Thank you so much for using Player Auctions, it means so much to the Olzie Development team. I know we haven't released an update for a while. This update is a huge one and loads of features have been recoded!
I hope everyone enjoys this update and Happy New Year!
- Fixed the reloading command actually not reloading the configuration file properly
- Fixed some other minor issues.
- Fixed issues with all items going in one category depending on the last auctioned item.
- Fixed an issue with items always dropping
- Added ability to be able to do /ah cancel <id> <player> to cancel auction items for a player. If id is not specified it will cancel all of YOUR auctions. and if a player can only be specified with the permission "pa.admin.cancel"
- Manager now uses isClosed if isValid is not available in runtime (outdated SQLite?)
- Added a new action [chat_wait] message:command [chat_wait] is it will send the message to the player, then whatever they enter can be used in the command with the variable %value%
- Fixed blaze rods in tool section, oops my bad i was meant to listen for fishing rods.
- Using new OlzieCommand-MC framework v1.2.1
- Recoded the menus
- Added a search feature for searching for similar item names, item types or full owner names
- Added a preview menu so you can preview what's in shulker boxes