ChatFeelings icon

ChatFeelings -----

The Original Minecraft Emote & Feeling Plugin! Extremely Customizable & Easy to Use.

Fixed a bug where sounds threw an error. Whoops. v4.15.0 will be the last update of v4, for real. Until v5! Enjoy!
----------, Feb 10, 2025

This update is dynamic, meaning new bug fixes may be provided by simply redownloading ChatFeelings every so often. Version numbers will not change but will instead show a build number (/cf version -> v4.15.0-b28)

v4.15.0 — v4
Something custom is brewing… v5.0.0 will be the next ChatFeelings update. This is the last v4 update. Bug fixes and maintenance on v4 will be maintained for an undetermined period at as v5 will likely drop support for 1.19 and below. Redownloading this update will provide the latest build of v4 from the build server. Update notifications will cease after today until v5. Continue reporting bugs and redownload ChatFeelings periodically for latest updates.

  • Removed depreciated Sound.valueOf in favor of registered name spaces (somewhat experimental)
  • Better support for 1.21.4
  • Removed /spook from internal components as it’s well past October.
  • Fixed particle bug when using /boop
----------, Feb 9, 2025

This hotfix addresses a bug causing the spook messages to not be customized on restarts or reloads of the plugin. This version number will remain the same to prevent mass notifications to server owners.
----------, Oct 28, 2024

  • Hotfix for a bug causing helmets to go missing when players quit and rejoin the game.
  • Fixed a bug where the internal file updater could mistakenly replace the welcomeback emote message values causing a console error on startup.
Thank you to those who reported these bugs through discord and making ChatFeelings better for everyone!
----------, Oct 28, 2024

Better late than never, right?
  • Added /spook to your emotional artillery
  • Added /boop for when poking is too much!
  • Nickname support restored for servers running latest stable (not dev) build of EssentialsX (2.20.1 or higher)
  • A few internal updates and bug squashes as always.
Stability Notice: This update is not as stable as other updates, use it at your own risk!

Too spooky? Simply wear a helmet and you will not be spooked. Players can always do /cf ignore all to prevent being targeted by too many emotions.

For server owners: You may disable /spook in your emotes.yml if you are experiencing issues with the emotion (glitches or disturbances to gameplay).

For 1.19 or below: This update may not work well with older Minecraft versions. The ChatFeelings v4.15 update will focus on backwards compatibility, so I'd recommend older servers not running 1.20 or higher skip this update and wait for the next.
----------, Oct 27, 2024

  • /wb is now /welcomeback to prevent conflicts with Essentials Workbench amongst other plugins.
  • Fix grammatical disagreements in /cf stats
  • Add "Prefix-Header" in the messages.yml to allow custom branding and enable better theming for servers.
  • Remove corrupted target data files when detected.
  • Don't show feelings on /cf stats that haven't been sent by that yet to reduce clutter.
  • Fix particle mapping for welcome back new alias.
  • Bump bStats and SpigotMC dependencies.
You might need to manually add or remove the welcome back messages from your emotes.yml if you were having issues in v4.14.1 and continue to have issues in v4.14.2
----------, Sep 16, 2024

  • Fixed a bug where parsing the current Minecraft versions could fail, especially on 1.21.
  • Changed the /wb feeling to give it a more fitting particle! (1.17 & up only)
  • Fixed a typo for the sender /wb command. Servers who have the typo will have it auto-fix upon updating.
  • More gracefully shutdown asynchronous tasks for better Spigot/Paper support.
  • Updated internal dependencies
----------, Jul 14, 2024

  • Added support for 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
  • Added support for Folia and optimized performance on servers running PaperMC
  • Implemented particle mapping for forward and backwards compatibility.
  • Added new API functions for getting the feeling messages out of the emotes.yml (getGlobalEmoteMessage, getSenderEmoteMessage, getTargetEmoteMessage)
  • Updated internal dependencies and implemented overall improvements.
  • Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 by @dependabot in #59
  • Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin from 3.12.1 to 3.13.0 by @dependabot in #60
  • Include build version in file name by @gamingjovi in #62
Thank you to
Full Changelog: v4.13.0...v4.14.0
----------, Apr 28, 2024

  • Added /wb (welcome back)
  • Added a Reduce Console Messages setting in the config.yml
  • Fixed Issue #47 where all non-UTF (non-latin) characters were reset or broken in message files. This should now allow the use of common characters in Korean, Arabic, Japanese, and many more languages! Yippie!
  • Dependency updates and internal optimizations
----------, Feb 2, 2024

  • Removed /spook as it is no longer the spooky season.
  • Updated internal dependencies.
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! :)
----------, Nov 3, 2023

  • Fixed several bugs on startup when creating files
  • Added the new /spook command for Halloween!
  • Added /wave to your arsenal of emotions.
  • Better support for 1.20 as well as improved legacy support for older versions of Minecraft
Code (Text):
MD5: 3309E3D3C9E33BFF50ABC05B66DDE634
SHA1: 33CFFE99CB3BFC6057AADA6390A3280DDEB2D778
----------, Sep 19, 2023

  • Fixes a startup bug where a missing internal dependency would throw errors with different installations of Java (especially when using Minecraft 1.17 or below)
  • Updated internal dependencies
  • Compatible with 1.13 up to 1.19.3
June 2023 Edit: This version will support 1.20 and 1.20.1
----------, Jan 4, 2023

  • Added dynamic version compatibility checking
  • Fixed the Console printing leftover debug messages when using feelings or viewing the help page.
  • Tweaked how the plugin will initialize itself.
  • Updated core dependencies
  • Removed /spook as it is no longer the spooky season! (this should also help with startup errors that 1.17 or older servers may have encountered)
----------, Nov 3, 2022

  • Fixed /spook reseting to its default message and toggle values when reloading or restarting the plugin.
  • Fixed an issue on 1.17 and below when using certain older Java JDK versions that were missing the EnumUtils library on startup.
----------, Sep 18, 2022

  • Significantly optimized /feeling help page.
  • Disabled feelings will now be hidden from the help page
  • If a player has no permission, it will be grayed out in the help page.
  • Added page length to config.yml
  • Removed possible '+' typo in help page
  • Fixed bug with /scorn description missing or showing null.
For those wondering about custom feelings, the updated help page is a massive step, as the old method would simply not allow additional commands that weren't specified at compilation. Long story short, this is a small step closer towards custom feelings! ;)
----------, Sep 13, 2022

New Feeling for Halloween! /spook
  • Happy Halloween! New emote added /spook
  • Removed the additional space internally when showing the plugin's prefix.
  • Updated dependencies.
Prefix spaces will be automatically added to your existing messages.yml file. /spook requires at minimum MC 1.13 and supports up to MC 1.19
----------, Sep 6, 2022

New Feeling! /sus
  • Added /sus! Now you can look at your friends single-boned body suspiciously. (For best sounds use 1.18 or above)
  • Fixed a bug where /cf ignore all wouldn't actually "ignore" anyone.
  • Revamped how permissions are dealt with internally for better consistency.
  • Fixed a bug where a missing data folder would throw a NullPointerException when accessed.
  • Optimizations made for 1.19
  • File read/write improvements and optimizations were made (removing double calls)
  • Cleaned up the overall project and updated EssentialsX and PAPI libraries.
  • Got rid of deprecated Java lines that were lingering around.
For developer notes on this release, please see Github.
Special thanks to @Squiggly_uwu and @amongus9000
----------, Jul 25, 2022

  • Fixed an issue that would cause ChatFeelings from starting on servers running 1.17 or below or not using Java 18.
  • Fixed issues some people occasionally faced with incorrect update notifications.
  • Better backwards compatibility and future support for Minecraft updates.
This update should officially support 1.13 up to 1.19 (and all versions in between).
Java 8 is the minimum requirement. Java 18 is supported.
----------, Jun 25, 2022

Apologies for this update! I had a typo and this caused false positives in the update notifier. It's highly recommended that all v4.9.1 servers immediately update to v4.9.2 to prevent future annoyance.
----------, Jun 13, 2022

  • Added support for 1.19 (now supports 1.13-1.19)
  • Change updater to check Github rather than Spigot.
  • Rebuild and update dependencies.
  • Add a lil more love and clean up some loose ends.
Thank you for your patience as always with updates! --- Please use v4.9.3
----------, Jun 12, 2022

  • Added support for Essentials nicknames when using command feelings (toggled via config.yml) [ Special thanks to SilvenLily ] [Requires PlaceholderAPI]
  • Improved support for 1.18.2
  • Organized maven and internal file layout to make it easier for you to fork/repo ChatFeelings off of Github.
  • Changed package organizations.

