BetterRTP | Random Wild Teleport icon

BetterRTP | Random Wild Teleport -----

A random teleport plugin for staying between the WorldBorder! Custom restrictions and more

- Fixed - Damage prevent when teleporting no longer depends on the Minecraft API, rather damage is prevented by time elapsed. Thanks HSGamer on GitHub!
- MEGA Fix - No longer sends players to exclusively the corners of the map when using min/max radius. Thanks ZepsiZola on GitHub!
----------, May 24, 2024

- Added - Ability to RTP when a player respawns/dies. New option 'RTPOnDeath' added to Default and Custom world setups (will ignore delay).
- Fixed - Cooldown would not be ignored when using the Portals Addon (thanks smscentras on github)
- Fixed - EssentialsX compatibility would break when adding `/back` support on specific systems.
- Language - New Hungarian (hu) translated by Has-X on github.
- Lang Fix - Vietnamese (br) and Turkish (tr) now generate in the /lang folder
----------, Dec 29, 2023

- Fixed - Folia shading issue causing Folia support errors
- Fixed - Memory issue with SQL generating tables for disabled worlds
- Fixed - UltimateClaims support not calling the correct methods.
- Fixed - Support for special characters in table names

Thank @TechnicallyCoded for most of these updates!
----------, Oct 5, 2023

- Fixed - If a player failed the economy charge after an rtp started, they would be stuck in a rtp'ing state. Thanks ravenskypaul for helping out!
- Added - Support for the CrashClaim region protection plugin. Thanks @TechnicallyCoded
- Added - Flags for the `/rtp player` command such as NODELAY, NOCOOLDOWN, IGNORECOOLDOWN, IGNOREMONEY and IGNOREHUNGER.
- Added - A new sudo command `/rtp player_sudo` to teleport a player as if all above flags were added, minus nocooldown.
- Code - Small improvements, no longer a double economy check.
- Folia Support - Thanks to SirSalad for a slight performance boost of Folia initialization.
- 1.20 Known Issues - Particles! We know! We depend on ParticleLib for particles, but this project was abandoned for anything over 1.19.4 :(
----------, Jun 15, 2023

- Fixed - Folia resync fix when a player is delayed, but their async task is not resynced causing the following error: "RTP_FindLocationEvent may only be triggered synchronously". Thanks to Aldehyde#8312 on Discord!
- Fixed -
Also patched in 3.6.9 but foreal this time, a world loaded after BetterRTP will now auto reload the rtp database. allowing for rtp's in this world. Fixes Custom PlotSquared configs and Hot Import Multi-Verse support ;)
----------, May 19, 2023

- Added - In a recent patch to the FoliaLib legacy-support branch, we gain access to new methods to run tasks on Folia's timers!
Need a new Server? Check out our new Hosting Service RonanHost!
----------, May 16, 2023

- Fixed - If a world would load in after BetterRTP loaded, one would be met with a database error when rtp'ing in that new world (Fixes PlotSquared) Thanks to Nodek#2026 on Discord!
- Added - A new permission ` bypass.location` to be able to use `/rtp location <loc>` into any location not in the current world when ` UseLocationsInSameWorld` is enabled in locations.yml. Thanks to Corrupt#3888 on Discord!
- Fixed -
`/rtp biome <...>` will now auto complete more than one biome
- Changed - Logger will no longer default to send to console in the config.yml
----------, May 12, 2023

- Fixed - If a player had a delay before teleporting, an async error would occur. Thank yomamaeatstoes#6491 for the pain!
----------, Apr 21, 2023

- Fixed - Recently there was a push that updated Java requirements. This update fixes this!
----------, Apr 21, 2023

- Fixed - In recent updates, disabling Queue would cause issues. Now enabling Queue would also cause an issue. This patch fixes both of these!
----------, Apr 19, 2023

- Fixed - If the Queue was disabled, a minor null error would be thrown when an attempt was made
- Added - Ability to disable logging to file if Logger is disabled (thanks to RavenskyPaul#1249)
- Added - MinePlots support added, thanks to ARR4NN
Make sure to check out Teleport Talks on our Discord server this weekend!
----------, Apr 19, 2023

- Fixed - Ability to extend the permission class api (Fixing the Addons plugin)
----------, Apr 10, 2023

- Fixed - Queue system would not disable even if the Queue.Enabled setting was set to false.
- Added - Ability for players to see which permission they are missing when disallowed to execute a command! (Lang files updated!) placeholder: `%permission%`
----------, Apr 6, 2023

- Updated/Fixed - Particles Library no longer a hard dependency, updated to support 1.19.4
- Added - New Logger command `/rtp logger` to allow easy uploading of logs and ability to upload `/rtp info [world/player]` to (replaces Debugger setting)
We are officially making our own website! Still a work in progress, but join us in our journey as we make plugins more accessible!
----------, Mar 29, 2023

Please advise we have started a new Reddit thread, feel free to visit and post your questions on there!
- Updated - Particles library updated to version 1.8.3, fixing and supporting 1.19.3!
- Fixed - Chunk a-sync calls fixed on Minecraft server versions 1.8-1.11
- Updated - HuskTowns and Lands api integrations!
Thank you Stormer#8369 for helping out!
----------, Feb 23, 2023

- API - Added the ability to cancel a FindLocation and TeleportPre events to allow more control to developers. Also fixed is Delayed teleports would not call the TeleportPre event.
----------, Nov 11, 2022

- The Bug - In the recently added 'Queue' system, if a server had large amounts of setups or misconfigured configs, a large amount of queue data would be produced, causing a memory leak when all the data was loaded on start and continued to generate during run-time.
- The Fix - This Queue system has been recoded to only load up some data to check against, then removed from memory. These queued up locations will now only load up (with limitations) briefly when a RTP attempt is made.
- The Future - If this issue continues, with some edge cases that might still be possible, I will continue to improve this system and will soon make it mandatory to keep enabled.
----------, Oct 26, 2022

- Fixed - Too many particles would spawn, causing server/player lag.
- Performance - Particles are now all be created off the main thread, no longer causing lag spikes.
- Changed - Particles are now only shown to the player rtp'ing instead of the whole server.
----------, Oct 20, 2022

- Fixed - Some placeholders would also send the player a chat message according to the internal check done.
- Recode - Re-did how all messages are handled, giving all messages PlaceholderAPI support!
- Placeholders - Added a `canrtp_(cooldown/price/hunger)` placeholder and the %time% and cooldown placeholder now shows a fancy time format setup in the placeholders.yml file.
(Language files updated to no longer say `%time% seconds`)
- Added - New player command to `/rtp info`, allowing to test the parameters vs. a specific player
----------, Oct 14, 2022

- Added - PlaceholderAPI support, a list of newly available placeholders will generate under the new placeholders.yml file.
- Fixed - If using locations and both UseLocationsInSameWorld and RequirePermission where disabled, no locations would be chosen.
- Translation - Added Hebrew (by thefourcraft), Vietnamese (by VoChiDanh#0862) and German (by IBimsDaNico#8690) Thank you!
- Updated - ParticleLib updated to 1.8.1, adding 1.19 particle support
- Support - Added support for SaberFactions and HuskTown regions.
- Command - Added `/wild` and `/wildtp` as aliases for `/rtp`
----------, Oct 11, 2022

- Fixed - When using the Queue handler, chunks would be loaded on an a-sync thread, causing issues on 1.8-1.12 servers. Thanks to ZIIROX#0001 on Discord!
- Improved -
Queue's will now show more data while in debug mode, and will generate a new location as soon as the last one finished, instead of every 5 seconds.
- Disabled - The message "UseLocationIfAvailable is set to `true`, but no location was found for..." will only show up if in debug mode.
----------, Jun 15, 2022

- Performance - To mitigate chunk loading issues for clients, 2+ years ago we implemented a chunk loading radius system to preload chunks for players, this has now been replaced with a simpler singular chunk load, fixing multiple async loading and performance issues!
- Fixed - Cooldowns not loading for each type of setup correctly
- Debug - Added further debugging to custom worlds, location and permission group loading.
----------, Jun 9, 2022

- Fixed - Due to recent cooldown changes, cooldowns would load after a world configs, having cooldowns set to 0 if `/rtp reload` was not executed. Thanks to @hohosmc
----------, Apr 23, 2022

- Fixed - Due to a typo, all Z coordinates of any rtp would be 0.5, causing massive unsafe locations
Don't you love multiple updates that cause more bugs in rapid succession!
----------, Apr 15, 2022

- Fixed - If previously using version #3.4.0, server owners who did not reset their database.db files would have soft locked if locations queued where deemed unsafe. These positions are now auto deleted.
- Fixed - If an rtp was cancelled, cooldowns, when PerWorld was disabled, would still be applied.
- Lang - An updated Dutch (nl) translation. Thanks to GeleVla on GitHub!
- Config - PerWorld configuration section would not generate... whoops
----------, Apr 15, 2022

- Fixed - When reloading, queue position would only save the X position instead of both X and Z causing a lot of re-queues.
- Queue - Slowed down the generation of a safe queue location by waiting until the previous location has been generated before starting the next.
- Debugging - Added some more info in debug mode when viewing queue's generation, being able to see what type of queues are being generated (Default, Custom World or Location)
----------, Apr 13, 2022

- Warning - This update will reset all current cooldowns!
- Added - Automatically load/queue/cache random locations instead of finding one upon a `/rtp` attempt, improving rtp times and potential for lag by over 10x!
- Added - Ability to have different cooldowns either per custom world, location or permission group! Learn how to configure it from the wiki!
- Added - Essentials `/back` support. Thanks to KayaLambrechts#0001 on Discord!
- Permission/Command -
Changed `betterrtp.test` with `betterrtp.admin`, adding the ` /rtp queue` command ( debug mode only) to check for how many queued locations are ready to be used!
Any bugs please report it on GitHub!​
----------, Apr 12, 2022

- Added - Ability to edit the min/max y in any setting in default, custom world, locations and permission groups!
- Added - Hex color support, make your own hex colors!
- Locations - has been recoded to allow more control over its behavior, additional settings in the locations.yml file! Can now have `betterrtp.location.<location>` can be enabled/disabled in the file! Check out more on the wiki!
- Permission Groups - Have been totally recoded internally to be treated as a world setting, also added `Priority` as a setting to allow further control over what group gets selected. Check out more on the wiki!
----------, Mar 17, 2022

- Api - Several new HelperRTP classes to easily access functions such as registering a command and teleporting players
- Translation - Spanish translation updated thanks to zFoxy#1717 on Discord!
- Api - Ability to take over the base `/rtp` teleport command (used in the new RTPMenu addon in BetterRTPAddons)
- Wiki - Updated the wiki to include most recent rtp events
----------, Mar 10, 2022

- Fixed - Particle Library updated to 1.7.1, fixing 1.18.x compatibility! Big thanks to ByteZ#1337 on Discord and on GitHub!
----------, Mar 4, 2022

- Hot Patch - To help with errors, the effects.yml particle system will self disable if it isn't supported in your MC version (mostly 1.18)
- Note - ParticleLib dev will work on a patch to get 1.18 particle compatibility!
----------, Mar 4, 2022

- Fixed - An api event (RTP_SettingUpEvent) would be registered, but never get called.
- Updated - ParticleLib up to version 1.6.6
- Added - A bug that particles don't load in MC version 1.18+ :)
----------, Mar 3, 2022

- Fixed - Java requirements fixed to compile in 1.8 (stupid Pueblos plugin, that dev stinks)
- Fixed - Cooldowns database would download too early, causing an error.
----------, Oct 4, 2021

- Fixed - An attempt to lower java requirements...
----------, Oct 1, 2021

- Fixed - Supposed to fix Multiverse-Core world loading after BetterRTP issues...
----------, Sep 28, 2021

- Fixed - Pueblos is no longer a must have... completely removed mysql config to load cooldowns database...
Dev Note: I hate Intellij :D
In the last 12 hours, there was some panicking, so I will summarize all patches in one here...
- Changed -
Cooldowns are now saved via an a-sync SQLite database, saving and loading cooldowns are no longer intensive on larger servers. (Cooldowns will automatically be converted on first start)
- Updated -
Spanish and French language files.
- Updated - hClaims support has been updated to 2.2.1
- Added Bug - Multiverse-Core will now be forced to load AFTER this plugin. Muahaha
----------, Sep 28, 2021

- Fixed - Database file for cooldowns would not load unless "Pueblos" was installed. ( whoops)
- Fixed - Large plugin size due to the new `Lombok` project dependency being imported into the Jar file.
- Fixed - Added Multiverse-Core to load before BetterRTP, to allow detecting loaded worlds in BetterRTP's load up time.
----------, Sep 28, 2021

- Changed - Cooldowns are now saved via an a-sync SQLite database, saving and loading cooldowns are no longer intensive on larger servers. (Cooldowns will automatically be converted on first start)
- Code - Loads of internal changes have been made to improve development speed and updated coding style.
Dev note: This is one of many updates to come, this update fixes cooldowns, as it has been increasing CPU usage and potentially causing a memory leak on larger servers
- Updated - Updated hClaims to version 2.1.8
----------, Sep 28, 2021

- Fixed - Players would get teleported into WarZone areas, thinking it was a safe zone.
----------, Jun 17, 2021

- Added - Support for claim locations from Pueblos by yours truly ;)
- Danish - New, thanks to Janbchr on Github pull#68
- Norwegian - New, thanks to Fraithor on Github pull#70
- Chinese - Updated, thanks to kamiya10 on GitHub pull#71
- Polish - Updated, thanks to TeksuSiK on GitHub pull#65
----------, Jun 5, 2021

- Fixed - When rtp'ing a player using the console command `/rtp player <player>`, console was being saved as the "player" to check economy parameters with rather than the target player.
----------, Apr 10, 2021

- Fixed - Permissions for `/rtp location` was not grabbing correct permission node
- Config - Typo on both wiki and locations file had `CenterY` instead of `CenterZ` as an example location.
----------, Apr 9, 2021

- Fixed - Overrides not saving on the latest 3.1.0 patch. Whoops!
----------, Apr 6, 2021

- Added - Locations, a new feature allowing to create multiple points of interest instead of just one center point to rtp. Found in the new locations.yml file. Please view the wiki for more info!
- Added - Support for numerous protection plugins: hClaims, GriefDefender and UltimateClaims.
- Language - New Italian language added as a default language file! Thanks to Villag3r_ on Github!
- API - The internal API to teleporting a player has been updated, please view the updated api wiki page.
- BetterRTP-Addons - The addons plugin now has a dedicated wiki page! If you had any questions, hopefully the wiki will explain it!

Thanks to JeekieHost for sponsoring this update! Try JeekieHost for a fast and cheap server host!

----------, Apr 3, 2021

- Fixed - Support for Lands has been updated to the latest 5.0 patch, fixing areas always returning as being claimed.
- Other - Updater no longer takes up cpu time when the server starts, and invalid Overriden worlds will give a warning in console if the world doesn't exist.
----------, Jan 31, 2021

- Fixed - If using the `Circle` rtp shape, the minimum radius would be ignored. Thanks to christaylor201 on GitHub.

BetterRTP Addons is now released! This addons plugin takes advantage of the new 3.0 API patch, adding additional features such as advanced portals, flashback mechanic, much better debugging and much more to come!​
----------, Jan 14, 2021

- Fixed - A random chunk would be loaded before teleporting a player, causing unnecessary lag spikes when teleporting long distances.
- Added - Teleporting shapes, allowed are `Square` (default) and `Circle` for all default and custom worlds. Thanks to christaylor201 on GitHub.
----------, Jan 14, 2021

- Fixed - Custom World prices in economy.yml and config.yml were not registering correctly. config.yml prices will now override economy.yml prices!
- Q OL - World price, type and biomes will now be listed in `/rtp info world <world>` as well as show if value is custom or not.
----------, Dec 11, 2020

- Added - KingdomsX support, disallowing players to rtp into kingdom regions!
- Fixed - If a custom world was missing max/min radius, an error could occur during random number generation. (Custom worlds will now use default world values if none are configured)
- Language - Russian translation has been updated. Thanks to BruceWayne on Discord.
----------, Dec 10, 2020

- Hot Fix - If ProtocolLib was not installed, it would throw an exception when playing sounds.
- API - Teleport Event now provides the world type
----------, Nov 24, 2020

- Added - Events system to allow additional plugins to hook and change rtp events. (New Addons plugin will be coming out soon using this feature!) View the wiki
- Changed - Particle effects can now have multiple particles with a list instead of just a string.
- Language - French translation has been updated, thanks to Mrflo67 (GitHub).
- Dev Note - ProtocolLib support has been added to allow calling custom sounds, please let me know of any console errors!
----------, Nov 23, 2020

- Video Spotlight - Huge thanks to Barbercraft for making this plugin tutorial video!
- Added - Czech and Spanish translations thanks to Lewisparkle and Emgv on Discord!
- Added - Ability to set respawn point for rtp on first join with the "SetAsRespawn" in the config.yml. Thanks to Flying--Dutchman on Github, view issue #47.
- Added - Failed title message when an rtp failed due to too many attempts added to effects.yml. Thanks to MineTown on Github, view pull request #46
----------, Nov 5, 2020

- Added - Lands and Residence land claims are now supported!
- Changed - To avoid the risk of chargebacks(refunds) due to a safe location not being found, players will be checked before if they have available balance, and be charged after a safe location was found.
----------, Oct 8, 2020

- Added - Permission 'betterrtp.bypass.hunger' will now allow to bypass hunger economy setting
- Fixed - Economy will no longer charge before teleporting, rather check if they have money/hunger, and only charge right before a valid teleport spot.
- Fixed - '/rtp player <player>' would not give feedback if a player was already teleporting
----------, Oct 5, 2020

- Fixed - An Economy bug would cause players to gain money if they were teleported using '/rtp player <player>'
- Fixed - If a player using '/rtp player <player>' it would allow them to override a worlds price. (This command will now use the permission of the command sender)
- Fixed - Tab-completing a players name would take their nickname rather than their login name.
- Updated - Chinese 'chs.yml' translation file was renamed and fully updated.
- Code - General stability with player teleportation separated from main rtp cache code, along with delay improvements.
----------, Oct 1, 2020

- Changed - 'UseWorldBorder' will no longer ignore 'MaxRadius', it will now only limit you up to the worldborders radius if too high.
- ReAdded - '/rtp edit' command has been patched and updated, allowing you to quickly change options without opening the config file
- Added - New "PermissionGroup" section in the config allows you to have custom restrictions if a player has a permission for a group (perm format: "betterrtp.config.<group>")
- Added - '/rtp info' command will now let you check you executed it in (not in console) or another player (format: '/rtp info world [player_name]'). Info command will now also show more information when it has custom conditions.
- Added - '/rtp help' was revamped, it now includes all commands, and messages where added to the language files.
- Added - FactionsUUID has been added to be able to disallow players from rtp'ing into other factions.
- Added - Teleporting progress title when under no delay.
- Fixed - Teleport progress messages would not display if the Titles system was disabled
----------, Sep 26, 2020

- Added - Hunger can now be used as a currency to rtp (available in economy.yml)
- Fixed - Language files that are not `en.yml` would have missing sections, causing errors in some commands
----------, Sep 23, 2020

- Added - WorldGuard, GriefPrevention, Towny and RedProtect region support to disallow teleporting into created regions. Configurabe under the new "Respect" section in the config.yml
- Added - Ability to control chunk load radius "PreloadRadius" in config.yml
- Added - Teleport message if a player doesn't have a delay to start teleporting
- Fixed - '/rtp info' using outdated custom world name variable
- Fixed - Invincibility timer was in ticks rather than seconds
- Added - New '/rtp info world' will now only display information for the world the player is in.
If you have any other plugins to add support for, please request it in the wiki!
----------, Sep 20, 2020

- Fixed - Cooldowns, when disabled, would still try to save to a file when a player cancels a teleport when under a delay, causing a nasty console error.
----------, Aug 13, 2020

- Fixed - Async calls for grabbing the highest block in a chunk now loads the chunk prior to calling it.
- Performance - There should be slightly better performance due to random block grabs being called asynchronously rather than force loaded.
- Recoded - Random number generation has been updated to call randoms on when necessary.
----------, Aug 12, 2020

- Added - New Particles upon teleportation with a handful of builtin shapes. Use ' /rtp info particles' and ' /rtp info shapes' for a list of supported inputs!
- Added - Invincibility and Potion effects to apply to a player once they teleport! Available in the new ' effects.yml' file.
- Added - Cooldown locking, allowing the player to rtp a few times and never allowing them to rtp ever again.
- Added - Teleport on first join option.
- Fixed - Revamped Cooldowns system now saves even when the server restarts or reloads.
- Changed - Titles and sounds have been moved to the new 'effects.yml' file to edit all cosmetics in one file! Also added loading and cancelled title messages.
- Fixed - Async chunk loading now waits instead of constantly checking if a chunk is ready. Chunks loaded radius will also depend on server view-distance.
- Extra - A new command ' /rtp test' has been added to play the effects a player will see when they teleport to their destination. (only enabled when debugger is enabled)
----------, Aug 11, 2020

- Fixed - Delays System would cause an async issue due to running async code on the main thread.
- Added - The ability to disable/enable delays in the config file.
- Fixed - Sounds would play at players old location
----------, Aug 7, 2020

- Added - PaperLib (included), allowing for asynchronous chunk loading and teleporting, allowing for smooth game-play while players are rtp'ing. Thanks to @kn-km on Github.
- Added - A 10x10 chunk area around the player will now be loaded before teleporting a player.
- Fixed - Players able to bypass delays will still have to wait for rtp's to finish before rtp'ing again.
- Compile - BetterRTP is now being compiled against maven, allowing PaperLib to be included in the project.
----------, Aug 6, 2020

- Async - BetterRTP will now try to find a safe location without hogging up CPU time, it will try to handle it on another thread until it finds the best location. (Best for huge worlds)
- Fixed - Nether type worlds would sometimes have players teleport beneath y level 0
- Added - Support for Vault based permissions plugins
- Note - If you find any async errors, please report them on our discord. And immediately downgrade to 2.11.0!
----------, Aug 6, 2020

- Fixed - 1.16 Nether support with the new "WorldType" feature, allowing you to search for the tallest block in the world type "NORMAL", or find the lowest safest block in the world type "NETHER".
- Fixed - The End world would likely teleport you to the void, now this will make sure the valid block is at least y level 1.
- Fixed - Versions > 1.15.1 would sometimes rtp into one high water
- Fixed - Versions <= 1.15.1 would only be allowed to rtp into bushes.
- Config - Updated some default sections to remove some confusion on first start up.
- Disabled - '/rtp settings' disabled due to some issues with the new 1.16 update
----------, Jul 23, 2020

- Added - CancelOnDamage is a *new* setting allowing to stop players from rtp'ing out of combat/fire/mobs/etc (if under a delay)
- Changed - CancelOnMove setting will now ignore if the player moves their camera.
- Changed - Default config will now set the rtp area withing a small area of (x = 0, z = 0) to help those who don't read the instructions/wiki. . .
----------, Apr 1, 2020

- Fixed - 1.15.2 servers having players teleport into blocks
- Added - "Info" command to visualize all parameters BetterRTP will use for each world! Requires permission
- Changed - Commands now have all their separate classes, removing a bunch of cluttered code.
- Changed - Empty messages will not be sent to a players chat.
----------, Feb 22, 2020

- Fixed - Permission "*" was not taken into consideration when checking if a player had permission to teleport into a world. Also fixing an issue where a player needed "" to teleport from a world even if overridden/forced.
----------, Nov 7, 2019

- Fixed - Custom worlds not taking in default values if custom world economy section was disabled the price for the world would be $0.
- Fixed - Help command showing world help command even if not allowed to execute the command.
----------, Nov 6, 2019

- Fixed - A bug in 1.13 servers, or less, would not be able to tab-complete biome names.
- Fixed - Signs feature would still detect for sign placement even if the config option is disabled
- Fixed - French translation with escaped apostrophes
----------, Oct 24, 2019

- Added - A new biome command "/rtp biome <biome1, biome2...>" allowing to specify which biome(s) you would like to randomly teleport in. Needs permission "betterrtp.biome" to use any biome arguments!
- Added - World and Player commands can now take a biome argument (ex: /rtp player <player> [world] [biome1, biome2...] or /rtp world <world> [biome1, biome2...])
- Fixed - Custom worlds config section always overriding with default values (Please use dashes to make custom worlds!)
- Added - French, Japanese and Russian translations added to the lang list
- Fixed - A small memory leak caused if a world had biome arguments, it would continuously add the biomes to its list.
----------, Oct 19, 2019

- Fixed - An issue if a world did not have any biomes to look for, the biome list will be automatically populated with junk words.
- Changed - A biome is no longer string specific, the biome string must just contain the name of a biome (ex: A biome specified as "desert", can include "desert_lakes" or "desert_hills")
----------, Jul 30, 2019

- Fixed - An issue where the '/rtp player {player}' command would check for the incorrect permission value
----------, Jul 28, 2019

- Fixed - Typos while checking a worlds custom price and when checking if the economy setting was enabled. Thanks to @DjGamerDz
----------, May 12, 2019

- Added - Permission '' to use the command '/rtp world' Thanks to @DjGamerDz
- Fixed - If a player had no permission to rtp in a world, an error would occur.
- Changed - A few ways on how teleporting is handled, should be a little less resource intensive. Please report any issues here
----------, May 5, 2019

Fixed - A Java deprecation issue for 1.14 servers.
Fixed - Max/Min radius could be configured incorrectly, causing an error
Added - Debug feedback when the min/max radius are configured incorrectly
----------, Apr 28, 2019

- Fixed - An issue with Java versions on Linux machines not getting the right file directory for the language file
----------, Aug 30, 2018

- Fixed - When a failed attempt happens, the quadrant would not change.
- Fixed - Attempts always being displayed as 0 even if there were more than 1 attempt.
----------, Aug 22, 2018

- Fixed - Default file for the language file having an invalid path.
----------, Aug 22, 2018

- Changed - Missing default sections in lang and config files are now loaded into the file instead of generated on a separate file.
----------, Aug 21, 2018

- Fixed - More issues with Nether world support...
----------, Aug 19, 2018

- Fixed - "Hell" Biome was renamed to Nether in 1.13, causing errors on previous server versions
----------, Aug 19, 2018

- Fixed - Nether World is now supported, teleporting players under the nether roof.
- Notes - Only works on 1.13 for now!
----------, Aug 18, 2018

- Added - Attempt counter can now be displayed in a successful rtp in the lang file with "%attemtps%". View the "DEFAULTen.yml" for those changes
- Fixed - An issue when going into negative quadrants and incorrect coordinates. Causing players to either teleport just outside a maximum value or never reaching a minimum value.
- Fixed - Negative number interval error if the radius was below 0, which includes the below changes.
- Changed - If the maxradius is below zero it will now default to the default value or 1,000. And if the minradius is above the max radius it will now default to the default value or 1 less than maxradius
----------, Aug 15, 2018

I highly suggest regenerating your Lang file, as some changes have been made!
- Added - " /rtp world <world>", allowing individuals to rtp to other worlds if they are allowed to teleport to them.
- Added - Removed "/rtp [player] [world]" and replaced it with "/rtp player <player> [world]", fixing a cross world teleport issue. Changing the permission to "betterrtp.player"
- Added - Permissions and Default Lang are now spilled out to "permissions.yml" and "DEFAULTen.yml" rather than having to go to the wiki to find them :)
- Changed - How commands are handled, making commands execute more smoothly and use less resources.
- Code - Fixed up some permissions, and most data is now cached rather than accessed when necessary, reducing strain on lower end machines
----------, Aug 15, 2018

- Added - A " /rtp version" command, to know what version is running without looking in console.
- Fixed - An anonymous color class being used, only allowing spigot servers to run the plugin.
- Fixed - Soft Depend issues with newer worldguard versions
----------, Aug 14, 2018

- Fixed - If a player was being delayed, the movement warning text would display endlessly.
- Changed - An a-sync task where it would run useless code every game tick, improving performance ;)
----------, Aug 9, 2018

- Fixed - Default "config.yml" not generating.
----------, Aug 8, 2018

- Added - Command tab completion and full 1.13 compatibility!
- Changed - Totally redid how worlds are treated, as well as re-coded the entire plugin, making everything load before hand.
- Fixed - Updater being spammed even though it was disabled, and updated to new Spigot API.
----------, Aug 8, 2018

This is just a post to make sure players use the 2.5.0 version of this plugin, 2.6.0 is broken due to some chunk loading issues, will try to fix very very soon!
----------, Mar 26, 2018

- Added - Worldguard support! When enabled, BetterRTP will attempt to teleport a player outside a worldguard region. View the wiki on upgraded config file.
Update is compatible with previous version! Minor config changes!
----------, Nov 20, 2017

- Added - A new Wiki page with detailed description of each config setting!
- Added - Language files for quickly being able to change between languages! Currently supporting English! Español is coming in the next patch.
- Dev Tip - If you would like to add a translation please make a pull request on the wiki with your spigot name to get it added!
Update is compatible with previous version!
If you have changed the old message.yml, you can copy and paste it to the new "lang" file and add "Language-File" in the config file and set it to the name of your messages file, including '.yml'
----------, Oct 8, 2017

Previous users, PLEASE regenerate your messages.yml and config.yml!​
- Added - Economy support to charge players for rtp'ing! Will only charge upon success! Thanks to @victoret7
- Added - New messages for successfully rtp'ing and when attempting to rtp during a rtp delay
- Changed - Custom worlds are now prioritized over "UseWorldBorder"
- Added - Custom worlds now allow the "UseWorldBorder" setting, just incase you want one world to use this setting, over using it by default!
- Added - Custom permission "<world>", which now lets you control what worlds players can rtp in. "*" overrides this, allowing to rtp in all enabled worlds.
- Fixed - Command checking for a cooldown upon every execution, and not functioning when players want to rtp to another world.
- Fixed - Rtp would get stuck and not let players rtp if they log off while in the middle of an rtp delay.
- Fixed - Massive delay fix with player moving not checking correctly, misleading rtp's.
Update is NOT compatible with previous version! Major messages changes and minimal config changes!
----------, Aug 11, 2017

- Code - Better class initializing, making the reload command do the bare minimum to reload the plugin.
- Config - Default config clean-up, possibly fixing the DisabledWorld section?
Update is compatible with previous version! Minimal config changes!
----------, Aug 5, 2017

- Fixed - Teleport Cooldown mechanic breaking after the first teleport.
- Fixed - Players being able to type "/rtp" again while under the Delay phase of the teleport (will be adding a message to this in v2.4)
Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Jul 18, 2017

- Added - 1.8 support, at the cost of some title features. Thanks to @Tywone.
Fixed - If an invalid sound is attempted, plugin will stop and announce the invalid sound in console.
- Fixed - Timer continuously teleporting and spamming teleport feature due to titles and sounds being invalid.
- Removed - Title timers, as 1.8 does not support title fade-in fade-out and stay integers.
Update in compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Jul 16, 2017

- Fixed - Cooldowns malfunctioning if the player logged off/on during their cooldown time. Thanks to @shuiqing2046
- Fixed -
Cooldowns will now include the time of the delay if the player does not have the delay bypass permission. Making it so cooldowns are fair for those who have delay bypass. (If not, cooldown would be shaved down by how long the delay was to make the rtp happen)
- Code - Compiled on the latest 1.12 Spigot patch!

Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Jun 29, 2017

- Added - Override world functionality, if a player is in world A, they will be rtp'd into world B if configured in the config file. Thanks to @PsychoThePsycho
- Fixed -
The executor of the command would be rtp'd instead of the designated player. Thanks to @PsychoThePsycho
- Fixed -
Command returning nothing when teleporting an unknown/offline player.
- Code - Compiled with the latest 1.12 spigot release!
Update is compatible with previous version! Must either regenerate or follow the default config on the plugin page to use this new functionality
----------, Jun 10, 2017

- Added - New parameter for the "/rtp <player>" which is "/rtp <player> [world]" this new world parameter will take for account if the world exists and if the world is blacklisted, if no world defined it will use the players current world. Have fun!
- Added - New " NotExist" message in the messages.yml when the world, defined in the new parameter, does not exist.
Please follow the the default messages.yml to update accordingly!
----------, Jun 9, 2017

- Fixed - If a world is disabled, plugin will still attempt to teleport the player to a random location.
- Fixed - If the world was disabled, plugin will still show a message in chat showing the player will be teleported in X seconds.
- Dev Notes - Due to my lack of knowledge in chunk loading, this will possibly be my last update related to the teleporting aspect. I hope you all still enjoy the plugin anyways :)
Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Jun 5, 2017

- Added - Auto update checker! Plugin will notify anyone that has the permission "betterrtp.updater", will receive a beautiful message if there is a new version available!
- Fixed - Hopefully a permission bug that allowed all players rtp any player they wanted.
- Fixed - Permission for rtp'ing other players has been lowered from op to basic to allow for commandBlock interaction, hopefully.
----------, Jun 4, 2017

- Added - Added a small chunk loading mechanic to load the chunk the player is teleported to before they are teleported to that location.
- Fixed - All players, no matter their permission, would be allowed to randomly teleport, whoops...
- Code - Complied with the latest Spigot 1.12pre-2 release!
Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, May 20, 2017

- Added - New permission alias for all the permissions! ("betterrtp.*")
- Code - Optimized code to use repeated code to make use of every line in the Randomization class. Improving performance when rtp'ing with a custom world!
Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, May 8, 2017

- Fixed - Error if the player leaves while they are under a delay timer.
- Fixed - Delay timer not checking if a player moved after the last second of the timer running.

Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Apr 12, 2017

- Added - Metrics, which can be viewed at bStats! This will help me track what server owner has the most and post updates based off these stats! You can opt out at any time!

Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Apr 11, 2017

- Added - Titles! Players will be shown a title and subtitle with editable times, and text with placeholders! Editable in the messages file! Along with message disabling!
- Added - Sounds! Whenever a player is being delayed or teleporting under the /rtp command, editable sounds can be played!
- Added - If a player moves while they are under delay, their teleport will be cancelled, and a message will be shown, editable in the messages file!
- Changed - "Delay" time was split into two categories to "Time" and "CancelOnMove"

Update in not compatible with previous version! You must upgrade your messages and config files! Please update your files by following the default messages and config files on the plugin page!
----------, Apr 9, 2017

- Added - Delay between players typing the rtp command and actually being teleported, along with a message that is said of how long it will take, and a new permission! "betterrtp.bypass.delay"
- Changed - Permission node "betterrtp.bypass" for bypassing cooldowns was renamed to "betterrtp.bypass.cooldown"
- Added - "Delay" section in messages file for editting the delay message, and "Delay" section in the config to edit the time duration of the delay.

To update from 1.9.6 - 1.9.7 please look at the default config and messages file on the plugin page!
----------, Apr 9, 2017

- Fixed - Players receiving a "Fatal Error" message while checking if a world is a Custom World!

Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Apr 4, 2017

- Fixed - Custom worlds sometimes teleporting to the wrong designated coordinates, sorry if anyone was teleported into a wall D:

Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Apr 4, 2017

- Fixed - Reload command not reloading the config file correctly, leading to unnecessary server reloads.
- Fixed - Debug text appearing, leading to spammy chat, sorry!
----------, Apr 3, 2017

- Fixed - If a player has failed to teleport, they will not have a cooldown timer unless the teleport was a success!

Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Apr 3, 2017

- Added - Biomes whitelist for every world not listed in "CustomWorlds" or while using when "UseWorldBorder" is true!
- Fixed - RTP command only checking once instead of the maximum amount of attempts in the config. Whoops D:
- Fixed - Biomes not being treated properly, which caused them to never be listened.

To update from 1.9.1 - 1.9.2 please look at the default config file on the plugin page! Or backup and reload the BetterRTP file!
I'm working on fixing the reload command! Sorry for the inconvenience!
----------, Apr 3, 2017

- Added - Moved the "Messages" section to the new Messages file where all the messages of the plugin can be edited!
- Added - Ability to edit the "Invalid" message when a command is invalid
- Added - Ability to edit the "NotOnline" message when someone tries to rtp a non-online player!
- Added - "/rtp help" command editing, with permission if they have the "betterrtp.reload" or "betterrtp.rtp.other" permission!

To update from 1.8.5 - 1.9.1 just download/reload and move all your messages from the config to the new messages file! WARNING: There are two new messages in the new Messages.yml file!
----------, Mar 25, 2017

- Fixed - Config code having useless code, should generate more fluently
- Code - Bug fixe to reduce lag during the "/rtp" command and more variables reuse code for efficiency!

Update is 100% compatible with previous versions! No config changes!
----------, Mar 24, 2017

- Fixed - Cooldown being active on ALL commands! Now will only cooldown on the 'actual' random teleporting command!
- Fixed - Typo in the default config file

Update is 100% compatible with the previous update! No major config changes!
----------, Mar 23, 2017

- Added - Cooldowns for players executing the "/rtp" command!
- Added - "Cooldown" section to the new "Settings" section ( see default config)
- Added - Permission "betterrtp.bypass" to bypass cooldown timer!
- Changed - Moved "MinRadius" "MaxAttempts" and "UseWorldBorder" to be under a new section "Settings"

To upgrade from 1.8.2 - 1.8.3 look at the default config on the plugin page!
----------, Mar 23, 2017

- Added - [player] parameter to "/rtp" which can now include a players name if they are online!
- Added - A new permission for the new [player] parameter in "/rtp [player]" "betterrtp.rtp.other"
- Added - Two new messages to the config.yml for when a player rtp's another player, the command executor will get a confirmation message.
- Fixed - Small bug fixes and code efficiency boosted!

To upgrade from 1.8.1 - 1.8.2, please follow the default config on the plugin page!
----------, Mar 21, 2017

- Config - Changes all chat messages to be under [Messages] and renamed some of these!
- Fixed - Command processing running useless and inefficient code.
- Code - Completely fixed and cleaned up code to take less file space and run efficiently, using existing code.

To upgrade from 1.7.4 to 1.8.1, please look at the default config on the plugin page!
Update is not essential, BUT it would help looking at the config a little easier!
----------, Mar 14, 2017

- Fixed - Code that was being repeated to be under one method so it takes less file space :)
- Fixed - Permissions not executing correctly, whoops :)
- Fixed - "/rtp help" message not showing correctly

No config changes yet, but I am thinking of making changes to the config in later updates to better make a custom "/rtp <template>" command in later updates :)
----------, Mar 3, 2017

- Fixed - Issues if a positive integer was negative, throwing an exception error
- Fixed - Missing text in config.yml
----------, Feb 19, 2017

- Fixed - Debug text showing when rtp'ing, sorry!
----------, Feb 18, 2017

- Added - CustomWorlds, where you can set custom variables for a specific world! Thanks to @MrHumblePie
- Fixed - Default config to also include "Water" and "Lava" as the default blacklisted blocks to not teleport onto :) Thanks to @MrHumblePie
- Renamed - "RandomTp" to "Default" in config.yml. These values are for worlds that are not specified under "CustomWorlds"
- Added - Safety measure incase the CustomWorlds is not setup correctly :)

To upgrade from 1.6.2 to 1.7.1 please follow the default config under the plugin page!
----------, Feb 18, 2017

- Added - Each command and alias ( rtp, brtp and betterrtp) now listen to the same instance and can all now listen to arguments such as "/rtp help"
- Added - "/rtp help" will now check if you have "betterrtp.reload" to show the reload command in chat :)
----------, Feb 18, 2017

- Changed - Config.yml's "MaxAttempts" located under "RandomTP" to below "MinRadius"
- Added - Ability to have the BlacklistedBlocks to be LowerCase instead of always UpperCase :)

To Upgrade from 1.5.3 to 1.6.1 please follow the new default config.yml on the resource page!
----------, Feb 17, 2017

- Fixed - Rare issue with negative integers
- Clean Up - Code clean up, making the file smaller :)
----------, Feb 14, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 713,745
First Release: Feb 10, 2017
Last Update: May 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
233 ratings
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