Previous users, PLEASE regenerate your messages.yml and config.yml!
Added - Economy support to charge players for rtp'ing!
Will only charge upon success! Thanks to @victoret7
Added - New messages for successfully rtp'ing and when attempting to rtp during a rtp delay
Changed - Custom worlds are now prioritized over "UseWorldBorder"
Added - Custom worlds now allow the "UseWorldBorder" setting, just incase you want one world to use this setting, over using it by default!
Added - Custom permission "<world>", which now lets you control what worlds players can rtp in. "*" overrides this, allowing to rtp in all enabled worlds.
Fixed - Command checking for a cooldown upon every execution, and not functioning when players want to rtp to another world.
Fixed - Rtp would get stuck and not let players rtp if they log off while in the middle of an rtp delay.
Fixed - Massive delay fix with player moving not checking correctly, misleading rtp's.
Update is NOT compatible with previous version! Major messages changes and minimal config changes!