----[ ChatFeelings' Dev Update ]----
Thank you so much for your patience with me and updates. Recently my PC with all my files crashed and erased all of my Minecraft worlds, plugins, and files. ChatFeelings thankfully is open source, so I could easily pick up right where I left off, but this blow has slowed my progress on v5.0 with custom feelings, as the only copies I had were on that machine. Another huge shoutout to
SilvenLily for literally carrying this entire update.
----------, May 30, 2022

  • Added 1.18 support to ChatFeelings
  • Utilizes maven to allow for compiling with latest Spigot APIs.
  • Updated internal metric classes.
  • Compiled with latest plugin dependencies.

    This update still fully supports 1.13 and all versions up to 1.18
----------, Dec 8, 2021

  • Added 1.17 support to ChatFeelings.
  • Update checking now uses spigot's more stable API
  • Some optimizations and internal fixes.
  • Compiled with latest dependency builds.
  • Updated / Optimized bStats classes.
----------, Jun 11, 2021

  • Removed /spook as it's no longer spoopy season.
  • Fixed /cry not working.
  • Fixed placeholder typos and updated the Placeholders List accordingly.
  • Compiled with latest AdvancedBan update.
  • Compiled to add 1.16.4 support. (Supports 1.13 through 1.16.4)
  • Hope you had a wonderful Halloween!
----------, Nov 5, 2020

  • Fixed possible bug not showing /spook in the feelings list when enabled.
  • Added individual total placeholders for feelings! (See placeholders on main page)
  • Added ChatFeelings.getFeelings() API function. (Returns List)
  • Optimized feeling handlers as an ordered list.
----------, Oct 14, 2020

Spooky Update
  • For the past couple of years, it's been a tradition for ChatFeelings to have a seasonal emote! As halloween approaches, players can now use /spook with this new update. Message customizations and the ability to disable this seasonal emote can be found in the emotes.yml file. This emote will only work on 1.13 and higher. Happy Spooking!
----------, Sep 22, 2020

  • Fixes an error being shown for some particles when using 1.16.
  • Thanks for using ChatFeelings! ❤️
----------, Aug 4, 2020

  • Added 1.16 and 1.16.1 support to ChatFeelings
  • Better prepare for future updates while maximizing compatibility.
  • Sounds now are enabled for all versions unless mis-configured.
  • Fixed the console spamming messages when an Essentials user file is deleted.
----------, Jun 27, 2020

Sorry for the nearly same day update. v4.6.6 is a LTR
  • Instead of relying on an outside expansion for ChatFeelings, it is now built in. If you have PlaceholderAPI you can use these two placeholders:
    • %chatfeelings_total_sent% - Shows the player how many total feelings they have sent.
    • %chatfeelings_incoming_allow% - Return true if player has feelings enabled, and false if not. (Uses PAPI's config.yml true/false messages)
  • Fixed an issue where trying to get a players username from UUID would return as "0" when using /cf stats (user)
  • Optimized UUID to username conversion.
  • Added isAcceptingFeelings to the ChatFeelings API.
----------, Apr 23, 2020

  • Added proper support for UUIDs & Usernames when accessing the ChatFeelings API
  • Added PlaceholderAPI Support.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Metrics to not send correctly.
----------, Apr 22, 2020

  • Fixes large errors being thrown when using LiteBans.
  • Fixes a common error being thrown when Radius features are enabled and the sender / target are in different worlds.
  • Significantly improved performance when checking if a player is muted when using feelings.
  • Improved performance with /cf mutelist when using a 3rd Party system.
  • Added an external cooldown for /cf mutelist (60s) when using LiteBans or AdvancedBan to prevent excessive database checking.
  • Fixes a sync error that occured when trying to use feelings.
Thanks for using ChatFeelings! ❤️
Consider donating & supporting this resource.
----------, Apr 12, 2020

  • Fix a NullPointerException that was generated on the latest release when trying to emote if no player was provided.
  • Fixed a small bug where players could use feelings on themselves even when it was disabled in the configuration.
----------, Mar 20, 2020

  • Fixed a small bug where players could use feelings on themselves even when it was disabled in the configuration.
----------, Mar 19, 2020

