ClickTpa icon

ClickTpa -----

Clicking chat to accept a teleport request!

ClickTpa v1.7.3 - Bug Fixes + New feature
ClickTpa v1.7.3 is out with a new feature that has been long suggested:

- QOL: /tpa, /tpahere now support tab completion for usernames.
- QOL: /tpaccept, /tpadeny (+ aliases) also support tab completion, but will only show current/active requests, instead of every player online.
(Please let me know ASAP if the new feature doesn't work or bugs are found!)
- Ironically, more bug fixes
- Updated ClickTpa's resource page to look more appealing. Will look into adding GIFs.

I am currently experimenting with allowing TpToggled players to whitelist players to allow them to send a request. Kinda like a bypass.

I am also thinking about adding particle effects while teleporting and cool camera teleport switch/cutscenes.

Looking forward to ClickTpa 1.8!

- humonga
----------, Aug 27, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 418,250
First Release: Nov 21, 2018
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
43 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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