- Updated to new game versions. (Labyrinth v1.9.4)
- Added ability to manage ranks and customize them
- Reservoir now builds a schematic for its foundation.
- Fixed misc getplayer problem for some servers
- Further optimized code
- Instilled more warnings for issues
- Added NPC's using Citizens api for guards in kingdoms and more
- Removed Roundtable feature (not implemented as visioned, will be on back burner)
- Added force lock option for clan creation in config
- Added ability to toggle token drops for killing players (reservoir settings)
- Fixed land claiming charging still charging if you attempt to claim at your clans limit.
- Added two new claim flags one for disabling animal killing and one to toggle sharing land with allies.
- Made teleportation time configurable from 10s
- Added dynmap config option to show claims by default
- Added permission to dynmap addon to block usage of the hide command
- Added ability to customize chunk color for dynmap render
- Fixed head skin data not properly being stored.
This update is gonna be split amongst two parts, I'm short on time to squeeze everything I want into the final push so here is one half of the update, introducing some new features and the long awaited ability to customize ranks! Something you should know is when renaming a rank put a node under the "name:" node called "old-name:" with the exact old name so the application knows how to properly clean up otherwise you'll have users be reset to member rank.