  • Added the ability to edit Feeling Descriptions in the messages.yml.
  • Optimized performance with external files which now load to cache instead of constantly being checked for each individual message.
  • Feeling permissions will now be disabled by default.
  • Updated to compile around the latest 2.17.2 EssentialsX version.
  • Fixed disabled world settings unnecessarily remembering the world order.
  • Fixed dependencies loading after ChatFeelings instead of before.
  • Fixed a reoccuring console message that claimed it updated the emotes file.
  • Fixed some debug messages being checked and/or formatted incorrectly.
  • Fixed rare but possible feeling permission issues. (Reset your config if you're still having issues)
  • Reduced /cf reload cooldown from 30s to 10s.
  • Overall optimizations and improvements.
Enjoy these updates?
Buy me a coffee sometime, and consider donating! ☕
----------, Feb 27, 2020

  • Added 1.15 Support. (Now supports 1.13, 1.14, & 1.15)
  • Fixed a typo for the default sender message for /bite.
  • Removed leftover outdated methods from previous versions.
  • Made all join events async to allow for faster processing of player joins.
Some people have a permission bug where only OP's can use feelings. This issue is being found in all v4.X versions, and I am working on fixing this issue. Fixed in v4.6
----------, Dec 11, 2019

Quick Fix
  • Fixed an Invalid Sound error being thrown when using feelings..
  • Patched the update checker again just to ensure nothing funky will happen when new lovely updates are found.
  • Optimized the message handler for debug messages to use a more efficient approach.
  • Removed default permission specifications to fix a permission error regarding feelings. (If you don't use a permission system, make sure you have Use-Feeling-Permissions set to false)
----------, Nov 18, 2019

What's New?
  • Finally fixed a MASSIVE update error. (For now, I'm keeping the version as v4.5.3 on Spigot, to allow server owners to update and fix this issue before this error is thrown again) (Bumped on 11/17/19 to v4.5.5)
  • Removed /spook for it is no longer the season of spooks. (Look forward to some festive feelings!)
  • Cleaned up the house and squished a bug or two!
It is highly recommended to update to this version or newer immediately if you're running v4.4.X or v4.5.X series, as this update fixes a big error that can be thrown when a new update is detected.
----------, Nov 9, 2019

Quick Fix:
  • Fixed rare but possible Update error.
  • Added a "Ignore-List-All" message to the ignore list if a player is blocking all feelings and no specific players.
  • Resolved bugs that were missed in v4.5.2
  • Significantly improved join/quit cache spam check.
LTR: This release is planned for long term use.
----------, Sep 29, 2019

What's New?
  • Fixed some security issues regarding class/package safety.
  • Polished up some inconsistencies.
  • Compiled with the latest Spigot build.
----------, Sep 29, 2019

What's New?
  • Fixed feelings not requiring feeling permissions when enabled.
  • Now when doing /cf ignore, instead of providing a no player message, we will now show a list of who you're ignoring (via ChatFeelings)
  • Removed "No-Violent-Cmds-When-Sleeping" from the config. By default, violent commands will not do any damage when sleeping. (To prevent players from being kicked out of their bed)
  • Fixed some configuration options not appearing the the configuration.
  • Improved the "Multi-Version-Support" configuration setting to use an alternate sound on Spook instead of not cancelling the default disc sound. (Only mess with the Mutli-Version-Support setting if you're experiencing issues with players using /spook on your server. Normally this setting only needs to be changed if you use ProtocolSupport)
  • Fixed some HashMaps staying after a player quits, causing possible memory leaks.
  • Fixed the FeelingGlobalNotify API event firing after instead of before.
  • Various Optimizations & Bug Fixes.
----------, Sep 14, 2019

What's New?

  • Added player stats! (Permission: chatfeelings.stats / chatfeelings.stats.others) Command: /cf stats (player)
  • Added global.yml file under the ChatFeelings data folder to compile total server statistics from all players.
  • Fixed public/static references that should've been private. (Fixes security issues)
  • Added ChatFeelings API for developers! (Click here for more Info)
  • Added a proper Cooldown handler/class for cleaner cooldown handling.
  • Tweaked some redundant code in the Updater and improved it's security.
  • Added player file variable check. (Should hopefully prevent any errors/issues)!
  • Added Cooldown bypassing, for people with the chatfeelings.bypasscooldowns permission to bypass!
  • To prevent file cache spam, onQuit caching will only be done if it's at least a minute old.
  • Fixed the second sound option in the emotes.yml not working for some.
  • Added /spook - Give your friends some festive fright! (Permission is chatfeelings.spook and is included with the chatfeelings.all permission) (Requires 1.12+)

Enjoy these updates? Help me keep 'em coming and consider donating
a small amount to cover the costs of life. Thanks again! :coffee:
----------, Sep 8, 2019

[​IMG] What's New?
  • You can now enable/disable the use of all sounds in the config.yml
  • Removed certain legacy checks.
  • Unofficially supports 1.12 and below as sounds can simply be skipped unless using 1.13/1.14
  • Added permission checking to feelings, because somehow I missed that. (Fixes #6, thanks @Baktus79)
  • Files will also log the player IP to effectively check for bans.
  • LiteBans support added for checking for bans/mutes
  • AdvancedBan support added for checking for bans/mutes
  • Added Essentials ban checking!
  • Removed Bypass-Version-Check from the config.
  • Will no longer block versions below 1.12 from running.
  • Files will remove if the player was banned.
  • Completely redid the mute checking to be more effective.
  • Added config option to disable Sounds. (Helps with 1.12 and below)
  • Optimized vanish checking to avoid having to check the config constantly.
  • Fixed vanish checking configuration option not functioning.
  • Fixed 3rd party muting not blocking feeling commands.
  • Trying to avoid purging data-files when players are online! (Fixes async task error on reload)
  • Update reload message to have total MS elapsed.
  • Added internal 30s reload cooldown to prevent lag.
  • Optimized checking for plugin hooks.
  • Other various bug fixes & improvements
----------, Aug 24, 2019

What's New?

  • Added Essentials support for muting.
  • Added /cf mutelist to show who is muted. (Permission: chatfeelings.mute)
  • Fixed players being able to bypass being ignored.
  • Cleaned/polished up how ChatFeeling's checks for ignored/muted players.
  • Fixed updater issue where ChatFeelings thought it was a pre-release.
  • Other performance improvements & bug fixes.
If upgrading from an old v3.X BETA build, you must erase your ChatFeelings folder for the v4.X series to run.
----------, Aug 2, 2019

Quick Fix:
Sorry about the two updates in one day, found some more issues that were missed.
  • Updated bStats/Metrics to be more efficient with 1.14 while reducing documentation.
  • Fixed bug where some global messages were not being set correctly in the emotes.yml
LTR: Unless another critical bug is found, this release will have a minimum lifespan of 12 days so I don't drive server owners crazy with all these updates in one day. This should be a Long Term Release.

If upgrading from v3.X BETA ChatFeeling's builds, you must erase your ChatFeelings folder for the v4.X series to run.
----------, Jul 24, 2019

Quick Fix:

  • Fixed an issue where if no permission plugin was installed, anyone could use /cf mute (Thanks @mibby)
  • Added a prevention system to prevent the radius being set to zero.
  • Made sure that support links are only shown to those not bypassing the version block.
  • Fixed an issue where the muted message doesn't show the prefix for some weird reason.
Not using a permission system? If you're not using a permission system (such as PermissionsEX, GroupManager, etc.), and you suspect a player may have exploited /cf mute from the previous version, it's recommended to erase the folder inside of ChatFeelings named "Data". If you do use a permission system, then don't worry about this. :)

If upgrading from v3.X BETA ChatFeeling's builds, you must erase your ChatFeelings folder for the v4.X series to run.
----------, Jul 24, 2019

New Permission:

  • Player abusing their feelings? Now your staff can mute them with /cf mute (player) if they have the chatfeelings.mute permission.
What's New?
  • Added /cf mute (player) to mute people from using feelings.
  • Added /cf unmute (player) to unmute users & restore ability to use feelings again.
  • Fixed bug with messages.yml and emotes.yml when migrating from ChatFeelings v3.X to v4.X
  • Added tons of new messages to the messages.yml for the new muting system
  • Added permission: chatfeelings.mute
  • Made reloading the configuration check all other files for issues instead of just the config.yml
  • Improved messages.yml and emotes.yml file checking on startup.
  • Added versioning to player database files in addition to a "mute" status.
  • Added a check if a player is trying to use a violent command when a player is sleeping. (Would kick target out of their bed originally) (You can enable/disable this check in the config) (Automatically off if violent commands are set to not cause damage).
  • Added a configurable radius. When enabled players will have to be within a configurable amount of blocks from a player to use feelings on them.
  • Fixed player data files not updating if clean-up was set to false.
  • Fixed error being thrown when using /cf unmute w/o a player provided
  • Fixed update data file debug messages being shown when debug was off.
If upgrading from v3.X BETA ChatFeeling's builds, you must erase your ChatFeelings folder for the v4.X series to run.
----------, Jul 23, 2019

Quick Fix:

Fixed a critical issue that threw a massive "null" exception when no player was provided with any of the feelings. Also updated the "No-Player" provided message in the messages.yml

If upgrading from v3.X BETA ChatFeeling's builds, you must erase your ChatFeelings folder for the v4.X series to run.
----------, Jul 15, 2019

[​IMG] What's New?
- Fixed an issue with the updater throwing an error.
- Fixed calling a cleanup of files when a folder didn't exist.
- Fixed an issue with feelings not functioning properly.
- Made sure that some plugins load before ChatFeelings for optimal compatibility.

If upgrading from v3.X BETA ChatFeeling's builds, you must erase your ChatFeelings folder for the v4.X series to run.
----------, Jul 15, 2019


ONLY FOR 1.13.X & 1.14.X
Can work for 1.9 and above, but only for advanced users who are willing to manually change sound values in the emotes.yml.
Upgrading from an older version?

This version of chatfeelings uses a completely different messages format compared to previous versions. All feeling messages are now in the emotes.yml and the sounds.yml has been moved inside of the emotes.yml. The messages.yml values are also different.

There is also two new permissions:
chatfeelings.ignore -This allows player to use /cf ignore (player) to block feelings from them.
chatfeelings.stalk - This is the new feeling! Also included with the chatfeelings.all permission.

What's New?
- Made the "Metrics Off" msg a 1 time msg.
- Reduced CONSOLE messages.
- Major optimization on feeling commands. (New System)
- Fixed particles spawning too low for some players.
- Added check if target's are vanished.
- Changed how versions are presented via /cf version
- For Dev-Join: Switched to UUID instead of username. (More Secure)
- Reduced notation in plugin jar.
- CONSOLE can now show their feelings to players.
- Added custom name for CONSOLE feelings.
- Added a chatfeelings.ignore permission and command to ignore global feelings & prevent emotions from being toggled on you.
- Added Vanish protection to prevent feelings on vanished players.
- Improved Debug mode for Paper Spigot users.
- Added /cf ignore (player) to ignore feelings from players.
- Added /cf ignore all to ignore feelings from everyone.
- Added advanced user caching system to work with UUIDs when offline.
- Added an auto cleanup system to erase user files after a set amount of days. (Configurable)
- Fixed default permissions not working properly.
- Fixed improper permission definition.
- Completely re-coded from top to bottom.
- Fixed files needing a restart on the first launch for some reason.
- Moved feeling messages to emotes.yml
- Cleaned up the config.yml with categories.
- Added Legacy Vanish Check incase the normal one is not working.
- Made the updater Async as well as user caching to not lag the main thread.
- Fixed issues with needing a reload on the file system.
- Added a per world disabling for sending and receiving.
- Moved sounds.yml to emotes.yml
- Added volume & pitch to sounds in the emotes.yml
- Added second sound option in the emotes.yml
- Added new feeling: /stalk
- Cooldown timer now is live with current seconds remaining.

----------, Jul 15, 2019

What's New in v3.7.3-BETA?
+ Changed and improved update notifier.
+ Fixed updater throwing errors.
+ Added support for 1.13.2
+ Adjusted a few methods.

An Additional Note: To people who are wondering when new features such as detecting if a player is vanished etc. to prevent work arounds is being added, this will come soon after I can get someone to test this with me.

Thank you all so much for using ChatFeelings :giggle: /hug
----------, Oct 24, 2018

What's New in v3.7.2-BETA?
+ Fixed Invalid Sounds in sounds.yml throwing errors.
+ Fixed /spook not working for 1.12 versions.
+ Adjusted some CONSOLE messages.
+ Improved support with PlugMan
+ Added a blood trail when being spooked!
+ Added a fix to make sure players can't steal the spooky hat on leave.
+ Fixed players having the spooky "potion" effects if they relog.
+ Fixed errors being thrown on certain messages.
+ Adjusted /spook messages once it's no longer October.
+ Changed some formatting.
+ Other various optimizations and bug fixes.

