⭐ Player Auctions ⭐ ➢ Let your players sell items! [1.7-1.21] icon

⭐ Player Auctions ⭐ ➢ Let your players sell items! [1.7-1.21] -----

Let your players sell/bid items, automatic category detection, cross-server support and more.

Fixed error on disable
Fixed money currency throwing an error while creating an item
----------, Nov 9, 2024

Fixed issue with legacy colour.
----------, Nov 9, 2024

Fixed issue with legacy colour
----------, Nov 9, 2024

Fixed page calculation
Fixed error
Updated framework
Added more configuration options
----------, Nov 9, 2024

Hello, hope everyone had a fantastic summer holiday. We're back with another update, hope you enjoy it!

Fixed config items not being similar
Now using item flags method in the framework
Short now also uses format
Some users cannot cancel suctions with bidding even when the option is set to true based on other config and permission changes.
Fixed expansion error
Made it so you can now add a lore to the buying slot
Added format price to auction modifiers
Added more gui PAPI placeholders.
fixed price format placeholder
Fixed lore
no longer caching items
Fixed page icons
Added remaining placeholder in confirm menu
fixed cancel bid once again.
Added some more placeholders, changed some menu logic
Fixed checking balance
filter needs to keep decimals
correct permissions
Consider internal currencies.
update MiniMessage
manipulate item name color
Added option to open previous menu on fail for confirm
Updated framework
Now using valid item names if there available.
Fixed recent menu freezing everything.
Fixed skull textures not working
----------, Sep 20, 2024

Just an extra check for display names
----------, Jul 12, 2024

Added more placeholders to the confirmation message.
Added %cost% placeholder to confirmation message
Added some api updates, what does this mean then? When using this version
Fixed error in previous release
Updated minimesage interally
Use previous configs if new ones fail
Added option to filter numbers when parsing internally
More minor + major debug
Thought I released this, apparently I didn’t. Fixed a massive issue with cancel-collect bug in the auction menu.
Replace placeholders inside of other placeholders
Updated olzie framework & papi menu
Item type can be empty in category filter.
A more consistent system now with the cancel-collect
Now uses ranges for model data
Added support for PacketEvents sign editor.
Updated framework
Few bug fixes & updates.
fixed italitcs on kyori adventure api lores.
Added support for multiple internal currencies. This has not been tested so please be warned.
Make it so you can toggle the option to override lang or not.
Automatically find the version required for expansions. Latest is latest, if internal overriden is there and > latest, thats now the internal latest., choose overriden. If config set is < latest or internal latest, choose that. If not choose config if bigger.
Fixed some placeholders
framework update
stackoverflow error fix?
ow relocating internal hidden dependencies. still using the libraries/ folder. This is to prevent my plugin causing conflicts with other plugins, or other plugins causing conflicts with my plugin.
Now fixed item currency and some internals
Added 1.20.6 supoorted (untested)
Fixed some folia issues
Updated api and some framework updates.
Fixed config updater
Updated framework.
Make sure lists never null.
supress warnings
potential command subcommand memory leak
Fixed message null error
fixed duplication
Fixed name colour + lore colour in blacklists
should fix enchantments variable too in discord embeds
added option to use paper event instead of doing it automatically
Finally fixes issues with servers using java 8.
fixed errors and mohist support
new libby ver
ignore error
----------, Jul 11, 2024

Fixes issue with bidding where if you have take-money-on-bid to true, it would cause a lot of money loss.
----------, Mar 12, 2024

Added option for PBV.
----------, Mar 11, 2024

A lot of bug fixes.
----------, Mar 10, 2024

Fixed bidding duping
Recoded the framework API, now has an extension system built in with its own provided API relocated in to the plugins API.
Expansion system now has version system, select what version of expansion you want in expansions or select "latest".
Fixed open command not resetting cache, it should do
Fixed olzie menu errors
----------, Mar 8, 2024

Fixes a major dupe glitch in release 1.25.# and below, I suggest you update immediately to 1.26.1
----------, Feb 17, 2024

Fixed an issue with cancel bid for normal players cancelling on shift click
Updated framework
Added better command handling
Fixed nan
Tidy the start auction menu up.
Edited unlimited auctions to be counted more towards server auctions
Added better library management
Also added the ability to change short number formats.
Fixed bid menu not resetting amount
Added right click to go back in the sorting item
Added proxy messages.
----------, Feb 17, 2024

