ChatFeelings v4.5.1 - Fixed Permissions + Ignore List
What's New?
Fixed feelings not requiring feeling permissions when enabled.
Now when doing /cf ignore, instead of providing a no player message, we will now show a list of who you're ignoring (via ChatFeelings)
Removed "No-Violent-Cmds-When-Sleeping" from the config. By default, violent commands will not do any damage when sleeping. (To prevent players from being kicked out of their bed)
Fixed some configuration options not appearing the the configuration.
Improved the "Multi-Version-Support" configuration setting to use an alternate sound on Spook instead of not cancelling the default disc sound. (Only mess with the Mutli-Version-Support setting if you're experiencing issues with players using /spook on your server. Normally this setting only needs to be changed if you use ProtocolSupport)
Fixed some HashMaps staying after a player quits, causing possible memory leaks.
Fixed the FeelingGlobalNotify API event firing after instead of before.