Wan't to support me? Please consider enabling Metrics or Donating! ;)

Reminder: The v3.X series of ChatFeelings is in BETA, meaning there are known issues under certain circumstances. If you wish to use a non-beta version, you may use v2.0.1 for 1.12 and below.
----------, Oct 2, 2018

What's New?
+ Fixed /spook not working properly!
+ Added a check for /spook to see if player is using a helmet
+ Added 1.12 support for spook (sorta, be careful!)
+ A few optimizations.

Happy Halloween everyone!
----------, Oct 2, 2018

What's New?
+ Added Particles (to some commands)
+ Fixed Global messages not working at all.
+ Added a new secret command available in October.
+ Added PlugMan support. (/cf reload goes through plugman)
+ Added PlugMan auto reload on first run if available.
+ Added "particles" and "othereffects" to config.yml
+ Changed metrics a tad.
+ Fixed Updater saying there was an update.
----------, Sep 13, 2018

What's New?
+ Changed some CONSOLE messages.
+ Added message if player tries to /cmd (Console)
+ Fixed some bugs.

+ Added an alert message if it's your first start.
(Above is a known issue and a fix is coming soon but for now here's a message!)
+ Changed some updater methods.
+ Reduced Metrics messages.
+ Improved Debug mode.
+ Added option to disable "Metrics Disabled" message on join.
+ Attempted to improve file system.
+ Updater is now much more efficient.

+ Built around 1.13.1 API for improved performance.

NOTE: This build is a BETA and is not meant for production usage.
Latest RELEASE is v2.0.1 and does not support 1.13.
----------, Sep 4, 2018

What's New?
Now needs Java 8 or better.
+ Fixed /facepalm not working.
+ Fixed some messages not showing.
+ Fixed /bite not playing any sounds.

+ Fixed /feelings not being included in permission.
+ Fixed some no permission messages.
+ Fixed some message.yml messages
+ Added GLOBAL feelings. Broadcast the emotions to ALL players!

+ Added Metrics (anonymous) to better ChatFeelings!
+ Added better ways of catching errors.

+ Made 'debug' mode more awesome.
+ Now compiled with Java 8.
+ Added legacy java message. (just in case)
+ Fixed (many) other things.
+ Catches errors now from (almost) all messages to prevent console spam.
+ Fixed sounds not playing for target and only for sender.
+ Changed some sounds in the sounds.yml
+ Changed some sound volume/pitch (not yet configurable)
+ Changed how /cf reload functions.
----------, Aug 8, 2018

What's New?
+ Added Cooldowns!
+ Message Fixes.

To turn cooldowns off, just go to your config.yml and set Cooldown-Delay-Seconds to none or 0.
----------, Jul 29, 2018

This update fixes an issue with the config.yml not generating properly.
----------, Jul 28, 2018

This should resolve a minor issue where the plugin says in the Console and when doing /cf version that their plugin is out of date. A notification for this update will not be sent to users using v3.1 as v3.3 is coming out soon anyways to prevent bothering server owners ;)

Also fixed an issue where the console for people with a black console background would not show text.
----------, Jul 28, 2018

When testing the plugin further with a friend I noticed an embarrassing glitch. The colors from the messages were not translating at all. This should now be fixed.

Let us know if something else is wrong.

NOTE: This build is in BETA, and as known issues.
----------, Jul 28, 2018

When testing the plugin further with a friend I noticed an embarrassing glitch. The colors from the messages were not translating at all. This should now be fixed.

Let us know if something else is wrong.
----------, Jul 28, 2018

Gigantic Update Ahead!
First off, please erase your config.yml!
We've been working really super hard to get this amazing new update ready for you to enjoy. Now ChatFeelings supports 1.13 through 1.8 again!

Here's whats new:
+ Added Debug mode in config to help clear out errors.
+ Added messages.yml/emotes.yml/sounds.yml
+ Fixed issue with /hug not showing heart emoji.
+ Added messages.yml/emotes.yml/sounds.yml
+ Improved support for 1.13
+ Now supports 1.12/1.11/1.10/1.9/1.8/1.7 again.

----------, Jul 27, 2018

What's New?
+ Now built around the new 1.13 API
+ Added /pat
+ Changed some sounds.
+ Changed help menu layout... sort of.
+ Added MUCH better support for Console commands.
+ Changed how /cf reset functions.
- Removed legacy support for sounds.

