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ChatFeelings -----

The Original Minecraft Emote & Feeling Plugin! Extremely Customizable & Easy to Use.

ChatFeelings v4.0 - The BIG One (Recoded)

ONLY FOR 1.13.X & 1.14.X
Can work for 1.9 and above, but only for advanced users who are willing to manually change sound values in the emotes.yml.
Upgrading from an older version?

This version of chatfeelings uses a completely different messages format compared to previous versions. All feeling messages are now in the emotes.yml and the sounds.yml has been moved inside of the emotes.yml. The messages.yml values are also different.

There is also two new permissions:
chatfeelings.ignore -This allows player to use /cf ignore (player) to block feelings from them.
chatfeelings.stalk - This is the new feeling! Also included with the chatfeelings.all permission.

What's New?
- Made the "Metrics Off" msg a 1 time msg.
- Reduced CONSOLE messages.
- Major optimization on feeling commands. (New System)
- Fixed particles spawning too low for some players.
- Added check if target's are vanished.
- Changed how versions are presented via /cf version
- For Dev-Join: Switched to UUID instead of username. (More Secure)
- Reduced notation in plugin jar.
- CONSOLE can now show their feelings to players.
- Added custom name for CONSOLE feelings.
- Added a chatfeelings.ignore permission and command to ignore global feelings & prevent emotions from being toggled on you.
- Added Vanish protection to prevent feelings on vanished players.
- Improved Debug mode for Paper Spigot users.
- Added /cf ignore (player) to ignore feelings from players.
- Added /cf ignore all to ignore feelings from everyone.
- Added advanced user caching system to work with UUIDs when offline.
- Added an auto cleanup system to erase user files after a set amount of days. (Configurable)
- Fixed default permissions not working properly.
- Fixed improper permission definition.
- Completely re-coded from top to bottom.
- Fixed files needing a restart on the first launch for some reason.
- Moved feeling messages to emotes.yml
- Cleaned up the config.yml with categories.
- Added Legacy Vanish Check incase the normal one is not working.
- Made the updater Async as well as user caching to not lag the main thread.
- Fixed issues with needing a reload on the file system.
- Added a per world disabling for sending and receiving.
- Moved sounds.yml to emotes.yml
- Added volume & pitch to sounds in the emotes.yml
- Added second sound option in the emotes.yml
- Added new feeling: /stalk
- Cooldown timer now is live with current seconds remaining.

----------, Jul 15, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 110,449
First Release: Oct 4, 2015
Last Update: Feb 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
49 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings