Claims are now an interface and undergo similar loading procedures to that of a clan using its respective manager.
Added dedicated chat channel interfacing ( [Used with associate objects]
Tested working - Made a horse a teammate
Tested working - Made console a clan owner
Added new interface EntityHolder marking objects that are simply containers multiple entities
Added new ComparatorUtil for easy access to all the comparators clans has to offer
Added new interface Savable marking objects that have a both savable and removable state (info thats written can be erased)
Added new interface PersistentEntity marking objects that inherit MemorySpace and can have data direcly applied to them.
Fixed legacy problems
Added insignia support to legacy
Added the ability for clans to display their personal insignia's with holograms! ( Simply build a sign and write on the first line "[Clan]"
Added the ability for clans to share their insignia's on a public market space! (/clan logo browse, /clan logo share)
Added the ability for claims to have respective flags allowing/disallowing certain things to be done in side them!
Added the ability for clans to list their claims in a GUI and also teleport to their location.
Added the ability for clans to list their current logo carriers (holograms) and teleport to their locations.
Added new toggleable fancy clan info! Consolidate your clan information while retaining the same data as before!
Added chat filters! (Configurable) filter bad words in clan chat channels!
Tamed animals can now be clan members! [Preview] [Preview2] (Make a tamer stick following the same recipe as preview 1 but use blaze rods instead of sticks)
You can teleport to tamed animals that are in your clan!
Tamed animals have their own chat ai! Toggle into a clan chat channel and ask something like "How are you {nameOrNick}" or "Where you at {nameOrNick}?"
Added associate nickname visibility to the clan member list gui
Added the ability to adjust the core data timer
Added the ability to set custom claim enter/leave title messages
Added the ability for clans to have nicknames (Names with spaces)
Made it possible for enemy clans to access your vault when inside your claim with the raid shield down.
Added support for grief-prevention and plugins alike to work along side the clans claiming system.