! Please report bugs on Spigot, I'm aware this build isn't perfect!

Need more help? Join our Support discord:
----------, Jul 24, 2018

Fixed an issue where the plugin kept saying it was out of date!
More updates on the way this month!
----------, Feb 17, 2018

What's New in ChatFeelings v2.0?


+ Now built around 1.12.2 API

+ Fixed sound and damage not working or throwing errors.

+ Adjusted no-permission messages.

+ Fixed ChatFeelings.all permission not working.

+ Added more no permission message variations (config.yml)

+ Added /cf reset to reset config (experimental)

+ More efficient layout.

+ Reduced File Size from 61kb to just under 28kb

+ Added /scorn

+ Other Permissions have changed. will cover basic /cf commands.

+ ChatFeelings.verion/reload etc. have all been changed to ChatFeelings.admin

! Please report bugs as this version has not been 100% tested.

Thanks for being so patient with the updates!
----------, Feb 16, 2018

Normal Update - This version of ChatFeelings has a few fixes and tweaks + new permission.

Yay another update!

This update helps to better support 1.12.2 and fixes an error when

"murder-command-kills-player" in the configuration is set to false.

This update also now adds the permission "chatfeelings.all" which will grant access to all emotion commands!
----------, Nov 18, 2017

ChatFeelings' new update takes expressing your emotions to a whole different level, previously we added target damage but now we have added Unique Sound Effects to every emotion command (you can toggle that). These sounds stay true to the physical emotions and support 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, and 1.12+

This update also helps improve efficiency by removing 6 classes and making the plugin more lightweight and efficient as possible!

+ Added sounds per command

+ Added /cf reload command

+ Added customizable PREFIX

+ Made the disabled command message configurable!

+ Reduced Class count and made the plugin more efficient.

Please know that this version of ChatFeelings has a lot of features that have not been completely tested on other version besides 1.8
Please report any issues you encounter with our plugin... Thanks!
----------, Aug 17, 2017

Normal Update - This update fixes issues from the previous version

This update fixes an issue causing when certain settings were set in the config.yml /murder sometimes acted as /punch

Also, this update prepares for Minecraft 1.13 by fixing an issue that would occur.

(Also adds stability for 1.12.1)

These issues have been fixed in this update!
----------, Aug 8, 2017

Critical Update - Updating is recommend for all ChatFeelings users.

This update fixes an issue using other versions besides 1.12 and causes the plugin to think it is running in something below 1.7

An update is recommend as this can cause issues with functionality. Thank you!

Also we added some better punctuation to the messages ;)
----------, Aug 1, 2017

This update has a few fixes including issues with /murder not qualifying as a "damage" command. This has been fixed.

(Keep on the lookout for an Essentials integration update soon!)

----------, Jul 30, 2017

This update is so important that its previous version 1.7.2 has been removed due to a huge malfunction when "memes" in the config were set to false. Unfortunately what caused this major issue was the custom disabled message for memes. Also "/lick" has been added.

Delete memes-disabled-message from your configuration :)
----------, Jul 10, 2017

(v1.7.2 can't be downloaded beacause of an issue... v1.7.3 has these features)
This update is a pretty big update!

Here's whats new:

* Commands such as /bite, /stab, /punch, and /slap, will cause a minor amount of damage to their target! (You can disable this in the config.yml)

* /murder now has the option in the config.yml to kill its target! What Fun!

* Some messages such as the anti-self messages and the error messages have been changed!

* Fixed some errors from un-used imports in the plugin ;)

* Changed the "Update Available" message.

* Console messages now will tell you whats enabled/disabled in your config.


----------, Jul 10, 2017

Attention ChatFeelings v1.6 users!


Whats new in v1.7
This update focused on removing tons of spelling and grammar errors and on recoloring everything to look more appealing.

+ Added /dab
+ Added /boi
+ Added Support for 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, and 1.12 servers
+ Re-did the Configuration (Requires old config to be deleted)
+ Changed the Colors and prefixes
- Removed CoolDown Feature from v1.6 to comply with 1.11 and 1.12
- Removed Radius Feature from v1.6 to comply with 1.11 and 1.12
- Removed Auto-Updating due to bugs and CONSOLE errors (Check for updates on your own with /cf source)
! Removed Bugs.
----------, Jul 5, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 110,449
First Release: Oct 4, 2015
Last Update: Feb 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
49 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings