- Updated to Labyrinth 1.2.4
- Added WorldGuard "claim-land" flag
- Added clan name blacklist with custom action handling
- Added new API methods w/ doc
- Added /c map toggle per chunk
- Added the ability to block portals from generating in clan claims
If you're a returning user READ BELOW
Hello, I'm afraid I have some urgent news. Some of you may not like this but i am happy to say it is for the best. 'HempCore' as-well as 'Hemponomics' underwent a small refactor/rename. And in the process thousands of lines of code had to also be changed within other projects. In doing so this messes with meta data etc. One of the biggest changes that we made was the increase in size of the HUID's from 6 characters to 12. We hope you see why this update is so important, meta id's etc are all HUID's and the little bit longer that we made them will decrease any chances of id's overlapping. It is STRONGLY recommended that you delete the (Meta, Clans & Users) folders as-well as the old Regions file within the Configurations folder for a successful reset. After you reset you wont have to do this again. This was something we wanted to push sooner rather than later to get people adapting to it as quickly as possible. Thank you - The h team
If you're a
returning user things you need to do in order:
1. Delete the files listed above.
2. Delete HempCore (and Hemponomics if you use it)
3. Replace deleted HempCore w/ [
4. *Optional Replace deleted Hemponomics w/ [