⭐ Player Auctions ⭐ ➢ Let your players sell items! [1.7-1.21] icon

⭐ Player Auctions ⭐ ➢ Let your players sell items! [1.7-1.21] -----

Let your players sell/bid items, automatic category detection, cross-server support and more.

Release 1.8.0
We are back with another huge update for Player Auctions, we hope everyone has enjoyed their summer break and we hope you enjoy this update too! :)

Fixed a bug if you used the sound action it would also dispatch that as a server command
Fixed a bug if you had the category menu disabled, it'll not auto complete the other menus
Fixed expire hours not listening to the -1
Fixed an error in the search menu for MySQL users
Fixed an error with the auction menu
Fixed config updater not escaping the \n in lists
Fixed the event API
Added pa.open.admin to be able to open menus for other players
Added the ability to be able to select the amount of that item you want to sell
Added more cooldowns
Added getPrice and getItemStack to buy event
Added JSON formatting (check the docs on how to use it)
Added a /pa addauctions command to be able to add auctions to a player via a command
Added ability to use decimal numbers on bidding/start auction menu
Added ability to add NBT data to items
Added the ability to add enchantments to items
Added the ability to set blacklist as a whitelist
Added the ability to add meta data to a list of your blacklisted items
Added a purge timer to the expired auctions
Added an option to count expired auctions to used auctions to prevent people from using it as a backpack
Updated the category files to filter the 1.17 items
Now using my new framework
Now using the new cdn for my webserver to fix some servers not being able to connect to it
Changed ids and limits to long
Fixed an issue with the sorting cooldown when disabling some sort types
Fixed an unexpected issue where some plugins didn't support depositing money when offline (deposits its when they join now)
Fixed an issue where made offline didn't appear if player object lost cache
A complete recode of the GUI system and caching. Uses less memory! :)
Ability to change the formatter for numbers
Fixed dupe glitch when selling a auction
Fixed where you tried to cancel a bidded item but it says you cant but still allow it
Configuration Sections are now less delicate and so are configuration strings

Added a message when you offer a bid on a auction
View other peoples recent auctions
Changed the recent auction command syntax to /ah recent <type> [player]
The ability to enter the amount on a sign instead of clicking an item in the selecting guis (bidding, confirm & startmenu)
The ability to view shulker boxes in the recent menu
Fixed an issue with stacking items in the auction house if they had the same lore.
The ability to see when auctions was sold/bought/auctioned in the menu
----------, Sep 1, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 68,334
First Release: Aug 23, 2020
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
Find more info at olziedev.com...
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