Added new war gamemode Initiate a war with another clan with a specified amount of time. Use /clan war clanName <timeinSeconds>. Or use /clan peace clanName to deny a war request.
forgot to add join message to messages file now added.
Added back clan invitations (system will change in future)
Reintroduced Clans banks and added new bank log feature (ms5984) New Bank Feature update New functions: - Manage bank feature access by rank - Log of bank transactions Commands: /clan bank setperm <perm> <rank> - Set required rank in clan for a given action where <perm> is [ balance, deposit, withdraw, or viewlog ] and <rank> follows Clans' internal format: ( /clan bank viewlog - View transaction log (requires rank 3 by default) /clan bank viewperms - View rank required for each action (lists all four) The default perms are as follows:
Code (YAML):
]# Member can see balance Deposit
]# Mod can deposit Withdraw
]# Admin can withdraw ViewLog
]# Owner can view transactions
Config has new section for permission defaults: balance, deposit, withdraw, view log
Code (YAML):
# Clans.banks. default-access:
balance: 0
# Clan rank 0 or higher can access bank balance deposit: 1
# Clan rank 1 or higher can deposit withdraw: 2
# Clan rank 2 can withdraw view-log: 3
# Clan rank 3 can view transaction log