Added a fix for filtering in object stream
Added per world warps YAY!
Added group worlds
Added a new library management system interally
Updated OlziePlugin, this fixes folia servers.
Updated OlzieMenu, this fixes anything on arclight servers
Cleaned up a lot of other code
Added support for chest sorting plugin
Made it now the timer in minutes, not seconds.
Fixed tab complete for open command
----------, Sep 25, 2023

Fixed issue using Auction#getItem when auction not yet on the house yet.
Added a %cmd% placeholder for all the configs
Recoded the entire event system for selling auctions
Updated all the frameworks
Updated category meta syntax from ":" to "=" to keep it consistent
Discord expansion now supports custom thumbnails for specific item types, item names, item lores instead of just model data.
----------, Sep 4, 2023

Updated framework
Gave a notification if couldn't set a MySQL string properly instead of throwing an error
----------, Aug 18, 2023

Added some error checks.
----------, Aug 17, 2023

Fixed an issue with folia searching signs, just running sync just in case
----------, Aug 15, 2023

Made it so tab complete no longer shows vanished players.
----------, Jul 20, 2023

Tidy the code
Fix my auctions menu not adding placeholder items
Fixed PAPI on plugin reload
Fixed sorting cooldown
Fixed auction discord not working - you now need to use % instead of []
if u wanna grab gui data only, run it as async for sqlite data
Added more scheduler stuff to the AP
Dont unready on GUI close
Double check before interacting with auction
Fixed conversion
Fixed the sign flashing in 1.20
Fixed MySQL driver for 1.8 servers
Add action on click for page icons
Added [enchantments] placeholder
New event API
Added %category% to commands
Loads of aunctionsync updates
fixed description not getting full colour
use PDC when can
Load cooldowns on enable. dont do lazy loading sync.
Ignore banner meta
Added modded serializing
Added repair cost variable
----------, Jul 19, 2023

Fixed expansion manager throwing an error
Cleaned up a few codes in the framework/libraries
----------, May 18, 2023

Fixed issue with the expansion manager
Added scheduler to the API
----------, May 17, 2023

Fixed folia support. I don’t know if this will work or not, you test it.
----------, May 16, 2023

Recoded addon implementation
Fixed error coming up if replacer list is empty
Added displayname for categories
Added an option to blacklist item contents
Added preload method to expansion API
Added a new vanish action tag
Used fallback method for setting textures
Added more variables in menu commands
New schedule system, instead of having old executors running
Added unlimited auctions
Make hex only limit to 255
Added includes-bidding-only to category options
Added a proper way to make it so a category is marked as all. By making sure items is empty
Added sort cooldown optional
Fixed enchantments not working for versions below 1.13
----------, May 15, 2023

Removed debug, I’m sorry
----------, Apr 9, 2023

Sorry for all the bug fixes!! Hopefully this is the last one for awhile lol
----------, Apr 9, 2023

Fixed sorting
Fixed errors and a lot of issues
----------, Apr 8, 2023

Fixed issues with the confirm menu
Fixed issues with opening the player auctions menu via command while having it open
Fixed open loop issue
----------, Apr 7, 2023

Recoded command actions
Fixed menu slot checking
Fixed frozen menus
Cleaned some stuff up
Recoded command action types
Fixes slot checking
Fixed frozen menus
Cleaned some stuff up
Fixed menus
Fixed lord not appearing
Fixed issues with menus
Fixed issues with respect stacking
Set max stack size to 64 to respect unstsckable items not showing anything above 1
Fixed category command
Fixed prompt category
Fixed color in actions
----------, Apr 5, 2023

Performance wise for menus should be better for loading over 1k+ auctions
Fixed some other known bugs and issues with prompt category
----------, Apr 4, 2023

Added [commandevent]
Added [take_perm]
Added [give_perm]
Collect command no longer async and uses gui ready sequeence
Added an option to respect the stack size
Async menu checks
Added price parameter to the auction command for ease of use
Prepared for removal of apache commons
Recoded the menu implementation
Fixed issues with chat not working properly due to chat priority
Added a feature to enable short formats
Fixed startauction error if you dont have it enabled
Added support for banner meta
Added blacklisting enchantents
Added damaged product option
Changed min/max to per currency
----------, Apr 4, 2023

