Thank you!

Version: 1.3.0 (MC 1.12.2)
Hey, does this support 1.8.8?

Author's response
As of this moment, I have no tried the plugin in 1.8.x. I’m sure that if you were try to load the plugin in 1.8.8, it wouldn’t load at all. Have a go at it and message me (not here) if it works or not.

Version: 1.1.2
Cool plugin and great author, hope this plugin grow up in the future!
and I like that you can configure the commands in the config file.
Author's response
Thanks bakket! :P

Version: 1.1.0
very cool author, great plugin in development i see a bright future for this plugin
Author's response
Thank you very much,

And also thanks for the support, it keeps me motivated!

Version: 1.0.0
Very good plugin, I like it, please continue to develop plugin: D
Author's response

And of course I will, when I'm not busy and able to add new stuff!

Version: 1.0.0
nice author + cool plugin. ive never seen clicking in chat so cool concept overall

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 418,096
First Release: Nov 21, 2018
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
43 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings