BetterRTP | Random Wild Teleport icon

BetterRTP | Random Wild Teleport -----

A random teleport plugin for staying between the WorldBorder! Custom restrictions and more

2.12.0 - Effects (particles, titles, sounds, potions, invincibility) + Cooldown revamp + Bug Fixes
- Added - New Particles upon teleportation with a handful of builtin shapes. Use ' /rtp info particles' and ' /rtp info shapes' for a list of supported inputs!
- Added - Invincibility and Potion effects to apply to a player once they teleport! Available in the new ' effects.yml' file.
- Added - Cooldown locking, allowing the player to rtp a few times and never allowing them to rtp ever again.
- Added - Teleport on first join option.
- Fixed - Revamped Cooldowns system now saves even when the server restarts or reloads.
- Changed - Titles and sounds have been moved to the new 'effects.yml' file to edit all cosmetics in one file! Also added loading and cancelled title messages.
- Fixed - Async chunk loading now waits instead of constantly checking if a chunk is ready. Chunks loaded radius will also depend on server view-distance.
- Extra - A new command ' /rtp test' has been added to play the effects a player will see when they teleport to their destination. (only enabled when debugger is enabled)
----------, Aug 11, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 713,791
First Release: Feb 10, 2017
Last Update: May 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
233 ratings
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