Hello everyone, the first update of the year! We hope you enjoy

Updated api
Prevented from buying items at once
Giving item back on API cancel, weird thing is it takes the item away before event is cancelled. I might need to create a better implementation
Fixed the amount command
Only split chat_wait with a chat action
Added API changes
Added Lang API
Cooldowns save on restart
Recoded auctionsync
Placeholders in commands are now in a certain order to prevent conflict
Maven deployment system is now properly working
Fixed hex not stopping properly
Added condition tag to actions
Added close commands
Added the ability to put a name in the auction icon
Fxpired auction and confirmed menu
Fixed error with startauction menu
Made some GUI changes
Added cause to the log
Added checks for auctioning if the player is online or not
Fixed dupe glitch
Fixed MySQL Updater
----------, Mar 1, 2023

Fixed config updater
----------, Nov 11, 2022

We realized we haven't released an update for almost 6 months! Here is some exciting features and loads of bug fixes for the Christmas Holidays! Wowww!

Fixed an issue with the open command
Added a item placeholder for my auctions menu according to your auction limit and available limit
Fixed an issue using "NaN" when parsing double in command input, woah didnt even know about this
Recoded item API
Item per item now shows up if you have more than 1 item
Added %seller% to commands-purchased
Updated command API
Fixed category getAuctions not working for all
No longer need pa.admin.open for using search tag
Fixed expire-ranks-hours being reset in the config
Fixed bid command not tab completing
Fixed bid minimum not working on menu
Used multi-threaded locks for getting generated keys in insert methods
Updated DB Converter
Fixed category item meta selector
Fixed an issue where some menus and items wasn’t working for multiple slots
Bidding now checks their balance before
Fixed confirmation
Added custom model data blacklist
Added %amount% to more messages
More command options to be executed during certain events
Added config API
Added more placeholders to placeholderapi
Recent menu gui player now works properly for external viewers
MySQL no longer requires strict yaml rules for checking ports as an int
Added gradients
Can now play custom sounds
Changed item amounts to long
Fixed 1.7.0 errors
If sell command and auction command are the same, the menu will open up if the arguments is 1
Fixed auction sync error
Added permission for open command on main command in config.yml
Updated frameworks and added more error checks
Added the [server] placeholder
Updated API consumer
Made [owner] for skulls show the viewer when using -view
Added %viewer% to lore and name to show the view of the gui
Added [viewer] to the gui titles
Allows PAPI placeholders to return colours
Added category item swapper
You can either now use "slots" or "slot" in the menu config
Removed GUI page cooldowns (category swapper and refresh still have a cooldown for now)
Fixed show-needed-amount-items not working properly in confirm.yml
Added min & max amount per category
Added more placeholders
Fixed some bugs and issues
Added preview in buy menu by right clicking the item in the menu
Added specific auction menus to open command
Fixed issue with placeholders while /pa reload
Added GemsEconomy
Added MiniMessage
Added regex to blacklist names Added a sell lock
Added cooldown more sooner Specific permission messages
Added option for "dangerous-ignore-update-inventory"
Added item support for currencies
----------, Nov 10, 2022

Fixed an issue with the sponsor warp repeating time, again. Damn :/
Fixed permission checking for recent menu to allow previews
----------, Jun 22, 2022

You can now use NBT to blacklist public bukkit values
You can blacklist specific names
You can blacklist specific lores
Updated framework to make it so that the key results are reversed to make commands more accurate to the item if you have two or more items in the same slot
Added a check if player is offline when executing command
Added [sort] to page titles
Fixed search item not working
Added [prefix], [suffix] and [displayname] to auction lores
Added auction recent type to record all auctioned items from a player
Added search in all possible page menus now
Support for paces in open options, use a speech mark wrapper
Removed visual NBT data to prevent plugins from conflicting the items in my menus
Minimum bid amount automatically set in the bidding GUI
Added random sort type.
Updated framework
Added percentage cut account holder
Fixed the percentage cut not appearing properly in chat
Fixed duplication glitch with players being kicked while auctioning an item and the item not being removed from their inventory properly
----------, Jun 21, 2022

Added unbreakable tag
Added debug to vault expansions
Added cooldowns to pages, i thought i did this but it was only the refresh button. Please owners, don't kill me for not adding a toggle. Its for your performance safety!
Added default amount to confirm menu
Altered the discord expansion to support Model data and offline player links
Fixed some configuration mistakes
Fixed placeholders not working in names
Fixed enter sign not working
Added a search option in the open command
Fixed close tag saying unknown command in console
Fixed [owner] for spigot servers. Wow, spigot you're buggy.
Added blacklisted slots for auctions
Fixed the search item not able to have multiple slots
Fixed enchantments not working on menu items
----------, May 2, 2022

Fixed error with made offline again with using mysql if you haven’t setup servers for older auctions
----------, Mar 17, 2022

Fixed an issue with made offline price not being read properly with an older version. This will fix the "made -1 while offline" message.
----------, Mar 16, 2022

Added console only database command
Fixed menu cache resetting
Updated inventory on removal of items, this stops duplicating items from menu in creative mode using offhand
Fixed vault checker, causing more issues internally with the plugin and causing confusion with errors
Moved all the expansion stuff to a different file, so many people requested this
Updated the economy to work properly with cross-servers (Thanks @Casper#9647 for commissioning this request)
Rounded numbers, percentage-cut with non decimal currencies
----------, Mar 16, 2022

Auto update restarter changed
Admins can now cancel active bids properly
Added a little method hack to be able to blacklist anvil named items, thanks spigot for being annoying :)
Fixed commands not working on clickable items in some menus
Colours now work on variables that are changes on menu open
No longer throws an error if an item is outside of the inventory index
Fixed %permission% not working in some inconsistent messages within the framework
Added option for showing the needed amount items in the confirm GUI
Expansions manager error
Redone menu framework listener to reduce lag?
Fixed potential error throwing on name replacer
**Fixed a delayed-dupe purchase glitch, i recommend you update ASAP.**
Fixed some economy plugins not actually registering the deposit on join properly. For whatever reason. Thanks CMI.
Added more debug when creating an item
----------, Feb 13, 2022

Fixed amount command throwing an error when selecting a player
Fixed some currencies being able to exploit the removal of decimals and being able to buy items for 0, instead of 0.####. To fix this exploit, added a minimum amount the price should be per currency.
----------, Jan 29, 2022

I’m extremely sorry about this, just stressed about everything and can’t even code properly. Just tying to get everything together atm.

Fixed another error when creating an auction but in the start auction menu.
----------, Jan 28, 2022

Fixed auction sell error
----------, Jan 28, 2022

Fixed made offline not loading properly with some specific database structures
Fixed multiple slots for clickable items not listening to click
----------, Jan 28, 2022

Add bidding time extension
Added option for instant cancel and collect in my auctions menu
Fixed error when reload
Added %item% variables in messages
Added a option to ignore op limit permission
Added [delauction] so admins know if they can cancel the auction in the gui
Added bypass permissions for cooldowns
Fixed the [bidder] placeholder showing the seller
Added a required abstraction method for Expansion
Added a new abstract class for ACurrency, yes this is for a multiple currency system :wink: (vault, tokenmanager, playerpoints & beasttoken)
Added more java documentation, sorry for being lazy. I wont next time.
Added huge API updates and massive changes.
You can now change what the maximum amount of auctions looks like.
Added a lot more debug for major to be able to help investigating in the future.
Fixed an issue where items would just not appear in the menu when using item tags.
You can now view other players 'auction amount via /ah amount <player> with pa.amount.others
Addon manager now only installs expansions that require an update instead of everytime.
Tab completion for the open command for open options syntax.
Added sort to all the other menus apart from recent.
Fixed issue with auction discord configuration update issue.
You can now specify expire time for specific ranks.
You can now specify model data for categories.
Fixed pa.purchasse permission message
----------, Jan 28, 2022

Wrong config loader sorry new users
----------, Jan 7, 2022

Fixed an error when using older versions for nms
Fixed some crashing exploits
Fixed whitelist conflicting with checking other types of blacklists
Fixed the /ah command not opening menu if open menu is enabled and override is enabled
Fixed the conversion manager to now convert properly
Fixed bid-success %player% offline issue
Fixed menu interaction
Fixed dupe glitches clicking at the same time for auctions quicker than human speed
Fixed the discord addon not disabling the remove-embed properly
Cleaned up addon manager error messages
Update api
Reduced ProtocolLib code for search signs and now using spigot API, now works for 1.18 clients now.
Revamped the addon loader to be able to load multiple addon implementations from one jar
Updated plugin framework
Changed some default configuration to reduce confusion
Added %permission% placeholder for no-permission
Fixed discord addon not working with custom items
----------, Jan 6, 2022

Fixed \n not working in safe placeholder but others were working
Added a check for player being null in protocolib event receiving?
PlaceholderAPI reloads no longer breaks placeholders from PA
Fixed an issue with the expiring menu not working properly
Fixed bidding check price timer with throwing an error
Fixed if you had only one bid item and tried to use /ah cancel, it would say success and error at the same time
Added default prompt category
Updated to using 1.18 dependency and added support
Some API changes and functionality to add cross server support, you will need to download auction sync ( https://cdn.olziedev.com/playerauctions/releases/AuctionSync.jar/), and then follow ( https://docs.olziedev.com/projects/playerauctions/features#proxy-support) on how to set it up.
You can now specify blacklisted materials and nbt instead of itemstacks
Added menu checks if menu was disabled for some menus instead of throwing error
Fixed an error when using reload command with mysql
Added invalid loading checks
Added [bidder] placeholder to show the highest bidder
----------, Dec 18, 2021

Fixed not setting offline messages in object
Fixed configurations not loading from correct folder if you have nested folders
----------, Nov 3, 2021

Fixed updating default type in startauction if it was a bid
Fixed search signs not working on 1.16.5, but added a option to "fix-sign-flashing" if you're on 1.12 or below
----------, Oct 29, 2021

Fixed updating default type in startauction if it was a bid
Fixed search signs not working on 1.16.5, but added a option to "fix-sign-flashing" if you're on 1.12 or below
----------, Oct 29, 2021

Wow! We have probably the biggest update changelog ever produced by Olzie Development. We really hope you enjoy our updates, we've worked really hard as the team and community to make this the most stable build ever updated on spigot. Thank you!

Fixed config updater resetting configuration sections like "ranks-pay".
Recoded the open command, now uses an entire new option system (read the docs).
Fixed 4 dupes in the plugin. (not specifying how).
Added the option to reopen the previous inventory on sub menus when they're closed by the player (bidding & confirm menu).
Added item-names to the config for users to change the item name format (you will need add them yourself).
Updated the API to add getPrettyItemName to the auction object.
Cleaned addauctions command (mainly for negatives to allow -result > static).
Fixed how sponsor warps checking out of sync cache works.
Added %displayname% placeholder to all messages that %player% uses (only works when online, otherwise will show players name if offline).
Fixed menu framework not ignoring clicks in the players inventory, can conflict and remove players items in expired auctions menu.
Fixed signs clicking if you didn't have protocollib, a error would of been thrown instead of a message.
Added PlaceholderAPI support the auctions in the auction menu (some placeholders may not work if the player is offline, not my fault).
Fixed where the sign items would reset every config update.
Now executing vault auctions sync like withdrawing.
Fixed commands not be used on the right item when they're being overridden.
Made it so you could open all types of preview menus instead of just shulker boxes (also programmed to work for new items added to the game).
Fixed 1.8 support not working.
Added a new debug log level system.
You can now choose if players need to have "pw.set" for /pa sell, disabled by default in the config.yml.
Fixed a bug with /ah reload not closing the gui before startup sequence is called again.
You can now add aliases to your commands in the config.yml.
1.17 users now use the proper minecraft nbt tag system for items.
Improved menu performance by miles.
Added the ability for users to stack add stacks onto their auctions, (this is disabled by default).
Fixed [price] for head items in all menus.
Fixed other advanced item meta not applying to skulls.
Fixed [price] for the enter sign items in the menus.
You can now use ranges in slots, for example "0-8".
Removed delay when auctioning an item.
PAPI placeholders can now be used in menu titles.
Added a new PAPI dynamic placeholder, `%pa_server_auctions_<auction category>` returns the amount of ACTIVE auctions in that category.
Added a option for you to disable page items if there is no valid page. For example it wont show the previous page if you're on page 1.
Fixed an issue if you had MySQL enabled, then disable it. it would throw an error using /pauction reload.
Added more commands to the config.yml for purchasing & offering a bid.
Added an option for you to automatically collect items when executing /ah cancel.
Introduced searching for the myauctions menu, expired auctions menu.
Cooldown properly now working for sorting items (still loading inv).
Fixed refresh spam page lag.
Fixed players inventory getting updated all the time for not even my menus.
The ability to add item flags to auctions ONLY in the auction menu.
Added !color tag to chat_wait action.
Adjusted how signs were placed on the client side to prevent some issues.
Fixed option "amount" not working for some clickable items
Fixed open command not working for categories with spaces
Fixed recent menu not getting the correct item amount after a restart
Fixed an issue where if you didn't have legacy startup in console before pa loaded it would do it when opening search signs
Added action tags, check the docs for more info
Added %reason% to the permission message so the player knows why they dont have permission.
----------, Oct 23, 2021

Fixed economy balance getting async
Fixed flashing signs on search for some mc clients
Fixed incorrect usage of this.connection in manager
Fixed config updater not adding escaped slashes
Fixed config updater for configuration sections, duplicating them if they didn't exist
----------, Sep 2, 2021

We are back with another huge update for Player Auctions, we hope everyone has enjoyed their summer break and we hope you enjoy this update too! :)

Fixed a bug if you used the sound action it would also dispatch that as a server command
Fixed a bug if you had the category menu disabled, it'll not auto complete the other menus
Fixed expire hours not listening to the -1
Fixed an error in the search menu for MySQL users
Fixed an error with the auction menu
Fixed config updater not escaping the \n in lists
Fixed the event API
Added pa.open.admin to be able to open menus for other players
Added the ability to be able to select the amount of that item you want to sell
Added more cooldowns
Added getPrice and getItemStack to buy event
Added JSON formatting (check the docs on how to use it)
Added a /pa addauctions command to be able to add auctions to a player via a command
Added ability to use decimal numbers on bidding/start auction menu
Added ability to add NBT data to items
Added the ability to add enchantments to items
Added the ability to set blacklist as a whitelist
Added the ability to add meta data to a list of your blacklisted items
Added a purge timer to the expired auctions
Added an option to count expired auctions to used auctions to prevent people from using it as a backpack
Updated the category files to filter the 1.17 items
Now using my new framework
Now using the new cdn for my webserver to fix some servers not being able to connect to it
Changed ids and limits to long
Fixed an issue with the sorting cooldown when disabling some sort types
Fixed an unexpected issue where some plugins didn't support depositing money when offline (deposits its when they join now)
Fixed an issue where made offline didn't appear if player object lost cache
A complete recode of the GUI system and caching. Uses less memory! :)
Ability to change the formatter for numbers
Fixed dupe glitch when selling a auction
Fixed where you tried to cancel a bidded item but it says you cant but still allow it
Configuration Sections are now less delicate and so are configuration strings

Added a message when you offer a bid on a auction
View other peoples recent auctions
Changed the recent auction command syntax to /ah recent <type> [player]
The ability to enter the amount on a sign instead of clicking an item in the selecting guis (bidding, confirm & startmenu)
The ability to view shulker boxes in the recent menu
Fixed an issue with stacking items in the auction house if they had the same lore.
The ability to see when auctions was sold/bought/auctioned in the menu
----------, Sep 1, 2021

Fixed an issue if you had multiple slots with commands not executing

Fixed left and right click commands being wrong syntax
Config updater now uses " instead of '
----------, Jul 4, 2021

Fixed left and right click commands being wrong syntax
Config updater now uses " instead of '
----------, Jul 3, 2021

Hello, another update from the Olzie Development team comes again! This is probably one of the biggest updates you've had in a while. Enjoy, here is the change log:

* Recoded the entire API structure
* Fixed bidding not loading properly
* Fixed switching to sort types when they're disabled
* Added 1.17 support
* Updated the API
* Added %cooldown% in the cooldown messages to know how long is left
* Fixed tab completing when reloading
* Fixed thread abuse
* Fixed heads using legacy material names (thought i fixed it)
* Added translatable "N/A" lang
* Added left/right click specific commands (check docs on how to use it)
* Added support for \n in lores
* Added a more better command syntax shower instead of a help command
* Updated the config updater to improve the accuracy of updating the config
* Added the ability to add multiple slots (check docs on how to use it)
----------, Jul 3, 2021

Here is another update from the Olzie Development crew, thank you for choosing Player Auctions. Our team is working as hard as possible, your support is very appreciated, enjoy!

Fixed metrics
Fixed error when tab completing on reload
Fixed invalid items error
Fixed random errors in console
Fixed an issue with the start auction menu when adding to the price
Changed URL#openStream to HTTPConnection#inputStream
Changed how configuration loads files (you can now create your own Lang files and plugin will still work if site is down)
Change default auction type in startauction.yml
Optimised page sorting
Commands are now always overriding other plugin's commands
Added an option to prevent bids from getting cancelled by the seller
Recoded the bidding system (it no longer waits until the bid gets expired to check if the bidder still has enough money, it does it live)
Recoded the collection system to stop all duplication glitches.
Altered the connection method.
----------, May 25, 2021

Expire other auctions by shift right clicking in gui
Fixed errors when category menu disabled
Added percentage rate for selling an auction
Fixed not caching the auction owner
Added PlayerAuctionSellEvent to API
Fixed a dupe glitch

Added tax for purchasing an auction
----------, May 11, 2021

Added support for 1.8 searching
Made it so the DatabaseManager is loaded after the config is updated
Multiple language system
Fixed the SQL not getting doubles, (stopping . in number prices)
Fixed an error when joining with pending messages
Fixed a minor bug with recent auctions not updating the amount if it was the same twice.
Fixed another minor bug with recent auctions where item amount would be different to the original amount
You can now change the items in categories, you may need to reset your category.yml
Fixed auto updater
Fixed some issues with item cloning
Added an official API ( https://docs.olziedev.com/projects/playerauctions/api)
Fixed searching on next page
isValid timeout
----------, Apr 15, 2021

Another update for Player Auctions is here! The Olzie Development team have been working for a few weeks to make this update the best yet. We also wish everyone a Happy Mothers Day (uk). Also, we hope you enjoy the update. (There is a lot of changes)

We also have a new documentation page, check it out! https://docs.olziedev.com/

- Fixed [price] not being updated
- Made it so amount is now configurable in the confirm gui
- Fixed menu lores not corresponding to the correct menu
- Added sorting type
- Made it so you can add a dynamic name using [owner] for a skull.
- Made it so you can customise the warp sort type names in the GUI
- Fixed chat wait cancel
- Fixed some issues and bugs
- Fixed where the auctions starts in sorting method
- Fixed [preview] not being replaced when you have colours on the line
- Fixed a minor error
- Fixed sql errors if you had any with it being null
- Finally, finally. Added bidding. Use /ah bid
- Fixed an error when loading a player into the cache.
- Actions now use the custom send method.
- Added recent gui (sold and bought) open via /ah open sold/bought
----------, Mar 13, 2021

Thank you so much for using Player Auctions, it means so much to the Olzie Development team. I know we haven't released an update for a while. This update is a huge one and loads of features have been recoded!

I hope everyone enjoys this update and Happy New Year!
  • Fixed the reloading command actually not reloading the configuration file properly
  • Fixed some other minor issues.
  • Fixed issues with all items going in one category depending on the last auctioned item.
  • Fixed an issue with items always dropping
  • Added ability to be able to do /ah cancel <id> <player> to cancel auction items for a player. If id is not specified it will cancel all of YOUR auctions. and if a player can only be specified with the permission "pa.admin.cancel"
  • Manager now uses isClosed if isValid is not available in runtime (outdated SQLite?)
  • Added a new action [chat_wait] message:command [chat_wait] is it will send the message to the player, then whatever they enter can be used in the command with the variable %value%
  • Fixed blaze rods in tool section, oops my bad i was meant to listen for fishing rods.
  • Using new OlzieCommand-MC framework v1.2.1
  • Recoded the menus
  • Added a search feature for searching for similar item names, item types or full owner names
  • Added a preview menu so you can preview what's in shulker boxes
----------, Jan 3, 2021

Fixed an issue with not removing the auctions properly from the expire menu.

Removed some debugging in the console
----------, Oct 7, 2020

Fixed auction expire not updating in the GUI during the callback
----------, Oct 5, 2020

Fixed serializing some items

Fixed permissions with /ah open

Added confirm GUI amount options

Fixed a permissions (pa.limit.<number>) will be found with the highest number instead of the first one it found.

Fixed a lot of other issues
----------, Oct 4, 2020

Added %item% placeholder to commands upon selling

Added more actions to commands, other than [server] and [player]. The current list is "[broadcast], [message], [server] and [player]"

Fixed some bugs with item meta and blank items

Added auto updating
----------, Sep 1, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 68,235
First Release: Aug 23, 2020
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
Find more info at olziedev.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings